Betting Calculator: Work Out Return On Any Bet

bet returns calculator

bet returns calculator - win

Been building an algorithm to find mispriced bets and devise a portfolio allocation method for these bets, returned on average 6+% a day for 22 days for a total of 300+%, life is about sharing and giving to others, so that’s what I want to do

Click this for the link to my page: Feel free to take a look
UPDATE: Parlay your picks for the right price with the parlay calculator now live!
Note: if this does not render, just head to our homepage - given here and that will get you to today’s picks - we are addressing this problem ASAP
EDIT: Click this link for a breakdown about the theory behind the model: Found here
EDIT2.0: The model is now OPEN SOURCE, anyone who want to peruse, contribute, discuss the workings, have a look here
EDIT3.0: For all those interested in keeping up with the growing page, we are building out learning resources/guides to thinking about bets probabilistically at the following address we hope you all enjoy, learn and share your thoughts!
Feel free to contact us if you have ideas, thoughts, or suggestions for anything on any of these pages! We really appreciate you taking the time to head over and let’s hit these bets!!!
submitted by BrilliantScarcity354 to sportsbook [link] [comments]

What $GME has taught me in 36 hours of day trading

Jumped on the $GME bandwagon on Friday, 4 @ ~316. My 36 hours of day trading has already taught me that no matter how this plays out, I will never YOLO on a bubble ever again.
The principle seemed straightforward: hedge funds got lazy/greedy, over-shorted their positions, bet against a company that wasn't actually going under, and some astute monkies on reddit caught them and triggered a short squeeze. Even as someone who knows almost nothing about the stock market, the basic premise makes sense. But the devil's in the details, and hype is blinding.
First red flag was when I realized DeepFuckingValue did not bet on the short squeeze, he bet on undervalued stock price over a year ago. He has also trimmed his position such that no matter what happens in the squeeze, he walks away with 8 figures. So the people screaming "if he's still in, I'm still in!" and "look at those brass balls, if he can lose $5MM in a day then I can hold" are really living up to the dumb ape meme. He didn't lose $5MM yesterday, he lost $5MM in *unrealized gains*, there is a *huge* difference.
Second red flag was a common sense idea that hedge funds won't go down without a fight, and they have literally billions of dollars and decades of experience. You don't get that without learning how to game the system in complex, subtle ways. So even if they are still heavily shorted (which they might not even be anymore), and even if somehow WSB is holding some kind of meaningful leverage over them, that doesn't rule out the very real possibility they have a dozen ways out of this that people like me have no idea about.
But even in the off chance that somehow this turns around, and $GME does go "to the moon," that doesn't change the fact that it's bad long-term strategy to bet on bubbles and jump on bandwagons. They almost certainly fail, and if they don't, they only serve to inflate egos that will fall even harder on the next gamble. I'm still holding my shares but I don't expect to see my ~$1200 ever again. In the off chance I break even or see a profit here, I will count it as dumb luck and use it as seed money to learn how to invest in real long term gains.
Edit: holy shit RIP my inbox. No way I can read all that.
Want to clarify a few things. Not financial advice.
My position: I knew I was late to the party. I wanted to gamble. I knew what I was doing, and (mostly) why I did it. Hindsight showed me it was more based on emotion than I wanted to admit, but still, I'm not surprised by the outcome so far, and I'm totally OK with taking the L and calling it a lesson learned. I don't blame DFV, WSB, or anyone for my choices. I own them, even proudly, because I wanted to step out and take a calculated risk vs. sit on the sidelines out of fear of loss. I'm holding because I already bought my tickets to this ride, want to see this thing play out, and I'm fine with gambling the final $300 on the outside chance things turn around.
Your positions: brothers, sisters, nonbinary siblings: you are not your portfolio. whether up or down, your value is not based on how big or small an imaginary number is. you are a human being on the bleeding edge of 3.5 BILLION years of evolution, you have more actual success in your past and potential success in your future than you'll ever know. 12 years ago I was a penniless alcoholic literally stealing change from my grandpa to get loaded on 211 Steel Reserve. I hit my bottom, joined AA, and now I'm a network engineer, wife, kids, the whole lot. Anything is possible if you don't give up on yourself. But I know it's not that easy, we all need borrowed self-esteem before we can see the real value inside. So if this $GME gamble hit you hard, please reach out to someone. don't give up. Hell, this bubble isn't even over, it might even turn around! But either way, don't give up.
wow, never expected this to go this far. wrote it on my way out the door as a way to cope with the situation. read a ton of replies, probably missed most of them. thanks for all the love and hate and everything inbetween! A few more points:
Edit3 2/3/21:
Full disclosure, I closed my position this morning at a ~$900 realized loss.
My gut says the squeeze happened, short interest isn't what I thought it was on Friday, and the stock will return to actual value soon.
submitted by austindcc to stocks [link] [comments]

Stuff for new traders (No GME Discussion)

I gotta say, I see some good shit out there. I see new members trying to diversify their positions and learn about other stocks and other ways to make money. This is the path my fellow retards. I'm a nobody here, but I have good returns and some good insight. When I came to WSB, multiple people helped me figure out what the fuck I was doing, because I knew jack shit. I care more about my money than yours, but no retard should be left in the dark alone. So let me pass on a couple things. I can't prove shit to you, so read this or don't.
I mainly trade options (Calls and Puts), so that is what I will discuss
Generally the most insane gains will come from being in a specific stock and not an ETF or Index. While riskier, this is where you can hit the homeruns. So decide if you want to go for conservative gains or if you want those huge swings. While what I said is true, I am usually against putting everything into a single bet. Anything can go wrong at any time and no play is 100% guaranteed. The goal of this game is to stay alive. You will lose money on a play at some point, because it is inevitable. So never let yourself get wiped out, because you can always build yourself back up. This goes along with one of my other recommendations: always have SOME cash ready to go. You never know when there might be an incredible opportunity and you do not want to get caught with your ass hanging out.
Paper hands and diamond hands are just words. You ultimately decide when you want to sell or hold and how much profit you want to take. One of my favorite strategies is to say, buy an even number of options on a play, sell half at a modest level of gains (like enough to break even or gain a little bit) and then let the rest ride longer. Look guys, on many plays, you either paper hands at some point or diamond hands long enough to see your positions go red. Some people will bail at 40% gains and others might not take anything less than 500%. Just know that chasing endless profits ups the risk factor, so YOU decide when it's time. Having a target share price for the stock is also a good strategy.
Here's a couple psychological principles in investing. Studies have found that people tend to hold onto losing positions too long and sell winning positions too early. They let their losers lose and cut off their winners short. Apparently most people hate losing more than they like winning. Think about this before you sell. Stocks can often get hot and run multiple days in a row. Sometimes a stock will have one red day and then keep up going. This is why it's important to know WHY you got into a position. Trust your DD and stick to the plan. I had ideas for plays where they went red right away and I bailed... only to see them moon. "Diamond Hands" means that you don't dump your position instantly if it goes down. The hardest thing is knowing if you should cut losses or diamond hands. I'm a retard and we're in a bull market.. so often times the stock will eventually go up. Your call though.
The market makers and big boys want you to lose. They want your money. I'm not going to dive into the realm of possible illegal activities that they may use, but just point out some simpler tactics they will use. Big money often sees retail as "weak hands" aka Buy High and Sell Low. They know FOMO is strong when a stock is going up big and that fear takes over when a stock divebombs. We're in a bull market, which means stonks only go up. However, we still have negative days. Stocks sell off sometimes and things can look bad. Generally, the dip is not time to sell, but instead, time to buy. Case and point, we had a pretty big drilling 2 weeks ago. Do you know what the big money did? They bought the fuckin dip and snatched up everything for cheap. We've been mooning ever since.
Sometimes shit makes no sense. A company can have blowout earnings, exceed expectations, and the stock will tank. I was holding one stock a little while ago that reported a fantastic earnings and proceeded to drill to the core of the Earth that day. It was total bullshit and I knew it, I trusted my DD. So instead of panic selling, I added to my position. Sure enough, the stock began swinging upwards and hit an all-time high just 2 weeks later. This is why simply gambling can bite you in the ass. It's easy to get scared and sell when you doubt yourself because you picked a random thing to buy.
Option Expiration Dates matter. Buying a 1 week option is the cheapest and gives the biggest percentage of profits if it goes your way. However, it can often be a noob trap. One bad day or one piece of bad news can kill your entire position. Stocks trade sideways sometimes. Sometimes they don't do what you think they should do. And sometimes the whole fucking market shits itself for seemingly no reason. So give yourself TIME to work with. Time costs money and hurts profit margins. But it is better to consistently make 50% profit than to hit one play for 300% followed by 10 losers. Look, playing weekly stupidly OTM calls is fun as hell and is a huge rush when it hits. I do at least one or more every week. The key is not loading your entire portfolio into this shit. Remember, no tendies = no more fun.
Along the same lines, Strike Price matters. An OTM (Out of the Money) option means that the Strike Price is a bit of a ways from where the stock's price currently is. OTM options give huge profit margins the further you go out. I personally enjoy using them.. some people don't. But my advice is to balance risk with profit potential. If your call relies on a stock gaining 50% in 2 weeks.. then well, it's probably not gonna happen. ITM (In The Money) options means that your stock is already within the strike price. ITM is a more conservative play and sacrifices massive gains for lower risk. - Use this to get an estimate of potential profits and how much of a move you need
Leaps are fuckin dope. A Leap is a call, but for a much longer period of time. I'm using the term loosely because we're degenerates and some people might consider anything more than 1 month a leap. Given that the market trends up over time, you might even make some money on a mediocre stock this way. A lot of people buy ITM leaps, but again, I'm a degenerate and go OTM a lot.
Implied Volatility (IV) - Extremely fucking important. IV is basically an estimation of how much a stock is predicted to move in either direction. High IV = Expensive Options. It's fucking weird to think, but you can make similar profits from a 2% move on a low IV stock as you can from a 5% move on a more volatile stock. Low IV is fantastic when buying an option on a stock that you think is about to moon. High IV is riskier, so you damn well better think the stock can make some big moves. Buying an option on a stock right before Earnings Report (ER) will be more expensive due to IV. Trying to play ER is usually for suckers, unless you have some really good DD about why a company might deliver a huge surprise. One of the textbook big boy moves is to pump a stock going into ER. The company will deliver great news and then dump hard. You may see people bitching about this very soon. Basically, big money knew ahead of time it would be good, so the stock got pumped and then they took profits.
Buy the rumor and sell the news. Events, press releases, and important dates that everyone knows about are another trap. You will get shit on. Ask someone about TESLA Battery Day. Positive rumors will send a stock soaring though.
Finally, get busy learning. Read about Options on Investopedia and any other things you do not understand. The big boys rely on us to not know what the fuck we're doing to take our money. Learn about the general market. Stocks are grouped into "Sectors" or categories. Start figuring out what they are and pay attention to where the money is going. I didn't even mention half of the shit that goes on in options, so that's on you. The first thing you need to do is to learn what the "Greeks" are. That will teach you how options function.
If anyone wants to talk or discuss, send me a message. I'm a degenerate with no life.
Oh and, if you follow someone's DD and lose money that's on you. I've come up with some genius shit, but I've also lost on some retarded calls. Nobody can pick you a guaranteed winner and hindsight is 20/20.
May the gains be with you
submitted by DarkStar668 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Don't be this guy - a glimpse into the future

Close your eyes. It's Friday, the sun is peaking through the curtains and you're eating your Weetabix with no worries on your mind. You're content.
You sold your GME shares at small loss at the start of the week as you continued to watch the share price plummet due to market manipulation. You got out, you survived.
It's 9:28am, you're returning from the school run. Your BMW 1 series seats make you feel safe and important. Your house, although small, is affordable and the mortgage repayments don't put too much pressure on your paper wallet.
Your phone goes off as you enter the house. You sit on the sofa and turn on NBC as you open Whatsapp. You have 17 unread messages.
Your eyes pan up, the news anchor is shouting. You read the title at the bottom of the screen - 'The Short Squeeze Is Happening". Jim Cramer is crying. You quickly open your Whatsapp group chat and only see dollar signs being spammed by your friends. You open Yahoo Finance and see the share price at 600.87, it's still rising. Your heart skips a beat. You open I-phone calculator and work out that your 17 shares would now be worth just over 10,000 US dollars. You feel sick.
The share price is still rising. You receive a call from your best friend Mickey, he's crying too. He's telling you about how you were right and he'll be able to pay off his student loan soon. Also his wife is pregnant. You congratulate him with a fickle grin and fake laugh. You look back down at your phone, 828.16. 830.00, 838.26.
WallStreetBets has crashed due to the traffic.
You realise everything you stood for is coming true, but you paper handed too soon.
You ignored the threads, the experts. You ignored DeepFuckingValue.
You ignored your god given right to a better life for you and your wifes boyfriend.
You try to buy back in, but you have no money. You begin to laugh, and laugh. Despair and anguish turn into humour.
You pull the Glock from your $16 AliExpress safe and load it. You hold it to your head, you shiver.
You don't pull the trigger. Your paper hands can't do it, and never will be able to do anything of any meaningful value. You drop the gun and admit defeat.
As the camera pans out of your window and over your neighborhood, we see Wall St burning in flames in the distance. The transfer of wealth begins, fade to black.
submitted by FireRngesus to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Different SB Coin Toss Payouts?

In Draft Kings, any idea why the coin toss bets for the big game would be different?
Coin Toss Outcome: Heads -103 & Tails -103
Coin Toss Winner: TB -106 & KC -106
For a $100 bet, thats a payout of $198 vs $195
submitted by anthemthecat to sportsbook [link] [comments]

MVIS: Shiny Laser Go Pew ⚡ No But Seriously They Are Gonna Take Over The LiDAR Industry

MVIS: Shiny Laser Go Pew ⚡ No But Seriously They Are Gonna Take Over The LiDAR Industry
So, the day has come, and MicroVision's market cap is finally big enough so that you won't get banned for mentioning it on WSB. But what is it? Why have they seen an 800%+ increase in three months? Where are they headed? Allow me to explain.
About Them
MicroVision, Inc. (MVIS) makes futuristic-as-fuck laser technology that's used in self driving cars and augmented reality headsets. This already sets them apart from a major competitors like Velodyne (VLDR), which focuses solely on LiDAR for self driving cars.
Sumit Sharma, the CEO, was head of operations at Google's Project GLASS and has worked to map hardware development at Motorola, also worked at Jawbone. Source
Why have they been increasing 800% in three months while similar companies in the same sector see a fraction of that gain?
Because their tech is much more advanced than the competition, and they were (are) criminally undervalued.
The reason they're so undervalued is because the first thing hedge funds see when they research a potential investment is the balance sheet, and on paper MVIS looks like shit. (Low assets, high liabilities) Even I saw the movement back in December, did some research, and was like "Wtf is this? I need to get puts" But once you do research into their product, who their customers are, and the future of the industry that they are involved in, you see that MicroVision is a turnaround story similar to that of Plug Power; both are 90's futuristic companies that people got way too excited about in 2000, have struggled to make it to 2020, but now are about to finally have their heyday. And they got a $13 million equity facility (loan) in December that greatly improved their balance sheet, making them appeal to institutions, and bringing Vanguard and Blackrock to invest in MVIS days later. I actually had a hedge fund manager tell me that MVIS was doomed to run out of cash in Q1 2020, but if they secured funds then they would have a lot of potential. I go over that in the comments.
MVIS (left) vs PLUG (right) 1990's until present
Anyways, what is this "much more advanced" technology? I'll just let this chart do the talking:
The MicroVision Consumer LIDAR being compared here isn't even their model designed for self-driving cars, that will be coming in April.
The resolution it can take as input/second, the points per second, is key when it comes to how clearly the LiDAR sensor can see, how accurately it can identify what it is seeing, and how quickly it can react.
That chart is from 2 years ago and still the best resolution Velodyne can provide today is only 4,800,000 pps in their most advanced model, the "Alpha Prime"
3D Lidar Data Points Generated 2- Single Return Mode: ~ 2,400,000 points per second- Dual Return Mode: ~ 4,800,000 points per second.
VLDR has not publicly announced a price for their Alpha Prime yet, but historically their top of the line devices cost $75,000. I have seen unsourced numbers of the Alpha Prime costing $100,000. That was last year, will probably be brought down to be more reasonable for automakers to purchase. They did announce a $500 model called the Velarray H800 in November, but the only thing they said about its pps resolution is that its "outstanding"... lol.
As for Luminar (LAZR), they will launch the new model "Iris" in 2022, which will cost about $1,000: (the same price as MicroVision's device to be revealed in April). It will also only operate at 10Hz. This is similar to playing a racing game at 10FPS. If you know anything about video games, you know that this is unplayable.
Iris will cost less than $1,000 per unit for production vehicles seeking serious autonomy, and for $500 you can get a more limited version for more limited purposes like driver assistance, or ADAS. Luminar says Iris is 'slated to launch commercially on production vehicles beginning in 2022,' but that doesn't mean necessarily that it's shipping to customers right now. The company is negotiating more than a billion dollars in contracts at present, a representative told me, and 2022 would be the earliest that vehicles with Iris could be made available.
A lengthy post has been make comparing Luminar's resolutions with MicroVision's, which was not easy to calculate because Luminar said their resolution was "300dpi/spdeg", a statistic that is incomprehensible for shareholders because its not the common specification of millions (3D) points per second. Here's the math, I sum it all up at the bottom:
Luminar's Hydra claims resolution of "up to 200 points per square degree" and a FOV of 120° x 30° (degrees). (and 300 points for Iris, the one coming in 2022.)
However, the vertical FOV can be configured from 1° to 30° , which likely explains the use of "up to" in the resolution numbers. Generally, as FOV expands, resolution shrinks, assuming a constant pixel stream. This is why Alex Kipman made such a big deal about MSFT maintaining resolution in Hololens 2(YT links aren't allowed apparently) while expanding FOV because it required more pixels to do so.
Specifically, regarding Luminar, is 200 points per square degree available when FOV is at the maximum 120° x 30°? Or is it available only at a lesser FOV such as, for example, 120° x 5°? The use of "up to" suggests the latter.
Even assuming 200 points per square degree at 120° x 30° is available, which is not conceded given the stated "up to", that would yield a total resolution of 720,000 points. MVIS claims capacity in excess of 20M points per second. At a resolution of 720,000 points, Luminar would require a frame rate of 27.7 Hz to equal 20M points per second. Luminar's specs do not suggest that its technology is capable of such a high frame rate at this resolution. This is not surprising given it does not use MEMS micromirrors but something more "mechanical" including, as per a recent patent, spindles and a drive belt
(1) At video time 19:56, Luminar compares the specs of its Iris product to industry requirements. The graphic reveals that Luminar's 2022 production lidar, Iris, will support resolution of 300 points per square degree at 10 Hz. Assuming that resolution applies to the entire FOV of 120 x 30 degrees and not just a portion of the FOV, that would imply a points per second value of 120 x 30 x 300 x 10 Hz = 10.8M points per second. If the 300 points/ sq. deg applies only to a smaller FOV, the points per second figure would be proportionally smaller. Microvision claims 20M points per second for its current MEMS lidar. The company also advises that its technology is capable of more than 20M points/sec.
TLDR: The best case scenario for Luminar is that their 2022 model will have 10.8 million pps, but in reality its probably much lower than that because of FOV configurations, careful wording by press releases, and Hz limitations. Additional Interesting insight on Luminar and their tech lagging behind is in the comments, this post is long enough already.
Again the MicroVision Consumer LIDAR (specifications) being used for comparison here isn't even their model designed for self-driving cars. Their device specialized for cars, the "1st gen Long Range LiDAR (LRL) Sensor", will be coming in April.
We expect our 1st generation LRL Sensor to have range of at least 250 meters and the highest resolution at range of any lidar with 340 vertical lines up to 250 meters, 568 vertical lines up to 120 meters and 944 vertical lines up to 60 meters. This equates to 520 points per square degree.
(For those who read the math on LAZR, notice he doesn't say up to)
It testing is successful, the 1st Generation LRL Sensor will be able to calculate velocity of objects relative to itself, and be able to be used in Level 3 and Level 4 self-driving applications
Our LRL Sensor will also output velocity of moving objects relative to an ego vehicle across our dynamic field of view in real-time 30 Hz sensor output. This sensor would accelerate development of Level 3 (L3) autonomous safety and Level 4 (L4) autonomous driving features that are important to potential customers and interested parties.
What is Level 3 and Level 4 autonomous driving?
Level 1 is feet off, level 2 is hands off, level 3 is eyes off, level 4 is mind off, and level 5 is full passenger (you can sit in the back). So basically, they have that 2045 technology today, while everyone else is trying to play catch-up. How is it so advanced? It all lies in the high resolution of the laser sensors.
I've seen MVIS's LiDAR in action at a shareholder meeting. It can recognize people. This has been described on MicroVision's conference calls, and has been described with significant additional safety and convenience features.
This could identify individual people
Can distinguish between pets and people (or YOUR pet and the neighbors pet)
Can distinguish between normal behaviors and strange things that could be of concern
Could save face-scans of intruders and allow intruders to be identified later Source
If their devices can really recognize people, objects, and pets, it could integrate security verticals in MicroVision's business model. (Video surveillance is expected to reach a 144.5 B market size by 2027) Why not just use cameras? Cameras are worse at long distances,
LiDAR is the only sensor that gives you resolution at range: the ability to get very fine and very accurate detection of objects in space.
that's why Teslas use radar systems in addition to their cameras, still not good enough to prevent fatalities on the road using Tesla's "full self-driving" software. Also, cameras struggle with light glare, weather, and 3D imaging, while LiDAR fixes all those issues. The main advantage of cameras are their resolution, and MicroVision is bridging the gap.
So, will testing be successful?
We expect the capability of our LRL Sensor to meet or exceed OEM requirements, based on technology we have scaled multiple times over the last decade, as being a very strong strategic advantage. (Same source)
This product has been getting fine tuned for years and I am personally confident that they will be able to outperform in their testing.
Demonstration(YT links aren't allowed apparently) of their consumer LiDAR product from 2018 (make sure your quality is all the way up).

Growing Industry
The self-driving cars market is expected to reach 220.44 billion dollars by 2025. This includes taxi, civil, public transport, heavy duty trucks, ride shares, and ride hail (UBER - 72 B mkt cap) applications.
Traffic Accidents in the US alone Cost 871 Billion A Year, even just yesterday there was an insane pileup on the I-35W highway in Texas that killed 6, injured 36, and damaged 133 vehicles.
Not only self-driven cars need LiDAR. In a few years, as soon as MicroVision's 1st Gen LRL is available, LiDAR systems will certainly become mandatory for (still) human-controlled cars to avoid collisions. This tech could become as revolutionary and successful as airbags. Airbags are a 37.3 billion dollar industry.
If only 10% of the cars produced annually contain four Microvision LRL systems, this will result in a volume of 364 million units in ten years. (9.1 million cars * 4 modules * 10 years) And this is a conservative calculation, both a higher market share, more cars produced, and more modules per car are conceivable.
At least 4 LRL devices will be necessary to establish a \"circle of safety.\"

Augmented Reality
The Hololens 2 is an example of a Virtual Reality Device (VRD) manufactured by Microsoft that uses MicroVision MEMS Laser Scanning display modules inside.
NASA & Lockeed Martin using Hololens (Video)(YT links aren't allowed apparently)
'When a technician puts on the Hololens, they instantly see the work instruction, instead of having to go through stacks of rectangular data, whether its paper or another form of a screen'...
'We see a reduction in cost, increases in quality'...
'What we've found is we can take an 8 hour activity and reduce it down to 45 minutes'...
'We haven't had a single error that's been documented'...
From 2002-2006, MVIS commercialized versions of a monochrome (red) VRD for industry and the military. It was called Nomad.
Microvision also developed a full color version for the military, the Spectrum SD2500.
The military alone currently intends to spend almost $3B on IVAS, augmented reality devices that use MicroVision tech, in the next several years. (Video at 1:12 - "based on Microsoft's Hololens" - amazing, must watch - "lets you see around corners.. see through smoke") (There is a money trail to confirm too: financial report)
One of the many capabilities of the IVAS heasets.
MicroVision revolutionizing the way people use GPS systems, to launch in July. (GPS industry will be 146.4 B by 2025)
This new GPS system comes equipped with an augmented reality heads-up-display (HUD) that attaches directly to your sun visor. This laser-projected GPS micro-display, developed in collaboration with MicroVision, makes it appear that your route directions show directly on top of the road, letting you keep your eyes on the road at the same time.
There's a reason that Apple CEO Tim Cook said a few weeks ago that Augmented Reality is the "Next Big Thing."
Cook was asked about what he expects to be the biggest tech developments in the next five to 10 years. Cook’s response made it clear that he sees augmented reality as the future, calling it the “next big thing.”
Imperial College Healthcare using Hololens 2 to fight the coronavirus.
While attending a trauma call in the early stages of the pandemic, Mr Kinross noticed that 29 people were working in close proximity. He realized the established way of working would have to change dramatically.
Mercedes-Benz using Microsoft HoloLens 2 for faster, safer vehicle service.
Mercedes-Benz Virtual Remote Support
The technician is then linked with a Mercedes-Benz specialist working remotely who can see what the tech sees and communicate in real-time -- manipulating the holographic information with annotations, highlighting areas of focus, pointing at things in the real world and presenting documents and service manuals.
In the next few years, business verticals will be possible in the markets for smart glasses (Video)(YT links aren't allowed apparently) and projections with touchless input(YT links aren't allowed apparently) and gesture control. For example, an eyewear company could develop the smallest and lightest smart glasses device on the market using the chip in that smart glasses video.
In the MicroVision Augmented Reality video, for example, we share a potential module design using our existing MEMS technology platform that could offer the lightest, smallest in volume, low power module with up to 40 degrees field of view packaged into eye wear that resembles frames currently accepted in the market. I believe one could see how our module in the design example would be compelling for a mass-market product. Source

MicroVision has 484 patents granted and pending. This was enough to get them on the Ocean Tomo 300 Patent Value Index. What is that you ask?
The Ocean Tomo 300® Patent Value Index includes the top value companies of the broad- market Ocean Tomo 300® Patent Index, as determined by the price-to-book ratio, and is diversified across market capitalization. It is the industry’s first value index based on the value of intellectual property and represents a portfolio of 60 companies with the highest innovation ratio (i.e., patent maintenance value relative to book value). Source
This index also outperforms the Russel 1000 and the S&P 500.
Their intellectual property includes in-house developed custom MEMS, custom optics, proprietary digital and analog silicon chips, embedded real-time firmware and software, manufacturing processes, custom automation and strategic partnerships that allow them to operate in a sleek model.
MicroVision patents and products therefore serve many future markets:
Whoever has the MicroVision technology may be able to eliminate the competition or demand license fees from them. Or the other way around: Whoever does not buy the technology can be excluded from markets. Therefore, bidding competition may arise to gain access to the market. Whoever has the best LiDAR system for cars will also be able to supply other components and software to car manufacturers. The car manufacturer who has the best LiDAR system has a big advantage over the competition.

All Notable Competition: Velodyne LiDAR, Luminar, Sense Photonics, Robosense, Valeo, SureStar
MicroVision: founded in 1993
Velodyne Lidar VLDR: founded in 1983, but as a subwoofer company 😂 and only got into LiDAR in 2005
LAZR: founded in 2012
Valeo: Founded in 1998
Robosense: Founded in 2014
SureStar: Founded in 2005
Basically, MVIS is all these other companies' daddy. They have been working on LiDAR for almost 30 years and it shows, just imagine what they will be able to develop in a few years with more funding.
Insider Activity
MicroVision is very transparent with its inner workings of the company, you can easily reach out to them on their website under "Investors." One of many conferences held with Vice President David Westgor, investor relations manager Dave Allen, and investors of MVIS revealed:
As to the employee incentive plan, Steve Holt made the point that in his 7 years of experience (I think it was) with MVIS, NO EMPLOYEE had actually ever cashed out in the money options.
Case in point, on December 1s, 2020, the day after she joined the team, Judith Curran was paid with 3 million dollars worth of $3 calls expiring in 2022, and she has not cashed out.
On Yahoo it reports that the last insider sale was in 2014.

Institutional Investments
For reasons stated earlier, institutions have been late to the game on this one, but now are starting to get on the rocket ship before it takes off. MVIS is now the largest holding in the S&P Kensho Moonshots Index, (KMOONP), which is literally an ETF of stocks that are going go the moon 🌙 . Blackrock purchased 2.44 million shares on December 31, 2020. Vanguard purchased 6.61 million shares on the same day.

Recent Events
MVIS's stagnation really started to break on December 1st 2020, with MVIS when former Ford Executive Judith Curran was added to MVIS's board of directors.
Curran is an accomplished senior automotive executive with over 30 years of experience in vehicle program, engineering and technology leadership. Curran has a strong record of leading innovation at Ford Motor Company where she served in a number of executive positions including Director of Technology Strategy, where she developed the cross-vehicle global strategy for key new technologies including assisted driving, infotainment, new electrical architectures, and connectivity.
Doesn't take a genius to figure out they were about to ride the EV wave, and were appointing the right people to be poised to do so.
Eight days later on December 8th 2020, the US Congress approved approximately $700M for the roll-out of IVAS in 2021.
7 days after that on December 15th, MVIS broke $4 for the first time in nine years.
December 29, 2020: MicroVision Announces $13 Million At-the-Market Equity Facility (this is huge for improving balance sheet and attracting hedge funds/institutional ownership)
So far, our team remains on track to complete our Long Range Lidar sensor sample in April 2021. We believe this financing will further solidify our balance sheet as we remain committed to pursuing strategic alternatives and establishing value for our shareholders,” said Sumit Sharma, MicroVision Chief Executive Officer. “We expect a stronger balance sheet will provide the Company with runway through 2021 and into the first quarter of 2022 to enable us to continue development of our lidar sensor while pursuing strategic alternatives,” said Steve Holt, MicroVision Chief Financial Officer.
December 31: Vanguard adds 6.6 million shares, Blackrock adds adds 2.4.
January 20, 2021: Apple CEO Tim Cook says Augmented Reality is the "Next Big Thing."
Feb 2, 2021 YooToob stock analyst Deadnsyde covers(YT links aren't allowed apparently) MVIS, causing the beginning of a large breakout past $8.
Feb 4: MicroVision granted patent (WSB bot is blocking source from being posted- thinks it contains a ticker), essentially lidar on a chip, this patent in particular is huge. (solid state lidar)
Feb 10: Cramer mentions MVIS, says LIDAR is one of three battlegrounds for EV competition.
Feb 10 after hours: MVIS announces Progress on Automotive Long Range LiDAR, saying
“We expect MicroVision’s Long Range Lidar Sensor, (LRL Sensor) which has been in development for over two years, to meet or exceed requirements established by OEMs for autonomous safety and autonomous driving features,” said Sumit Sharma, Chief Executive Officer of MicroVision.
Feb 11: Volkswagen and Microsoft team up on automated driving (potential for MVIS to get involved).

Talent at MicroVision
Sumit Sharma became the CEO in February of 2020, he is a mechanical engineer that has been with MVIS for five years after having been the head of operations at Google Project Glass, and working for Motorola and Jawbone.
Dr. Mark Spitzer is on the board of directors having previously worked at Google X, Darpa, Kopin and having founded Myvu and Photonic Glass.
Judy Curran joined the board this year after spending 30 years at Ford, where she was the Director of Technical Strategy. She is also the Head of Global Automotive Strategy for Ansys, a simulation software company that works with ADAS systems.

Technical analysis
Resistance at 46.75, 123. 39, and 204. 23, could turn to supports.
Moving Average Analysis:
On February 28, 2020, Market Cap of PLUG was 1.32B, on this date the 120 day MA touches the 8y moving average. 11 months later, PLUG has a market cap of 33.79B, an increase of 2459%.
On September 3, 2020, Market Cap of MVIS was 0.21B, on this date 120 day MA touches the 8y moving average. 5 months later, MVIS has a market cap of 2.77B an increase of 1219%.
6 months forward price target: $34.348B

LAZR is currently valued at 12.22B
VLDR at 3.92B
MVIS at 2.77B
MicroVision offers a quantitatively much higher performance product than both of its competitor companies. Because of their lack of focus on augmented reality technologies, competitors are not likely to have a future in the markets of smart glasses, healthcare, engineering, military equipment, GPS safety, entertainment, and interactive projectors. They are involved in an industry that is currently at an inflection point, due to grow massively in the near future. Their high number of extremely advanced patents will bring in significant revenue for the company in the coming years. I have never seen a company with such low insider selling, that the last case of a sale was in 2014. Institutional investors are piling in as MicroVision's balance sheet improves and they near the April LRL sensor test date, which has a high likelihood of being a success. I think this stock should currently be valued at 20 Billion dollars, taking all of this into account, and expect it to rise drastically over the next few years.
This is not financial advice, I am not a financial advisor, do your own research before believing some retard on the internet. Positions: 300 shares, $19 call 5/21, $20 call 3/19, $31 call 2/19(FD), $28 call 2/19, $24 call 2/19.
submitted by BigBlackWifey to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

What is the benefit to American odds style?

I am American, but infinitely prefer the decimal style. All my friends who bet use American. What am I missing? I feel like decimal is just quick and easy math, but American you need to think about for a second. Maybe just because I don't use it? Anyway it's all good either way, I'm just trying to figure out why it is popular compared to decimals. Sorry if the topic has been beat to death or anything, did a quick search but didn't see anything recently.
submitted by FMeditor2020 to sportsbook [link] [comments]

My Options Overview / Guide (V2)

Greeting Theta Gang boys and girls,
I hope you're well and not bankrupt after last week. I'm just now recovering mentally myself. I saw a few WSB converts and some newbies asking for tips, so here you go. V2 of my Options guide. I hope it helps.

I spent a huge amount of time learning about options and tried to distill my knowledge down into a helpful guide. This should especially be useful for newbies and growing options traders.
While I feel I’m a successful trader, I'm not a guru and my advice is not meant to be gospel, but this will hopefully be a good starting point, teach you a lot, and make you a better trader. I plan to keep typing up more info from my notebook, expanding this guide, and posting it every couple months.
Any feedback or additions are appreciated
Per requests, I added details of good and bad trades I made. Some painful lessons learned are now included. I also tried to organize this better as it got longer.
Here's what I tell options beginners:
I would strongly recommend buying a beginner's options book and read it cover to cover. That helped me a lot.
I like this beginner book:
Helpful websites:
Don't trade until you understand:
Basics / Mechanics
General Tips and Ideas:
Profit Retention / Loss Mitigation
Trade Planning & Position Management Tips
-Advanced Beginner-
Trading Mechanics, Taxes, Market Manipulation
-Intermediate / Advanced Strategies (work in progress)-
You’ll notice many of these strategies inverse one another.
Options Strategy Finder
This website is great for learning about new strategies, you’ll see many links to it below.
Short Strangle / Straddle
Iron Condor and Iron Butterflies
Long Condor (Debit Call Condor)
Short Condor (Credit Call Condor)
Reverse Iron Condor
Advanced Orders

I’m not a financial adviser, I'm actually an engineer. I’m not telling you to invest in a specific stock/option or even use a specific strategy. I’ve outlined and more extensively elaborated on what I personally like. You should test several strategies and find what works best for you.
I'm just a guy who trades (mainly options) part-time for financial gain and fun. I don't claim to be some investing savant.
submitted by CompulsionOSU to thetagang [link] [comments]

WSB/GME: How One Bad Trade Can Ruin You

I have dabbled in PFC over the years and I have always found this sub to be wonderful in terms of the level-headed advice and strong values that really make a long-term difference in people's financial well-being.
And so it's a bit jarring to see the WSB/GME jargon creep into the sub over the last few days (as it has everywhere) and I honestly feel somewhat of an obligation to address a few investment-related things:
One Loss Can Wipe Out a Lifetime of Gains
Investing has asymmetric outcomes. i.e. a 10% loss is not equivalent to a 10% gain. To recoup a 10% loss, you actually have to make an 11% gain. And the difference grows exponentially, so if you lose 90% of your investment, you will now need to return 900% just to get back to break even.
the riskier your bets, the more asymmetric the outcomes.
but its worse than that: you can go on an awesome run where all your big bets are paying huge ... then erase it all with one bad trade.
but its even worse that that: it is a statistical guarantee that, over enough trades, you WILL make a bad trade.
Humans are social animals. And good thing b/c we learn from each other. We have special brain cells called mirror neurons that fire when we do something, or when we see someone else doing something. Its what makes my 8 month old son bang away on the laptop keyboard like he's a WWII typist. Monkey see, monkey do.
And that approach to life is so successful in some parts that we naturally assume that it will work well in others. u/deepfuckingvalue made $40MM on GME, maybe I can too!?!?!
But this is where our meat sacs can lead us astray again and the trappings of this approach are well documented. See the Madness of Crowds and the Great Crash of 1929 and Tilray and Volkswagen and AOL TimeWarner and Amazon (yes, amazon was down 95% from its peak in 2001), and on and on. Everyone rushes in b/c everyone's making money b/c everyone is rushing in until there's no one left to rush in and the whole thing collapses.
Whatever anxiety or fear you have need only be understood and accepted, not reacted to, and then regardless of how you feel you must revert to your core principals: what am I buying and why? Do i think the investment is undervalued, do i like the dividend, what is the RISK / REWARD, WHAT ARE MY FINANCIAL GOALS? DOES THIS INVESTMENT FIT WITH MY GOALS? WHO IS ENCOURAGING ME TO BUY THIS INVESTMENT AND WHY??????
There's BEING AGGRESSIVE, and then there's BEING DUMB
Don't get me wrong, I love some of the WSB culture around YOLO/diamond hands/etc. You cannot be successful without having the fortitude to take some risks, either with your investments or in your personal life.
And if you take well-calculated, well-researched risks (typically on things no one else will), you will see the rewards. u/deepfuckingvalue is a great example. He has been holding GME calls for two years and took nothing but shit from the wsb crowd for a bad trade and sharing his fact-based, well-grounded and researched reasons for doing so along the way. Aggressive - and brilliant.
Buying a stock for 100x what it was a month ago, with no understanding of the business b/c you heard about it on the evening news is probably dumb.
I don't mean to get preachy. If you are on this sub, you are on the right path. Stick with the principals you have learned here and good fortune will snowball your way. And I'm not giving financial advice here, but I beg caution of anyone thinking about diving in now with a major proportion of their wealth (Whatever it may be). It could be gone in a week.
submitted by rskene to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

in a 50-1 bet of £20, what is the return? How is it calculated?

I've never actually gambled before, but during the superbowl me and my friends said we would make a bet. I wanted to bet that the first score would be a safety, but my evil friends talked me out of it.
submitted by Durzo_Blint90 to learnmath [link] [comments]

For all the new investors that the GME/AMC fiasco brought into the game. This is a summary of everything I have learned about investing in the short time that I have been learning. I am not a financial advisor and am also relatively new to investing but I have seen some dumb questions and posts.

I genuinely hope this can help someone and if any of the Seasoned investors here would like to weigh in or add anything, or correct anything that I may not understand fully, please do so. I am definitely still learning everyday.

Common Stock Market Terms:
Stock: A stock (also known as equity) is a security that represents the ownership of a fraction of a corporation. This entitles the owner of the stock to a proportion of the corporation's assets and profits equal to how much stock they own.
Share: Units of equity ownership interest in a company that exist as a financial asset providing for an equal distribution in any residual profits, if any are declared, in the form of dividends.
Long Position: The purchase of shares with the expectation of the share price increasing.
Short Position: Refers to a trading technique in which an investor sells shares of a stock, usually shares that they do not own, with plans to buy it and return it later. Shorting is a strategy used when an investor anticipates the price of a security will decline.
Bid Price: Price that you can currently sell a share of stock.
Ask Price: Price that you can buy a share of stock.
Spread: The difference between the Bid Price and Ask Price.
Resistance: The imaginary trend line that the stock price typically struggles to break in both upward and downward trends. Typically when a stock breaks its support line, that line becomes the new resistance line.
Support: The imaginary trend line that the stock price tends to dip down to in both upward and downward trends. Typically when a stock breaks its resistance line, that line becomes the new support line.
Trend: The general direction, whether up or down, that a stock is going.
Types of Stocks:
Energy, Materials, Industrials, Consumer Discretion, Consumer Staples, Healthcare,
Big Pharma, Financials, Information & Technology, Telecommunication, Utilities, Realestate and Transportation.
Market Cap:
Mega (over $300bn), Large (over $10bn), Midsize ($2-10bn), Small ($300mil - $2bn),
Micro ($50-300mn), Nano (<$50mil), Penny Stocks (Share Price under $5)
Buying Stock:
When you buy a stock through a Broker it has to go through a pipeline, that pipeline is as follows:
You, the retail buyer, places an order shares of a stock through a broker (think of the broker as the retail storefront) -- the broker sends your order to an exchange (the exchange, like the NYSE, is kind-of like a wholesale warehouse) -- the exchange fills the order and sends it back to your broker - your broker gives you your shares of the stock
You make a profit by selling the shares of your stock at a higher price than you bought them.
There are multiple ways to make a profit:
Buy Low, Sell high
Buy High and Sell Higher
Sell High, Buy Low (also known as a Short Position, Short Sale or Selling Short)
Dollar Amount:
You can calculate profits by the dollar amount. If you buy 10 shares of a stock at $100/share and sell those shares at $150, you have made a profit/return of $500.
You can also calculate returns by percentage. This lets you see the amount of growth based on the buy price. If you buy 10 shares of stock at $100/share and sell those shares at $150, you have made a return of 50% ($500 profit from $1000 investment is 50% of your investment in profit)
Types of Orders:
There are multiple different types of orders you can submit through your broker.
Market Order: This type of order typically happens instantly, during normal trading hours. If your broker allows you to submit market orders when the Market isn’t open, it will be filled once the market opens the next day. It is simply an order to buy/sell shares of stock at “Market Value'', or whatever the price of the share is when the exchange fills the order.
Pros: You know that you are getting the shares.
Cons: The price you see when you submit the order isn’t always the price the order gets filled at. This is also referred to as “Slippage”.
Limit Orders:
Limit Buy Order: This type of order is set to buy shares when your target buy price is hit. If a stock is trading at $100/Share and you want to buy at $90/Share, you would set a Limit Buy Order for x amount of shares at $90/share. Once the share price of the stock hits $90, or lower, your order would go through and the specified number of shares would be bought automatically. You can use this type of order if you believe the price of the stock will dip to your target price.
Limit Sell Order: Similar to a Limit Buy Order, this type of order is set to sell shares when the price hits your target sell price. If you own shares of a stock that is currently at $100/share and you want to sell those shares at $150/share, you would place a Limit Sell Order for $150, and once the price gets to $150/share, or more, your shares would automatically be sold.
Pros: You can decide the share price that you want to buy or sell at. This could give you more control over your profit margins.
Cons: The target price you set may never be hit, therefore the order may never go through. This is more of a con for Limit buy orders because it could cost you an opportunity to get into a stock before the price increases.
Stop Order:
Stop Buy Order: This type of order is similar to a Limit Buy Order, but kind-of the opposite. This type of order is set to buy a stock at a price higher than current market value. Let's say you think a stock is on an uptrend but you want to be sure, or confirm that hunch, you could set a Stop Buy Order for a price higher than the current market order. Once the price hits your target price, and confirms your hunch that it is indeed in an uptrend, the order would be transferred into a Market Order and filled at the Market Price at the time the order is filled.
Stop Sell Order(Also known as a Stop Loss Order): This type of order is also similar to, but opposite of, a Limit Sell Order. This type of order is set to sell a stock once it dips down to a specified target price. Let’s say you want to buy shares of a stock that you believe will be a good investment, but you want to limit your risk just in case it doesn’t work in your favor; you could set a Stop Loss order at the price that is lower than current Market Price, in which you are comfortable with the loss. If the stock dips down to that level, the order would be transferred into a Market Order and sell your shares at the Market Price at the time the order is filled.
Trailing Stop Loss Order: Similar to a normal Stop Loss Order, this allows you to set a Stop Sell Order at a specified(either dollar amount or percentage) amount below the current Market Price and it moves to maintain that specified margin as the stock goes up. This is a good way to protect profits and mitigate loss at the same. Let’s say you buy in at $100/share and only want to risk $10/share, you could set a Trailing Stop Loss at $10 under market value. If the stock price drops, it would work the same as the normal Stop Loss, however, this type of order makes it so if the price rises to $500 and then reverses, you can still keep some of the profits you made because instead of transferring to a market order at a fixed price of $90, and losing all of the profits you had accumulated, it would transfer to a market order at $490 therefore mitigating profit loss on a downward trend.
Pros: The pros of a Stop Buy Order are that you can enter the stock in an upward momentum. As long as you are correct about the trend of the stock, this could work well in your favor.
The pros of a Stop Loss Order is that it could give you the ability to mitigate losses if the stock turns bad.
Cons: there are a few cons here. The first con applies to both Stop Sell and Stop Buy Orders; and that is the fact that it transfers to a Market Order when the predetermined price is hit, making it subject to the same type of slippage that can occur with a Market Order. This means the order could fill at a higher(Stop Buy) or lower(Stop Sell) price than you anticipated. Another con of the Stop Buy Order is the fact that False Trends do occur. This could cause you to buy at a high price right before a reversal and have to take those losses. The same type of Con Exists with Stop Loss orders. If the stock is following a False Downward Trend and triggers a sell, and then the trend reverses, you could miss out on potential profits and may be forced to buy back in at a higher price than you bought originally. The same false trend con can be said about Trailing Stop Loss orders, except the Trailing Stop Loss Orders help to mitigate the loss of profit. At least you still made profit with the Trailing Stop Loss Order.
Short Sell Order: This type of order is available from certain Brokers. For example: If you have signed the Margin Agreement on Fidelity and therefore have the ability to trade on margin, they will allow you to Short Sell stocks. When you Short Sell a stock, you borrow the stock from your broker with the expectation that the price will go down. You then sell the stock at the price you set, or when the time frame that you agreed to is up. Let’s say a stock is trading at $100/Share and you believe that it is overvalued and will drop to $50/share within the next week. You could place a Short Sell order for $50/Share on a 1 week timeframe. You would sell those borrowed shares at $100/share and once the share price hits your target price of $50/share, or the timeframe is up, you would buy back those shares to return to your broker and keep the difference as profit.
Pros: The pros here are obvious. If you sell a borrowed stock at $100/share and buy it back at $50/share, you would get to keep $50/share as profit.
Cons: The cons here are big. If you are wrong and the stock skyrockets, you will still have to return those shares meaning you would have to buy the shares at a higher price than you sold, and eat that loss. If you sold a borrowed stock at $100/share on a one week time frame, and the price increased to $150/share by the end of the week, you would take a $50/share loss and have to pay the difference out of pocket. The amount the stock could increase is unlimited meaning you have the risk of unlimited losses.
Calculating Risk on a Trade:
You can calculate/assign a value to your risk by figuring out the Risk Multiple of your trade. The Risk Multiple is the ratio of Risk:Reward.
One way to change your risk multiple is through Stop Loss Orders.(see “Types Of Orders” section above)
Example of Identical Trade/Profit with Different Risk Multiples:
If you buy 10 shares of a company at $100/Share with no Stop Loss, and sell at $150/share you make a $500 profit or a 50% return. In this trade you risked $1000 to make $500, so your Risk Multiple is 2:1, meaning you risked $2 to make $1.
If you buy those same 10 shares at $100/share with a Stop Loss at $50, and then sell those shares at $150/share, you make the same $500 (or 50%) profit… but you only risked $500 in order to make $500. This means your Risk Multiple was a 1:1, meaning you risked $1 to make $1.
10 shares at $100/share and selling at $150/share with a Stop Loss at $75? Now your Risk Multiple is 1:2. You risked $1 to make $2.
Different Ways to Analyze Stocks:
Fundamental Analysis: What to Buy
Qualitative Fundamentals: These are things that can not be quantified, or put into numbers and charts. Things to look at in this category are things like technology disruptions or innovations, economic impacts(negative or positive), management issues or upgrades, economic moat (overall control or exclusivity in their economic sector, or lack thereof).
When looking for stocks to invest in, this type of analysis includes big, universal, forces and events that will affect entire sectors of the market. Thighs and trends that will affect industries for years to come.
For example, Self Driving Cars. This trend in technological advancement is being tested on a wide scale and hopes to be implemented in the coming years across a lot of different applications. A sector of the market that this could affect drastically would be Transportation, more specifically, trucking. You could look at the total business expenses that trucking companies have dedicated to drivers payroll. By eliminating drivers, there is more cash flow that could be transferred to profit instead of payroll. You could then find the trucking companies with the capital to be able to afford to invest in updating their fleet to these self driving trucks first and make the bet that these companies will implement this technology and see positive growth because of it. Or, you could invest directly into the companies that are looking to produce these self driving vehicles, or both.
Before dropping a huge amount of money into any one trend affected sector, make sure you don’t already have a large chunk of your portfolio invested in that sector already. Diversification is a good thing. You don’t want all your eggs in one basket, or large trend, in case it fails to realize the growth that is expected.
Quantitative Fundamentals: These are the things happening in the company that can be quantified, or put into numbers and charts. Things to look at in this category are assets/liabilities, revenue, cashflow, and financial ratios i.e. P/E, P/B, and P/CF (Price/Earnings, Price/Book Value, Price/Cash Flow). Things to look at specifically are Statements of Cash Flow, including Cash Flow of Operations, Cash Flow of Investments, and Cash Flow from Financing.
You can compare the Statements of Cash Flow to the Revenue Statements and Earnings and income reports to see how big the discrepancies are. This will give you an idea of financial acrobatics that the company might be playing to make their total revenue look higher than it is. Do these things show growth or decline? Could be a good indicator of where their stock is headed.
Technical Analysis: When to Buy or Sell
Long term trends, mid term trends and short term trends are all things to look at when trying to decide when to buy into a stock. While stocks may go up and down on a daily, or even shorter, basis, they typically follow a broader, long term, trend. This isn’t to say that trends can’t reverse, because they definitely can and do. You can see what the general short term and long term trends are by using tools like moving averages. Long term SMAs to see long term trends and short term SMAs can show short term trends. Trends can be up trends, down trends or neutral trends.
Some tools to look at are Simple Moving Averages and Envelopes, and Exponential Moving Averages. These are referred to as Indicators on a stock Graph. There are MANY indicators that all do different things.
Areas of Value and Entry/Exit triggers:
These are pretty simple yet extremely complicated to study and understand. Learning how candlestick charts and patterns work is pretty important.
And AOV is basically the highest level in a down trend that could indicate a good sell point, or the lowest level in an uptrend that could indicate a buy point. When you look at whether the chart patterns are trending up or down and whether the stock price is in an AOV, you could determine whether you want to buy in or get out of the stock. This method could work for day trading, swing trading, and long term investing. Study candlestick patterns, and how to identify resistance and support levels in trends.
Core Satellite Approach to Investing:
This approach seems to be a good approach. The way this works is pretty simple.
60-75% of your investment budget goes into 2-5 funds that cover multiple asset classes and sectors. An example of this type of fund could be the FBTOX fund. This fund holds shares in a wide variety of blue chips in different sectors.
The other 25-40% would go into 10-20 individual stocks. Some of these can be stocks that pay dividends and some can be stocks that you have done your research on and believe they will grow. Some of them could be sectors or companies that you hold personal sentiment in and want to invest in. All of that is up to you.
Remember, overdiversification isn’t a great idea because eventually you are so diversified that your portfolio follows closely to the general market value. But having a diversified portfolio is extremely important so that if one sector declines, your whole portfolio doesn’t decline. Its all about balance.
submitted by Lespaul96 to StockMarket [link] [comments]

Bride vent because I just need a minute

Oh man, I think I’m having a little bit of a freak out and I need to type-vent. *caveat to add, this is def a vent, selfish and whiny internet therapy I guess you could say. Just needed to let it out.
It’s just snowballing. All of it. Planning (replanning) and then some more replanning. Life expenses, work stress, covid news burnout, taxes…
Caterer emailed last night to say they are closing their business--another covid business casualty. My heart hurts for these two really nice people.
We’ve already postponed from 07/18/20 (our 11th anniv) to 07/23/21 and 90% replanned after the first venue/catererental house backed out completely and wouldn’t allow us to reschedule.
We can find another caterer, I know. I just don’t WANT to. Why is this all so hard?
A particular suit that FH was saving up for is no longer carried by the shop he found it at. We can find another, its just disheartening.
Unplanned medical expenses popping up suddenly.
Bought two new tires ahead of “the storm of the year” in town and it turned out to be literally nothing, and a waste of $380 (ugh I know, tires are important, I just don’t want them to be important right now).
Turbotax is being dumb and not calculating our 1098 forms correctly (known issue related to a form fillable data miscalculation that is out of our control right now, but our return feels like its being held hostage and is heavily relied on unfortunately)
Grad school tuition is in limbo in the mysterious land of college billing. Just acknowledge I paid you weirdos and update my balance already geez.
Sleep..ha! what’s that? What a fond memory.
Scheduled this first dress fitting for mid-may, but at this point the dress doesn’t zip up anymore.
I run miles and miles, do a weightlifting split, meal prep, but to no avail. Stress and my body are not friends!
And then finally just various wedding fears. Will a Spotify wedding be boring? Who will keep the flow going? Who will announce things? Do we sort of lead the charge with no dj/emcee? Will everyone be bored with no dancing? How do we entertain them during cocktail hour? I bet they’ll all wish they weren’t there…etc, etc.
I can’t even get myself to buy the invitations because it feels so pointless. FH loves them, I love them. I want to hold them to make this feel like it will actually happen, but that’s not reality.
I’m an RN and full-time covid news, wearing the extra PPE (grateful to have it!), covid updates/discussion is leading to major burnout. I maxed out on vacation accrual and didn’t even know I wasn’t accruing anymore! Fighting with my employer to get the first vaccine dose took the last of my energy I think.
I think I need a break from Weddit. I keep seeing posts about “cutting down to 30 people” and “scaling back to 50 invites,” but we can’t even have that. Our entire guest list back from 2019 was only 30-ish, now locked in at 33 invites. We can’t even have a gathering at this point. I’m too scared to buy the invitations to just have to postpone again and notify everyone again. FH is better at taking a step back, but also thinks we can plan everything in 2 weeks. I’ve tried explaining, but its hard to impart the reality of the planning timeline when its hard enough to navigate even with some knowledge about it, ya know? His innocence about the planning process is somewhat endearing, but also unrealistic.
We skipped birthday celebrations and vacations for a decade to save for this fun day, and for what? No version of my childhood daydreaming thought it would take 12 years for us to get down the aisle!
Wooooosh, okay. Even falling back on my usual wellness choices aren’t working. I stared hardcore at my meditation stopwatch today silently yelling at it to countdown faster because I couldn’t clear my mind or be patient. Clearly I wasn’t meditating!
Okay. my shoulders are slowly relaxing down from my ears and I feel 5% less freaked out. Thank you for listening if you made it this far.
edit: clarifications
Edit #2: Currently having happy tears while sneaking peaks at all your wonderful messages. I havent tipped over into ugly crying yet but if you don’t stop being so nice I might get there!
Edit #3: good humans exist, and I can't thank you all enough. I wish I could be more eloquent. Thank you for sharing your kindness and advice while I was aboard the struggle bus today.
submitted by kdjsr to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

Hunter or Huntress Chapter 87: Knight In Shining Armor

So then 87 coming out on schedule. I know I'm spoiling you today ;) Time to crank up the wholesomeness possibly beat the shit out of some random guy in the street and generally figuring out what the fuck to do next.
As per usual UnwaveringGrey and TwoFlower68 have done their level best to sanitize the chapter. If I managed to slip one past them do please report it to your nearest execution squad so it may be dealt with properly.
In other news, proper art is officially commissioned and likely due sometime later this month. I'm so excited! But without further ado let's get on with the story.
ko-fi For having a pretty picture commissioned.
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Chapter 87: Knight In Shining Armor
“Wait, she is your only healer?” Tom questioned.
“Yes, they are a rare breed, young man,” The lady replied very apologetically, almost bowing before him.
“No, don't do that,” Tom protested. “You people both suffered and survived, not to mention your son technically saved me and Jackalope. Hopefully, Unkai can lend a hand when he gets here then, ‘cause she is spent,” Tom glanced at the healer who was still sleeping up against the wall where she had been when he woke up.
The Lady looked like she was going to protest until he reached the last sentence. “You brought a healer with you? Out here?” The lady questioned, clearly not believing him entirely.
“We did, yes, in case we found wounded. And that we certainly did. I was just hoping we could have Jacky’s ears looked at, but I guess that will have to wait.”
“I’m sorry, but we don’t have anything else that can help I’m afraid.”
“I hate not knowing what’s going on,” Jackalope exclaimed, crossing her arms looking at the two of them with a distinctly unimpressed expression.
“I guess I’ll be miming to you for a bit longer. Actually no, I brought the note block. I will be just a second,” Tom replied walking jogging over to his backpack, the confused Jackalope following along.
“You got something that can fix ears in there?” she questioned hopefully. She was getting a bit better at keeping the volume down, though she was still rather loud. Then again, that was pretty standard all things considered.
Tom got out the block to begin noting things down for her. ‘We can't fix your ears, not yet at least. Other people need to be looked at first. Maybe when we get home.’
She did seem a little annoyed after reading that, sighing a bit and looking back up at him.
“So what now, we help clean this place up? Take up watch? Or just sit back and relax?”
“You two sit back for now. I won’t have you risking your lives for our skins and then cleaning up the mess as well,” the old granny replied, trying to speak up enough to be heard across the room. Tom certainly didn’t have a problem with that. He did not really feel like hard work right now.
Jacky was clearly sore and her breathing still wasn’t quite right, so he guessed she could use the rest as well. “Do you have a place we can stay, or… ?”
“Infirmary is full I’m afraid. We do have some rooms,” the old lady replied.
“Actually I think we have a big friend in need of a bit of company when he wakes up,” Tom replied, looking towards Jarix. “We will keep our stuff with us if shit hits the fan.”
“If it does what?”
“Right, uhm… goes south. If bad things start happening,” the lady looked at him more than a little confused, but she relented eventually.
“Yes, we don’t have many people left who could fight. I will bring you something to eat, for the blood loss. I don’t know if it will help for your kind but it couldn’t hurt.”
They made their way to Jarix, who was sleeping like a rock. Tom began taking off the very uncomfortable holsters and belts. He looked like a fucking joke right now. Goddamn Florida Man running around with guns and ammo in his damn underpants. He put down the equipment in nice little piles, rechecking that everything was loaded if he needed it.
He could hear Jackalope getting out of her armor behind him. That stuff wasn't the most comfortable to sleep in after all.
“You okay?” Jacky asked in a rather worried tone after a bit. “After yesterday you’re… you’re not quite the same.” Tom turned around to look at her. She was looking at him with an expression of genuine worry.
‘That obvious, huh?’ Tom thought to himself, shoulders sagging even more. He couldn’t even blame her for catching it. His head just wasn’t in it right now, whether that was because of the fighting, the screaming, the blood loss, bodies flying everywhere last night, the fact they weren’t quite out of the woods yet, or that the ones back home would soon be getting worried. They were supposed to be back tonight after all. He didn't even know what time it was apart from rather early. He was also still tired as fuck despite just getting up. There was just too much to worry about right now.
“Look at me, would you?” Jackalope demanded, a hint of hurt in her voice. Tom snapped up to look her in the eyes, feeling more than a little ashamed of that. “Just like Sapphire said, you worry about everything. You can’t not worry… Well right now, just try not to, okay? It’s gonna be fine.”
Tom did crack a little smile before looking back down at the floor. That was very far from guaranteed, there were still many things which could go wrong. What if this wasn’t the only raiding party? What if Bizmati Keep was a ruin? What if something had found the kids in the forest? What if Jackalope's ears couldn't be fixed? what if…
Jackalope grabbed him by the shoulder, turning him around to face away from her. Then she folded her arms and wings around him, lifted him off his feet, and backed up against Jarix's side. She sat down in the nook of the dragon’s armpit and snuggled up against the dragon while clutching Tom tightly.
“I’m never gonna have a cold night again,” she let out, sounding very content. “And you are in the safest place in the world. Here you're not allowed to worry about everything. You are in a locked-down keep, sleeping with a dragon and if that doesn't do it, Then I will, so relax… please dude.”
“That might be the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me,” Tom replied, not that she could hear it of course. “Well, except for saving my life a few times… you people do that a lot don’t you?.. What did I do to deserve you?” He tried to snuggle up a bit closer to her, even if that was hard to achieve in her current grip. Jarix’s slow steady breathing almost rocking them to sleep.
“Now I just want to ask you some questions, nothing more, so don’t panic,” Maiko went as they turned the guy around. The guy looked scared shitless to Sapphire. He was a rather short spindly fellow as well, so looked really unintimidating right about now.
“And just in case you think running is smart. I’m possibly the fastest flyer you have met and I won’t be gentle with my prey,” Sapphire added, trying to look menacing and baring her teeth, while Maiko was clearly going for the more friendly approach. The guy just swallowed once, looking at the two of them.
“I was just told to find out what you’re doing, I swear nothing more.”
“So what did you learn?” Maiko asked, still sounding very friendly.
“You go to the inventor's place regularly, you are making something weird, you have been to the Hashaw’s place, and you are staying at the Sweet Dragon.”
“And who are you supposed to give all this lovely information?” Maiko continued.
“I was just paid by some woman, I didn’t know her, I swear. She just asked if I wanted to make a bit of easy money.”
Sapphire opened her mouth a bit, letting out a deep growl. The guy was fidgeting nervously at that as Dakota, Balethon, and Junior trooped up behind him.
“I’m guessing rather fine clothes and perhaps some rather nice jewelry?” Dakota asked, causing the guy to go stiff.
“I mean yeah… she did look rather rich.”
“How were you supposed to let her know?”
“I should meet her at the big plaza in front of the trading guild tomorrow after breakfast.”
“Right, well first off that’s not going to happen,” Dakota went from behind him. “Secondly, if we catch you following us again I’ll let Sapphire here demonstrate why she isn't even allowed to compete in archery competitions. Am I clear?” Her voice was cold and calculating, the guy nodding rapidly. “Out of curiosity, what did she pay you.”
“15 silver.” ‘Well, for tailing someone that was a rather good pay.’ The guy didn't exactly look well off either, so Sapphire could see him taking that offer without a second thought.
“Actually, I think I might have a better idea,” Sapphire Interruptet. “What would we like them to know?” Dakota looked to Sapphire, her face turning into an evil grin.
“What do you say, Maiko?”
“I mean, if this guy doesn’t want to go to jail for disturbing the peace and spying on military matters he might be useful.” Sapphire was pretty sure you could not go to jail for that. Nor was this military matter, in any capacity. “So what do you say, willing to lend the Royal Guard and a few people in high standing with the king a hand, or do I need to get some manacles?” Maiko questioned, looking down at the guy.
“Treworian at your service, sir,” The man responded, eyes wide as the situation he found himself in seemingly hit him like a battering ram.
“Come with us then. We have some things to discuss,” Dakota went, nodding to the others.
They took the guy back to the workshop where Tink was currently busy repairing the damage to the magnet.
“Back so soon?”
“Yeah, we found a nosey little bastard.”
“And you brought him here?” Tink questioned, clearly not happy with that.
“Yes, we did. Now Treworian, may I call you Trewor?” Dakota questioned, turning to the man.
“Yes ma’am, of course,” he responded, eagerly. ‘God damn he’s scared,’ Sapphire mused to herself. They weren’t gonna hurt the dude unless they had to, but it was probably best he didn’t know that.
“As you can see, we are making very dangerous new weapons here, under the authority of the king no less.” Tink looked ready to protest when Junior kicked him in the shin, shutting him up. “Have you heard of the attacks on the outlying keeps?”
Trewor nodded, looking around the room worriedly at all the strange bits and bobs.
“We are looking to put an end to that once and for all. Now the reason I’m showing you all this is because if you tell anyone that is treason, and you know what that means.” ‘Oh you evil genius,’ Sapphire thought to herself, doing a gesture of Trewor falling a very long way down, convincing sounds included. The guy went even paler than before.
“So what I want you to do, is tell the sweet lady who hired you that we are making some kind of invention as a present for the King himself and that it looks very expensive and very complicated. So you can’t possibly figure out what it is. But you did manage to sneak in while we were out and read a very official-looking document, stating who had hired us, and that the present is expected to be done in time for… Anyone know when there is some sort of big event coming up with the royal family?” Dakota questioned looking around.
“One of the princes is graduating from the academy this summer I think,” Maiko responded.
“That will do. A present for the prince in time for his graduation. Can you do that?”
“Sure can, don’t you worry. I ain’t no traitor”
“Very good. Now, remember, if you tell her the truth it’s a long way down okay?”
“A very long way indeed,” Sapphire added, with as much venom in her voice as she could manage. Trewor just nodded furiously.
“Good lad, now run along now, you have work to do,” Dakota continued, letting go of him. Trewor stormed out the door, Junior going over to close it after him.
They all stood there for a second before everyone except Tink broke out laughing.
“You’re all crazy” The inventor finally went in a disapproving tone, Which only caused Sapphire to laugh even harder.
When Tom woke up again, he was greeted by a dragon's head lying on the ground in front of him, staring at him with a sly smile.
“Someone got comfortable?” Jarix questioned, sounding very pleased with himself.
“You're just jealous; no one is big enough to wrap you up like this,” Tom replied from his prison of safety. “What time is it?”
“Hmmph, no clue, it’s getting late though. They brought you something because you decided to spray blood everywhere. Oh and your clothes. The girl tried to apologize for not being able to get them properly clean. That took a bit of explaining.”
Tom chuckled at that. “I’m sure it did... Wait did they use you as a washing line?”
“It looked wet, so why not?” Jarix responded. Tom cracked a proper smile at that.
“The world's most expensive washing assistant.”
“Yeah… Not exactly the world’s best night fighter, that’s for sure,” Jarix let out with a sigh. “I have never had my ass whopped that hard before.”
“Hey! You don’t get to feel sorry about that. You killed all three of those big bastards. And no one seems to know what they were... I never thought I would need to tell you this but be a little proud of that.” Jarix did perk up a bit at that, not much though.
“I only got two, and the last one would have gotten me I think... But I did tell you, you would be great at getting things off my back, hey. Even if that was not quite how I intended it”
“Can’t argue with that. By the way, have your decades of training to become a perfect killing machine told you what they might be?”
“No, I got nothing. Definitely a foul thing. It must have been able to see me approach to land that hit.”
“Yeah, if it sees like a bat then that thing sees using sound.”
“Wait, what?” Jarix questioned. “Can't they just see well in the dark?”
“Nope, they use their ears. That was no ordinary bat though, that is for damn sure.”
“No it was not… I’ve been thinking. My father said the darklings had a ride they kept falling back to when they attacked him… Do you think we just found what it was?”
Tom had to think about that for a bit. “Fuck, it might be… Is that bad?”
“Yes. Very! That means they have a new way of traveling long distances. That’s never good.” Tom felt Jackalope begin to stir as Jarix talking jostled the two of them around a bit.
“No Tom, you’re not leaving yet, this is nice,” she let out still half asleep, squeezing Tom tighter.
“I think for the Time being we need not worry, we just killed three of them there can’t be more around or they would be everywhere”
Jarix looked rather curiously at their arrangement. “Shouldn’t we worry? This could be very bad, we can't just sit here”
“Not much to do except let the people who can do something about it know. We were supposed to scout not fight. So let’s just worry about that and the kids for now. Besides, you aren't going anywhere in a hurry, right?” Jarix looked rather ashamed as he craned his head to look at this own back, expression turning pained.
“No, I am not.”
“Well then, neither am I and neither is Jacky. Unkai is needed here. And we aren’t sending Zarko alone. Even if Jacky or Unkai could find their way back to the keep… Actually, Jacky is deaf so that would be kinda hard… And Unkai might not even know… Well, that settles it then, we aren’t going anywhere 'till you can fly again.”
“Maybe we could get some of these nice people to fly the message. We were sent by the king remember”
“I mean maybe… perhaps at some point. Are my clothes dry yet?”
“They don’t feel cold anymore, so I guess so.”
Tom squirmed a bit to try and get free but Jackalope simply squeezed tighter. Jarix suppressed a snicker. “Uhh, I guess that’s nice to know. Jacky, I know you’re awake… goddammit.” Tom tried, Jarix starting to giggle properly.
“She’s got you now.”
“Well if you didn't want me to leave I don’t think I could either,” Tom retorted looking up at the dragon. “All joking aside, you did fucking amazing out there. I’m just sorry I couldn’t nail that bastard on your back sooner.”
“That hurt like hell. Also, don’t tell her, but I think Jackalope shot me.”
“Jarix, how bad is lead for a dragon?” Tom questioned.
“Don’t tell me they need to dig it out?”
“I mean they don't need to, but it’s in there now. And it’s made from copper and lead.”
Jarix looked over all the wounds strewn over him. The dragonettes had done a good job of patching most of them up, though several of the bandages were leaking fresh blood.
“I think it’ll stay in. Their healer would be done for 10 times over, trying to fix that mess I guess. So much for looking like a million gold.” Jarix seemed genuinely distraught at that.
“Hey think of it this way. You’re the first dragon ever to be shot with a gun. Have you ever heard the expression ‘Knight in shining armor’ by the way?”
“Yeah, like some young prince who everyone wants.”
“Well, would you look at that, a metaphor that transcends worlds? It actually means a man who has yet to be tested. That is why his armor is shiny. He hasn’t seen battle yet.”
“Couldn’t he just get it fixed and polished?”
“Maybe, but his armor would still carry scars of battle and most will leave them undisturbed as marks of experience. Just like you will now. Congratulations. You’ve been tested and you sure as fuck weren’t found wanting, you magnificent bastard.”
“Does that mean I passed a lesson?” Jarix questioned, seemingly very excited all of a sudden.
“With flying colors. Pun intended, not that I doubted you could fight” Tom joked cracking a smile “There are more to go through. And remember chicks dig scars.”
“Why do I want to impress a young chicken?”
“I guess that one doesn’t translate. Girls, Jarix. Girls love scars… Well some of them at least.”
“Ahhh that makes more sense, my back is gonna look wicked in that case… eventually.”
“Just think of Baron. He looked badass, didn’t he?”
“Sure, but most of those are from epic battles in the history books. He’s so freaking cool. I was told stories about him and the other veterans growing up.”
“You don’t think this one is going in there?”
“It’s just some battle for a keep. That happens all the time.”
‘Well, that is a rather depressing thought…' Tom hadn’t gotten that impression from the others though. “I don’t think you’re right, didn’t you say you had no clue what those bat things were? The first one is always remembered. You might be the first to ever kill one and the first to win a battle against them. First are always remembered.”
Jarix seemed to ponder that for a second before he lit up. “You mean I’m gonna be going in the history books for this?” he replied with genuine excitement in his voice.
“Well it’s possible, don’t you think? Besides if that doesn’t cut it, being the first dragon to carry a gun should damn well do the trick. You didn't even think of that?”
“I just wanted to win... “
“Bravo. That’s how it’s done,” Tom was actually genuinely surprised by that and really rather happy. It was clear this mattered to Jarix. Tom guessed he had been used to big battles with colorful depictions of heroes and their deeds. “You need to win no matter what, because history is written by the victor. I’m willing to bet that most of those stories you have heard aren’t really true. War is always a shit show, but if you win you can claim it wasn’t.”
“That is rather depressing,” Jarix responded.
“You remember what I said a while ago? Glory is your reward for doing terrible deeds, not to mention going through hell, hopefully for a good cause. We did that yesterday. That was all for a good cause, and that can’t be taken from you. So again, congratulations, big blue hero.”
“Well at what point are the two little ‘heroes’ gonna move? I haven't moved a muscle for an hour fearing I might squash you.”
“You are gonna have to take that one up with Jackalope,” Tom replied. He didn’t really want to get up, he was perfectly comfortable here, even if he was wondering how Jackalope wasn’t uncomfortable he was literally sitting in her lap and had been for hours by now. He should probably eat whatever was in that bowl too. It didn’t look particularly appetizing though.
“Why haven't we heard anything yet?” Balethon questioned, between bites of dinner.
“Don’t know, might have stayed a little at Deriva? I would. It’s not often we get to see them, and the Lady there is very kind,” Sapphire replied in a hopeful tone. She was not sure she believed that though.
“They have Jarix with them. He could outrun almost anything,” Maiko replied. “If it was bad news, we would have heard from them by now. Likely this morning actually.”
“Unless they were dumb enough to try and help,” Dakota added in, sounding worried.
“I mean, Zarko follows orders, Unkai would likely be too scared, they won’t listen to Jacky. So that puts it down to Tom and Jarix,” Sapphire replied, thinking that over for a second. “Would Tom risk it?”
“I have no idea. Nunuk said he sounded troubled at the notion of even leaving the keep. But dammit if he is one to look the other way,” Dakota answered again before looking to Maiko. “What about Jarix?”
“Oh, he would for sure, but isn’t that what Tom had been trying to teach him not to do? Besides, I think he would listen to Zarko on that front. That and he has orders to follow, from the king no less.” Maiko certainly didn’t seem worried.
“Tom won’t give a shit about those orders though,” Sapphire stated plainly, scoring a double take from Maiko. “But he might decide to play hero, and with Jacky along… And Jarix possibly looking for an excuse...” ‘Fuck they might actually do it,’ Sapphire concluded to herself as she looked around at the others. “What would we do if they tried to help?”
“Not much we can do. We’re stuck here for the time being,” Dakota replied, looking like she had already arrived at Sapphire’s conclusion.
“Well if they don’t return… We would be launching an investigative force,” Maiko replied, clearly not pleased with that notion. “If they engaged, though, there is a good chance they are licking their wounds. I wouldn’t be concerned yet. As I said, Jarix is damn near the fastest flyer around these days. If you don’t need to go too far.”
“So they saw a keep in trouble, lent a hand, then ran away to lick their wounds. Or, they went in, won the battle, and are celebrating merrily with the people they saved. Sounds good to me. As long as too many didn't get hurt,” Balethon added, mouth half full of food. “How long until you send someone to mop up what’s left?”
“Oh, I don’t know. A few days... Maybe a week,” Maiko replied dismissively.
“I say we worry about it then, hey? Besides, as you said, we can’t do anything about it,” Balethon continued, while still eating. “I think we need to be more concerned with the people who might just be trying to kill us.”
Sapphire didn't really like this. In most of the situations they talked about, people would likely get hurt and it might well be someone she cared about. Tom was a good friend, sure. But she had known Jackalope for many years; she might be her closest friend in fact, despite their rivalry. “They better be fine. I've been doing too much praying as of late, and it doesn't seem to be working. I think it’s about time it does”
“Isn’t that something to do with only praying when you need something?” Balethon questioned.
“Well what should I pray for then? That someone got hurt or worse?” Sapphire replied in a rather annoyed tone.
“I think you need to give thanks for what you got. Not done much praying though,” he responded.
“Okay so. Dear Lotek, thank you for our safe journey here. Would you please ask Ishan not to take my friend from me?”
“Don’t say things like that, Everyone is fine. I’m sure.” Dakota demanded, sounding like she needed to convince herself just as much as the others. “Besides, even if they did decide to help a keep, they have both Tom and a damn dragon of the Royal Guard. What exactly survives that?” She didn’t sound entirely convinced of that statement either though. Even if it was one hell of an argument.
“Sorry. I’m just worried, okay?” Sapphire apologized.
“Let’s just give a prayer for everyone to get home safe tonight, and then worry about the things we can do something about.” Maiko interjected, clearly trying to ease things a bit.
When they had made it to bed, Dakota had a chat with Nunuk about what had happened. Even if there wasn’t much to report beyond Trewor. Crucially though, no news from the keep. Everything was as it should be apart from no Jarix and crew.
“Do you think this Trewor guy gonna stab us in the back?” Sapphire questioned after giving Dakota a second to catch her breath after the experience.
“I think he is too scared to try and double-cross us. He wants to live. That was damn clever of Maiko, I damn near believed it myself.”
“Yeah, the guy has a knack for this kind of thing it seems. I’m starting to see why Hashaw sent him. Besides just not wanting him around. And it was brilliant about the weapons. Even if Trewor does betray us, the bitch is gonna be scared shitless anyway.”
“She sure is,” Dakota replied with an evil grin.
So then. The girls in the big city are hitting back, Jacky is doing her best to help her stressed to shit boyfriend and Jarix might have gotten a childhood wish fulfilled. Did you enjoy the chapter if so do let me know down below. Alternatively, let me know just how badly I fucked up.
Until next time Have an awesome day.
ko-fi For having a pretty picture commissioned.
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submitted by Tigra21 to HFY [link] [comments]

Warren BAffett

For those of you who were here prior to GMExplosion you might remember Warren Buffett was accumulating shares in a company last quarter which he kept secret. The last time he has done this was in 2015. By my calculations of his historic fillings, he will be releasing his 13F on Monday (deadline is Tuesday, not sure how market closed affects it) and it should reveal the company.
I've kept my ears to the ground and while there were a lot of theories, the only rumour I've heard from a reputable source was Boeing (the source being @deitaone, which publishes Bloomerg terminal updates).
Now if you put 2 and 2 together, what do you get? A good opportunity for a yolo.
15x BA 2/19 230c
20x BA 2/19 250c
15x BA 2/26 250c
Note for the new-comers: this is a highly risky play that will probably return a loss. Don't bet your house on it.
submitted by alphabluepiller to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

F2P-focused Summon Guide 4.0

Happy 2nd anniversary, everyone! Now that we have our first global-first character in Melissa, AS Tiramisu has released on the JP version, and we're getting close to the final few banners that my last guide managed to cover, its time I come out of my winter hibernation to make another one of these.
I should mention that, while these guides were always inherently very opinionated, that might be even more the case this time, because the guides I used as a sort of second opinion to bounce my impressions off of have sadly yet to update past Mistrare. As such, my main sources this time are limited to the unofficial wiki as well as altema.
Also, like last time, I will omit the whole spiel on normal banners vs. AS banners, general summon behavior, etc. for the sake of keeping this guide short and concise. However, if you're new, and you wanna know what I'm talking about, here is a link to my 2.0 guide.

So, lets address how these ratings work.
The ratings work the same as always in that the banners are rated under the assumption that you're an F2P-player who has none of the featured units. They're also sorted in the expected chronological release order, but if the whole thing with Yipha has shown us anything, its that WFS can throw us a curve ball any time they want. Its also still true that, due to ever-increasing powercreep, modern review-culture does not apply here: Instead of a 7/10 being average like you often see with videogame or movie reviews, a 5/10 represents a banner of average quality in this guide. This is so that, with all these powerful new units, my ratings don't turn into nothing but 9.5 and 10/10s, which would make rating them in the first place pointless.
With all that out of the way, lets get to the actual ratings (aka from here, there be spoilers!):
EDIT: Thanks to u_sdw4527, it was brought to my attention that I have missed some banners. I have now added them at the end of the guide.

So, turns out I missed the new years banners that JP got. Last time JP got new years banners, we did eventually get them as well considerably later, but since we don't know when they'll come out for us, I'm gonna put their ratings down here at the bottom.

submitted by TheMike0088 to AnotherEdenGlobal [link] [comments]

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