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[This Quest is Bullshit] - Chapter 74: Enter the Arena

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“Welcome, one and all, to the one-hundred-ninety-seventh annual Proving Grounds! As our queen’s Minister of Public Affairs, I am incredibly proud to present my sixth year organizing this prestigious event. This tournament goes back…”
Eve tuned the posh man out, turning left to ask Preston across the empty seat between them, “When’s the fighting start?”
The healer shrugged. “Whenever he’s done with his speech. Not sure why we need all the pomp for day one.”
Eve had to agree. From her vantage high up in the coliseum seating, the overwhelmingly empty bleachers spoke to the unimportance of the early rounds, at least as far as spectators were concerned.
There was a smattering of viewers, predominantly friends and family of the competitors, scattered about the stands, as well as a few higher level individuals that Eve assumed represented the less-successful mercenary groups, but she wouldn’t be impressing much of anyone that day. Hells, the Dragonwrought probably wouldn’t show up until the finals.
A few bookies wandered the sparse crowds, offering bets on the first fight of the day, but few accepted. They hadn’t even seen the fighters yet.
The long-winded speech continued, “As we wind up for the first bout, I’d like to again thank her holiness Archbishop Callandria for her pivotal role today and throughout the tournament.” A gray-haired woman in priestess robes of gold-lined white and a fancy hat stood and nodded. Eve didn’t need to Appraise her to know her class or that her level would only show as question marks.
The minister spoke on. “Without her Cheat Death, we couldn’t hope to present to you all the spectacle that has become so core to Pyrindel’s…”
Where’s Wes? Art’s sending drowned out the emcee’s prattling.
Preston patted the hatchling—who unlike Reginald could pass as vaguely human with a loose-fitting cloak and hood—on the head. “He’s down there.” The Caretaker pointed at one of the dark archways leading into the bowels of the coliseum. “He’ll come out when it’s his turn to fight.”
The buzz of chatter around the arena faded as the announcer finished his speech. “And without further ado, I’d like to welcome out our first competitors! From Pyrindel, a level fifty-six Geomancer, Peter Shind!”
Two people on the far side of the coliseum that Eve could only take to be the man’s parents broke out into cheers and applause while the aforementioned Geomancer stepped out onto the sand.
“From Barrowsted, a level fifty-two Sword Dancer, Priya Estellian!”
Eve had never heard of Barrowsted, and apparently neither had any of the other spectators, as not a single person cheered for the leather clad Sword Dancer. Even so, the stands became a flurry of activity as audience members clambered to place their bets before the fighting started. Unfortunately for Eve, none of the bookies were near enough for her to make her pick.
“Contestants! You may begin!”
Peter got a spell off before Priya could even take a step. With a wave of his hand, a dozen fist-sized stones broke away from the arena floor, rising to the air.
Priya dashed forward.
Peter fired. All at once the stone projectiles shot through the air, homing in on the changing swordswoman.
She sidestepped them all.
The Geomancer was ready though, and another barrage soon followed, each rock’s path curving differently to obscure their destination.
Priya drew her first sword. With a flash of enchanted steel and a cascade of sparks, she swung, knocking the stones away.
Eve watched wide-eyed as the shrapnel flew through the air, her mind not even computing its path until Preston leapt to his feet. In a display of reaction that put her to shame, the Caretaker threw up a barrier of golden light, his Ayla’s Ward ready to intercept the wayward projectile.
It never did.
The air before them shimmered and the stone crumbled as it struck an invisible barricade. Preston lowered his ward. He blushed. “Right,” he sheepishly muttered, “arena’s enchanted for that.”
Eve reached across Wes’s empty seat to patronizingly pat him on the back. “It’s alright. At least you did something. I was about to just sit and watch that rock kill me.”
A flash of golden light pulled Eve’s attention back to the fight just in time to watch Peter Shind collapse to the ground. Priya stood over him, one sword bloodied and another still in its sheath.
“Victor: Priya Estellian!”
“She looks strong.” Eve watched as a pair of healers rushed out to stabilize the fallen Geomancer. Cheat Death might’ve kept his head attached to his shoulders, but it sure as hells didn’t stop the bleeding.
“They’re all strong,” Preston replied. “It’s a tournament for tier 4s and high-rarity tier 3s.”
For his part, Art was too busy furiously clapping his taloned hands as the Sword Dancer took a bow and vacated the arena. Who’s next?
Next, as it turned out, were two plate-wearing juggernauts that spent the better part of an hour bashing their shields against each other until one finally ran out of Stamina. Eve paid the dull exchange little heed, though she did make a note of the victor’s name just in case he managed something more impressive in the later rounds. The party did need a new tank, after all.
Not even Art offered much in the way of applause as the second bout ended, though that changed promptly as the emcee announced a certain Disciple of the Devouring Flame from Nowherested. While the hatchling and Preston cheered in support of their friend, Eve looked over the archer he found himself up against.
“How much you wanna bet that Wes takes an arrow to the face?”
Preston shrugged. “Five silver?”
“Done.” Eve shook his hand.
“Contestants! You may begin!”
The archer nocked an arrow.
Wes erupted in flames. The mage himself became a living inferno as he activated Forged in Flames. He stepped forward. Around him the sand itself caught fire, the blaze creeping outward first in inches, then in feet.
With his second spell, Wes expanded the firestorm around him, spreading the cloak into a massive wall. With her sharp eyes, Eve could just make out his silhouette moving within the flames. As the first arrow flew wide, it became clear that Wes’s opponent couldn’t.
Eve had to admit it was a wise strategy. His Flame Jet couldn’t out-speed a well-aimed Huntsman’s Arrow, so it made sense to hide his position and let the inexorable blaze do its work.
And work it did.
The archer fired shot after shot as he desperately backpedalled from the spreading flames, slowly running out of places to run. Eve watched with a grin as one random arrow flew but inches from Wes’s shoulder, but the Disciple fought on.
It wasn’t until Eve herself felt the heat of the blaze kiss her skin that she noticed the tournament official frantically waving both arms at the emcee.
“Halt!” The air boomed with the minister’s shout. “Competitors, lay down your arms!” The archer dropped his bow.
The fire spread on, carefully climbing the walls of the coliseum. “I said halt!”
All at once the flames vanished, revealing Wes where he stood in the arena’s center. “Did I win?”
“Contestant Wesley Rollund is hereby disqualified for, and I can’t believe I’m about to say this, burning the wards.”
“I’m what?” Wes outburst.
In his customary nasally tone, the emcee explained. “Forces beyond our ability to protect the crowd are disallowed in all tournament matches. How a tier 3 came into possession of such is another question. Yern Binne is the victor by default.”
The crowd gaped. Art applauded. Eve dug out five silver from her pocket, paying Preston his winnings.
“Thank you, thank you,” the Caretaker accepted the coins. “Better luck next time.”
“That’s okay,” Eve said, “I can always shoot him myself if I get the urge.”
Only once the enchanters finished repairing Wes’s damage and the next bout was underway did the fire mage emerge into the stands, climbing his way up the stone steps to take his seat between Eve and Preston. “Well, it’s not quite the crushing win I was hoping for, but I’m sure it’ll impress the mercenary companies.”
“You mean all three of them that actually showed up today?” Eve needled him. “I’m sure the bottom-feeders were very impressed.”
Wes shrugged. “Word’ll get around. It’s not often they disqualify someone for being too powerful.”
“Maybe next time you should attack your opponent instead of the wards,” Eve snapped back.
“Speaking of,” Preston interrupted as the bout in front of them ended with a brutal ice bolt to the chest, “aren’t you up soon?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Eve pushed herself to her feet. “It’s not like I have much prep to do.” She gestured over herself, emphasizing that she already wore her armor.
“You should still get down there,” Wes said. “Those tunnels are a damned maze.”
“Alright, damn,” Eve replied, turning to leave the stands. “It’s not like I’m gonna get lost.”
Eve got lost.
After losing some twenty minutes running back and forth down the twisting passages beneath the arena, the Defiant found herself standing in the same archway as her opponent, a brooding berserker-type with more muscles than charisma.
“Whoops, wrong entrance,” she said, “guess I got turned around.”
He grunted at her.
Just as Eve moved to again start searching for her entrance, the emcee’s voice echoed in from outside. “First we have… hmmm… a level fifty-one Emissary from New Burendia, Evelia Greene!”
“Shit—um—sorry,” Eve muttered, running past the dark figure and out into the arena. Her face flushed red as she dashed across the sands to take her place on the opposite side.
“She’ll be facing one of our tournament favorites, a level sixty-three Hewer of Bones from the Salfdir Clan, Roric Ironarm!”
Eve got her first look at her opponent as he stepped into the sunlit arena. He stood six and a half feet tall and what must’ve been nearly three hundred pounds of pure muscle. Eve could tell because from the waist up, every inch of that muscle was exposed to the open air. In each hand he carried a single-edged axe, both of which showed the marks of countless battles fought and won.
He’s perfect. High level tournament favorite or otherwise, Eve couldn’t have asked for a better matchup. Her griffin-bone club outranged his one-handed axes, and she doubted a Hewer of Bones had any good ways to stop her Defiant Charge. She readied her weapon.
“Contestants! You may begin!”
Eve Jetted forward, activating Charge and Mana Rush at the same moment. I may as well end this quick, she thought to herself.
Roric did the same, dashing forth to meet her head on. He pulled back his axes for a brutal two-handed strike.
But Eve’s club was longer, and she made the first attack.
Her heart raced as the griffin-bone swung through the air, her muscles only holding up to their own immense Strength thanks to the Constitution bonus from Defiant Charge. It was exhilarating. Even here, without the direct threat of a painful death, adrenaline pumped through Eve’s veins.
Her attack flew true, the flared tip of the huge bone shooting towards Roric’s head at an unfathomable speed.
Until it wasn’t.
The blow stopped short, striking an impenetrable barricade of golden light. The rebound sent Eve’s club flying from her grasp. For a moment she froze, staring forward in abject terror before she realized her opponent was just as shocked as she was.
It wasn’t the announcer’s posh voice which broke the silence, but the wizened one of a particular Archbishop. “She wins,” the elderly priestess’s words echoed across the arena. “Evelia Greene is the victor.”
“Ramtshit!” Roric bellowed. “That wasn’t Cheat Death.”
Cheat Death wouldn’t have saved you. Not against that.”
“That’s ramtshit!” The berserker repeated. “Let me fight!”
The Archbishop didn’t reply, simply turning to whisper something into the ear of one of her aides. Said aide carried the message on to the announcer.
With wide eyes and barely noticeable quiver to his tone, the minister addressed the crowd. “Archbishop Callandria has been kind enough to bestow a Divine Intervention to halt an attack that would’ve overcome even Cheat Death. Evelia Greene is the victor.”
Roric raged. “You didn’t even let me fight! I demand a rematch.”
“Roric Ironarm,” the announcer continued, “is eliminated.”
From there, the over-muscled brawler engaged in a shouting match with the tournament organizer. Eve, meanwhile, took the opportunity to collect her club from where it’d fallen and vacate the arena. Berserkers had a penchant for getting angry, after all, and easy as her win had come, she’d prefer not to fight him again without the protection of Cheat Death.
She re-navigated the maze of tunnels with a sly grin. Sure, she had a pissed-off Hewer of Bones to worry about, but Eve couldn’t have asked for a more decisive victory. An Emissary beating a tournament favorite so bad the Archbishop herself had to intervene made for two hells of a story. If her goal was to impress the mercenary companies, this was a damned good first step.
And she still had an entire tournament left.
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The Burden of Power

That’s all he saw.
All he felt.
All he knew.
It must have been significant more chakra than he had used in the bridge in wave. Or maybe it was the Adrenaline or the anger. He had been close to passing out then, but held it together.
This time though, there was no adrenaline. No anger, no anything. All that he felt, all that he knew, was fire.
Jiraiya watched in morbid fascination as his godson literally broke and reformed, slowly, over seconds and then minutes, into a horrible beast of burden.
It was four days ago that Naruto had finally drawn the kyuubi’s chakra consciously. Not bad for only being a week in to this month long training period before the finals.
It had left the small blonde weak for a few hours afterward, but he had held and maintained 1 tail of chakra for nearly 5 minutes. Yesterday they tested the form out. The results where honestly quite exceptional.
The boy, contrary to popular belief, really was quite average for a genin in the finals of the chunin exams. His shadow clones helped massively, but in the end, one of the exceptional genin would have beat him in the end. While Naruto had miles of talent and exceptional drive, he simply didn’t have the tools.
With one tail of the kyuubis chakra, the blonde could have whipped the floor with most of the genin in the tournament.
The hope was that with two tails, he could be a back up for if Rasa’s little demon child got out of hand.
Now though, Jiraiya was observing very closely.
With one tail, there were little changes. Longer teeth, pointed finger nails, hair got a little more unruly.
The moment he grabbed at two tails though, the manifestations started. The chakra cloak started to actually lift him off the ground, the red chakra around his feet so dense that one could see the gap between the smooshed grass and the bottom of his sandal. The bones in his hands and feet started to crack and snap, causing chilling sounds to fill the clearing as the blonde boy, who seemed to complain most of the time, to grit his teeth and grunt the pain away.
Until the creaking started in his legs and arm.
Now he laid on the ground in utter agony, screaming at the top of his lungs and thrashing around.
Now, why didn’t jiraiya, a legendary seal master and ninja in his own right, refuse to do anything?
Because unlike most people in the world, he’d seen a jinchuriki use this much power before.
4 of them in fact. Han and Roshi, Killer bee, and the previous host of the Nanabi. And none of them reacted like this at 2 tails worth of chakra.
None of them were releasing this much pure power though, either.
As the wails of agony died down, Naruto’s breathing steadied out, no longer panicked gasps and explosive screams, now just a deep, heavy cycle of air filling and leaving his lungs.
The boy stood, a mad grin on his face, as he looked to Jiraiya. “Pervy sage... this feels... reeeeaaallllly goooooooood!”
The boy flexed, standing up straight as muscles and joints creaked and groaned under the dense power flowing throughout his body.
Low jonin. That’s about how fast the swipe at the sannins face happened. Jiraiya of course effortlessly dodge the strike, but saw the crippling change in the boys hand, the bones nearly sticking out of the taught skin. Whatever happened to his bones and muscles, apparently didn’t affect the skin. Now watching the boy move, he saw that is looked like his clothes were rather tight and restricting his movement. Likely, his very skin was too.
Jiraiya swatted the next attack away, finding it amazing that the power behind the kick was similar to his spars with Kakashi.
But his mentality and decision making suffered greatly. With one tail Naruto was more aggressive, but he still planned out attacks and found ways around his limitations. With two tails, Naruto was just attacking, relentlessly.
“Alright, that’s enough. Let’s get you use to this level of chakra. Start jogging.” Commanded Jiraiya as he pointed to the edge of the clearing.
Naruto growled in response and fell into a sloppy stance, only for Jiraiya to kick him in the arm and launch him through several trees. When Naruto finally stood up, Jiraiya was standing in front of him, seemingly amused by his student. “Kid, I’m not the strongest ninja in the village for nothing. Even if you could use all nine tails, I’d still win. Now cmon, we gotta see how long you can maintain and control this form, start jogging.”
Naruto reluctantly nodded and jogged around the clearing for about five minutes before the chakra cloak failed and he dropped to the ground like a sack of hammers.
Jiraiya stood and watched from afar for a few more minutes. Usually when Naruto passes out while using the kyuubi chakra, he’s awake and in pain, but moving inside of five minutes.
As it stretches to ten, then twenty minutes, he notices that the blond has been subtly shifting for the last ten, but he wasn’t conscious. When Jiraiya picked him up, he found Naruto was much lighter, and very taut.
The shifting he was feeling seemed to be the muscles spasming.
Jiraiya applied a smelling salt, but when Naruto didn’t wake up, he knew something had gone wrong.
-hospital, three hours later-
“These exams will be enough of a headache without you trying to kill one of the entrants, Jiraiya...” Hiruzen stated as he closed the door and pulled the shades to the observation room, quickly applying a silencing jutsu. “What’s the verdict? Two days ago he had adapted to using one tail of manifestation and now he is left comatose after a few minutes with two tails?”
Jiraiya looked up from his scroll with a shrug and spun it around, letting Hiruzen read it more easily. “Doctor says every muscle and bone in his body suffered severe stress and rapid growth in quick succession. His body fat percentage was dangerously low. He was accusing me of using the Akamchi training technique... apparently, Narutos body utilizes the kyuubi chakra different than Kushinas did.”
“So these changes in Naruto are permanent?” Hiruzen stated in a questioning tone as he finished reading the scroll. “Would that mean that every time he uses more chakra-“
“I don’t know. So far his bones have grown on average three percent since he was here last, then they shrunk one percent as the chakra left his system. Bones don’t like to shrink. Luckily, that healing factor of his seems to be mending him already. He’s on course to fully recover by the finals.”
“He’s grown nearly two inches in height Jiraiya. He won’t be able to move properly.”
“Which is why the second he’s cleared, we are gonna start using that method to catch him back up.” The Sannin stated as he leaned back in his chair.
“Absolutely not. That method is banned and all records of it have been erased, I’ll take it to my grave and we will not damage another like Maybo was with that method.” Stated Hiruzen as he stared into Jiraiya eyes.
“Maybo was a civilian with large reserves and zero talent. Naruto has monstrous reserves with unlimited talent and a demon in him that heals everything. I’ll start small, two clones, one hour, and teach him to meditate. It will be the only way he will be ready-“
“I said no. Run him into the ground with taijutsu and conditioning. He has the toughest path in the finals as it is, it won’t help if you turn his brain into mush.”
-2 days later, hospital room-
It was a very somber mood in the room as Jiraiya returned. He ignored the emotions rolling off the blonde, sitting up in the hospital bed and looked at his lap. Jiraiya took his spot in the chair and let Naruto soak for a bit longer.
He had told Naruto the damage from using two tails. He’d be cleared later that day, but Jiraiya wasn’t one of the worlds greatest teachers for nothing. Naruto’s rapid physical change hadn’t been expected, but that didn’t lesson the problems it would give his coordination and balance.
He was still mostly skin and bones as well. The hospital had been pumping him full of as many vitamins and minerals as they could, as well as nearly pure fat calories, just to refill the reserves he had burnt through to lessen the stress on his body.
“It’s good you learn this lesson now.” Naruto looked at the sage quizzically. Jiraiya seemed to have a very serious demeanor about him. “It’s tough rehabbing from injuries Naruto. You are lucky that you never have had to. It’s a test of your mettle to rehab. To know you’ve lost a step and push yourself to your limits just to get back to where you had been before. There is a reason most Ninja plateau, and it doesn’t have much more to do with natural talent as it does with drive.”
Naruto nodded, but the sage could tell he wasn’t really understanding his lesson. Jiraiya waited a moment before he continued. “You seem to be quite attached to Sarutobi Sensei. Has he ever told you the origin of the Will of Fire?”
-2 weeks later, Stadium-
Neji stood triumphant over the beaten body of Naruto, his breaths coming in quick pants and his finger tips burnt from using the juken at such a massive level, but he did it. He closed every single one of the idiot blonds chakra points. “Now you see... once a failure... always a failure...”
To his, and everyone else’s astonishment, Naruto popped up and stretched out his back.
The blonde boy was now almost three inches taller than he had been at the preliminaries, and while he was covered in bruises and had an eye that was nearly swollen shut, he didn’t seem to be in any pain. After all, being awake while your entire body is stretched and broken tends to dull the pain threshold.
His bulky jacket laid on the other side of the field, one of his tricks to get in close to neji, where he swapped places with the jacket on a clone and clobbered the hyuuga with a massive punch.
“You talk a lot, but you don’t say much.” Stated Naruto as he stumbled a bit. “Though that chakra poke thing is really nasty. I’ll have to avoid it next time.”
“While it is fascinating to see another genin strong enough to move with all his chakra points closed, this is over. Your clones and childish tricks are useless now. Surrender, or I will kill you.” Stated neji, sounding far more confidant that he had any right to be.
For nearly 30 minutes now he had beat the ever loving shit out of the blonde, and while his body was decorated with burst blood vessels and massive bruises, he still seemed perfectly fine.
No amount of damage had slowed him down until neji finally managed to close the last damned chakra point.
“Kill me? Why would you want to do that? Wait why did you try and kill your cousin again?” The crowd gasped at the statement.
“You refuse to back down when it is clear you have lost. In the ninja world, that is tantamount to death. It makes no difference if you learn that here or out there.” Neji stated as he dropped back into the odd stance from before. “8 trigrams:Sixtyfo-“
Neji was bouncing along the ground, until he came to a stop about twent feet away, the left side of his head felt like it had touched the right side of his head, and the arena was sideways for some reason.
His still active byakugan spotted red, vile chakra poring out of the blonde, a grinning fox head roaring to life near his navel. Neji did his best to stand, only to realize he had lost sight of the blonde. Thinking quickly, he spun himself into a Rotation.
The satisfaction of the object bouncing off the spinning sphere of chakra was short lived as he suddenly ground to a halt, his jutsu dissipating as an arm had pierced through it, latching on to him.
While the byakugan usually took color away to allow the user to see chakra, he could very clearly see his opponents red, slitted eyes staring a hole through his head. A quick swing of the offending limb sent neji back to the ground, where he found it impossible to move as several clones latched onto his limbs.
“Fate declared you the victor, that’s what you said when we started, right?” Neji tried shaking his head to clear his vision, but a quick glimpse at the arm that had stopped his rotation told him all he needed to know.
Skin had been ripped off and was healing right before his, and the rest of the arena’s, eyes.
The bruises and other damage on his body was slowly fading.
His eyes were growing red with chakra.
“What the hell are you?!” Neji bit out as his opponent let him get to his feet, the clones disappearing in a show of chakra smoke.
“A failure, according to you. Isn’t that right? I was fated to lose today, maybe I’m a loser? Hell I couldn’t make clones in the academy, it’s why I failed both early graduation exams.” Naruto laughed and cracked his back, letting the red chakra fade away. An embattled look crosses Neji’s face as he watched his opponent seemingly heal before his eyes.
“Like it? I call it Uzumaki Heavenly Body: Restoration. Already classified as a Kinjutsu according to my sensei. I super heat my blood and fat with chakra and it vaporizes, flooding my body with minerals, proteins and oxygen. Heals me from any physical injury pretty damn quick, leaves me pretty weak afterwards though. Ani-enim-i don’t know, doctor called it some thing.” He said with a somewhat confused grin on his face. The truth was that it was just kyuubis chakra, but Jiraiya has helped him come up with a reason to say when people asked why was going on with the red chakra.
Neji just looked at him in horror, he was literally cooking himself to heal himself? It was barbaric! The red chakra he saw... was blood and chakra mixed?
Neji took a step back and shook his head. “What a pointless jutsu! It’s killing you just so you can fight a little longer!”
“That’s what it means to be a ninja, Neji. To give your blood, sweat, tears, life, all in hopes of giving your comrades and the next generation just a few more seconds of peace. To give everything that you are to a cause greater than you will ever be.” Naruto said, for once completely serious. “Kinjutsu weren’t created to be the best option in a spar. Kinjutsu are created and used to be an ace in the hole in a life and death battle. For when you know youre gonna die without ever seeing the ones you love again, when you bet it all and lost.”
The arena was completely silent. Most of the crowd was made up of civilians and other genin, clans and rich buisnessmen, world leaders and their staffs.
To hear it the reality of the ninja life cycle in such a stark, no-nonsense way, from the dropout idiot dead last loser of the latest academy year, was off putting to most, though endearing and inspiration to the true ninja in the audience.
“And that’s why you’re the failure Neji. For all your clan pride, all your talk of fate, all your claims of superiority, you can’t even wrap your head around giving your life for another.” It was a sharp slap in the face to the hyuuga, clan and Neji respectfully, to hear it so blatantly.
“My very first mission outside this village, I should have died. Countless times. I was poisoned by rouge ninja thirty miles from our main gate. I fell from heights that would splatter a normal civilian. I fought ninja that outclassed me and my teammates so much that it wasn’t even funny. I nearly killed a person I’d come to see as a friend, my teammate almost sacrificed their life for me, because he moved before he even thought that it would cost him his life. We freed an entire nation from the tyrannical midget that had killed everyone who defied him.” Naruto took a deep breath.
“Do you have any idea what it feels like to have someone you love like family throw their life away to save yours? I’ll never forget it. And it’s because of that, I’ll never let it happen again.” His voice was rising now, his chakra picking up, whisps of blue flickering visibly around him, dust from the field kicking up in small puffs of cover. “That’s why I’m gonna win Neji! That’s why I’m going to walk out of here today as the champion! I have too much to do in this life to hit a roadblock here! I won’t lose again until I can protect every single one of those people, those values, those places that I hold dear!”
A massive roar of applause ripped through the arena, children, adults, elderly, civilian and ninja alike were on their feet after naruto’s speech, and the cheering only got louder as blue chakra ripped through the air around the blonde, seemingly making him larger than life as he bolted directly though Neji, who was now imbedded in the stadium wall that had been nearly forty feet behind him, Naruto punishing him deeper into the wall with a shower of blue chakra.
Naruto took a few steps back and let Neji down gently to the ground, laying him on his back and showing that he was out cold. He muttered something to the genius hyuuga and began walking back to the stairs of the entrance.
“Winner of the first round, Naruto Uzumaki of Konoha!”
The cheering grew to a new octave, then another as he started waving his arms up, signaling the crowd to cheer even more vigorously.
In a moment of sheer brilliance, Naruto created a few dozen clones and they dug a message into the earth of the stadium floor.
After what felt like an eternity, Genma called out the next match.
But to the crowd, they could almost care less.
Because that day, at that moment, they could claim they saw the birth of the legend.
Naruto, the Living Will of Fire.

“What are the losses?”
“Six genin, twenty-one civilians, thirty five Chunin and seven Jonin.” Stated Danzo as he looked at his fellow elders, all that remained of tobirama’s disciples now that Hiruzen was gone.
“I can’t even imagine how bad it would have been If Uzumaki hadn’t whipped up the patriotism to near record heights.” Koharu had never been a fan of the boy. Far too much wasted potential and acted too much like his mother for anyone’s good. Now though, he was the villages saving grace. “I shutter to even think what would have happened if those four hadn’t pushed Shukaku out of the village and defeated him... mere genin...”
“Not for long. Once a new Hokage is selected I serious doubt, Aburame, Nara, Uzumaki or Uchiha will be genin any longer.” Stated Danzo tactfully.
Hamura had been rather quiet. The other two would simply contribute it to the loss of Hiruzen, who gave his life literally to fix his biggest mistake, by killing orochimaru. But no, that was not the reason he had been quiet. As hiruzen’s political advisor, Danzo being the military advisor and Koharu being the economic advisor, it was mostly his job to find a new Hokage.
And he didn’t like what he kept realizing.
“In one day, two battles, he went from the joke of the elemental nations and the dead last genin, to one of the most respected and powerful chunin we have in our village.” He finally spoke, getting the elders attention.
“We knew the boy would be powerful, his lineage almost guaranties it. But to con the entire world and all its spies into thinking he was talentless, then beat one of the villages top taijutsu users in hand to had combat, show moves even a seasoned chunin would struggle with, and take down a fully released jinchuuriki...”
Hamura sat back, taking a long drag off his cigarette. “I don’t know who is going to like it, but when the daimyo’s court arrives, I will be nominating Uzumaki. They are even calling him the Living Will of Fire.”
Koharu looked at her long time partner in shock, Danzo simply grunted.
“The boy is a weapon. You don’t lock weapons behind desks.” Stated Danzo, though it strangely didn’t sound like a dismissal. “He also has zero political acumen, no experience leading troops, his mission experience, while astounding for a fresh genin, is no track record of greatness.”
“I must agree with Danzo. This village needs a figure that the people trust right now. We have a plethora of candidates. We can’t just put a genin in charge, powerful or not.” Added Koharu.
“Why elect a hokage this very moment who won’t last five years?” They collectively turned towards the door to the hidden meeting room to see Anbu Commander Dragon. “Have you walked the streets? Have you heard the jesters? Have you seen the mission requested? It’s been four days since My father Died, and who’s name is being used as his in the streets? Who’s name is being called in the bars? Who’s name and new title is rife in mission requests?”
He removed his mask, revealing the brutal and scarred face of Hashi Sarutobi, Hiruzen’s oldest child and current Head anbu commander, technically the highest military position currently in the village.
“Hello Chimp, always a pleasure.” Laughed Koharu, Hashi had been her favorite, ever since he was a mere boy, crowding his fathers feet.
“Why would a new Hokage only last five years?” Danzo would humor the man, who thankfully took after his mother far more than his Father.
“We all know. Just like with Minato, the charm around Naruto will not wain as he grows. I didn’t understand the reason Father stepped down when he did, but there was no doubt minato had been ready then. Now I’m seeing it all again. Naruto has done the same thing the fourth had. Given a gutted and disheartened people something, someone, to rally around at their lowest hour.”
It didn’t need to be said, they all knew. Hiruzen hadn’t retired by choice when Minato became Hokage, though he was at peace with it. It’s why he had so readily returned when Minato gave himself for the village.
Even if it was someone like Tsunade or Jiraiya, the murmurs would start within the first few years. Legends they were, but legends were plentiful in Konoha. The first murmers would be for Kakashi or perhaps Asuma. Then for either Sasuke or Naruto.
“We’d almost be better off just not electing anyone and running the village ourselves for now. Maybe run a semi open competition for the position.” Muttered Hamura humorously.
“...That... is not a bad idea.”
submitted by Lazymanproductions to NarutoFanfiction [link] [comments]

[The Extramundane Emancipation of Geela, Evil Sorceress at Large] --- Chapter 62: I Want To Play A Game

Synopsis: After hoodwinking Darkos, a holy priest, into escorting her back to her castle, Dark Enchantress Geela has one item left on her list: revenge on her ex-husband. With a confused Darkos in tow, she sets out. However, Geela isn't the only one with secrets. And Barney isn't the only old enemy who's about to get a visit.
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Jane peered through the dim light of the bar at Geela. It took the dim-witted woman far too long to recognize the delicate woman with bright green eyes and an abundance of golden locks. When she did, however, her eyes brightened, even as her shoulders slumped.
“Miss Geela! You’ve come to rescue your poor, wretched servant.” Jane’s lips twisted into a sad arc. “I messed up most terribly. I wanted a drink but didn’t have the two copper I needed, so I bet three years of hard labor against a bag of copper in a card game. But it wasn’t the game I thought it was.” Her face drooped further til it looked like it was about to melt off. “It was very complicated and they didn’t tell me the rules so Iost really badly.”
Huh. Geela didn’t have a single thing to say to this. She had nothing, absolutely nothing, that would convey how she felt about this.
Instead, she turned to Darkos. “Undo her bonds. We’re leaving.”
“Ah ah ah, stop right there little lady.” This warning came from the man who owned the belt loop, and apparently Jane. He caught Darkos tugging on the rope and stood up to face the two. He was a good foot taller than Darkos and probably weighed the two of them put together.
“She works for me now.” He yanked the rope and Jane fell to the ground, far more dramatically than she needed to. Even the man looked concerned for a second before looking back up to Geela. “You’ll be needing to pay up three years worth of labor to get her back.”
Geela scoffed. “She’s worth that much to you? What kind of hard labor do you want from a failed smuggler and a bad alchemist.”
“Money’s tight since the Blackheart sunk,” he said. All around them, the table had quieted as more tuned into the conversation between an utter mountain of a man and a woman who barely broke five feet. “We take what we can get.”
The Blackheart was a well known enough ship name that even Geela, who rarely dealt with affairs of the ocean, recognized it. A fabled pirate ship, the kind that scourged seas and pillaged ports and stuff like that. Now Geela understood this man and his ilk a bit better. Any pirate caught in the city was liable to have any property of their removed before being kicked from the city.
“Blackheart?” Geela raised an eyebrow about a quarter of an inch. Curious, not concerned. “The owners of this establishment know they’ve got a little pirate infestation?”
“Not so little,” said a voice from behind her. Geela turned to find the entire room had gone more or less silent as they all stared at her. “Blackheart was a big ship,” the woman’s raspy voice continued. “Lotta people worked on her before she ate it in the harbor. Damned enforcers oughta’ve kept their noses out.”
“You, uh, you weren’t thinking of ratting on us, were you little missy?” asked a third patron, an eager laugh following his words. “Could do with a good brawl.”
Ah. This was enough for Geela to click two and two together. The Objectionable Opium was a pirate establishment. That’s why it was so big. Needed to be large enough to sufficiently hide the illicit activities going on and provide a good safehouse for anyone running from authorities. No doubt the authorities of the city knew there was some kind of illegal behaviors happening in the dingy building, but as long as it all happened in one place, and didn’t cross any paths with them, they were probably happy to let it continue.
Just another classic case of the stunning Flavianport law enforcement being as honorable as they were thorough.
Geela’s lip curled. “I assure you, I have no interest in the authorities myself. I just need my minion.” Then she lowered her voice. “The girl’s not even mine, but I promised my henchman he could keep her. Poor Darkos would be crushed if he lost her.” At this, she patted him sympathetically on the shoulder.
“He’ll have to cough up,” the first pirate said. “I won’t be letting her go til her debt’s paid.”
Geela let out a pent up sigh. “Jane’s not worth three years. She’s got sentimental value, not objective. Look at those scrawny arms, that vacant expression, that weak chin.”
Jane’s lips parted before she scowled and rubbed her chin, potentially trying to strengthen it, for all the good that it would do her.
The pirate gave her a once over and grimaced. Good. The man was questioning what value keeping her was.
Geela continued. “But you’re a pirate, aren’t you? You won her in a game, a gamble. I’ll win her back.”
The man laughed. “Cards? You look like the fancy type that knows how to play ‘em. I’d be at a disadvantage from a high board lady such as yourself.” There was nothing respectable in his tone but Geela wasn’t expecting it. She hadn’t won his respect yet. The game was still on.
So she slipped the strap of her bag off her shoulder, kicking it under the table, and took a seat. Still keeping eye contact with the pirate, she rested her frail hands on the table and began drumming her lily white fingers on the sticky surface.
“How about an arm wrestle?” she asked.
The laughter that broke out in the room was exactly what Geela wanted. Perfect perfect. Work up the crowds, get the egos going. The was shaping up to be an excellent show.
“I’m sorry, mlady, but I ain’t breaking any wrists today. ‘Specially not ones that are so likely gifted at penmanship or embroidery. Would be a waste to snap them like twigs.” He swiped a grubby hand at his face, snorting as she wiped away some spittle from his cheek. Geela wrinkled her nose. It would be worth it.
“Sounds like we’re on the same page,” she said. “I don’t plan on breaking your wrist either. So what do you think of my challenge?”
A chorus of ‘oooooos’ broke out as the pirate’s companions began egging him on. He shook out his hand and tipped his head at her, before flashing a grin at his companions.
“So what’s your twist, eh?” he asked. “My arm’s the size of your body. You gonna have your pretty boy do the fighting for you?”
Geela laughed. “I’m stronger than I look,” she lied. “I’ve got six older brothers who taught me to fight.” Another lie. “I grew up in the Farmlands Region—” truth “— bailing hay and picking wheat.” Lie. “This might not be as easy as you think.”
“Alright then. What do I get if you lose?” the man asked. From the way he was scrutinizing her, Geela knew this was part of the game. If she bet too much, he’d assume she had an ace in the hole.
“Money I suppose? I’m not betting labor but I can give you one year’s labor. I know it’s a third of what you asked for, but she’ll collapse after six months, so you’re technically getting the best out of this.” Geela looked at Jane, her eyes spitting venom before she plonked her elbow on the table. It slipped on a puddle of grease and she managed to knock over the man’s tankard. A sludgy, foul smelling beverage spread over the table. “And I’ll buy you another one of… whatever that was.”
The pirate laughed. “Bet you never had a mud puddle, eh? Alright, I’ll take your bet, but I don’t pay for any of your healing bills, you hear?”
Geela smiled and put her arm in the middle, hand up, the only contrast on her slender pale fingers being a solitary blue band. “Ready when you are.”
Her hand disappeared inside the massive fist of the pirate and his friends chanted down.
Geela was already hard at work long before they hit one, however. Her ring, the shield against unpleasantness, had activated the minute he’d taken her fingers in his sweaty, greasy hand. The shield that veiled her hand was enough to keep it safe but she kept it low grade, not enough for him to notice.
Then the chanting crowd hit zero and her hand flung towards the table as he pushed with all his might. It wasn’t… a pleasant feeling, but again the shield activated, feeling the grossness of the mudpuddle coated table and rebelled, pushing her hand back up. Protected by the shield, Darkos’s healing, and a separate healing garment in her back pocket, Geela wasn’t concerned about longterm effects. Instead, she pushed a little extra power into her ring, which pushed it fully away from the table and back into neutral ground.
“How,” the pirate whispered. He pushed more and more of his energy into Geela’s hand, but it wouldn’t budge. Beads of sweat were trickling down his cheeks, but that ring wasn’t getting any closer to the table. Darkos and Jane stared, jaws on the floor, as Geela effortlessly held her own.
The tricky part was winning, but Geela did have a plan there too, of course. The ring’s twin was in her bag, which sat below the table. Triggering the homing device on the twins would pull them together. Since the other ring was stuck in her bag, it would just pull the ring on her finger down towards the bag. All she had to do was shift the bag below into place underneath the spot on the table she needed to force the pirate’s hands.
“Darkos, dear,” she said. “Would you mind giving me a count?”
It only took him a few seconds to scrape his jaw back onto his face.
“Uh. Three, two, one?”
At one, Geela tripped the homing device on the rings and her hand slammed down onto the table as the ring on her finger made a desperate bid to join its counterpart.
Darkos and the pirates all counted five beats, to make sure Geela had it, before announcing her the victor.
Geela deactivated the ring fast before it had a chance to smash both hands through the table. She pulled her hand back to her, trying hard not to let it quiver in pain, just from the pressure and strain.
“Alright,” Geela said. “I think that’s enough of that.” She desperately wanted to wash her hands, but that would have to wait. “I’ll take my minion and be on my way.”
She expected him to fight back but instead he just unlooped Jane from his belt. “I don’t know what you did,” he said, still shaking his head. “But you did it damn good. I ain’t fighting you further.”
There were a few disappointed groans from the pirates behind him, though there were also a few appreciative whistles and claps.
Geela herself felt almost let down. “Not even with all your comrades?”
“His beef is with you,” said one of the pirates, a large, barrel-chested woman. “Unless you cause trouble for us, then. But I also would rather not fight you, little one. You’re hiding something.”
Geela considered it. Really, this could be a golden opportunity. And she had been just itching to do a reveal.
“Well,” Geela said, “since you asked so kindly.” On the last word, Geela’s tone pitched to an icy, ghostly tone, her voice laced with spectral energy. A flick of her wrist and a dozen separate illusions sprang to life. A proper tricorn hat adorned her head, tattered but bedazzled with gold trim. Beneath it, her hair fell like a drowned woman’s and her very skin festered and sloughed, revealing bone in several places. The only part of her face spared from the terrifying transformation were her emerald green eyes, which glowed with a deadly intensity.
Her robe melted into a long coat befitting a great ship’s captain, all dark blue and red, as though a once-proud admiral’s jacket had spent too many years at the bottom of the sea. The strappy sandals that had been whining on her feet the whole time they were at the Opium, shifted into blood-stained leather boots that reached up her calves. The large buckles on each showed a skull.
The bar had gone so silent that the only audible sounds were the faint, echoey breeze of spectral lights floating around Geela and Jane’s whimpering.
“You… what are you?” asked the pirate Geela had so formidably wrestled.
“I am the dread pirate, Ja’Eel. The scourge of land and the hag of the sea.” Her voice had the same wild, ghostly shriek brushing it, coloring her words with darkness and harsh whispers. “You’re down a ship and I’m down a crew. You’re honorable but despicable. Good at your craft and out of work. I have a boat and more money than you’ve seen in your life. It seems to me, there might be an arrangement we can make.”
The pirate’s face paled at her words. “Well I… I can’t claim to speak for all of us but—”
“I can.” This new voice came from an older but still well in his prime man who stood by the bar. He shoved his way through the crowd to Geela. “Name’s Bob Grok. I’ve run the bulk of this crew through several different ship’s owners. Didn’t own the Blackheart. That was a man with whom I will no longer deal. But I keep this little bunch together and in one piece as we’ve searched for our next buyer. Been scouting out voyages and never heard you were in port, oh Great Ja’Eel Scialtia.”
His voice was almost mocking, but Geela didn’t really need to respond to that. “Mmm, tell me, Bob, did you expect to find me before I made myself known? Perhaps you aren’t as adept as I’d first thought.” Her eyes flashed. “Still, I can look past that. I need passage to the Third Southern Island Region. We’re taking down the Bella twins.”
The old man laughed at this. “You’re mad.”
Geela smiled with the half of her mouth that still had visible flesh. “I am. I am also the same void mistress who gave life to their entire damned lineage. I’ve taken out three like them. Two will be no trouble once I get there. For payment, I offer a sack of gold…” she let it hang in the air, watched Bob sigh in disgust and just start to open his mouth to laugh at her offer when she dropped the other foot. “Per sailor.”
A gasp of shock and murmurs broke among the crew as they very quickly learned what ‘more gold than you can imagine’ actually looked like.
The old pirate held up a hand and looked back at the group. Their faces were greedy masks of elation and excitement, and when he turned back, his mirrored theirs.
“You have yourself a deal, captain,” he said.
“Good.” She leveled him a look. “Then have my crew prepare themselves and be ready to head out. We set sail tomorrow at sunset!”
And just like that, she's got herself a crew. The Dread Pirate Ja'Eel is ready to sail the high seas. Nothing can stop her!
Also the results for the best of 2020 came in today! We got fourth place of close to 50 entries! Thank you so much :D
submitted by OpheliaCyanide to redditserials [link] [comments]

"Bad Habits" CH:1-3(FICTION)

Chapter 1: Let’s get high
It’s not easy to admit that you have a problem, for a lot of years I drifted through life looking for my next high, in most cases that would be your typical junkies background story leading up to his or her recovery. Only I never recovered, instead I just replaced all my addictions with one really fucked up past time, if you can call it that. I suppose you noticed I said all my addictions, I am what I like to call a well -rounded dope fiend, coke, heroine, meth and a list of pills that would make a pharmacist shit himself, you name it I’m on it, if you got it I want it, and that’s exactly what led me here.
My name isn’t all that important, and given what I do for a living these days it’s probably best that you don’t know. So for now you can call me Joe, this is an insane situation so I won’t blame you if you don’t believe me, but nonetheless for better or worse this is some real shit. I was living in Oregon when I learned the truth, I’m not talking today’s Oregon with super clean product and organized distributers, I’m talking the mom and pop days, when any tweeker with a chemistry set was cooking up crank in the bath tub. I had a pal named Willy that I used to get high with, we used to play this game, we would bet on which blast would be the last because back then the wrong shit could kill you, anyway uh, we had got our hands on some unbelievable smoke from a RV park in Dayville and we were driving back to my place when my car broke down. I know, I know there’s load of stories that start exactly like that, but I can’t make this up, that’s exactly what happened. To tell the truth I knew the car was trash and making that drive was a bad idea but when getting sick isn’t an option you’ll go a long way to get what you need.
The car rolled to a stop half way through “Fossil Beds” on the 19, Willy looked over at me and laughed, “I told you, I knew we should have bet on it, what are we gonna do now Joe? I’m not in the mood for your bullshit, we both know you can’t fix this car, we might as well start walking now and save ourselves the trouble.” I had to laugh, he was right, we both lit up and took a few hits before we got out and started the long walk home. I don’t know if any of you have ever been through the Fossil Beds, it’s a gorgeous place in the day time but when the sun goes down, I swear it’s the deepest darkest place on earth.
After about an hour of walking I glanced over at Willy who was smoking a cigarette and franticly scanning the darkness around us, “You ok man? What the fuck is wrong with you?” he took a long drag off his cigarette and stopped walking still looking around. “Can you smell that?” he sniffed the air “It smells like” Willy tilted his head back and took in a deep breath “It smells like food” his voice slowly turned to a growl as he continued sniffing the air. I thought he was just screwing around until he brought his head down and I saw his eyes, they were oversized and bright yellow, stubble was sprouting from his normally shiny bald head. For a second I thought it was the drugs, but when he started tearing away his face and howling like an animal, I ran. The high made me feel like I was The Flash, blazing a trail across the planet, in reality years of drug abuse and bad life choices meant I was practically moving in slow motion. It didn’t matter though, I took a chance and glanced back over my shoulder to see Willy laying on the ground not moving, I stopped and went back still partially thinking I was high and this was a bad trip but when I made it back to where he was laying I saw a pool of blood forming under him. By the way he was positioned his back was to me, I had to step around to see his face and when I did my brain couldn’t process what I was seeing. His skull was split and there protruding from the shredded flesh and shattered bone was the partially formed skull of a wolf or should I say a ware-wolf? I’m not really sure which is correct. I’m not proud of what I did next but since Willy was dead he wasn’t going to need his dope, so I dug in his pocket and took it then got the hell out of there…….
By the time I got home I was losing it, I stayed up for the next two days blazing my life away, everything was such a blur I didn’t know what was real or imagined, when someone knocked on my door I almost lost it. I ran to my bedroom closet and grabbed my gun as whoever it was kept knocking until I finally yelled out “Stop knocking! I coming for Christ’s sake, just give me a fucking second!” rushing through my apartment I tripped over a shoe and dropped the gun which went off and shot a hole in my wall. “Holy Shit!” A familiar voice yelped on the other side of the door, “Joe, man it’s me Willy, what the hell are you doing?” I almost threw up when I recognized his voice, I scrambled to my feet, opened the door and there he was, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, “Are you really here right now?” I stuttered through the words dreading the response. Willy looked at me for a second then punched me in the face knocking me flat on my ass, “Of course I’m really here, you piece of shit! Why the fuck did you leave me on the side of the road? And you robbed me, me! Your best, scratch that, your only fucking friend and you robbed me! Give me my money or my smoke or I swear to God I’m gonna fucking kill you!”
Fear, paranoia and meth are a lethal combination, seeing Willy standing in my doorway when I clearly saw him die two nights before was just enough to send me right over the edge. Sitting on the floor with blood gushing from my nose, I grabbed my gun and pointed it at him, he narrowed his eyes at me and stepped back, “what are you gonna” he was cut short when I pulled the trigger…..Blood and gunpowder (a smell I would eventually come to love) drifted in the air as Willy fell face down in my living room, the bullet tore through his neck and blew out a part of his spine on its way out, it was a kill shot (and a damn good one if you ask me) he was dead before he hit the ground. I got myself together, the cops would be showing up soon and the last thing I needed was another arrest this one would probably get me life, I rushed to my bedroom and started stuffing a backpack with clothes and any cash I had in the house. I was in the middle of ransacking my room searching for a few grams I stashed when a low growl rumbled through the room, heavy breathing and a guttural huffing sound froze me in my tracks. Before I could turn around it was on me, snarling, biting tearing into me I caught glimpses of bristly black fur and flashes of bright yellow eyes but I hadn’t really seen what was attacking me, I’m tall 6’6 and this thing towered over me by at least a foot, it rag-dolled me around the room slamming me off the walls, but after smoking meth for two days straight I felt like superman and my fight or flight mode was in overdrive. I slammed into a wall and came down on the floor hard, in my head I bounced right back up to my feet, but I’m fairly certain that’s not what really happened, anyway, I got back on my feet and what was standing in front of me was the most amazing and terrifying thing I had ever seen in my life. It was a full on, howl at the moon, 7 foot tall ware-wolf, it was bleeding from a hole in its throat and looking at me like I was dinner. I can’t rationally explain what I did next so I’ll just tell you, I yelled, I screamed as loud as I could, “Come on!” and it roared back before making that guttural huffing sound again and collapsing on the floor, in my mind I had just defeated a beast from hell, so I might have gone a little primal.
There I was covered in blood, pounding my chest and screaming at the ware-wolf corpse on my bedroom floor, when the sweetest voice in the world cut through the madness. It was Shelby, she’s my insanely hot neighbor, I’m just bullshitting you, Shelby’s my weird ass next door neighbor, don’t get me wrong she’s pretty and a very sweet girl, I smoked a little weed with her from time to time, but she’s not insanely hot, (I just thought it sounded cooler) she’s just a little odd if you ask me.
“Are you ok in there Joe?” She called out nervously peeping around the corner into my bedroom. “I heard all the commotion and came to” Shelby paused when she spotted the mass of blood and fur, “Holy shit, is that what I think it is?” she glanced up at me and gasped,” Oh my god, what happened in here? You’re bleeding, we have to get you to the hospital,” the sound of police sirens in the distance slightly brought me back to reality for a second, “I can’t go to jail again Shelby, they’ll lock me up for good this time, let’s go back to your place and I’ll get cleaned up, when the cops leave I’m out of your hair. Please Shelby, you gotta do this for me.”
She couldn’t stop looking at the dead ware-wolf on the floor “Hell no! I’m not getting involved in this. But if you don’t want to go to jail, you better get moving before the cops show up.” I didn’t really have much of a choice but I realized in that moment that Shelby was seeing the ware-wolf that meant it was real and I wasn’t insane. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought and climbed out of the window, the second my feet hit the ground I took off running….
I held up in a fleabag motel for the next few days, some of my wounds were infected and I was falling apart. I watched the news almost religiously for any signs of what went down, but there wasn’t a single word mentioned. About a week later there’s a knock at my door. ”Open up Joe, we need to talk.” I didn’t recognize the voice, but it didn’t matter anymore I was sick, I hadn’t fixed in days and I was burning up from the infection. I staggered over to the door, unlocked it and swung it open, “I’m detective Victor Wells, mind if I have a word with you?” he winced from the reek that was wafting out of my room and pointed to the bed “Why don’t you step over to the bed and take a seat for me.” Wells stepped into my room and closed the door behind him. “I’m going to get straight to the point, this is all off the books. That thing you killed in your apartment is an ongoing problem in this area and I need you to take me to where you got your dope. By the stink of you I can tell you’ve been bitten, so I’ll give you a little advice. You need to see a doctor, getting bit by a ware-wolf doesn’t turn you into one, this aint the movies son! That infection will kill you, the only way to become a ware-wolf is to be born one and that’s exactly why I need you to take me to where you got that crystal.”
I sat there in a daze for a few seconds, it was so hard to focus, the room was swaying and my heart was pounding. Detective Wells shook his head and dug in his pocket pulling out a Narcan inhaler then tossing it to me. ”Take a hit off that, get yourself together and meet me outside. I’m going to get you stitched up then you’re taking me to where I need to go.” Wells turned to walk out of the room and paused, “In case you get the idea to run just keep in mind nobodies looking for you, so if I shoot you in the head, no one cares. Now hurry up we’ve got a lot to do.”……
A short trip, a few stitches and a shot of morphine later, I’m riding shotgun headed for the RV-park in Dayville. Wells started up with the questions right away, “So the night you scored what happened?”
I didn’t really want to talk about it but I figured it had to be better than getting shot in the face. ”Me and Willy rode out to the RV-park and copped from a guy named Al in trailer 18, on the way back my car broke down so we torched up and started walking, Willy started acting crazy then he got sick and passed out. I didn’t see him for two days until he popped up at my apartment and attacked me.”
The expression on his face changed from agitated to curious, “Wait, so your telling me that you smoked the same crystal as Willy and nothing happened to you?” he nodded his head like he was rolling it over in his mind, ”This can’t be right” he muttered to himself.
I couldn’t take it anymore, “Look Wells, since I’m spilling my guts over here, would you mind filling me in on what the hell‘s going on?” The detective chuckled. ”The ware-wolves moved into this area a few months ago, since then we’ve been receiving reports of wolf activity outside their designated areas. The strange thing about it is, all the reports were from civilians claiming someone in their household turned into a wolf and either died on the spot or attacked them then died during the scuffle. The one thing they all had in common was they all had a significant amount of methamphetamine in their blood, my theory is one of these geniuses found a way to turn normies into wolves using meth.”
I sat there staring out the window taking it all in, this couldn’t really be happening, “So, you’re telling me ware-wolves are real? And they’re cooking crystal that turns regular people into more ware-wolves? Yeah, I’m gonna need you stop the car and let me out, the trailer park is few miles ahead on the left and if it’s all the same to you, Ide really rather not be involved in all this.”
The detective pressed down on the accelerator, “Afraid it’s not that simple pal, the fact that the drug didn’t affect you means you’re one of us. If I don’t turn you in I’ll lose my hunting license, and I love my job so like it or not you’re coming with me.”
“One of you? What are you talking about? And what do you mean, turn me in? Am I going to jail? This is crazy, I didn’t do anything wrong, you have to let me go, just pull over and I’ll walk back, I swear you’ll never see me again.”
Wells shook his head. ”Calm down, you’re not going to jail, all immunes like you and me have to be registered with the “Foundation” once they run a few tests and get your info you’ll be free to go. If I were you Ide think about getting onboard, the pay is great and you’ll be doing what you do best, all you’d have to do is get high and report anomalies when you find them, clean-up crew’s or independents like me do the rest.”
The trailer park was coming into view, Wells pulled off the road then got out and went to the trunk. After a few minutes he came back wearing body armor and carrying a shotgun, “when the shooting starts you get down and stay down until it gets quiet.” He pulled down the visor and slid out a business card. ”If I don’t come back in 30 minutes go to the address on this card and give them this location.” Wells threw the car in drive and we sped into the RV Park, we pulled right up to trailer 18 and stopped, the detective hopped out then strolled up to the front door kicking it in on the first try.
After a minute or two Al came crashing through the window and landed on the hood of the car, it wasn’t long before Wells came rushing out to grab him. “Where are they!?” Al was a bloody mess but Wells didn’t care, he beat him and continued with the questions. “Where’s the cook house, and who’s running it?!”
Through cracked teeth and a broken nose Al laughed, “Even if I knew I wouldn’t tell you, so arrest me or get the fuck out of here!” Wells stepped back and checked a round into the chamber,” Arrest you? Do I look like I came here to arrest somebody? Give me your connect and I’ll make this quick.” Al laughed again and spit in the detective’s direction, “Fuck you!” Wells shrugged his shoulders, “have it your way.” He took aim and fired, from the knee down Al’s right leg basically exploded. “Last chance dipshit, give me your supplier and you might live through this.” Al rolled around on the ground screaming, the detective adjusted his aim, “I’ll take that as a no” he pulled the trigger and Al’s head splattered across the ground. Wells turned and walked back into the trailer, after a few minutes he came back with a cellphone, we sat there as he went through every number until he found what he was looking for.
“Well pal, it’s about time I turned you in, I can’t take you with me on this next one without you being registered with the Foundation, but if you decide to join up give me a call I could use a guy like you.” We drove for hours until we came to an unmarked office building in the middle of the city, “Go to the front desk and tell them your name, they already know you’re coming the rest is up to you, see you around Joe.”
Obviously I took the offer, getting paid to get high and travel was too good to pass up, right now I’m on the way to link up with Wells for my first official raid as a member of the Foundation. I’ll be back soon with all the details, according to the Foundation something big is going down all field operatives are being activated, it looks like ill have a lot to share real soon, so until next time stay alert, stay alive, things are about to heat up.
 Chapter 2: Fangs and fur 
We were fed false information and the raid turned out to be a trap. Wells and I were two of the few to come out that situation alive. When we made it back to central we found the building in flames, from what I could tell no one made it out. With the Foundation gone there was no reason to stick around, so I split. That was a few weeks ago, I’m not exactly sure where Wells went after that but I ended up in Texas. I was a few days in on a bender when all hell broke loose, it’d been a crazy night and I was crashing at this little spot called “The Alley”. The Alley is an old set of abandoned apartments tucked away on the edge of one of the tougher neighborhoods, most people avoid the place due to the fact that bodies turn up there pretty frequently. It was close to 3 in the morning when it happened, an older guy everyone called “Nemo” started screaming at the top of his lungs, staggering into his room I found him and two others butt naked clawing at the walls.
“Nemo, what the hell’s going on in here?” He turned to me smiling, his eyes were bucked and he’d pretty much chewed through his bottom lip causing blood and drool to pour down the front of his already stained shirt. ”Hey Joe, you’re right on time.” his body started to shake and I could hear his bones cracking as he moved. “I’m so.” He paused licking his lips, “Hungry.” Dropping to his knees he started ripping out fistfuls of his hair, as he did the other two started tearing themselves apart tossing bloody clumps of shredded flesh against the walls. I didn’t waste another second, turning to run I could hear growling mixed with the meaty cracking of bones snapping as I tore down the hall. Before I could make it to the end of the corridor I glanced back to see the wall come tumbling down filling the hall with dust as three freshly turned ware-wolves came rushing towards me. I saw one unlucky lady pop her head out to see what was going on, one of the smaller wolves grabbed her by the face snatching her out of her room before the others joined in. They moved like a pack, each tearing their share from her as the screams became a wet gurgling masked by the sound of them ripping her apart.
Moving as fast as I could I crashed through the door leading to the stairwell and leap frogged my way down to the first floor exit. Bursting through the doors out into the parking lot I tripped over something and fell just as flood lights lit up the front of the building.
A voice called out, “Hold your fire!” shielding my eyes from the light I spotted a silhouette approaching me. ”Thought I might find you in a place like this, how’s it going Joe?” Still blinded by the light I covered my eyes, “Wells? How’d you find.” I was cut off by the sound of someone screaming as they came crashing out of a third floor window hitting the ground with a wet splat. Wells grabbed me by the arm shouting “Move!” as he pulled me out of the line of fire. More screams erupted from the building, the three wolves I’d seen were just the tip of the iceberg it turns out almost everyone who was on crystal that night had been turned.
Once my vision cleared I saw Wells and two others I didn’t recognize, there was a woman with a muscular build manning the mounted 50 cal. I found out later her name was Cali, the other one was named “Pike” he was a dark skinned guy with a medium build maybe an inch or so shorter than me, he was using a flamethrower to scorch anything moving. Gunfire echoed through the air for the next ten or fifteen minutes and by the time it was over there were 9 wolves in the pile, Pike using the flamethrower lit the bodies up then set the building on fire before we got out of there.
A little under an hour later we were pulling up to a house not far off the main highway, once we were all out of the truck Cali looked me over then turned to Wells, “Jesus Victor, this guy’s a junkie. Are you sure he’s worth the trouble?”
Wells chuckled while removing his body armor, “Yeah, Joe here’s a natural born immune, if you can believe that. Not sure how he slipped through the cracks but I found him by accident.” Pike walked over and took a seat on the tailgate, “This guy? Seriously? No offense but I think you might be losing it Vick.” Standing there listening to them talk about me was starting to get under my skin, Cali shoved me aside and threw some her gear in the bed of the truck. “Fuck off meth mouth, I don’t trust junkies. Vick this guy’s gonna get one of us killed, I say cut him loose.” Digging in his pocket and pulling out a pack of smokes Pike lit one up, blowing out a cloud he looked over at Cali, “I guarantee this guy jackrabbits on us the first chance he gets.”
Wells pulled a cooler from the back seat then opened it and grabbed a beer, “Refresh my memory, Cali didn’t I find you working as a waitress? And Pike when I found you weren’t you a forklift operator?” They both seemed irritated by the question, taking a gulp from his beer Wells looked at the two of them and shook his head. “Leave him alone, we’ve got more important shit to worry about.” The other two went inside and Wells walked over handing me a beer. “Seriously though Joe, take a fucking shower for God’s sake, you stink something awful. They’ll come around, get yourself situated, we’ve got work to do.”
Over the next few days Wells broke it all down for me, the wolves pulled a power play and wiped out most of the Foundation strongholds across the map. When they were done they flooded the streets with tainted dope, this wasn’t just about the drugs anymore. The wolves were trying to take over. According to Wells the wolves are led by a group of elders but only one of them was responsible for what was going on here in the states. Their leader here was a man named Peter Stumpp, he fought against the Foundation forcing all ware-wolves to be registered and tagged with tracking devices. When he lost, Stumpp along with a large number of his pack went off the grid. Over the years more and more wolves joined his cause, but recently their numbers started to decline the wolves were dying off.
We looked through tons of case files, there were accounts from all over the world clusters of wolves were vanishing. The one thing they all had in common was a reference to something called “Project Omega”. Wells and the others had never heard of the project and the majority of the information was either classified.
Leaning back in his chair Wells thumbed through a file for a second then stopped and got up from the table, “These files are trash, there’s nothing in here that’s going to help us.” Looking around the room all eyes were on me, pausing and stumbling through mv words I spoke up.
“I got my last few grams from the east side, there’s an old set of buildings everyone calls the pharmacy. A big guy named Red runs the show, he’s usually got a few people with him but I couldn’t tell you if they’re cooking there or not.” After a long drawn out discussion Cali was picked to take me to the pharmacy, she would hang back and stay out of site while I went in to cop and scout the place.
The second I got inside something felt wrong, the building was quiet. Moving through the hall I kept feeling like someone was watching me. When I got to the stairs I heard a door open behind me and turned to see a short skinny guy covered in tattoos holding a gun.
“You here to see Red?” I nodded and he motioned for me to turn around. “Put your hands on the wall and don’t move, I have to check everyone going up tonight.” After a quick pat down he stepped back and gave me an odd look, “Go on up, but make it quick.” When I got to the second floor I was checked one more time then escorted to Red, he was set up in a different room today, normally he’s in the big office at the end of the hall but today it was a small office with no windows. When I stepped in the door slammed shut behind me and I was left alone with Red who was standing in the center of the room. He looked me over with an angry scowl on his face, “How long have you worked for Wells?”
I knew there was no right answer, no matter what I said, so I lied. “Who’s Wells, I just came to grab a couple of G’s.”
In a flash Red crossed the room, grabbed me by the neck and lifted me off the floor. “I can smell him on you.” his voice shifted to a growl as the skin of his face split and his eyes turned an electric blue. Snarling and tossing me aside he continued his transformation. Scrambling up off the floor I bolted for the door only to be swatted and sent flying into the wall, before I could get back to my feet he came charging slamming into me sending us both crashing through the sheetrock into the next room. Tumbling through the wall put a little distance between us, quickly scanning for anything I could use as a weapon I spotted an empty vodka bottle and grabbed it just as the now fully wolfed out Red went on the attack. He was growling and swiping wildly, I managed to avoid him long enough to smash the bottle then jam what was left of it into his eye. Digging his claws into my left leg he snatched my feet from under me and I went down hard as he came in for a bite. Trying to shield my face and neck saved my life, as he sunk his teeth into my forearm I reached up with my other hand grabbing the hunk of glass sticking out of his eye and drove it further in. Releasing me Red let out an ear piercing yelp and backed off clawing at his face, crawling away and getting to my feet I spotted a window, ran and dove through it.
The one story drop wasn’t all that bad, the landing dislocated my shoulder and the concrete scraped away some skin but I was able to get up in time to see Red come crashing out of the window. There was no time to think, I ran as fast as I could towards the highway, even with a head start there was no way I could outrun him. With the street coming into view I could feel him breathing down the back of my neck and just as the streetlights were in reach there was a muzzle flash from across the highway. I felt the shot zip passed my ear and heard the meaty “Thwack” of it punching through Reds skull just before his body hit the ground. I didn’t look back, I ran till I got to the building Cali was in then stopped by the dumpster and threw up. By the time she made it to me Reds men were headed our way, “Get your shit together, we gotta go!” she shoved me then took off running towards the far end of the alley. I did what I could to keep up, when we finally made it to the car I turned to see Reds men, who were fully transformed at this point, come racing out behind us. Getting in as fast as possible, Cali cranked the engine and we tore out of there, the wolves chased us for a block or two then gave up as we sped away.
“They knew we were coming, Red asked me about Wells before he changed and attacked me!” Cali banged her fist against the steering wheel then paused, “Wait, what do you mean Red changed? What color were his eyes?” for a second I didn’t understand the question. “Blue, but why does it matter?” slowing down the car she pulled off the road and stopped. “What did Red look like before he transformed? Was he tall and fat with a bald head and big red beard?” I nodded my head and she sat back in her seat, “Holy shit, this is bad. Red as you called him is one of Stumpps generals, his real name is Harold Merck. If he’s here that means Stumpp’s here to, we have to get out of this city, there’s no way we can take on the Pack.” There wasn’t much conversation after that, when we got back to the others Cali told them everything. They argued back and forward for a while but in the end Cali and Pike chose to leave, really can’t say I blame them, if I had anywhere else to go I would have left to.
Before they left Pike helped snap my shoulder back in place, it might not have been 100% but at least I could use my arm again. I was in the kitchen cleaning and bandaging my wounds when Wells walked in, “There’s good news and bad news, the bad news is they’re right, we can’t beat the Pack without help. The good news is, we don’t have to beat them we just have to shut down their operation.” Once I was done wrapping my arm I popped a couple of pain killers and washed them down with the last of a warm beer.
“So what’s the plan here Wells? Even if we could shut them down, there’s nothing stopping them from setting up somewhere else.” He laughed and pulled up a chair, “We’re gonna make them come after us, we hit them hard and fast, take as much dope off the streets as possible and who knows we might even luck up and find the cook house.”
Chapter 3: The war on drugs
We’ve been raiding dope spots all over the city for the past two months, we found three small cook houses and burned them to the ground but not before Wells collected all the money and I grabbed as much product as I could carry. The city was going nuts, the Pack was waging a war against the police and we were waging a war against them.
“We got a rough one tonight Joe, this is our first lab. There’s no walking in, this is wet work everybody in the building has to go, are you ready?” Up until now I hadn’t had to do much, normally I would just go in and buy, get the lay out and leave, Wells would come in later and wipe the place out. Now it was finally time to get my hands dirty and to be honest, I couldn’t wait.
Thumping out my cigarette, I finished strapping on my body armor and nodded my head, “Am I ready? Are you ready? I’ve been waiting for this shit!” Wells narrowed his eyes at me shaking his head, “Are you high right now?! I swear to God if you fuck this up, I’ll leave you there.” Laughing, picking up the rest of my gear I looked at Wells, “Of course I’m high, what kind of a question is that? I don’t see how you can do this sober.”
Two hours later we were trekking through the wood closing in on the lab, the place was tucked away far from anything resembling a road, if you didn’t know it was there you would ever find it. It was pitch black out there, if it weren’t for the night vision specs you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face. When we caught site of the building the first thing I noticed were the guards, two massive wolves paced the perimeter sniffing the air and scanning the tree line for intruders. Since they hadn’t sniffed us out yet we figured this was as close as we could get, once we had our shots lined up we counted down from three then took the shots in unison. The second they hit the ground the place came to life, more wolves poured out of the building. Going full auto I swept left and Wells peeled off to the right barking out “Keep them between us!” we were only able to drop a few more before the ones that hadn’t turned starting shooting back. Caught up in my own firefight I lost track of Wells, bullets tore through the trees around me as I did my best to stay behind the thickest of them and continued to move in. Laying lead on my target I heard the click of death and stopped to reload, as I popped in another magazine a low heavy growl cut through the darkness behind me. (Shit) Before I could turn around I was blindsided, the bastard slammed into me and sent my body tumbling through the dirt, I lost my rifle and night vision on impact but when I sprung to my feet I pulled my sidearm. The sound of gunfire in the distance told me Wells was still alive but I couldn’t worry about him right then, the wolf growled and paced around me in the darkness, stalking me while I slowly adjusted to the night. The moonlight coming through the trees reflected off its eyes just before it attacked.
Stepping backwards I emptied the clip on that thing but it didn’t stop, the first swipe ripped the flesh off the back of my hand and sent the gun flying. Sidestepping and pulling the knife from my belt I tried to size it up, this thing was huge. In a flash of grey fur its second strike hit me before I could make a move, razor sharp claws sliced through face and spun me off my feet, crawling away as fast as I could I tried to get up but it was on me. Lifting me off the ground before slamming me back down it rag dolled my body, breaking bones until I blacked out…
They say when you have a near death experience your life flashes in front of your eyes, that’s bullshit. I didn’t see anything, all I remember is darkness and silence right up until a surge of electricity pulsed through my body, there were flashes of white light and I heard a voice call out “Clear” just before another wave of energy hit me. The next thing I know I’m waking up in a hospital room with a broken leg, cracked ribs a fractured arm and a severe concussion. On top of all of that I narrowly avoided losing my right eye and was left with a set of scars that run from my jawline to my forehead. I asked everyone who came into my room how I got there but no one would give me an answer, after a few days Wells showed up.
“I can’t believe you tried to fight a Natural with a knife, you are a fucking Wildman.” He laughed and pulled a chair over next to my bed then took a seat. “I’ve never seen the wolf that kicked your ass, what do you remember?” No matter how much I tried to replay it in my head I couldn’t remember much, the only thing I knew for sure was it was grey. Wells said he saw me fighting with it but by the time he got there it was gone, he abandoned the mission and got me out of there as quickly as he could but not without getting torn up pretty badly himself. We weren’t able to shut the lab down, we barely made it out alive, the only good that came out of it was the Pack put a price on our heads, Wells plan worked
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"Bad Habits" CH:1-3(Fiction)

Chapter 1: Let’s get high
It’s not easy to admit that you have a problem, for a lot of years I drifted through life looking for my next high, in most cases that would be your typical junkies background story leading up to his or her recovery. Only I never recovered, instead I just replaced all my addictions with one really fucked up past time, if you can call it that. I suppose you noticed I said all my addictions, I am what I like to call a well -rounded dope fiend, coke, heroine, meth and a list of pills that would make a pharmacist shit himself, you name it I’m on it, if you got it I want it, and that’s exactly what led me here.
My name isn’t all that important, and given what I do for a living these days it’s probably best that you don’t know. So for now you can call me Joe, this is an insane situation so I won’t blame you if you don’t believe me, but nonetheless for better or worse this is some real shit. I was living in Oregon when I learned the truth, I’m not talking today’s Oregon with super clean product and organized distributers, I’m talking the mom and pop days, when any tweeker with a chemistry set was cooking up crank in the bath tub. I had a pal named Willy that I used to get high with, we used to play this game, we would bet on which blast would be the last because back then the wrong shit could kill you, anyway uh, we had got our hands on some unbelievable smoke from a RV park in Dayville and we were driving back to my place when my car broke down. I know, I know there’s load of stories that start exactly like that, but I can’t make this up, that’s exactly what happened. To tell the truth I knew the car was trash and making that drive was a bad idea but when getting sick isn’t an option you’ll go a long way to get what you need.
The car rolled to a stop half way through “Fossil Beds” on the 19, Willy looked over at me and laughed, “I told you, I knew we should have bet on it, what are we gonna do now Joe? I’m not in the mood for your bullshit, we both know you can’t fix this car, we might as well start walking now and save ourselves the trouble.” I had to laugh, he was right, we both lit up and took a few hits before we got out and started the long walk home. I don’t know if any of you have ever been through the Fossil Beds, it’s a gorgeous place in the day time but when the sun goes down, I swear it’s the deepest darkest place on earth.
After about an hour of walking I glanced over at Willy who was smoking a cigarette and franticly scanning the darkness around us, “You ok man? What the fuck is wrong with you?” he took a long drag off his cigarette and stopped walking still looking around. “Can you smell that?” he sniffed the air “It smells like” Willy tilted his head back and took in a deep breath “It smells like food” his voice slowly turned to a growl as he continued sniffing the air. I thought he was just screwing around until he brought his head down and I saw his eyes, they were oversized and bright yellow, stubble was sprouting from his normally shiny bald head. For a second I thought it was the drugs, but when he started tearing away his face and howling like an animal, I ran. The high made me feel like I was The Flash, blazing a trail across the planet, in reality years of drug abuse and bad life choices meant I was practically moving in slow motion. It didn’t matter though, I took a chance and glanced back over my shoulder to see Willy laying on the ground not moving, I stopped and went back still partially thinking I was high and this was a bad trip but when I made it back to where he was laying I saw a pool of blood forming under him. By the way he was positioned his back was to me, I had to step around to see his face and when I did my brain couldn’t process what I was seeing. His skull was split and there protruding from the shredded flesh and shattered bone was the partially formed skull of a wolf or should I say a ware-wolf? I’m not really sure which is correct. I’m not proud of what I did next but since Willy was dead he wasn’t going to need his dope, so I dug in his pocket and took it then got the hell out of there…….
By the time I got home I was losing it, I stayed up for the next two days blazing my life away, everything was such a blur I didn’t know what was real or imagined, when someone knocked on my door I almost lost it. I ran to my bedroom closet and grabbed my gun as whoever it was kept knocking until I finally yelled out “Stop knocking! I coming for Christ’s sake, just give me a fucking second!” rushing through my apartment I tripped over a shoe and dropped the gun which went off and shot a hole in my wall. “Holy Shit!” A familiar voice yelped on the other side of the door, “Joe, man it’s me Willy, what the hell are you doing?” I almost threw up when I recognized his voice, I scrambled to my feet, opened the door and there he was, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, “Are you really here right now?” I stuttered through the words dreading the response. Willy looked at me for a second then punched me in the face knocking me flat on my ass, “Of course I’m really here, you piece of shit! Why the fuck did you leave me on the side of the road? And you robbed me, me! Your best, scratch that, your only fucking friend and you robbed me! Give me my money or my smoke or I swear to God I’m gonna fucking kill you!”
Fear, paranoia and meth are a lethal combination, seeing Willy standing in my doorway when I clearly saw him die two nights before was just enough to send me right over the edge. Sitting on the floor with blood gushing from my nose, I grabbed my gun and pointed it at him, he narrowed his eyes at me and stepped back, “what are you gonna” he was cut short when I pulled the trigger…..Blood and gunpowder (a smell I would eventually come to love) drifted in the air as Willy fell face down in my living room, the bullet tore through his neck and blew out a part of his spine on its way out, it was a kill shot (and a damn good one if you ask me) he was dead before he hit the ground. I got myself together, the cops would be showing up soon and the last thing I needed was another arrest this one would probably get me life, I rushed to my bedroom and started stuffing a backpack with clothes and any cash I had in the house. I was in the middle of ransacking my room searching for a few grams I stashed when a low growl rumbled through the room, heavy breathing and a guttural huffing sound froze me in my tracks. Before I could turn around it was on me, snarling, biting tearing into me I caught glimpses of bristly black fur and flashes of bright yellow eyes but I hadn’t really seen what was attacking me, I’m tall 6’6 and this thing towered over me by at least a foot, it rag-dolled me around the room slamming me off the walls, but after smoking meth for two days straight I felt like superman and my fight or flight mode was in overdrive. I slammed into a wall and came down on the floor hard, in my head I bounced right back up to my feet, but I’m fairly certain that’s not what really happened, anyway, I got back on my feet and what was standing in front of me was the most amazing and terrifying thing I had ever seen in my life. It was a full on, howl at the moon, 7 foot tall ware-wolf, it was bleeding from a hole in its throat and looking at me like I was dinner. I can’t rationally explain what I did next so I’ll just tell you, I yelled, I screamed as loud as I could, “Come on!” and it roared back before making that guttural huffing sound again and collapsing on the floor, in my mind I had just defeated a beast from hell, so I might have gone a little primal.
There I was covered in blood, pounding my chest and screaming at the ware-wolf corpse on my bedroom floor, when the sweetest voice in the world cut through the madness. It was Shelby, she’s my insanely hot neighbor, I’m just bullshitting you, Shelby’s my weird ass next door neighbor, don’t get me wrong she’s pretty and a very sweet girl, I smoked a little weed with her from time to time, but she’s not insanely hot, (I just thought it sounded cooler) she’s just a little odd if you ask me.
“Are you ok in there Joe?” She called out nervously peeping around the corner into my bedroom. “I heard all the commotion and came to” Shelby paused when she spotted the mass of blood and fur, “Holy shit, is that what I think it is?” she glanced up at me and gasped,” Oh my god, what happened in here? You’re bleeding, we have to get you to the hospital,” the sound of police sirens in the distance slightly brought me back to reality for a second, “I can’t go to jail again Shelby, they’ll lock me up for good this time, let’s go back to your place and I’ll get cleaned up, when the cops leave I’m out of your hair. Please Shelby, you gotta do this for me.”
She couldn’t stop looking at the dead ware-wolf on the floor “Hell no! I’m not getting involved in this. But if you don’t want to go to jail, you better get moving before the cops show up.” I didn’t really have much of a choice but I realized in that moment that Shelby was seeing the ware-wolf that meant it was real and I wasn’t insane. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought and climbed out of the window, the second my feet hit the ground I took off running….
I held up in a fleabag motel for the next few days, some of my wounds were infected and I was falling apart. I watched the news almost religiously for any signs of what went down, but there wasn’t a single word mentioned. About a week later there’s a knock at my door. ”Open up Joe, we need to talk.” I didn’t recognize the voice, but it didn’t matter anymore I was sick, I hadn’t fixed in days and I was burning up from the infection. I staggered over to the door, unlocked it and swung it open, “I’m detective Victor Wells, mind if I have a word with you?” he winced from the reek that was wafting out of my room and pointed to the bed “Why don’t you step over to the bed and take a seat for me.” Wells stepped into my room and closed the door behind him. “I’m going to get straight to the point, this is all off the books. That thing you killed in your apartment is an ongoing problem in this area and I need you to take me to where you got your dope. By the stink of you I can tell you’ve been bitten, so I’ll give you a little advice. You need to see a doctor, getting bit by a ware-wolf doesn’t turn you into one, this aint the movies son! That infection will kill you, the only way to become a ware-wolf is to be born one and that’s exactly why I need you to take me to where you got that crystal.”
I sat there in a daze for a few seconds, it was so hard to focus, the room was swaying and my heart was pounding. Detective Wells shook his head and dug in his pocket pulling out a Narcan inhaler then tossing it to me. ”Take a hit off that, get yourself together and meet me outside. I’m going to get you stitched up then you’re taking me to where I need to go.” Wells turned to walk out of the room and paused, “In case you get the idea to run just keep in mind nobodies looking for you, so if I shoot you in the head, no one cares. Now hurry up we’ve got a lot to do.”……
A short trip, a few stitches and a shot of morphine later, I’m riding shotgun headed for the RV-park in Dayville. Wells started up with the questions right away, “So the night you scored what happened?”
I didn’t really want to talk about it but I figured it had to be better than getting shot in the face. ”Me and Willy rode out to the RV-park and copped from a guy named Al in trailer 18, on the way back my car broke down so we torched up and started walking, Willy started acting crazy then he got sick and passed out. I didn’t see him for two days until he popped up at my apartment and attacked me.”
The expression on his face changed from agitated to curious, “Wait, so your telling me that you smoked the same crystal as Willy and nothing happened to you?” he nodded his head like he was rolling it over in his mind, ”This can’t be right” he muttered to himself.
I couldn’t take it anymore, “Look Wells, since I’m spilling my guts over here, would you mind filling me in on what the hell‘s going on?” The detective chuckled. ”The ware-wolves moved into this area a few months ago, since then we’ve been receiving reports of wolf activity outside their designated areas. The strange thing about it is, all the reports were from civilians claiming someone in their household turned into a wolf and either died on the spot or attacked them then died during the scuffle. The one thing they all had in common was they all had a significant amount of methamphetamine in their blood, my theory is one of these geniuses found a way to turn normies into wolves using meth.”
I sat there staring out the window taking it all in, this couldn’t really be happening, “So, you’re telling me ware-wolves are real? And they’re cooking crystal that turns regular people into more ware-wolves? Yeah, I’m gonna need you stop the car and let me out, the trailer park is few miles ahead on the left and if it’s all the same to you, Ide really rather not be involved in all this.”
The detective pressed down on the accelerator, “Afraid it’s not that simple pal, the fact that the drug didn’t affect you means you’re one of us. If I don’t turn you in I’ll lose my hunting license, and I love my job so like it or not you’re coming with me.”
“One of you? What are you talking about? And what do you mean, turn me in? Am I going to jail? This is crazy, I didn’t do anything wrong, you have to let me go, just pull over and I’ll walk back, I swear you’ll never see me again.”
Wells shook his head. ”Calm down, you’re not going to jail, all immunes like you and me have to be registered with the “Foundation” once they run a few tests and get your info you’ll be free to go. If I were you Ide think about getting onboard, the pay is great and you’ll be doing what you do best, all you’d have to do is get high and report anomalies when you find them, clean-up crew’s or independents like me do the rest.”
The trailer park was coming into view, Wells pulled off the road then got out and went to the trunk. After a few minutes he came back wearing body armor and carrying a shotgun, “when the shooting starts you get down and stay down until it gets quiet.” He pulled down the visor and slid out a business card. ”If I don’t come back in 30 minutes go to the address on this card and give them this location.” Wells threw the car in drive and we sped into the RV Park, we pulled right up to trailer 18 and stopped, the detective hopped out then strolled up to the front door kicking it in on the first try.
After a minute or two Al came crashing through the window and landed on the hood of the car, it wasn’t long before Wells came rushing out to grab him. “Where are they!?” Al was a bloody mess but Wells didn’t care, he beat him and continued with the questions. “Where’s the cook house, and who’s running it?!”
Through cracked teeth and a broken nose Al laughed, “Even if I knew I wouldn’t tell you, so arrest me or get the fuck out of here!” Wells stepped back and checked a round into the chamber,” Arrest you? Do I look like I came here to arrest somebody? Give me your connect and I’ll make this quick.” Al laughed again and spit in the detective’s direction, “Fuck you!” Wells shrugged his shoulders, “have it your way.” He took aim and fired, from the knee down Al’s right leg basically exploded. “Last chance dipshit, give me your supplier and you might live through this.” Al rolled around on the ground screaming, the detective adjusted his aim, “I’ll take that as a no” he pulled the trigger and Al’s head splattered across the ground. Wells turned and walked back into the trailer, after a few minutes he came back with a cellphone, we sat there as he went through every number until he found what he was looking for.
“Well pal, it’s about time I turned you in, I can’t take you with me on this next one without you being registered with the Foundation, but if you decide to join up give me a call I could use a guy like you.” We drove for hours until we came to an unmarked office building in the middle of the city, “Go to the front desk and tell them your name, they already know you’re coming the rest is up to you, see you around Joe.”
Obviously I took the offer, getting paid to get high and travel was too good to pass up, right now I’m on the way to link up with Wells for my first official raid as a member of the Foundation. I’ll be back soon with all the details, according to the Foundation something big is going down all field operatives are being activated, it looks like ill have a lot to share real soon, so until next time stay alert, stay alive, things are about to heat up.
 Chapter 2: Fangs and fur 
We were fed false information and the raid turned out to be a trap. Wells and I were two of the few to come out that situation alive. When we made it back to central we found the building in flames, from what I could tell no one made it out. With the Foundation gone there was no reason to stick around, so I split. That was a few weeks ago, I’m not exactly sure where Wells went after that but I ended up in Texas. I was a few days in on a bender when all hell broke loose, it’d been a crazy night and I was crashing at this little spot called “The Alley”. The Alley is an old set of abandoned apartments tucked away on the edge of one of the tougher neighborhoods, most people avoid the place due to the fact that bodies turn up there pretty frequently. It was close to 3 in the morning when it happened, an older guy everyone called “Nemo” started screaming at the top of his lungs, staggering into his room I found him and two others butt naked clawing at the walls.
“Nemo, what the hell’s going on in here?” He turned to me smiling, his eyes were bucked and he’d pretty much chewed through his bottom lip causing blood and drool to pour down the front of his already stained shirt. ”Hey Joe, you’re right on time.” his body started to shake and I could hear his bones cracking as he moved. “I’m so.” He paused licking his lips, “Hungry.” Dropping to his knees he started ripping out fistfuls of his hair, as he did the other two started tearing themselves apart tossing bloody clumps of shredded flesh against the walls. I didn’t waste another second, turning to run I could hear growling mixed with the meaty cracking of bones snapping as I tore down the hall. Before I could make it to the end of the corridor I glanced back to see the wall come tumbling down filling the hall with dust as three freshly turned ware-wolves came rushing towards me. I saw one unlucky lady pop her head out to see what was going on, one of the smaller wolves grabbed her by the face snatching her out of her room before the others joined in. They moved like a pack, each tearing their share from her as the screams became a wet gurgling masked by the sound of them ripping her apart.
Moving as fast as I could I crashed through the door leading to the stairwell and leap frogged my way down to the first floor exit. Bursting through the doors out into the parking lot I tripped over something and fell just as flood lights lit up the front of the building.
A voice called out, “Hold your fire!” shielding my eyes from the light I spotted a silhouette approaching me. ”Thought I might find you in a place like this, how’s it going Joe?” Still blinded by the light I covered my eyes, “Wells? How’d you find.” I was cut off by the sound of someone screaming as they came crashing out of a third floor window hitting the ground with a wet splat. Wells grabbed me by the arm shouting “Move!” as he pulled me out of the line of fire. More screams erupted from the building, the three wolves I’d seen were just the tip of the iceberg it turns out almost everyone who was on crystal that night had been turned.
Once my vision cleared I saw Wells and two others I didn’t recognize, there was a woman with a muscular build manning the mounted 50 cal. I found out later her name was Cali, the other one was named “Pike” he was a dark skinned guy with a medium build maybe an inch or so shorter than me, he was using a flamethrower to scorch anything moving. Gunfire echoed through the air for the next ten or fifteen minutes and by the time it was over there were 9 wolves in the pile, Pike using the flamethrower lit the bodies up then set the building on fire before we got out of there.
A little under an hour later we were pulling up to a house not far off the main highway, once we were all out of the truck Cali looked me over then turned to Wells, “Jesus Victor, this guy’s a junkie. Are you sure he’s worth the trouble?”
Wells chuckled while removing his body armor, “Yeah, Joe here’s a natural born immune, if you can believe that. Not sure how he slipped through the cracks but I found him by accident.” Pike walked over and took a seat on the tailgate, “This guy? Seriously? No offense but I think you might be losing it Vick.” Standing there listening to them talk about me was starting to get under my skin, Cali shoved me aside and threw some her gear in the bed of the truck. “Fuck off meth mouth, I don’t trust junkies. Vick this guy’s gonna get one of us killed, I say cut him loose.” Digging in his pocket and pulling out a pack of smokes Pike lit one up, blowing out a cloud he looked over at Cali, “I guarantee this guy jackrabbits on us the first chance he gets.”
Wells pulled a cooler from the back seat then opened it and grabbed a beer, “Refresh my memory, Cali didn’t I find you working as a waitress? And Pike when I found you weren’t you a forklift operator?” They both seemed irritated by the question, taking a gulp from his beer Wells looked at the two of them and shook his head. “Leave him alone, we’ve got more important shit to worry about.” The other two went inside and Wells walked over handing me a beer. “Seriously though Joe, take a fucking shower for God’s sake, you stink something awful. They’ll come around, get yourself situated, we’ve got work to do.”
Over the next few days Wells broke it all down for me, the wolves pulled a power play and wiped out most of the Foundation strongholds across the map. When they were done they flooded the streets with tainted dope, this wasn’t just about the drugs anymore. The wolves were trying to take over. According to Wells the wolves are led by a group of elders but only one of them was responsible for what was going on here in the states. Their leader here was a man named Peter Stumpp, he fought against the Foundation forcing all ware-wolves to be registered and tagged with tracking devices. When he lost, Stumpp along with a large number of his pack went off the grid. Over the years more and more wolves joined his cause, but recently their numbers started to decline the wolves were dying off.
We looked through tons of case files, there were accounts from all over the world clusters of wolves were vanishing. The one thing they all had in common was a reference to something called “Project Omega”. Wells and the others had never heard of the project and the majority of the information was either classified.
Leaning back in his chair Wells thumbed through a file for a second then stopped and got up from the table, “These files are trash, there’s nothing in here that’s going to help us.” Looking around the room all eyes were on me, pausing and stumbling through mv words I spoke up.
“I got my last few grams from the east side, there’s an old set of buildings everyone calls the pharmacy. A big guy named Red runs the show, he’s usually got a few people with him but I couldn’t tell you if they’re cooking there or not.” After a long drawn out discussion Cali was picked to take me to the pharmacy, she would hang back and stay out of site while I went in to cop and scout the place.
The second I got inside something felt wrong, the building was quiet. Moving through the hall I kept feeling like someone was watching me. When I got to the stairs I heard a door open behind me and turned to see a short skinny guy covered in tattoos holding a gun.
“You here to see Red?” I nodded and he motioned for me to turn around. “Put your hands on the wall and don’t move, I have to check everyone going up tonight.” After a quick pat down he stepped back and gave me an odd look, “Go on up, but make it quick.” When I got to the second floor I was checked one more time then escorted to Red, he was set up in a different room today, normally he’s in the big office at the end of the hall but today it was a small office with no windows. When I stepped in the door slammed shut behind me and I was left alone with Red who was standing in the center of the room. He looked me over with an angry scowl on his face, “How long have you worked for Wells?”
I knew there was no right answer, no matter what I said, so I lied. “Who’s Wells, I just came to grab a couple of G’s.”
In a flash Red crossed the room, grabbed me by the neck and lifted me off the floor. “I can smell him on you.” his voice shifted to a growl as the skin of his face split and his eyes turned an electric blue. Snarling and tossing me aside he continued his transformation. Scrambling up off the floor I bolted for the door only to be swatted and sent flying into the wall, before I could get back to my feet he came charging slamming into me sending us both crashing through the sheetrock into the next room. Tumbling through the wall put a little distance between us, quickly scanning for anything I could use as a weapon I spotted an empty vodka bottle and grabbed it just as the now fully wolfed out Red went on the attack. He was growling and swiping wildly, I managed to avoid him long enough to smash the bottle then jam what was left of it into his eye. Digging his claws into my left leg he snatched my feet from under me and I went down hard as he came in for a bite. Trying to shield my face and neck saved my life, as he sunk his teeth into my forearm I reached up with my other hand grabbing the hunk of glass sticking out of his eye and drove it further in. Releasing me Red let out an ear piercing yelp and backed off clawing at his face, crawling away and getting to my feet I spotted a window, ran and dove through it.
The one story drop wasn’t all that bad, the landing dislocated my shoulder and the concrete scraped away some skin but I was able to get up in time to see Red come crashing out of the window. There was no time to think, I ran as fast as I could towards the highway, even with a head start there was no way I could outrun him. With the street coming into view I could feel him breathing down the back of my neck and just as the streetlights were in reach there was a muzzle flash from across the highway. I felt the shot zip passed my ear and heard the meaty “Thwack” of it punching through Reds skull just before his body hit the ground. I didn’t look back, I ran till I got to the building Cali was in then stopped by the dumpster and threw up. By the time she made it to me Reds men were headed our way, “Get your shit together, we gotta go!” she shoved me then took off running towards the far end of the alley. I did what I could to keep up, when we finally made it to the car I turned to see Reds men, who were fully transformed at this point, come racing out behind us. Getting in as fast as possible, Cali cranked the engine and we tore out of there, the wolves chased us for a block or two then gave up as we sped away.
“They knew we were coming, Red asked me about Wells before he changed and attacked me!” Cali banged her fist against the steering wheel then paused, “Wait, what do you mean Red changed? What color were his eyes?” for a second I didn’t understand the question. “Blue, but why does it matter?” slowing down the car she pulled off the road and stopped. “What did Red look like before he transformed? Was he tall and fat with a bald head and big red beard?” I nodded my head and she sat back in her seat, “Holy shit, this is bad. Red as you called him is one of Stumpps generals, his real name is Harold Merck. If he’s here that means Stumpp’s here to, we have to get out of this city, there’s no way we can take on the Pack.” There wasn’t much conversation after that, when we got back to the others Cali told them everything. They argued back and forward for a while but in the end Cali and Pike chose to leave, really can’t say I blame them, if I had anywhere else to go I would have left to.
Before they left Pike helped snap my shoulder back in place, it might not have been 100% but at least I could use my arm again. I was in the kitchen cleaning and bandaging my wounds when Wells walked in, “There’s good news and bad news, the bad news is they’re right, we can’t beat the Pack without help. The good news is, we don’t have to beat them we just have to shut down their operation.” Once I was done wrapping my arm I popped a couple of pain killers and washed them down with the last of a warm beer.
“So what’s the plan here Wells? Even if we could shut them down, there’s nothing stopping them from setting up somewhere else.” He laughed and pulled up a chair, “We’re gonna make them come after us, we hit them hard and fast, take as much dope off the streets as possible and who knows we might even luck up and find the cook house.”
Chapter 3: The war on drugs
We’ve been raiding dope spots all over the city for the past two months, we found three small cook houses and burned them to the ground but not before Wells collected all the money and I grabbed as much product as I could carry. The city was going nuts, the Pack was waging a war against the police and we were waging a war against them.
“We got a rough one tonight Joe, this is our first lab. There’s no walking in, this is wet work everybody in the building has to go, are you ready?” Up until now I hadn’t had to do much, normally I would just go in and buy, get the lay out and leave, Wells would come in later and wipe the place out. Now it was finally time to get my hands dirty and to be honest, I couldn’t wait.
Thumping out my cigarette, I finished strapping on my body armor and nodded my head, “Am I ready? Are you ready? I’ve been waiting for this shit!” Wells narrowed his eyes at me shaking his head, “Are you high right now?! I swear to God if you fuck this up, I’ll leave you there.” Laughing, picking up the rest of my gear I looked at Wells, “Of course I’m high, what kind of a question is that? I don’t see how you can do this sober.”
Two hours later we were trekking through the wood closing in on the lab, the place was tucked away far from anything resembling a road, if you didn’t know it was there you would ever find it. It was pitch black out there, if it weren’t for the night vision specs you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face. When we caught site of the building the first thing I noticed were the guards, two massive wolves paced the perimeter sniffing the air and scanning the tree line for intruders. Since they hadn’t sniffed us out yet we figured this was as close as we could get, once we had our shots lined up we counted down from three then took the shots in unison. The second they hit the ground the place came to life, more wolves poured out of the building. Going full auto I swept left and Wells peeled off to the right barking out “Keep them between us!” we were only able to drop a few more before the ones that hadn’t turned starting shooting back. Caught up in my own firefight I lost track of Wells, bullets tore through the trees around me as I did my best to stay behind the thickest of them and continued to move in. Laying lead on my target I heard the click of death and stopped to reload, as I popped in another magazine a low heavy growl cut through the darkness behind me. (Shit) Before I could turn around I was blindsided, the bastard slammed into me and sent my body tumbling through the dirt, I lost my rifle and night vision on impact but when I sprung to my feet I pulled my sidearm. The sound of gunfire in the distance told me Wells was still alive but I couldn’t worry about him right then, the wolf growled and paced around me in the darkness, stalking me while I slowly adjusted to the night. The moonlight coming through the trees reflected off its eyes just before it attacked.
Stepping backwards I emptied the clip on that thing but it didn’t stop, the first swipe ripped the flesh off the back of my hand and sent the gun flying. Sidestepping and pulling the knife from my belt I tried to size it up, this thing was huge. In a flash of grey fur its second strike hit me before I could make a move, razor sharp claws sliced through face and spun me off my feet, crawling away as fast as I could I tried to get up but it was on me. Lifting me off the ground before slamming me back down it rag dolled my body, breaking bones until I blacked out…
They say when you have a near death experience your life flashes in front of your eyes, that’s bullshit. I didn’t see anything, all I remember is darkness and silence right up until a surge of electricity pulsed through my body, there were flashes of white light and I heard a voice call out “Clear” just before another wave of energy hit me. The next thing I know I’m waking up in a hospital room with a broken leg, cracked ribs a fractured arm and a severe concussion. On top of all of that I narrowly avoided losing my right eye and was left with a set of scars that run from my jawline to my forehead. I asked everyone who came into my room how I got there but no one would give me an answer, after a few days Wells showed up.
“I can’t believe you tried to fight a Natural with a knife, you are a fucking Wildman.” He laughed and pulled a chair over next to my bed then took a seat. “I’ve never seen the wolf that kicked your ass, what do you remember?” No matter how much I tried to replay it in my head I couldn’t remember much, the only thing I knew for sure was it was grey. Wells said he saw me fighting with it but by the time he got there it was gone, he abandoned the mission and got me out of there as quickly as he could but not without getting torn up pretty badly himself. We weren’t able to shut the lab down, we barely made it out alive, the only good that came out of it was the Pack put a price on our heads, Wells plan worked….
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"Bad Habits" CH: 1-3(Fiction)

Chapter 1: Let’s get high
It’s not easy to admit that you have a problem, for a lot of years I drifted through life looking for my next high, in most cases that would be your typical junkies background story leading up to his or her recovery. Only I never recovered, instead I just replaced all my addictions with one really fucked up past time, if you can call it that. I suppose you noticed I said all my addictions, I am what I like to call a well -rounded dope fiend, coke, heroine, meth and a list of pills that would make a pharmacist shit himself, you name it I’m on it, if you got it I want it, and that’s exactly what led me here.
My name isn’t all that important, and given what I do for a living these days it’s probably best that you don’t know. So for now you can call me Joe, this is an insane situation so I won’t blame you if you don’t believe me, but nonetheless for better or worse this is some real shit. I was living in Oregon when I learned the truth, I’m not talking today’s Oregon with super clean product and organized distributers, I’m talking the mom and pop days, when any tweeker with a chemistry set was cooking up crank in the bath tub. I had a pal named Willy that I used to get high with, we used to play this game, we would bet on which blast would be the last because back then the wrong shit could kill you, anyway uh, we had got our hands on some unbelievable smoke from a RV park in Dayville and we were driving back to my place when my car broke down. I know, I know there’s load of stories that start exactly like that, but I can’t make this up, that’s exactly what happened. To tell the truth I knew the car was trash and making that drive was a bad idea but when getting sick isn’t an option you’ll go a long way to get what you need.
The car rolled to a stop half way through “Fossil Beds” on the 19, Willy looked over at me and laughed, “I told you, I knew we should have bet on it, what are we gonna do now Joe? I’m not in the mood for your bullshit, we both know you can’t fix this car, we might as well start walking now and save ourselves the trouble.” I had to laugh, he was right, we both lit up and took a few hits before we got out and started the long walk home. I don’t know if any of you have ever been through the Fossil Beds, it’s a gorgeous place in the day time but when the sun goes down, I swear it’s the deepest darkest place on earth.
After about an hour of walking I glanced over at Willy who was smoking a cigarette and franticly scanning the darkness around us, “You ok man? What the fuck is wrong with you?” he took a long drag off his cigarette and stopped walking still looking around. “Can you smell that?” he sniffed the air “It smells like” Willy tilted his head back and took in a deep breath “It smells like food” his voice slowly turned to a growl as he continued sniffing the air. I thought he was just screwing around until he brought his head down and I saw his eyes, they were oversized and bright yellow, stubble was sprouting from his normally shiny bald head. For a second I thought it was the drugs, but when he started tearing away his face and howling like an animal, I ran. The high made me feel like I was The Flash, blazing a trail across the planet, in reality years of drug abuse and bad life choices meant I was practically moving in slow motion. It didn’t matter though, I took a chance and glanced back over my shoulder to see Willy laying on the ground not moving, I stopped and went back still partially thinking I was high and this was a bad trip but when I made it back to where he was laying I saw a pool of blood forming under him. By the way he was positioned his back was to me, I had to step around to see his face and when I did my brain couldn’t process what I was seeing. His skull was split and there protruding from the shredded flesh and shattered bone was the partially formed skull of a wolf or should I say a ware-wolf? I’m not really sure which is correct. I’m not proud of what I did next but since Willy was dead he wasn’t going to need his dope, so I dug in his pocket and took it then got the hell out of there…….
By the time I got home I was losing it, I stayed up for the next two days blazing my life away, everything was such a blur I didn’t know what was real or imagined, when someone knocked on my door I almost lost it. I ran to my bedroom closet and grabbed my gun as whoever it was kept knocking until I finally yelled out “Stop knocking! I coming for Christ’s sake, just give me a fucking second!” rushing through my apartment I tripped over a shoe and dropped the gun which went off and shot a hole in my wall. “Holy Shit!” A familiar voice yelped on the other side of the door, “Joe, man it’s me Willy, what the hell are you doing?” I almost threw up when I recognized his voice, I scrambled to my feet, opened the door and there he was, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, “Are you really here right now?” I stuttered through the words dreading the response. Willy looked at me for a second then punched me in the face knocking me flat on my ass, “Of course I’m really here, you piece of shit! Why the fuck did you leave me on the side of the road? And you robbed me, me! Your best, scratch that, your only fucking friend and you robbed me! Give me my money or my smoke or I swear to God I’m gonna fucking kill you!”
Fear, paranoia and meth are a lethal combination, seeing Willy standing in my doorway when I clearly saw him die two nights before was just enough to send me right over the edge. Sitting on the floor with blood gushing from my nose, I grabbed my gun and pointed it at him, he narrowed his eyes at me and stepped back, “what are you gonna” he was cut short when I pulled the trigger…..Blood and gunpowder (a smell I would eventually come to love) drifted in the air as Willy fell face down in my living room, the bullet tore through his neck and blew out a part of his spine on its way out, it was a kill shot (and a damn good one if you ask me) he was dead before he hit the ground. I got myself together, the cops would be showing up soon and the last thing I needed was another arrest this one would probably get me life, I rushed to my bedroom and started stuffing a backpack with clothes and any cash I had in the house. I was in the middle of ransacking my room searching for a few grams I stashed when a low growl rumbled through the room, heavy breathing and a guttural huffing sound froze me in my tracks. Before I could turn around it was on me, snarling, biting tearing into me I caught glimpses of bristly black fur and flashes of bright yellow eyes but I hadn’t really seen what was attacking me, I’m tall 6’6 and this thing towered over me by at least a foot, it rag-dolled me around the room slamming me off the walls, but after smoking meth for two days straight I felt like superman and my fight or flight mode was in overdrive. I slammed into a wall and came down on the floor hard, in my head I bounced right back up to my feet, but I’m fairly certain that’s not what really happened, anyway, I got back on my feet and what was standing in front of me was the most amazing and terrifying thing I had ever seen in my life. It was a full on, howl at the moon, 7 foot tall ware-wolf, it was bleeding from a hole in its throat and looking at me like I was dinner. I can’t rationally explain what I did next so I’ll just tell you, I yelled, I screamed as loud as I could, “Come on!” and it roared back before making that guttural huffing sound again and collapsing on the floor, in my mind I had just defeated a beast from hell, so I might have gone a little primal.
There I was covered in blood, pounding my chest and screaming at the ware-wolf corpse on my bedroom floor, when the sweetest voice in the world cut through the madness. It was Shelby, she’s my insanely hot neighbor, I’m just bullshitting you, Shelby’s my weird ass next door neighbor, don’t get me wrong she’s pretty and a very sweet girl, I smoked a little weed with her from time to time, but she’s not insanely hot, (I just thought it sounded cooler) she’s just a little odd if you ask me.
“Are you ok in there Joe?” She called out nervously peeping around the corner into my bedroom. “I heard all the commotion and came to” Shelby paused when she spotted the mass of blood and fur, “Holy shit, is that what I think it is?” she glanced up at me and gasped,” Oh my god, what happened in here? You’re bleeding, we have to get you to the hospital,” the sound of police sirens in the distance slightly brought me back to reality for a second, “I can’t go to jail again Shelby, they’ll lock me up for good this time, let’s go back to your place and I’ll get cleaned up, when the cops leave I’m out of your hair. Please Shelby, you gotta do this for me.”
She couldn’t stop looking at the dead ware-wolf on the floor “Hell no! I’m not getting involved in this. But if you don’t want to go to jail, you better get moving before the cops show up.” I didn’t really have much of a choice but I realized in that moment that Shelby was seeing the ware-wolf that meant it was real and I wasn’t insane. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought and climbed out of the window, the second my feet hit the ground I took off running….
I held up in a fleabag motel for the next few days, some of my wounds were infected and I was falling apart. I watched the news almost religiously for any signs of what went down, but there wasn’t a single word mentioned. About a week later there’s a knock at my door. ”Open up Joe, we need to talk.” I didn’t recognize the voice, but it didn’t matter anymore I was sick, I hadn’t fixed in days and I was burning up from the infection. I staggered over to the door, unlocked it and swung it open, “I’m detective Victor Wells, mind if I have a word with you?” he winced from the reek that was wafting out of my room and pointed to the bed “Why don’t you step over to the bed and take a seat for me.” Wells stepped into my room and closed the door behind him. “I’m going to get straight to the point, this is all off the books. That thing you killed in your apartment is an ongoing problem in this area and I need you to take me to where you got your dope. By the stink of you I can tell you’ve been bitten, so I’ll give you a little advice. You need to see a doctor, getting bit by a ware-wolf doesn’t turn you into one, this aint the movies son! That infection will kill you, the only way to become a ware-wolf is to be born one and that’s exactly why I need you to take me to where you got that crystal.”
I sat there in a daze for a few seconds, it was so hard to focus, the room was swaying and my heart was pounding. Detective Wells shook his head and dug in his pocket pulling out a Narcan inhaler then tossing it to me. ”Take a hit off that, get yourself together and meet me outside. I’m going to get you stitched up then you’re taking me to where I need to go.” Wells turned to walk out of the room and paused, “In case you get the idea to run just keep in mind nobodies looking for you, so if I shoot you in the head, no one cares. Now hurry up we’ve got a lot to do.”……
A short trip, a few stitches and a shot of morphine later, I’m riding shotgun headed for the RV-park in Dayville. Wells started up with the questions right away, “So the night you scored what happened?”
I didn’t really want to talk about it but I figured it had to be better than getting shot in the face. ”Me and Willy rode out to the RV-park and copped from a guy named Al in trailer 18, on the way back my car broke down so we torched up and started walking, Willy started acting crazy then he got sick and passed out. I didn’t see him for two days until he popped up at my apartment and attacked me.”
The expression on his face changed from agitated to curious, “Wait, so your telling me that you smoked the same crystal as Willy and nothing happened to you?” he nodded his head like he was rolling it over in his mind, ”This can’t be right” he muttered to himself.
I couldn’t take it anymore, “Look Wells, since I’m spilling my guts over here, would you mind filling me in on what the hell‘s going on?” The detective chuckled. ”The ware-wolves moved into this area a few months ago, since then we’ve been receiving reports of wolf activity outside their designated areas. The strange thing about it is, all the reports were from civilians claiming someone in their household turned into a wolf and either died on the spot or attacked them then died during the scuffle. The one thing they all had in common was they all had a significant amount of methamphetamine in their blood, my theory is one of these geniuses found a way to turn normies into wolves using meth.”
I sat there staring out the window taking it all in, this couldn’t really be happening, “So, you’re telling me ware-wolves are real? And they’re cooking crystal that turns regular people into more ware-wolves? Yeah, I’m gonna need you stop the car and let me out, the trailer park is few miles ahead on the left and if it’s all the same to you, Ide really rather not be involved in all this.”
The detective pressed down on the accelerator, “Afraid it’s not that simple pal, the fact that the drug didn’t affect you means you’re one of us. If I don’t turn you in I’ll lose my hunting license, and I love my job so like it or not you’re coming with me.”
“One of you? What are you talking about? And what do you mean, turn me in? Am I going to jail? This is crazy, I didn’t do anything wrong, you have to let me go, just pull over and I’ll walk back, I swear you’ll never see me again.”
Wells shook his head. ”Calm down, you’re not going to jail, all immunes like you and me have to be registered with the “Foundation” once they run a few tests and get your info you’ll be free to go. If I were you Ide think about getting onboard, the pay is great and you’ll be doing what you do best, all you’d have to do is get high and report anomalies when you find them, clean-up crew’s or independents like me do the rest.”
The trailer park was coming into view, Wells pulled off the road then got out and went to the trunk. After a few minutes he came back wearing body armor and carrying a shotgun, “when the shooting starts you get down and stay down until it gets quiet.” He pulled down the visor and slid out a business card. ”If I don’t come back in 30 minutes go to the address on this card and give them this location.” Wells threw the car in drive and we sped into the RV Park, we pulled right up to trailer 18 and stopped, the detective hopped out then strolled up to the front door kicking it in on the first try.
After a minute or two Al came crashing through the window and landed on the hood of the car, it wasn’t long before Wells came rushing out to grab him. “Where are they!?” Al was a bloody mess but Wells didn’t care, he beat him and continued with the questions. “Where’s the cook house, and who’s running it?!”
Through cracked teeth and a broken nose Al laughed, “Even if I knew I wouldn’t tell you, so arrest me or get the fuck out of here!” Wells stepped back and checked a round into the chamber,” Arrest you? Do I look like I came here to arrest somebody? Give me your connect and I’ll make this quick.” Al laughed again and spit in the detective’s direction, “Fuck you!” Wells shrugged his shoulders, “have it your way.” He took aim and fired, from the knee down Al’s right leg basically exploded. “Last chance dipshit, give me your supplier and you might live through this.” Al rolled around on the ground screaming, the detective adjusted his aim, “I’ll take that as a no” he pulled the trigger and Al’s head splattered across the ground. Wells turned and walked back into the trailer, after a few minutes he came back with a cellphone, we sat there as he went through every number until he found what he was looking for.
“Well pal, it’s about time I turned you in, I can’t take you with me on this next one without you being registered with the Foundation, but if you decide to join up give me a call I could use a guy like you.” We drove for hours until we came to an unmarked office building in the middle of the city, “Go to the front desk and tell them your name, they already know you’re coming the rest is up to you, see you around Joe.”
Obviously I took the offer, getting paid to get high and travel was too good to pass up, right now I’m on the way to link up with Wells for my first official raid as a member of the Foundation. I’ll be back soon with all the details, according to the Foundation something big is going down all field operatives are being activated, it looks like ill have a lot to share real soon, so until next time stay alert, stay alive, things are about to heat up.
 Chapter 2: Fangs and fur 
We were fed false information and the raid turned out to be a trap. Wells and I were two of the few to come out that situation alive. When we made it back to central we found the building in flames, from what I could tell no one made it out. With the Foundation gone there was no reason to stick around, so I split. That was a few weeks ago, I’m not exactly sure where Wells went after that but I ended up in Texas. I was a few days in on a bender when all hell broke loose, it’d been a crazy night and I was crashing at this little spot called “The Alley”. The Alley is an old set of abandoned apartments tucked away on the edge of one of the tougher neighborhoods, most people avoid the place due to the fact that bodies turn up there pretty frequently. It was close to 3 in the morning when it happened, an older guy everyone called “Nemo” started screaming at the top of his lungs, staggering into his room I found him and two others butt naked clawing at the walls.
“Nemo, what the hell’s going on in here?” He turned to me smiling, his eyes were bucked and he’d pretty much chewed through his bottom lip causing blood and drool to pour down the front of his already stained shirt. ”Hey Joe, you’re right on time.” his body started to shake and I could hear his bones cracking as he moved. “I’m so.” He paused licking his lips, “Hungry.” Dropping to his knees he started ripping out fistfuls of his hair, as he did the other two started tearing themselves apart tossing bloody clumps of shredded flesh against the walls. I didn’t waste another second, turning to run I could hear growling mixed with the meaty cracking of bones snapping as I tore down the hall. Before I could make it to the end of the corridor I glanced back to see the wall come tumbling down filling the hall with dust as three freshly turned ware-wolves came rushing towards me. I saw one unlucky lady pop her head out to see what was going on, one of the smaller wolves grabbed her by the face snatching her out of her room before the others joined in. They moved like a pack, each tearing their share from her as the screams became a wet gurgling masked by the sound of them ripping her apart.
Moving as fast as I could I crashed through the door leading to the stairwell and leap frogged my way down to the first floor exit. Bursting through the doors out into the parking lot I tripped over something and fell just as flood lights lit up the front of the building.
A voice called out, “Hold your fire!” shielding my eyes from the light I spotted a silhouette approaching me. ”Thought I might find you in a place like this, how’s it going Joe?” Still blinded by the light I covered my eyes, “Wells? How’d you find.” I was cut off by the sound of someone screaming as they came crashing out of a third floor window hitting the ground with a wet splat. Wells grabbed me by the arm shouting “Move!” as he pulled me out of the line of fire. More screams erupted from the building, the three wolves I’d seen were just the tip of the iceberg it turns out almost everyone who was on crystal that night had been turned.
Once my vision cleared I saw Wells and two others I didn’t recognize, there was a woman with a muscular build manning the mounted 50 cal. I found out later her name was Cali, the other one was named “Pike” he was a dark skinned guy with a medium build maybe an inch or so shorter than me, he was using a flamethrower to scorch anything moving. Gunfire echoed through the air for the next ten or fifteen minutes and by the time it was over there were 9 wolves in the pile, Pike using the flamethrower lit the bodies up then set the building on fire before we got out of there.
A little under an hour later we were pulling up to a house not far off the main highway, once we were all out of the truck Cali looked me over then turned to Wells, “Jesus Victor, this guy’s a junkie. Are you sure he’s worth the trouble?”
Wells chuckled while removing his body armor, “Yeah, Joe here’s a natural born immune, if you can believe that. Not sure how he slipped through the cracks but I found him by accident.” Pike walked over and took a seat on the tailgate, “This guy? Seriously? No offense but I think you might be losing it Vick.” Standing there listening to them talk about me was starting to get under my skin, Cali shoved me aside and threw some her gear in the bed of the truck. “Fuck off meth mouth, I don’t trust junkies. Vick this guy’s gonna get one of us killed, I say cut him loose.” Digging in his pocket and pulling out a pack of smokes Pike lit one up, blowing out a cloud he looked over at Cali, “I guarantee this guy jackrabbits on us the first chance he gets.”
Wells pulled a cooler from the back seat then opened it and grabbed a beer, “Refresh my memory, Cali didn’t I find you working as a waitress? And Pike when I found you weren’t you a forklift operator?” They both seemed irritated by the question, taking a gulp from his beer Wells looked at the two of them and shook his head. “Leave him alone, we’ve got more important shit to worry about.” The other two went inside and Wells walked over handing me a beer. “Seriously though Joe, take a fucking shower for God’s sake, you stink something awful. They’ll come around, get yourself situated, we’ve got work to do.”
Over the next few days Wells broke it all down for me, the wolves pulled a power play and wiped out most of the Foundation strongholds across the map. When they were done they flooded the streets with tainted dope, this wasn’t just about the drugs anymore. The wolves were trying to take over. According to Wells the wolves are led by a group of elders but only one of them was responsible for what was going on here in the states. Their leader here was a man named Peter Stumpp, he fought against the Foundation forcing all ware-wolves to be registered and tagged with tracking devices. When he lost, Stumpp along with a large number of his pack went off the grid. Over the years more and more wolves joined his cause, but recently their numbers started to decline the wolves were dying off.
We looked through tons of case files, there were accounts from all over the world clusters of wolves were vanishing. The one thing they all had in common was a reference to something called “Project Omega”. Wells and the others had never heard of the project and the majority of the information was either classified.
Leaning back in his chair Wells thumbed through a file for a second then stopped and got up from the table, “These files are trash, there’s nothing in here that’s going to help us.” Looking around the room all eyes were on me, pausing and stumbling through mv words I spoke up.
“I got my last few grams from the east side, there’s an old set of buildings everyone calls the pharmacy. A big guy named Red runs the show, he’s usually got a few people with him but I couldn’t tell you if they’re cooking there or not.” After a long drawn out discussion Cali was picked to take me to the pharmacy, she would hang back and stay out of site while I went in to cop and scout the place.
The second I got inside something felt wrong, the building was quiet. Moving through the hall I kept feeling like someone was watching me. When I got to the stairs I heard a door open behind me and turned to see a short skinny guy covered in tattoos holding a gun.
“You here to see Red?” I nodded and he motioned for me to turn around. “Put your hands on the wall and don’t move, I have to check everyone going up tonight.” After a quick pat down he stepped back and gave me an odd look, “Go on up, but make it quick.” When I got to the second floor I was checked one more time then escorted to Red, he was set up in a different room today, normally he’s in the big office at the end of the hall but today it was a small office with no windows. When I stepped in the door slammed shut behind me and I was left alone with Red who was standing in the center of the room. He looked me over with an angry scowl on his face, “How long have you worked for Wells?”
I knew there was no right answer, no matter what I said, so I lied. “Who’s Wells, I just came to grab a couple of G’s.”
In a flash Red crossed the room, grabbed me by the neck and lifted me off the floor. “I can smell him on you.” his voice shifted to a growl as the skin of his face split and his eyes turned an electric blue. Snarling and tossing me aside he continued his transformation. Scrambling up off the floor I bolted for the door only to be swatted and sent flying into the wall, before I could get back to my feet he came charging slamming into me sending us both crashing through the sheetrock into the next room. Tumbling through the wall put a little distance between us, quickly scanning for anything I could use as a weapon I spotted an empty vodka bottle and grabbed it just as the now fully wolfed out Red went on the attack. He was growling and swiping wildly, I managed to avoid him long enough to smash the bottle then jam what was left of it into his eye. Digging his claws into my left leg he snatched my feet from under me and I went down hard as he came in for a bite. Trying to shield my face and neck saved my life, as he sunk his teeth into my forearm I reached up with my other hand grabbing the hunk of glass sticking out of his eye and drove it further in. Releasing me Red let out an ear piercing yelp and backed off clawing at his face, crawling away and getting to my feet I spotted a window, ran and dove through it.
The one story drop wasn’t all that bad, the landing dislocated my shoulder and the concrete scraped away some skin but I was able to get up in time to see Red come crashing out of the window. There was no time to think, I ran as fast as I could towards the highway, even with a head start there was no way I could outrun him. With the street coming into view I could feel him breathing down the back of my neck and just as the streetlights were in reach there was a muzzle flash from across the highway. I felt the shot zip passed my ear and heard the meaty “Thwack” of it punching through Reds skull just before his body hit the ground. I didn’t look back, I ran till I got to the building Cali was in then stopped by the dumpster and threw up. By the time she made it to me Reds men were headed our way, “Get your shit together, we gotta go!” she shoved me then took off running towards the far end of the alley. I did what I could to keep up, when we finally made it to the car I turned to see Reds men, who were fully transformed at this point, come racing out behind us. Getting in as fast as possible, Cali cranked the engine and we tore out of there, the wolves chased us for a block or two then gave up as we sped away.
“They knew we were coming, Red asked me about Wells before he changed and attacked me!” Cali banged her fist against the steering wheel then paused, “Wait, what do you mean Red changed? What color were his eyes?” for a second I didn’t understand the question. “Blue, but why does it matter?” slowing down the car she pulled off the road and stopped. “What did Red look like before he transformed? Was he tall and fat with a bald head and big red beard?” I nodded my head and she sat back in her seat, “Holy shit, this is bad. Red as you called him is one of Stumpps generals, his real name is Harold Merck. If he’s here that means Stumpp’s here to, we have to get out of this city, there’s no way we can take on the Pack.” There wasn’t much conversation after that, when we got back to the others Cali told them everything. They argued back and forward for a while but in the end Cali and Pike chose to leave, really can’t say I blame them, if I had anywhere else to go I would have left to.
Before they left Pike helped snap my shoulder back in place, it might not have been 100% but at least I could use my arm again. I was in the kitchen cleaning and bandaging my wounds when Wells walked in, “There’s good news and bad news, the bad news is they’re right, we can’t beat the Pack without help. The good news is, we don’t have to beat them we just have to shut down their operation.” Once I was done wrapping my arm I popped a couple of pain killers and washed them down with the last of a warm beer.
“So what’s the plan here Wells? Even if we could shut them down, there’s nothing stopping them from setting up somewhere else.” He laughed and pulled up a chair, “We’re gonna make them come after us, we hit them hard and fast, take as much dope off the streets as possible and who knows we might even luck up and find the cook house.”
Chapter 3: The war on drugs
We’ve been raiding dope spots all over the city for the past two months, we found three small cook houses and burned them to the ground but not before Wells collected all the money and I grabbed as much product as I could carry. The city was going nuts, the Pack was waging a war against the police and we were waging a war against them.
“We got a rough one tonight Joe, this is our first lab. There’s no walking in, this is wet work everybody in the building has to go, are you ready?” Up until now I hadn’t had to do much, normally I would just go in and buy, get the lay out and leave, Wells would come in later and wipe the place out. Now it was finally time to get my hands dirty and to be honest, I couldn’t wait.
Thumping out my cigarette, I finished strapping on my body armor and nodded my head, “Am I ready? Are you ready? I’ve been waiting for this shit!” Wells narrowed his eyes at me shaking his head, “Are you high right now?! I swear to God if you fuck this up, I’ll leave you there.” Laughing, picking up the rest of my gear I looked at Wells, “Of course I’m high, what kind of a question is that? I don’t see how you can do this sober.”
Two hours later we were trekking through the wood closing in on the lab, the place was tucked away far from anything resembling a road, if you didn’t know it was there you would ever find it. It was pitch black out there, if it weren’t for the night vision specs you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face. When we caught site of the building the first thing I noticed were the guards, two massive wolves paced the perimeter sniffing the air and scanning the tree line for intruders. Since they hadn’t sniffed us out yet we figured this was as close as we could get, once we had our shots lined up we counted down from three then took the shots in unison. The second they hit the ground the place came to life, more wolves poured out of the building. Going full auto I swept left and Wells peeled off to the right barking out “Keep them between us!” we were only able to drop a few more before the ones that hadn’t turned starting shooting back. Caught up in my own firefight I lost track of Wells, bullets tore through the trees around me as I did my best to stay behind the thickest of them and continued to move in. Laying lead on my target I heard the click of death and stopped to reload, as I popped in another magazine a low heavy growl cut through the darkness behind me. (Shit) Before I could turn around I was blindsided, the bastard slammed into me and sent my body tumbling through the dirt, I lost my rifle and night vision on impact but when I sprung to my feet I pulled my sidearm. The sound of gunfire in the distance told me Wells was still alive but I couldn’t worry about him right then, the wolf growled and paced around me in the darkness, stalking me while I slowly adjusted to the night. The moonlight coming through the trees reflected off its eyes just before it attacked.
Stepping backwards I emptied the clip on that thing but it didn’t stop, the first swipe ripped the flesh off the back of my hand and sent the gun flying. Sidestepping and pulling the knife from my belt I tried to size it up, this thing was huge. In a flash of grey fur its second strike hit me before I could make a move, razor sharp claws sliced through face and spun me off my feet, crawling away as fast as I could I tried to get up but it was on me. Lifting me off the ground before slamming me back down it rag dolled my body, breaking bones until I blacked out…
They say when you have a near death experience your life flashes in front of your eyes, that’s bullshit. I didn’t see anything, all I remember is darkness and silence right up until a surge of electricity pulsed through my body, there were flashes of white light and I heard a voice call out “Clear” just before another wave of energy hit me. The next thing I know I’m waking up in a hospital room with a broken leg, cracked ribs a fractured arm and a severe concussion. On top of all of that I narrowly avoided losing my right eye and was left with a set of scars that run from my jawline to my forehead. I asked everyone who came into my room how I got there but no one would give me an answer, after a few days Wells showed up.
“I can’t believe you tried to fight a Natural with a knife, you are a fucking Wildman.” He laughed and pulled a chair over next to my bed then took a seat. “I’ve never seen the wolf that kicked your ass, what do you remember?” No matter how much I tried to replay it in my head I couldn’t remember much, the only thing I knew for sure was it was grey. Wells said he saw me fighting with it but by the time he got there it was gone, he abandoned the mission and got me out of there as quickly as he could but not without getting torn up pretty badly himself. We weren’t able to shut the lab down, we barely made it out alive, the only good that came out of it was the Pack put a price on our heads, Wells plan worked….
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