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I am 35 years old, I made $67,665 gross last year (between multiple jobs) and live in Buffalo and work in higher education and retail.

Title: I am 35 years old, I made $67,665 gross last year (between multiple jobs) and live in Buffalo and work in higher education and retail.
This is my 5th MD update. Previous MDs in June 2019, October 2019, February 2020, and July 2020.
Ref29 questions:
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
Absolutely. Both of my parents have bachelors degrees, and it wasn’t even a conversation of “if” I was going to college, but “where”. I ended up going to a private 4-year college, with a 75% merit scholarship. I was able to pay for the first semester with savings bonds/general savings, but took out loans for the remaining semesters. I worked 2 on campus jobs (tour guide and TA), plus at a coffee shop - this was more for spending money/gas etc. Looking back, I wish that I had put more of that income aside for paying for school, but I was definitely headlong into the student loan trap of “it’s ok, this is good debt….blah blah.”
I thought that i had the exact idea of what I wanted to do for a career - and that basically required a masters degree - so I went straight to grad school after undergrad. Private - and took out the maximum student loans for both years. I cannot stress what a terrible financial idea this was. The last half of my MA was in DC, so I used the loans for rent/food, as I had a full time unpaid internship. Long story short, what I thought was my career goal wasn’t.
I am FINALLY nearly done paying off my loans. If I had to go back and give my past self advice, it would have been to not go to grad school directly after undergrad. I still might have gotten my masters, but I would have done it in a much more financially responsible way.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances?
We had conversations growing up - but it was much more of a conversation now that I’m an adult. I’ve noted in past MDs, but my parents have told us that they regret not being able to help us all more as teenagers/college/young adults, so they’ve been extremely supportive of my focus on debt repayment.
Did you worry about money growing up?
Not really. I remember being conscious about it - we didn’t have new cars (EVER - like it’s still a thing), and we used coupons/budgets/bulk freezer meals for shopping, but I think a portion of that was that there were 4 of us kids. We were all involved in a variety of extracurricular activities as well, but I don’t remember even being like, limited or restricted from doing anything.
Do you worry about money now?
While I am noting that I’m making progress, it is still very overwhelming. It’s really hard for me not to beat myself up when I either buy “treats” or things that aren’t really treats, but are just home comforts. I finally bought myself 2 sets (!) of decent sheets this past month after having 1 set of crappy sheets for the last 2 years lol. I still have so much work to do, on debt repayment, fully funding my emergency fund, and (massive goal here) saving for a down payment on a house.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
I would say I was financially responsible for myself when I moved for grad school in the fall of 2008 (so when I was 22/23).
That being said, I definitely have had a financial safety net - my parents always assisted with grocery money if I needed it - when I was married, that definitely was not only a safety net, but also got me in a lot of bad habits.
Since my divorce, my parents have assisted with cell phone, car insurance, and letting me live with them for a few months when I moved back to the US. I know that if something happened, they would absolutely assist with a place to live if I needed it.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.
As previous MDs have noted, my parents have assisted with assorted checks when my dad got a bonus, and they have always been extremely generous with holiday $.
Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance (and how you got there): $33,194.67 (up from $23,800 in February 2020)
This is a combo of Stash Retire ($1721.52), 401K from a previous job ($17,330.01), retirement accounts from my current job ($2807.58 in my optional IRA to which I contribute extra; $2947.46 in the basic retirement plan, to which my employer contributes 7%), and TSP from a previous job ($8,388.10).
Savings account balance: $1000
Checking account balance: $1381.07 (at the start of the money diary)
Credit card debt (and how you accumulated it): $7,558.08 (focus has been more on student loans, plus I am a bit guilty of using it at random points) (down from $19,556 in June 2019).
Student loan debt (for what degree): Current remaining balance is $972.57!!!!! This is down from $23,645.37 in June 2019) (combined loans for undergraduate and graduate degrees in International Relations. To give you an idea of how much I’ve paid off - I’ve paid $118,297.81 off up to this point).
*note: December was a PHENOMENAL debt payment month for me (just over $4k).
Section Two: Income
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $2847.53
*after using the IRS refund calculator, it became clear that I was expecting a much higher refund, so I stopped having extra withheld. Eventually I’ll get the hang of it.
Side Gig Monthly Take Home: $1442.72 (average monthly take home August-December 2020)
My retail job fully reopened, and I also applied for, and got a promotion, which meant both an hourly raise and more hours)
Any Other Monthly Income Here:
Section Three: Expenses
Rent / Mortgage $980.00/month (+ $3.95 service charge when I pay online) (no change)
Retirement contribution: $115.58/month Roth IRA from work + $80.00/month into Stash Retire (no change)
Savings contribution: $0/month (Debt payments are the priority)
Investment contribution: None
Health/Dental/Vision Insurance: $76.38/month (Through work, it gets taken out biweekly)
FSA contribution: $27.78 biweekly (I set my annual contribution at $750 this year, up from $600)
Debt payments
Student Loan minimums: $55.54 is strictly the minimum for my FINAL (!!!) student loan, but as you all know by now, I have been attacking these with a vengeance and plan on this being gone no later than March.
Credit Card minimums: Avg. Monthly Payment $300. (as mentioned in the debt section, I have slipped slightly on allowing myself to use the credit card, but still have been able to lower my overall amount)
Wifi/Cable/Landline: $64.99/month
Cellphone: Still on the parental plan, but will be transitioning off. I’m shopping around and have started to budget.
Subscriptions: Apple storage - $2.99/month; Netflix- $8.99; (even though I’ve been able to be at home much much more, we still get a monthly barkbox for the toys; Spotify Premium - $9.99/month. Headspace - $14.99/month. Renaissance Periodization - $16.19/month
Laundry (if you pay per load): $40/month. I put aside $10 per paycheck.
Gym membership $75/month - I budget this much for my ROMWOD and Movement Vault monthly subscriptions. This also covers my monthly subscription for my WHOOP band. My retail side gig also provides $225/month to work out. This covers my monthly membership to my crossfit gym, as well as extra megaformer classes. $32.63/month for WHOOP; $13.95/month for ROMWOD; $9.99/month for Movement vault
Pet expenses: $150/month - includes pet insurance. This is what I put into my budget for insurance, food, grooming etc.) Barkbox 31.54/month; Pet insurance $79.24
Car payment / insurance / average gas:$100/month (as my dad plans on retiring within the next year, he will be signing over my car to me, meaning that I will be taking on my insurance. I fully acknowledge that this has been nice to not have to worry about, and that my parents have been absolutely amazing. The current annual insurance for my car looks like it will be around $450. Future money diaries will take this into account.
Renter insurance: $12.50/month
Average groceries / household supply spend; Looking at YNAB, my average spend has been just over $700/month. This seems insanely high for one person, but I do also follow a RP meal plan, meaning that I tend to eat A LOT to fuel my workouts. I also haven’t gone out basically at all ….
Regular therapy: N/A
Charitable Giving: $75/avg. August-Dec 2020 (Much of this was “rage” donating in the run up to the election)
Annual Expenses:
YNAB (You Need A Budget): $83.99/year
NB: Anytime I leave my house, I am masked, including gym visits. It’s honestly not terrible once you find a mask that works for you!
Day 1: Friday
5:45am: Alarm goes off and I get up to put the kettle on to start coffee. Today is a weigh in and weekly review for my meal/training plan, so I enter my numbers and see what my upcoming week will look like as far as my macros. I notice that my chest/shoulder are sore, and hurt when I take a deep breath, but assume that I just slept on my arm wrong. I take out the dog, feed him, and head out to my weightlifting class.
7:30am: Nope, not just sleeping on it wrong. I make it through the lifting portion, but when we start the metcon, I have to stop because it hurts too much to take a really deep breath, instead stretching and cheering everyone else on. Annoyed, but hopefully it’s nothing too crazy. I think it’s just a strain from my muscle up drills the day before. Once I get home, I make breakfast - a savory oatmeal with oats, cheese, chicken sausage, egg whites, and mushrooms, topped with a fried egg and za’atar seasoning from Trader Joe’s. YUM. I log into work and get settled in for a 2 hour (ugh) staff meeting.
11:00am: Finally done with that. Thank goodness for my camera getting to be off. I take a shower and get into “work” clothes - aka lululemon from top to bottom (align leggings, ebb to street crop tank, and a sit in lotus wrap). Back to work until it’s time for lunch, which I have just after noon (rice, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, and ground beef, topped with avocado). Work continues afterwards.
2:00pm: Time for work #2! It’s a fairly uneventful (and slow) afternoon/evening, which is ok after the craziness of the holiday season. And I only have to tell 2 people to put their masks on over their nose and they don’t give me an attitude - woohoo! Around 5 I eat my food on my 10 minute break - another taco-ish bowl, just without the avocado from earlier. I get out from work at 7:30pm.
8:00pm: Home, take the pooch out and feed him and make my casein hot chocolate (casein protein is a slower digesting type vs. whey and it’s my evening “meal” most of the time) plus a couple dark chocolate peanut butter cups. I facetime my Mom briefly and then we each put on our respective Star Wars shows - she and my Dad are watching the Mandolorian (they just got Disney+), and I’m deep into season 4 of the Clone Wars. Bedtime routine starts at 9:30 with a couple of melatonin gummies and I brush my teeth and wash my face (eye makeup remover, then Neutrogena foaming cleanser, and a nighttime moisturizer from Aldi). Snuggle up with the dog and a heating pad with a Headspace night sounds playing.
Daily Total: $0
Day 2: Saturday
5:50am: NO. It’s like 30 minutes before I want to wake up...NO.
6:10am: Uggggggh
6:20am: FINE. Dog outside, then fed. I make coffee and another savory oatmeal (AMAZING - same as yesterday, just no bell peppers). Catch up on podcasts and my YNAB budget. In happiest news, I can take a full big breath without that weird pain from yesterday! Yay!
10:00am: Home from my workout, which went amazingly - I love a good long chipper of a workout! I take the dog out for a little cold weather walk and then make my post-workout meal - Kodiak chocolate chip pancakes with blueberries! (use 1 egg and almond milk to make the pancakes and it fits my post-workout macros: 35P, 10F, 65C). I follow this with a cuddle session with the dog while watching Marple episodes and drinking coffee. I also add items to my lululemon shopping cart and exit out of it before I can spend money. While I get a great discount (especially on markdowns), I know I don’t really NEED anything, so I don’t get anything.
1:00pm: Off to the mall for work. I stop on the way to fill the gas tank ($25). It’s a busy day, but a good one - during my break I eat my taco bowl (rice, sweet potatoes, ground beef, peppers and avocado). I work until 7:30pm.
8:00pm: Home, dog out, casein hot chocolate - the usual. I’m nothing if not a creature of habit. I pull out a Trader Joe’s chocolate croissant to prove overnight in the oven. Bedtime is around 10pm.
Daily Total: $25
Day 3: Sunday
7:50am: Whoooops, I intended to wake up around 7:15, but I didn’t actually set the alarm. Luckily the dog wakes me up with a polite whine - I take him out, make coffee and a bowl of oatmeal (oats, almond milk, egg whites, topped with blueberries), and head to my workout around 9.
11:00am: 2 workout classes later, I’m home - post workout meal is the aforementioned chocolate croissant, and a little egg scramble of egg whites, mushrooms, chicken sausage and broccoli. The afternoon is spent with old Miss Marple episodes on Amazon Prime, combined with laundry and apartment cleaning.
3:00pm: I made a quick loaf of bread (2 hrs of rising, then shaping) and put it in the oven. Happily it turns out pretty damn tasty - I make Trader Joe’s Cippino (seafood soup) and have that with toasted fresh bread around 4/4:30pm. A Clone Wars marathon ensues - the Bills are playing in the AFC championship tonight, so the city is basically a giant ball of nerves. I don’t watch the games (and haven’t all season - mostly because I don’t have all the apps/cable), but I follow the score on my phone while watching many (MANY) episodes of Clone Wars. I facetime my mom and dad around 7 after they finish the Mandolorian and we can all squeal with excitement.
9:00pm: Melatonin gummies, contacts out, teeth brushed, face washed, bedtime.
Daily Total: $0
Day 4: Monday
5:45am: Awake, coffee, take the dog out, head to crossfit.
7:30am: Home, dog out again, then breakfast (homemade toast, everything but the bagel smoked salmon, scrambled egg+egg whites) and more coffee. I login to work at 8am, and get the morning podcasts going (Up First, the Daily, Post Reports, the Intelligence).
10:00am: I place a Target pickup order for the snacks for our break area at the mall (seltzer, peanut butter crackers, cookies, granola bars - all single serving packs). I will be reimbursed for this by the store. ($39.57 - I get a notice that an item isn’t available after I place the order...oh well)
11:00am: I’m traveling out of state for a couple of days - it’s a long awaited tattoo coverup (don’t get a tattoo for a significant other….I knew not to do this...and yet I still did), so I make my list of items to pack and things to remember to do (take out trash, do all my dishes, etc). I will be driving to my destination (Indiana), staying at a hotel by myself, going to the tattoo shop (masked), and back to the hotel. Not telling friends I’m there, not going out anywhere. And I’ve scheduled a test for 4 days after my return, per NYS rules. If I could make the drive nonstop, I would, but your girl isn’t giving herself a UTI lol. I’ll be masked and sanitized anytime I step out of my vehicle. Still super nervous, but getting this tattoo covered up is like….the final FINAL step. I also take a shower (finally, yes I’m gross and have been sitting in my workout clothes since I got home - god help me if I ever live with a human again lol).
2:00pm: Time for head out for work! On the way, I pick up my previously mentioned Target order, and also pick up meals for my trip from a local meal prep place - I get a bunch of great stuff (2 breakfasts, 2 dinners, 1 lunch plus energy bites for the car), plus it means that I can just hermit it up in the hotel room apart from the actual tattoo appointment. ($62.68). I get to the mall early before my shift starts - since I know I’ll have a tub in the hotel room, and I don’t have one in my apartment, I get a couple of bath bombs and lotion from Lush ($25.93) and a whole bunch of sheet masks from Sephora ($25.01). Then time for work - It’s a fairly quick shift, which is nice, not too terribly busy and we get a lot done. And people at the mall are generally not pills today - epic win!
8:15pm: Home from work - take the dog out and have a little evening meal of homemade soup from my co-worker (it’s a kale sausage soup her husband makes and it is AMAZING) and the rest of my homemade bread. I finish packing up and the poor pup definitely knows something is up. Bedtime around 10pm.
Daily Total: $153.19
Day 5: Tuesday
5:45am: Alarm, dog, coffee. Rather than dirtying dishes, I heat up one of the prepped breakfasts I brought (a breakfast sandwich with chicken, which is actually quite tasty - plus some blueberries). I get the car loaded up with my stuff and the dog - he’s staying with my parents while I’m gone - and head out by 7:15am. After I drop him off I top off my gas tank ($14.10), and also get a couple of bubly waters and a can of death wish coffee for the road ($6.25).
12:00pm: Lunch stop at panera - fuji apple chicken salad and a cup of chicken noodle soup - drive thru and eaten in the car ($10.94, but I have a gift card). Road Trip Podcasts: You’re Wrong About and Noble Blood.
3:00pm: Gas stop (there’s also a few bathroom stops, but since I didn’t spend anything, it’s not terribly relevant, right? :) ) ($27.01).
5:30pm: Arrival! Check in to the hotel - masked front desk employee, check. Bring my stuff up to my room, and jackpot - biiiiiiiiig tub. Looks like those bath bombs were a solid choice! Open up the work laptop to see if there is anything urgent - nothing crazy - and decide which meal I want for dinner. Bourbon Chicken with Broccoli and Sweet Potatoes it is. Plus a Sparkling Apple Cider vinegar beverage (ginger and lemon) from Trader Joes. Before I eat, I do a lower body focused stretching routine from ROMWOD since I spent so long in the car.
7:30pm: Bath Bomb, Face Mask, Feet Mask, and finished Night Stalker on Netflix. Since I’ll be quarantining until I get a negative COVID test after my trip, I order 10 meals through the same meal prep company that I got my travel meals from ($88.43 - includes both delivery fee and tip). They will be delivered on Sunday.
Daily Total: $146.73
Day 6: Wednesday
6:00am - I had intended to sleep longer, but my body is like - nope, you’re waking up at the same time no matter what. Coffee (keurig in the hotel room - ick) plus a prepped breakfast (a goat cheese egg white scramble with sweet potatoes - which is delicious). Morning podcasts and I open up the work laptop. Since I’m awake I guess.
7:30am: Hotel room workout - I do yesterday’s workout from my gym, with a few modifications, but it still feels great to move after sitting in the car for so long! Shower afterwards, then food (Mexican Taco Bowl!) and work.
10:30am: Squuuuueeee it’s time for my tattoo. I double mask up, drive through for a Starbucks order ($4.74 - paid for on my Starbucks app with previously loaded funds) and head to the shop! I already paid my deposit and took advantage of a gift card sale before Christmas so I don’t owe anything additional today. We do linework, shading, and partial color. It’s going to take 2 appointments to do the full thing, so we make my next appointment for May (augh, I cannot wait!). My coverup is over black text, so a cover up involves a LOT of layering of color. I’m impressed that I still have stamina after not getting a tattoo for nearly 3 years.This is going to be BEAUTIFUL.
2:30pm: After my tattoo appointment, I make a quick stop at CVS (still double masked!) to pick up aquaphor, orange dial soap, ibuprofen, and toothpaste (cause naturally that’s the one thing I forgot to pack - d’oh) ($22.00). I make a curbside pickup order for Panera - another soup and salad combo ($10.55 - again paid for with gift cards!). I head back to my hotel room, eat, put on more podcasts (Planet Money, Can He Do That, Code Switch) and log onto work. An uneventful afternoon follows.
6:00pm: Facetime call with my mom, then dinner and various true crime documentaries on Netflix and Pinterest browsing because as per usual, now I want allll the tattoos. I also put in an order for a grocery pickup on my way home (coffee, coffee creamer, fruit, etc) ($66.82). I try to make a testing appointment through NYS for my return COVID test on Monday, but the automated system keeps putting me in the first available, which is Friday….I’ll try to schedule again on Friday so that the timing works. Bedtime tattoo routine of wash, aquaphor and ibuprofen, as well as a sheet face mask. Sleep around 10:00pm.
Daily Total: $104.11
Day 7: Thursday
6:00am: Welp, up and at em! I finish packing all my stuff, check out of the hotel and warm up the car. I head out around 7:00am. Top off the gas tank ($12.80) and I also add $15 to my Starbucks card and drive thru a Starbucks (Spinach Feta Wrap + Cafe Misto with almond milk). Then it’s time for podcasts and lots of driving. My mom had suggested a podcast from Serial - S*%*Town. IT’S AMAZING and this drive has never gone so fast!
11:00am: (or sometime around this time) Stop for gas ($27.01) and another Starbucks stop ($15 reload) to get another misto, a bottle of water, and a fruit/cheese/hard boiled egg box.
3:00pm: I was going to try to make it all the way without stopping for anything else, but my stomach is about to eat itself. I stop at a Tim Hortons about 45 minutes away from my parents’ house and get timbits and a hot chocolate (which is gross) ($6.66 - eeep). I get to my parents’ house - my mom and dad stay upstairs and in the basement respectively while I use the bathroom and retrieve a very happy pup. Once I get everything out to the car, my mom and dad come outside (double masked, as am I) and we quickly wave and air hug from a distance. On the way home, I drive through the grocery pickup and get my groceries.
5:30pm: Finally home. The dog is very happy to be home too - my mom said when she would come into the bedroom where he was, he would look at her and be - “oh…..just you…”. Such a momma’s boy :) Dinner is actual food (the rest of the kale sausage soup). I also put together a batch of cranberry almond biscotti (based off the Ina Garten cherry pistachio biscotti) - the apartment smells delicious. Settling in for post-travel isolation lol.
9:30pm: Melatonin gummies, tattoo upkeep, and then bedtime with the dog!
Daily Total: $76.47
Weekly Total: $505.50
Food & Drink: $326.64
Fun & Entertainment: $0
Home & Health: $22.00
Clothes & Beauty: $50.94
Transport: $105.92
First, GODDAMN I AM SO EXCITED TO PAY OFF THIS STUDENT LOAN. Just paid another $200 on it this morning, so we’re under $800!! If you hear an excited scream from the Western New York area next month, don’t worry, it’s just me.
Second, this was a higher spend week than usual, but I’m really proud to have budgeted for all of it. I had basically prepaid for the tattoo (on the gift card) and there’s still leftover for my next appointment. I had also budgeted and saved for the increased amount of gas and food.
Third, hopefully this isn’t too boring. My life pre-pandemic wasn’t terribly interesting, and it certainly isn’t now lol. I’m hoping to continue my debt payoff progress by finishing paying off my credit card debt in 2021, and start saving my 3-6 month emergency fund before starting that house down payment savings! I’m even starting to allow myself to start actually looking at Zillow.
I have been isolating since I got back - just drove through and got my COVID test, so fingers crossed for a quick reply!
Lastly, the coverup tattoo is going to be beautiful. I can’t wait for it to be finished!
Thanks for reading this whole thing!
submitted by PibbleLove43 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

(Selling) A Buncha Movies at Lower Prices than Last Week

Read the terms at the end of this post when they are updated. The terms are important for both of us. They're what protects you and I from an unfair transaction. Do not make a transaction with me unless you've read and agree to those terms. Terms last updated 2/7/2020. I am selling digital codes for the following titles
4K Movies:
HD Movies:
REFUND POLICY: No refunds will be issued under any circumstances once a code has been sent unless the code does not work as advertised. Buyer ignorance does not constitute grounds for a refund. If you don't know how to use a specific code and you buy it anyway, or you already own the title, you won't be given a refund once the code has been sent.
CODE REDEMPTION: You may not use these codes on any site other than those associated with your purchase. Doing so will result in me requesting that you pay for the second use of the code, and refusal to do so will result in you being reported to the mods of this subreddit and my eternal disdain towards your existence. Any points or other bonuses associated with a code are not included with your purchase unless specified in the post.
"SHOULD PORT/UPGRADE TO 4K" CODES: I make no guarantees regarding 4K ports/upgrades. If for some reason a code that should port/upgrade to 4K does not do so, you will need to contact the relevant support team. I can, in most cases, provide any photo(s) of the code insert and/or Blu-ray if requested. I will only provide a refund if I cannot produce them upon request.
PAYMENT/FEES: I accept Venmo and PayPal Friends & Family (F&F), preferred in that order. I do not cover any fees associated with purchases. When paying through PayPal, do not use Goods & Services (G&S). Paying through PayPal with funds not from your PayPal wallet or a linked bank account (i.e. credit/debit card, pre-paid Visa card, etc.) will result in a fee of $0.30 + 2.9%. If a fee is incurred, a refund would result in PayPal keeping your fee, which I will not reimburse, so please be careful. If you need to pay with G&S, inform me and do not send payment until I acknowledge and agree.
CONTACT: If I'm not at home, I don't respond to any comments/PMs/chats. If there is more than a half hour between our newest message and the one before it, please don't expect an immediate response. I have no sleep schedule, so I could be doing any number of activities at any time. I respond to messages as soon as I am aware of them. If you are commenting on this post after it's been around for more than three days, don't expect a reply. I usually stop checking my Reddit after that until my next post.
submitted by SameIQAsMyPetRock to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

Audio Drama/Fiction/RPG Debuts - January 2021

I've got what I think is a mostly exhaustive list of the new audio drama series that came out in January, which may be of interest to those looking for new shows. See below. Anyone want to tell me any I've missed, and I'll update it? (Note, "new" here means that the Ep1 of the RSS feed was released, or a previously non-fiction feed started producing fiction.) Listened to any of them that you would recommend?
Previous months are available here:
And the ongoing updates (just in case you don't want to wait for the end of the month) are available here:
And I do a weekly podcast collecting a few trailers here:

1/1: Crit Hit and Save: A Dungeons and Dragons Podcast (RPG - Fantasy)
Synopsis: Welcome... to Eriand. DM Andrew Redden is joined by Chelsea Gifford, Lonessa Boyd, and Montana Chambers as three adventurers who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, or maybe the right place at the right time. Follow along in this Dungeons and Dragons podcast as our adventures try and save Eriand, or assist in its demise. Whatever the case may be.
RSS Feed:

1/1: Daimons of Aphid City (Dramatised - Science fiction)
Synopsis: A noir science-fantasy drama about the denizens of Aphid City, a place of altered time, space, and dimension, home to noblins, nanics, and nyx mites, and absolutely surveilled by the shadowy cabal know as Cataclysmic Dictum.
RSS Feed:

1/1: Disciples of the Eight (RPG - Fantasy)
Synopsis: Darkness. War. Chains leading to a castle in the sky. Falling. A group of heroes awaken in an alleyway with no memory of who the others are or how they got there. They only have a deep sense of trust and the word of a stranger that they were on a mission to kill the king. They got very close but ultimately failed. Now, thanks to the actions of their strange new friend, they have another chance. The king does not know that they still live, much less that they now know where his power comes from. Now they have to come up with a new plan and remove as much of the king’s power as possible before he realizes they are still alive. Along the way they will meet new, interesting friends and discover just how far the king has gone to preserve his own life. If they fail this time, there will be no coming back.
RSS Feed:

1/1: Foreward Podcast (Dramatised - Historical)
Synopsis: Foreward is an audio drama podcast that chronicles one family’s story after the tragedy of a school shooting. As a nation, not only have we become numb to violence in schools, we have failed to recognize that the actual event is merely the spark that creates a fire that burns in families indefinitely. With the joys and triumphs of everyday life, the event continues to weave its way through every aspect of a family for the rest of their lives.
RSS Feed:

1/1: NCRP Productions (RPG - Anthology)
Synopsis: A Tabletop RPG actual play podcast coming to you from Behind the Redwood Curtain. We intend to offer a variety of tabletop role playing games (ttrpg) with various systems.
RSS Feed:

1/1: Night Dream Podcast (Fiction - Anthology)
Synopsis: The Nightdream Podcast, original short fiction.
RSS Feed:

1/1: One Hundred Words (Fiction - Anthology)
Synopsis: A tiny fiction podcast, in which I read out a story of exactly 100 words each day. Written and produced by Marilisa Valtazanou.
RSS Feed:

1/1: Sea Stories and Science Fiction (Fiction - Anthology)
Synopsis: Prepare to travel with Malcolm Torres across ... not just watery oceans but the very dimensions of time and space on voyages filled with adventure, horror, high-tech thrills, crime and passionate romance.
RSS Feed:

1/1: The Hunt (Dramatised - Fantasy)
Synopsis: In a time where adventuring with our friends feels like a distant memory, we invite you to join us on a new audio fantasy adventure…

1/2: As the Dice Roll (RPG - Science fiction)
Synopsis: As the Dice Roll is a collection of Actual Play campaigns from the Geek to Geek Media Network. "Cautious Optimism" is a GURPS campaign in a Sci-Fi setting while "The Horsefeather Saga" is a crazy romp through DND 5e!
RSS Feed:

1/2: BCD Presents: No Small Parts (Fiction - Anthology)
Synopsis: No Small Parts is a monthly short-form audio drama that explores the backstory of minor characters in major films. Each episode is written by Miles Murphy and performed by a member of the Black Case Diaries Podcast.
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1/2: Heroes of Verilia (RPG - Anthology)
Synopsis: Welcome to Verilia! A dungeons and dragons fifth edition actual play podcast where you can actually play the hero! Every week, you can listen to the adventures of four monthly changing people play a Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition oneshot adventure in the homebrew world Verilia. The best thing about this podcast? You could be one of them!
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1/2: The Graveyard Tapes (Dramatised - Urban fantasy)
Synopsis: Finn Valentine, private investigator and part-time magician. He’ll take care of the thing going bump in the night… for a price. Or maybe just a pint.
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1/3: Hubris: A 24-Hour Podcast Project (Dramatised - Anthology)
Synopsis: Hubris is a labor of love from a chaotic group of podcasters who decided a 24-hour podcast challenge sounded like a good idea. We assembled several Creative Teams from a large group of podcasters from around the world, made up of writers, audio producers, and voice actors to create a single-episode fiction podcast within a 24-hour period from start to finish.
RSS Feed:

1/3: of Black Glass (RPG - Urban fantasy)
Synopsis: The Watch is a low-fantasy, PbtA game about women and nonbinary people who are fighting to retake their homeland from the Shadow, a darkly sorcerous threat that has the power to possess men and use them for it’s own violent ends. The stories we will tell are structured around the military campaign against the Shadow’s forces. We will tell stories of war, love, and sacrifice. We will play to find out what happens. And we will, in the end, defeat the Shadow.
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1/3: Seriously Serial Fiction (Fiction - Comedy)
Synopsis: Original serialized fiction podcast from author David Wilson-Burns. Broadcasts of serialized works--now featuring a new series: "A Friend of the Family", written, performed, and produced by the author.
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1/3: The Bureau of Lost Things (Dramatised - Comedy)
Synopsis: In a quiet corner of every town, down a street nobody cares about, you’ll find a Bureau of Lost Things. Here a dedicated team strive to reunite lost things with their careless owners. One such branch nestles just inside the M25, where no-nonsense overseer Veronica runs a tight ship; at least according to her (Head Office may disagree). Now we follow eager new recruit Will, cynical con-artist Cara and bureau lifer Raymond as, every episode, they grapple haplessly with a fresh batch of things. And Veronica.
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1/4: The Homos of Harmony Haven (Fiction - Crime/Mystery)
Synopsis: A self-help author hiding a tragic secret. A former escort trying to create a life in a new town. A jilted lover seeking revenge. These are just a few of The Homos of Harmony Haven. The only thing left in their closets are the skeletons. An LGBTQ daily serial.
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1/4: The Silt Verses (Dramatised - Fantasy)
Synopsis: Carpenter and Faulkner, two worshippers of an outlawed god, travel up the length of their deity’s great black river, searching for holy revelations. As their pilgrimage lengthens and the river’s mysteries deepen, the two acolytes find themselves under threat from a police manhunt, but also come into conflict with the weirder gods that have flourished in these forgotten rural territories.
RSS Feed:

1/4: We're Not Meant to Know (Fiction - Horror)
Synopsis: There are things we're simply not meant to know. A horror anthology podcast.
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1/5: Medding with Monsters (RPG - Urban fantasy)
Synopsis: An actual play podcast using the Monster of the Week system. Join our four heroes as they the travel across the country, encountering terrifying monsters, strange characters, and poorly named pastries. An exciting mix of action, drama, and comedy perfect for anyone who loves roleplaying games or audio dramas!
RSS Feed:

1/6: Pod Against the Machine (RPG - Fantasy)
Synopsis: Welcome to Pod Against the Machine, the only Actual Play podcast that specifically mentions its opposition to the machine in the title. We’re a ragtag group of five creating an epic story while playing through the Iron Gods Pathfinder First Edition adventure path from Paizo publishing. It’s like Dungeons and Dragons, complete with wizards, monsters, and skeletons…but with an added bonus of evil robots and horrifying aliens, all tied together with our (hopefully) funny banter, interesting characters, and edge-of-your-seat action.
RSS Feed:

1/7: Dark Valley (Dramatised - Anthology)
Synopsis: Dark Valley is a sci-fi and fantasy anthology podcast that aims to transport listeners to a world outside of their own. Join us aboard a Coalition Guard spaceship, inside a Hotel with extraordinary powers, and in a small town where creatures lurk around every corner. Dark Valley probes the human psyche and explores our relationships with ourselves, each other, and the unknowable; in a way that can frighten, soothe, and challenge our perceptions of who we are and what we are capable of.
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1/7: The Junket Podcast (RPG - Science fiction)
Synopsis: An actual play and really gay D&D show following the interstellar antics of the Space Squad as they try to solve basic puzzles, navigate pirate-infested jump lanes and maybe save the universe or something along the way.
RSS Feed:

1/8: Daemonologie: The Devil's Parlour Game (RPG - Urban fantasy)
Synopsis: Welcome, ladies, gentlemen, the neither and the marvellously evasive. Here is the smoky parlour, there is the hookah pipe, and this is the cause of all our scandals: Daemonologie. The most delightful, devilish parlour game from Pall Mall to Lambeth, whispered in tearooms and caused blushes at Kew. Here shall be two podcasts: an Actual Play of Daemonologie, where we join a host of inquisitors discovering why a burning Scotsman leapt from Bristol's Cathedral, only to vanish, and Unmasked, where the authors will peek behind the curtain, uncovering the lore, mechanics, and team of Daemonologie.
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1/8: JumpPoint (Dramatised - Crime/Mystery)
Synopsis: JumpPoint is a limited scripted series following the decaying marriage of Emily and Hudson Hayes at the hands of a mysterious enigma.
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1/8: The Dread Familiar (Fiction - Horror)
Synopsis: The Dread Familiar Podcast features a rotating cast of authors and readers covering all things horrifying and terrible.
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1/9: Alfhild: Maiden of the Sea (Dramatised - Comedy)
Synopsis: A dramedy inspired by the Scandanavian folktale: Alf and Alfhild. Contemporized with modern themes.
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1/9: The Bandit Fiction Podcast (Fiction - Anthology)
Synopsis: Each month we'll be bringing you up a selection of stories and poems from our collections. Featuring some of the best emerging and indie writers around, each work is specially chosen by our editorial team, and we're super excited to be able to share them through this exciting new medium
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1/10: Darkened Hallways (Dramatised - Crime/Mystery)
Synopsis: Darkened Hallways is an audio drama mystery with elements of horror. Strange occurrences in the Sycamore Crossing apartment complex bring four queer young adults together to solve the mystery.
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1/10: Dungeon & Babbins: Adventurer's League (RPG - Anthology)
Synopsis: A series of "Dungeons and Dragons" campaigns run for various charity efforts.
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1/10: Half Hour Audio Hour (Dramatised - Anthology)
Synopsis: A monthly anthology of 10-30 minute audio drama scripts from a different playwright each month. Each episode will include an introduction of, and Q&A with, the playwright. The Half-Hour Audio Hour focuses on the work of women, BIPOC, and/or LGBTQ+ playwrights.
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1/10: Planet Radiant (Fiction - Post-apocalypse)
Synopsis: An apocalyptic sci-fi radio drama inspired by text-based adventure games of the 80s and 90s. It's a queer-themed story about solitude and discovery, told in the second person and set to an original darkwave soundtrack. You wake up in an abandoned museum with no memory. Humanity has vanished. What do you do?
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1/10: Stories from the Hearth (Fiction - Anthology)
Synopsis: An original short-stories podcast for those who crave escapism from the chaotic energies of the modern world. Written, performed and produced by Calum Bannerman, each episode features a brand-new short-story, sometimes sci-fi, romance or fantasy, sometimes historical fiction or horror. Calum's stories are reminiscent of those a wandering bard might once have told, to a group of villagers gathered around the fire.
RSS Feed:

1/11: Battle of the Bald (Dramatised - Comedy)
Synopsis: A six-episode scripted comedy series about a young lab assistant who accidentally invents a permanent cure for hair loss and changes the world.
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1/11: DNA 404 (Dramatised - Science fiction)
Synopsis: Exoterrestrials make first contact with humans, but surprisingly they didn't show up to enslave the human race. But they didn't drop by to make friends either. In fact, they're only here for Sharp. The first sentient artificial life form created on Earth. It turns out subjugating a juvenile artificial entity into spamming twitter and reddit with ads and tracking online behavior for marketing purposes is a violation of the Consortium's ethics code. This particular human error is worthy of breaking the universal mandated silent treatment. But even if our local galaxy republic has determined humans are a danger to avoid, that won't stop Sharp from taking us with her on an epic imaginary voyage. Several of her human travel companions are physically injured by the technology used for space travel. Some suffer uncomfortable but transitory side effects. Others experience memory loss or severe physical harm. With no expedient way home to Earth the humans and Sharp's alien guardian are forced to solve their shared circumstances. A crew of hostile amnesiacs, fretful volunteers, malcontent denizens, and disquieted space tourists are forced to continue deeper into space on a journey that ultimately confronts loss, change, and recovery. And many a 'human' error.
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1/11: Our Ghost Stories (Fiction - Horror)
Synopsis: A podcast devoted to storytelling. We share scary tales that are written by the podcast creator, Jason, as well as members of the audience. Our goal is to take you to another world for a brief moment and give you goosebumps while you're there!
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1/11: The Eldritch Radio Hour (Dramatised - Horror)
Synopsis: Audio entertainment inspired by my novel "Tryst: Based on Actual Events".
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1/12: Could've Been Heroes (RPG - Fantasy)
Synopsis: Could’ve Been Heroes is an actual play podcast where six old friends adventure as six total strangers who, after missing their shots at destiny, now get a second chance to make a mess of everything. Set in a unique and developing rpg that filters fantasy, horror, pop culture and other wonderful nonsense through the brains of six or more weirdos making their dream game.
RSS Feed:

1/12: Roll Together (RPG - Anthology)
Synopsis: Dungeons & Dragons. Narrative & Nerdery. High Adventure & Hijinks. We are Roll Together. Join us for exciting adventures with wonderful players taking you off to the worlds of D&D! With multiple storylines and adventure arcs, as well as a huge, diverse cast of players from around the world, listen to our adventures here.
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1/13: Love Before Covid (Dramatised - Slice of life)
Synopsis: This Audio Play is not exactly fiction and not exactly philosophy, but something in between. Dr Greg Scorzo has developed Post Socratic dialogues as a new kind of philosophy. These dialogues are called “Post-Socratic” because there is no Socrates figure, telling the listener which viewpoints (if any) are the best ones. The listener decides that on their own.
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1/14: The Paracelsus Effect (Dramatised - Urban fantasy)
Synopsis: The Paracelsus Effect is a gothic inspired urban fantasy audio drama about redemption, magic, queerness, and saving the world.
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1/14: The Rivers of Elfland (Fiction - Fantasy)
Synopsis: A spec-fic podcast featuring original Science Fiction and Fantasy, with a special love for solarpunk, historical fantasy and space opera. Currently reading "Sons of Devils," an arcanepunk fantasy by Alex R Oliver.
RSS Feed:

1/15: Creep (Dramatised - Crime/Mystery)
Synopsis: Creep follows Miami and Denver as they investigate a possible heist of a famous painting. Sasha, the one who alerted them of it, makes sure that she's not forgotten in the process. Will they be able to stop the heist in time?
RSS Feed:

1/15: Crocodile the Audio Play (Dramatised - Slice of life)
Synopsis: Crocodile (Heather Peace) tells the story of a woman dealing with her recent Autism and ADHD diagnosis, the death of her dysfunctional mother and the start of a new relationship. The play provides stark flashbacks and insights from the 8-year-old Crocodile in Halifax, Yorkshire, set against the chaotic adult life Crocodile has in London.
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1/15: Madison On The Air (Dramatised - Comedy)
Synopsis: What happens when old time radio dramas clash with a modern day 20-something? No technology, no Starbucks, and no one is PC! Will Madison survive? Follow along as she teams up with radio icons like Sergeant Joe Friday, Marshal Matt Dillon and Superman. Original radio scripts adapted lovingly to give a funny and modern look at the way things were and the way things are today.
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1/15: My Spear Weighs Heavy in My Hand (Fiction - Fantasy)
Synopsis: My Spear Weighs Heavy In My Hand is a fantasy fiction podcast by Jack Anderson. Mastanab has become separated from his people and thrust into an unfamiliar land far from home. Now he must find them again though killers, ghosts, and monsters stand in his way.
RSS Feed:

1/15: Sunset Tales (Fiction - Anthology)
Synopsis: Sunset Tales is the name of a peculiar bar I used to frequent on Yasawa, one of the Fiji islands, back when I was a young writer. Adi, the bartender, introduced me to the strangest of people there…
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1/16: Midlife Wizards (RPG - Fantasy)
Synopsis: A podcast created by four longtime friends that are all taking a dive into Dungeons and Dragons. We have all never played but have always had some interest in trying it out. Follow along while we navigate through our first campaigns and learn how to play the game.
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1/18: H2OME (Dramatised - Science fiction)
Synopsis: H2OME is a sci-fi story about how we managed to build a sustainable society. In a future where a few hundred people have sought shelter on Mars to escape the climate crisis, an expedition back to Earth 150 years later could shed light on the energy transition and reveal many secrets. What would we do if our backs were against the wall? What if our civilization was able to create a fully sustainable society, eliminating pollution and the other harmful effects of climate change? Find out with Joanna, a 30-year-old anthropologist from Mars, leading an investigation on Earth to answer these questions.
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1/18: JR Fable Presents (Fiction - Children)
Synopsis: Completely free (and hopefully funny) audiobooks for children!
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1/18: Sporadic Phantoms (Dramatised - Fanfiction)
Synopsis: A team of investigators looks into suspicious activity of a community organization called The Sharing.
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1/18: Standard Aerei (RPG - Fantasy)
Synopsis: In a world of flourishing technology, absent gods, and some temporal instability, our heroes will rise (or fail forward) to the occasion! Standard Aerei is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition podcast that aims to bring our tabletop to yours. We supplement the show’s jokes and adventures with quality foley work to emphasize every hit, spell, and disaster the players are involved in.
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1/18: The Canadian Play Thing (Dramatised - Thriller)
Synopsis: Canadian Play Thing is a playwright-centered virtual theatre featuring the work of artists from coast to coast to coast working to connect our theatre family across the country.
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1/19: Adventures of Scarlett Hood (Dramatised - Adaptation)
Synopsis: Scarlett Hood, The Continuing Adventures of Lil Red Riding Hood!
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1/19: Rolling Through the Realms (RPG - Fantasy)
Synopsis: Rolling Through the Realms is an actual play Dungeons and Dragons podcast set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. 1489 D.R. As the decade comes to a close, The Frost Maiden, Auril has plunged Icewind Dale into a perpetual winter, violence once again finds itself on the streets of Waterdeep, and rumors of war are leaking out from the east. Three adventurers find themselves on the road for the first time in search of fame, fortune and a legendary trident.
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1/19: Solo (Dramatised - Science fiction)
Synopsis: When Dierdre gets stranded after her space ship is taken over by pirates, she has to learn how to survive alone on a ship that's flying through space with no clear destination. Will she make it in time?
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1/19: The Apocrypha Chronicles (Dramatised - Science fiction)
Synopsis: The year is 2156. A young archivist, Phe, has just discovered a digital time capsule dating back to 2020, the year of the first of the Great Pandemics. Phe’s fascination with dangerous digital technology - poisons from before the Age of Symbiosis - upsets their mentor Lar, a bio-engineer. But a mysterious, living voice seems to be speaking through this ancient technology, hinting at a coming disaster that might threaten Phe and Lar’s world. The Apocrypha Chronicles is a groundbreaking sci-fi / documentary podcast by re:Naissance Opera
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1/19: Tucson By Night (RPG - Urban fantasy)
Synopsis: Tucson By Night is a new Chronicle in the Vampire the Masquerade universe.
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1/19: White Cobra - audio drama (Dramatised - Slice of life)
Synopsis: White Cobra is a UK-based award-winning theatre company. It produces audio, film and stage productions. Come back soon for more audio drama.
RSS Feed:

1/20: In Transit (Dramatised - Crime/Mystery)
Synopsis: Aboard the spaceship Eurus, things are optimal. Oxygen supplies are at 80%, crops are thriving, and the twelve-year journey through the Messier 42 nebula is going smoothly. Everything is set for a successful pilgrimage to continue the survival of the human race. Only, when a series of murders occur onboard - mirroring distressing radio signals from Eurus’ sister ship, Notus, Officer Alecto McAlpine finds herself lost in the middle of a conspiracy. With the begrudging help of low-level communications coordinator Cairo, they begin to find that the ship’s journey is the least of their concerns.
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1/20: Nat Wonderful (RPG - Science fiction)
Synopsis: 8 Best friends go on grand adventures through the wonderful worlds of Table Top Role Playing games! Join us as we make this Naturally Wonderful.
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1/20: Where the Stars Fell (Dramatised - Urban fantasy)
Synopsis: Dr. Edison Tucker is having a very weird life. Not being able to die tends to color things that way. Luckily, the strange and unusual is something of her speciality, and Ed’s set her sights and wunderkind grant money on the strangest town in America: Jerusalem, Oregon. She’ll certainly get her EMF Meter’s worth. Between an eccentric housemate, quirky townsfolk, and the mysteries lurking just beyond the tree line, Ed’s going to find the answers she’s been searching for. She just might not be ready for what finds her.
RSS Feed:
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[H] Humble Monthlies and Various Humble Keys [W] Paypal Offers

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Acceleration of SUGURI 2 | Steam| Available |
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CLIP ART Collection License Key | CLIP ART Collection | Available |
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Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!! | Steam| Available |
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Creative Fonts Wonderful Collection | Creative Fonts| Available |
Crossout - Thug Starter Pack | Gaijin Games| Available |
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EVEOnline 30-day Trial Access Code | EVE Online| Available |
EVEOnline 4 Ship Skins | EVE Online| Available |
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Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation - Birdsong’s Entertainer Pack | Steam| Available |
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation - Dragonbait’s Dungeoneer Pack | Steam| Available |
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation - Tales of Artus Cimber’s Explorer Pack | Steam| Available |
Tannenberg | Steam| Available |
Team Fortress 2 badges - Mandrew's Munificent Mug and Israphel's Eleemosynary Expression | Steam| Available |
The Adventure Pals | Steam| Available |
The Dwarves | Steam| Available |
The Elder Scrolls: Legends: 2 Card Packs (Skyrim) 1 Event Ticket 100 Gold 100 Souls | Bethesda| Available |
The Final Station | Steam| Available |
The Journey Down: Chapter Three | Steam| Available |
The Spiral Scouts | Steam| Available |
The Surge | Steam| Available |
Tiny Echo | Steam| Available |
Tom Clancy's The Division™ - Survival | Uplay| Available |
Tom Clancy's The Division™ | Uplay| Available |
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Guaranteed Beta Access | Rainbow Six Beta| Available |
Tooth and Tail | Steam| Available |
TouchTasks | other| Available |
Train Valley 2 | Steam| Available |
Train Valley | Steam| Available |
Tropico 5 - Espionage | Steam| Available |
Tropico 5 - Waterborne | Steam| Available |
Tropico 5 | Steam| Available |
Umbrella Corps™ | Steam| Available |
Uurnog Uurnlimited | Steam| Available |
VRMark Advanced Edition | Steam| Available |
Vikings - Wolves of Midgard | Steam| Available |
Wandersong | Steam| Available |
War Thunder M5 Stuart Tank + P36 Aircraft + Exclusive Twitch + Humble Bundle Decals | War Thunder| Available |
War for the Overworld - Yogscast Worker Skin | Steam| Available |
Warframe 7-day Credit and Affinity Booster Packs | Warframe| Available |
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Beta | Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Beta| Available |
WildStar E3 Pack | Wildstar| Available |
WildStar Standard Edition | ArenaNet| Available |
WindowBlinds | WindowBlinds| Available |
WindowFX | WindowFX| Available |
World of Tanks Invite Code | Wargaming keys| Available |
World of Warships Bonus Content | Wargaming keys| Available |
World of Warships Closed Beta Key | Wargaming keys| Available |
XSplit Premium 3-Month License | XSplit| Available |
Yoku's Island Express | Steam| Available |
Zero Reflex: Black Eye Edition | Steam| Available |
submitted by duhCaptain to GameTrade [link] [comments]

(Offer) Game of Thrones Seasons 1-7 HD Bundle, Wreck it Ralph 4K, The Lion King 4K, Halloween: Curse of Michael Meyers Unrated, Stuart Little, Zombieland 4K, The Dark Tower 4K, Black Panther 4K, Chappie, and more.... ( Request) DMR/DMI points, Vudu Credits, anything I don't have

I have the following below for trade. MY REQUESTS/WANTS: Mulan 2020 4K, Invisible Man 2020 4K, Antebellum HD or 4K, Scream 2 and 3 HD, Indiana Jones and Last Crusade HD, Unhinged HD or 4K, Vudu Credits, DMDMI Rewards points, Walmart/iTunes or Google Play Gift cards, and anything I don't have. Open to all offers.

*4K UHD*
Avengers: Infinity War 4K MA
Thor: Ragnarok 4K MA
Black Panther 4K MA
Ant-Man and The Wasp 4K MA
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 4K MA
Wreck it Ralph 4K MA
The Lion King 1994 4K MA
Solo: a Star Wars Story 4K MA
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker 4K MA
Incredibles 2 4K MA
A Wrinkle in Time 2018 4K MA
Atomic Blonde 4K MA or Vudu
Jason Bourne 4K MA or Vudu
Get Out 2017 4K MA or Vudu
The Purge: Election Year 4K MA or Vudu
Ghost in the Shell 2017 4K Vudu or FN
Gemini Man 4K Vudu or FN
The Secret Life of Pets 1 2016 4K MA or Vudu
The Secret Life of Pets 2 2019 4K MA
John Wick Chapter 3 4K iTunes no port code is from 4K disc
The Fate of the Furious Theatrical Edition 4K MA
Annihilation 4K Vudu or FN
Zombieland 4K MA
The Dark Tower 4K MA
The Possession of Hannah Grace 4K MA
The Angry Birds Movie 2016 4K MA
Holmes & Watson 2018 4K MA
The Night Before 4K MA
The Star 2017 4K MA

Avengers: Endgame iTunes 4K ports 4K
Avengers: Infinity War 4K MA
Thor: Ragnarok 4K MA
Black Panther 4K MA
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 HD MA or iTunes 4K ports 4K
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 4K MA
Captain America: Civil War HD MA or iTunes 4K ports 4K
Ant-Man HD MA or iTunes 4K ports 4K
Ant-Man and the Wasp 4K MA
Doctor Strange HD MA
Captain Marvel HD GP
Iron Man 3 HD MA
Iron Man and Hulk: Heroes United HD MA or HD GP
Solo: a Star Wars Story 4K MA or HD GP
Star Wars: The Force Awakens HD MA or iTunes 4K ports 4K
Star Wars: The Last Jedi HD MA or iTunes 4K ports 4K
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker 4K MA
Incredibles 2 4K MA or HD GP
Aladdin 1992 HD MA
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales HD MA or iTunes 4K ports 4K
The Little Mermaid HD GP
Beauty and the Beast 2017 HD GP
Coco 2017 HD GP
Toy Story 1 HD MA or iTunes 4K ports
Toy Story 1 HD GP
Toy Story 2 HD GP
Toy Story 3 HD GP
Toy Story 4 HD MA or iTunes MA 4K
Toy Story 4 HD GP
Wall-e HD MA or iTunes 4K ports
Wall-E HD GP
Cars 3 HD MA or iTunes 4K ports 4K
Moana 2016 HD GP
Beauty & the Beast 2017 HD MA or iTunes 4K ports 4K
Inside Out HD MA or iTunes 4K ports 4K
Mulan 1998 HD MA
Pete's Dragon 2016 LA HD MA or HD GP
Peter Pan HD MA
Bridge of Spies HD MA
Mary Poppins HD MA
Finding Dory HD MA or iTunes 4K ports 4K
Finding Dory HD GP
Zootopia HD MA
The Jungle Book 2016 LA HD MA
The Jungle Book 1967 HD GP
Super Buddies HD GP

*HD MA or Vudu redeem*
Grown Ups 1 2010
The 6th Day
Surf's Up
Stuart Little
Anger Management
Don't Breathe
Ice Age 2002
Another Cinderella Story 2008
Fight Club
Halloween: The Curse of Michael Meyers Unrated
Atlas Shrugged Part 1
Fist Fight 2017
Chappie 2016
Underworld: Blood Wars
Spider-Man: Homecoming
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
Sherlock Holmes 1 2009
Split 2017
Trolls 2016
How to Train Your Dragon 2
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
The Heat
12 Rounds 2: Reloaded
The Bourne Supremacy
Jason Bourne
Entourage: The Movie
Hail, Caesar
Pitch Perfect
Downtown Abbey: The Movie 2019
Ted Unrated MA redeem only
Ted 2 Unrated MA redeem only
The Incredible Hulk
The Mummy 1999
The Mummy: Returns
Jackass 3
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas 2000
The Grinch 2018
Alex Cross
Get Hard
Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain
Hours Paul Walker HD or SD?
Mechanic 2: Resurrection HD or SD?
The Campaign
Wrath of the Titans
Happy Feet 2
The Young Messiah
God's Not Dead 2
Edward Scissorhands
Barbie: Video Game Movie
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters Unrated
Hercules 2014
The Cabin in the Woods
John Wick
John Wick: Chapter 2
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Dark Fate
Pet Sematary 2019
Ghost in the Shell 2017
G.I. Joe: Retaliation
True Grit 2010
The Great Gatsby
Justin Bieber: Never Say Never
Deadpool HD MA or iTunes 4K ports
Deadpool 2
War for the Planet of Apes HD MA or iTunes 4K ports
Now You See Me
The Divergent Series: Insurgent
The Last Witch Hunter
The LEGO Movie includes bonus features vuduredeem will port to MA
The LEGO Batman Movie 2017
Riddick: Unrated Director's Cut
Chips 2017
World War Z
Pain & Gain
The House 2017
The Dark Knight HD vuduredeem includes bonus features ports MA
The Dark Knight Rises
Power Rangers 2017
Titanic 1997
Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and Deathly hallows Part 1
Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Part 2
Pacific Rim
The Fast and the Furious 1 2001
2 Fast 2 Furious
Fast & Furious 4 2009
Fast Five Extended Edition
Fast & Furious 6 Extended Edition
Furious 7 Extended Edition
The Fate of the Furious Theatrical
The Fate of the Furious Extended Edition
The Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw
Jurassic Park
The Lost World: Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park III
Jurassic World
The Hangover Part 2
The Hangover Part 3
Magic Mike
Magic Mike XXL
Fifty Shades of Grey unrated
Fifty Shades Darker Unrated
Get Smart
Sex and the City: The Movie
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Transformers: Age of Extinction
Transformers: The Last Knight
No Strings Attached
TMNT 2014
TMNT: Out of the Shadows
Daddy's Home
The Last Stand
Paranormal Activity 1
paranormal Activity 2
Paranormal Activity 3 Extended
Super 8
Star Trek 1 2009
Star Trek: Into Darkness
Star Trek: Beyond
Crawl 2019
Despicable Me 2
The Secret Life of Pets 1 2016
The Secret Life of Pets 2 2019
The Expendables 2
The Expendables 3
Dirty Grandpa
The hunger Games
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
Safe 2012
Dredd 2012
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
The Wolf of Wall Street
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2
What to Expect When Your Expecting
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
The Smurfs 2
The Hobbit: an Unexpected Journey
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
The Lucky One
Joyful Noise
Man of Steel
Batman V superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition
Ender's Game 4K or HD unsure?
Grudge Match
Valerian and City of Thousand Planets from 4K only redeems in HD

*Movie Bundles and TV Shows*
How to Train Your Dragon Trilogy 1 code, 3 movies HD MA or Vudu
The Secret Life of Pets 1 & 2 2 Film Collection HD MA or Vudu 1 code, 2 movies
Mamma Mia 1 & 2 2 Film Collection HD MA or Vudu 1 code, 2 movies
Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Part 2 2 Film Collection HD MA or Vudu 1 code, 2 movies
Saw: The Complete 1-7 HD Vudu Bundle 1 code, 7 Movies HD
Atlas Shrugged Trilogy SD MA or Vudu 1 code, 3 movies SD
Game of Thrones The Complete 1-7 Bundle HD vudu 1 code, 7 seasons
Game of Thrones Season 1 HD Vudu
Game of Thrones Season 3 HD Vudu
Game of Thrones Season 7 HD Vudu
Game of Thrones Season 8 HD Vudu from 4K redeems HD only
Arrow Season 3 SD

*MA Google Play, all port*
The Heat
The Other Women
How to Train Your Dragon 2
The Croods
A Good Day to Die Hard
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimirron
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
X-Men: Apocalypse
X-Men: Days of Future Past
The Wolverine
Alien 1979
Alien Covenant
Taken 2
Rio 2
Ice Age

*iTunes MA redeem*
The Bourne Identity 4K ports
The Bourne Supremacy 4K ports
The Bourne Ultimatum 4K ports
The Bourne Legacy 4K ports
Jason Bourne 4K ports
Jaws 4K ports
Scott Pilgrim vs The World HD ports
Jurassic Park 4K ports
The Lost World: Jurassic Park 4K ports
Jurassic Park 3 4K ports
Jurassic World 4K ports
Despicable Me 1 2010 4K ports
Despicable Me 2 4K ports
Despicable Me 3 4K ports
Minions 4K ports
The Secret Life of Pets 1 2016 4K ports
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas 2000 4K ports
The Great Wall 4K ports
The Girl on the Train 4K ports
Get Out 2017 4K ports
Split 2016 4K ports
Atomic Blonde 4K ports
Megan Leavey HD ports
Barbie: Starlight Adventure HD ports
Barbie: Pony Tale HD ports
Barbie: Video Game Movie HD ports
The Young Messiah HD ports
Hail, Caesar HD ports
Battleship 4K ports
Serenity 2005 4K ports
King Kong 2005 4K ports
Oblivion 4K ports
Lucy 2014 4K ports
Dr. Seuss's: The Lorax 2012 HD ports
Holiday Inn HD ports
Love Actually HD ports
Shaun of the Dead 4K ports US only
The Fast and the Furious 1 2001 4K ports
2 Fast 2 Furious 4K ports
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 4K ports
Fast & Furious 4 2009 4K ports
Fast Five HD ports
Fast & Furious 6 4K ports
Furious 7 4K ports
The Fate of the Furious Theatrical and Extended Edition 1 code, 2 Edition 4K ports
The Cult of Chucky HD ports
Krampus HD ports
Non-Stop HD ports
The Grey HD ports
London has Fallen HD ports
Fifty Shades of Grey 4K ports
Fifty Shades Darker 4K ports
Pitch Perfect 2012 4K ports
Pitch Perfect 2 4K ports
Unbroken HD ports
Apollo 13 4K ports
Schindler's List 4K ports
Les Miserables 2012 HD ports
The Mummy 1999 4K ports
The Mummy Returns 4K ports
The Mummy 2017 4K ports
A Dog's Purpose HD ports
Harry and Hendersons HD ports
Ride Along HD ports
Ride Along 2 HD ports
Neighbors HD ports
Neighbors 2 HD ports

*MA or Vudu SD redeem*
The Mummy 1999
Don't Breathe
The Shallows
Olympus has Fallen
The Vow
Money Monster
Sausage Party
Think Like A Man 2
Dead Man Down
Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser
No Good Dead
22 Jump Street

*Canadian Google Play, all ports unless marked*
Passengers 2016 4K ports HD only
Ready Player One 4K ports HD only
The LEGO Movie 4K ports HD only
The LEGO Ninjago Movie 4K ports HD only
Ghostbusters 1 and 2 2 Film Collection 4K ports HD only 1 code, 2 movies
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition 4K ports HD only
Dunkirk 4K HD only May or may not port?
The LEGO Batman: Heroes United 2013
Wonder Woman 2017
The House with Clock in Walls
Aquaman 2018
Doctor Sleep
Goosebumps 2015
The Angry Birds Movie 2016
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Halloween 2018
The Good Lie
The Book of Life 2014 no port
Son of God no port
Joy Ride 3 no port
American Sniper
Into the Storm
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
Beautiful Creatures
The Great Gastby
Jurassic Park
The Lost World: Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park 3
Jurassic World
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Ted Unrated
Ted 2 Unrated
Pitch Perfect
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas 2000
The Grinch 2018
The Fast and The Furious 1 2001
2 Fast 2 Furious
Fast Five Extended
Fast & Furious 6 Extended
Furious 7 Extended
The Fate of the Furious Extended
The Fate of the Furious Theatrical
Get Smart
Sex and the City: THe Movie
Fifty Shades of Grey Unrated
Fifty Shades Darker Unrated
Man of Steel
The Hobbit: an Unexpected Journey
The Hobbit: an Unexpected Journey Extended
The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug Extended
The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug
The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies
Hail, Caesar
Jason Bourne
The Bourne Supremacy
The Young Messiah
Edge of Tomorrow
Godzilla 2014
The Mummy 1999
The Mummy: Returns
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
Justice League: Doom
Starship Troopers 4K ports HD only
The Dark Tower 4K ports HD only
Mortal Engines 4K ports HD only
We're the Millers
A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas
J, Edgar
300: Rise of an Empire
The Incredible Burt Wonderstone
Resident evil: The Final Chapter
submitted by lovetocollectmovies to uvtrade [link] [comments]

[Starting] 21(ish) in 21 (plus a brief review of 2020)

Hey all! I recently discovered this sub thanks to u/ofdiminishingreturns. I love making lists and I'm terrible at finishing games, so it's basically a match made in heaven! I've tried various approaches in the past year to whittle down my backlog, with varying degrees of success. The most successful approach so far was to sort my Steam library by time to beat according to, and then pick the shortest games to play through and complete. Thanks to that, I finished 25 games from Sep-Dec 2020! (Out of the total 31 that I finished in the whole year.) The drawback of this approach is that I feel like I need to finish all my small games before I can tackle any bigger ones, so I'm hoping making a short goal list for 2021 with some games I really want to play, regardless of their length, will help me.
Looking at my list in theory, with the whole year ahead of me, it seems pretty underambitious - but realistically, I'd probably be lucky to finish at least half of these. I'm notoriously bad at finishing games, I get sidetracked easily due to all the other stuff waiting to be played (and also because life), and I'll probably still play other games that aren't on my list when the mood strikes me. And I surely won't be able to resist buying new games along the way that might oust others from the list. AND I'm moving to another country for work this year, so for all I know I won't be able to play any games at all. But hey, it's a starting point, right?! :-)
I roughly followed the genre themes listed for each month, just as a way of narrowing down my choices and keeping some variety in my game list. I may scramble these around to different months depending on what I feel like playing when, but if I finish at least half of these by the end of the year, I'll call it a job well done.
Genre List A List B Est. TTB (A) Est. TTB (B) Hrs/Month
January Shooters Misc Finish Alba: A Wildlife Adventure Finish In Other Waters 10 10 20
February Puzzle/ Platformer Songbird Symphony ! -- 8 -- 8
March Strategy Rise of the Slime Wintermoor Tactics Club 10 20 30
April RPGs Finish Cat Quest CrossCode 7 50 57
May Action Slasher's Keep -- 40 -- 40
June Adventure Paradise Killer Frog Detective 2, Tangle Tower 20 10 30
July Sandbox / Builder RimWorld Founder's Fortune 20 20 40
August Simulation Monster Loves You! Deep Sixed 8 6 14
September Metroidvania Monster Sanctuary -- 40 -- 40
October Horror "Horror" Tales of the Black Forest Hotel Sowls 8 5 13
November Fighter Bundle Games Jimmy & The Pulsating Mass Golem Creation Kit, Clam Man 45 10 55
December Anything Goes / Year In Review Mutazione OneShot / complete unfinished 14 10 24+
Total TTB 371 hours
Total TTB 15 days
Avg/Month 31 hours

January - I don't really play shooters, so for January I'm just gonna do a "miscellaneous month" and finish up the games I had started before Christmas when I dropped everything to play Animal Crossing.
March - I've picked a card-based strategy game I bought in the Winter sale plus a casual tactics game - that counts, right? From what I can tell of Rise of the Slime, it has essentially zero story, while Wintermoor is like a tactics/VN hybrid, so I think they'll balance each other nicely.
April - I started Cat Quest back in like Aug 2019 and it's been waiting to be finished. I also started CrossCode on Xbox Game Pass for PC some time ago, got about 25 hours in, was like "I like this game so much I want it on Steam," and haven't gone back to it since. A little ambitious for me, time-wise, but I'd love to finish it this year (and I'll most likely start fresh).
June - seems like 80% of the games in my library classify as "adventure," so I picked a few I'm itching to play that just so happen to also all fit into the subgenre of "mystery/investigation" - I've found myself enjoying these types of games a lot recently. Also, Frog Detective takes like 2 hours to finish, tops, so I'm tacking Tangle Tower on there as well.
July - let's be honest, "finishing" RimWorld is not something I can even hope to accomplish in my lifetime, so I'll just aim to play it for ~20 hours and hopefully get the hang of it / have some fun along the way; same for Founder's Fortune. I'll try to play at least one of these two, if not both.
August - Simulation seems pretty open-ended to me and these games are tagged as such on Steam, so...! I think some small games will be good after the bigger time commitment of July.
October - I'm a scaredy cat and don't play Horror(TM) games, so I picked a couple from the spooky/creepy category in my Steam library.
November - I also don't play fighters, so I'm gonna take this month as an opportunity to pick out a few games from that huge Racial Justice bundle hosted over the summer (which I haven't even touched yet, naturally). I just chose the first few games I came across that made me go "yeah, that one." Maybe this will also help keep me from buying games on Steam that I already have from this bundle.
I've taken estimates for the time it will take to complete each game ("time to beat," or TTB) from, and in most cases added an hour or two because I play slow af. For games not on the site, I just made my best guess. Or in the case of games like RimWorld that I will never ever finish, just the number of hours I'd like to put into it that month.
Of course, this list pretty much completely ignores anything outside of my Steam library (GOG, Epic, Xbox Game Pass, Twitch Prime, etc), just because I still find my Steam library the easiest tool for cataloging game info - despite the fact that I've tried GOG Galaxy *and* Playnite, I've had issues with both of them. I also was gifted a Switch Lite for Christmas and this does not account for any of the games I'd like to play on that. I'll definitely be keeping up with my daily tasks in Animal Crossing and playing other games on it now and then - luckily, almost all the Switch games I've bought so far (aside from AC) can be finished in ~1-10 hours.

2021 Progress:
So far haven't actually started on anything from my list, lol - I've been trying out some of the games I bought in the Winter sales to make I don't want to refund anything. I checked out Journey to the Savage Planet, Yaga, and Cardpocalypse on Epic (all fun games!). I've started a couple small games I got in the Steam sale (Golf Peaks, Pepper's Puzzles). I've been playing a bit of Animal Crossing each day on my Switch and also started playing Gorogoa and a couple other small puzzle games (Inbento, Locomotion) on there. And I finished a Switch game called A Hero and A Garden (a brief visual novel/clicker game). Hopefully this week I can finish Alba, and maybe I'll start Songbird Symphony early, 'cause I feel like it!

2020 Year in Review:
I also made up a list of the games I completed this year and the games I played but didn't finish. The list got pretty long, so I'll just link to a Google Sheet summarizing everything to keep my post from being too ridiculous. I'm gonna try to give some brief reviews of the games I did finish in 2020 below (I am really bad at being concise, sorry for the novel here!)
Selected Game Reviews from 2020 -
  1. The Haunted Island, A Frog Detective Game: hilarious adventure game about playing as the famous Frog Detective and solving the case of a ghost haunting the Sloth King's island. Super memorable despite being very short. The humor of the dialog is on point and the characters are adorable (or creepily distorted, depending on how you see it - my boyfriend saw me playing this and asked "are you playing a horror game?!" lmao)
  2. Samsara Room: free "escape room" point-and-click type game from the makers of the Cube Escape/Rusty Lake series. Short but great, really enjoyed the clever puzzles and semi-spooky aesthetic, and led me to complete my collection of this dev's games on Steam (I had a couple already but this is the first one I've actually played). Has quite a devoted following.
  3. Rymdkapsel: minimalist tower-defense/strategy game in which you build out a space station to reach and research mysterious monoliths while defending yourself from increasingly challenging waves of enemies. Has a couple different games modes and challenges (e.g., research all monoliths in less than 45 min, etc).
  4. Monster Garden: little adventure in which you play a monster who invites other monsters to be his friend and come live in his garden. Game events change depending on who you decide to "recruit" to be your friend. Slight platforming interspersed mostly with talking to various monsters and making choices. Room for replayability if you want all monster friend achievements. Has that "Undertale vibe."
  5. Glass Masquerade: chill puzzle game about assembling stained glass clocks with motifs representing different countries around the world. Beautiful and relaxing and not that difficult - I bought the sequel and all DLC in the latest Steam sale. I've heard the sequel is a bit harder.
  6. The Crown of Leaves: extremely interesting visual novel/point-and-click hybrid adventure game that seems to be based heavily on Eastern European/Romani(?) mythology (for example, the characters live in caravans called vardos). The English localization leaves something to be desired, but somehow I think it works here to make the game more authentic, or at least it didn't bother me that much. The art is really beautiful and has stuck with me even after finishing the game!
  7. Detective Grimoire: point-and-click investigative adventure with the famous Detective Grimoire. (I say "famous" because he's been in two other games - a prequel flash game and a sequel called Tangle Tower.) I really enjoyed this one - it's fully voice-acted (and done well), with a kooky art style and a fun investigation mechanic. I had it narrowed down to two suspects at the end, and my final guess was right! So basically I'm a genius detective now. This goes on sale for SUPER cheap, I highly recommend it.
  8. Evan's Remains: puzzle platformer with kind of a weird sci-fi story that kept me hooked through to the end, but afterwards I found myself half wanting to know more about the lore of this world and half thinking about all the plot holes. Really beautiful pixel art, and even though the story kind of fell flat in the end, the puzzles were quite fun. I binged it all in a day and can recommend it on sale, at least (it's not expensive to begin with).
  9. Four Last Things: point-and-click adventure composed entirely of images from Renaissance art, which makes for a pretty hilarious game. I got totally stuck in some parts and had to use a guide, after which I felt pretty stupid for not figuring the stuff out on my own. Very tongue-in-cheek humor; has a sequel called The Procession to Calvary.
  10. Little Misfortune: an "interactive story" in the words of the devs, who also made Fran Bow. It seems a lot of hardcore Fran Bow fans were not happy with Little Misfortune, but I loved it! It was just the right mix of cute, funny, irreverent, and creepy. It also deals with some heavy subject matter and made me tear up a bit at the end. The voice acting is really funny and the art is great. I'd like to replay it sometime to see what effects the different choices have and to get the rest of the achievements.
  11. Mandagon: free, brief platformer about restoring a temple in a mysterious world inspired by Tibetan mythology. Beautiful pixel art, relaxing gamplay - and did I mention it's free?! My eyes bugged out when I saw people on the Steam page complaining "there's no gameplay" and "pity I can't refund my time"... bruh. It's free. A beautiful one-hour experience that makes for a relaxing evening.
  12. Robot Island: "visual novella" - you're a service robot on a passenger spaceship that's been repurposed to transport cargo, and you have to help the captain of the ship get through his lonely journey. There are several dialog choices, so I'm guessing there's some replayability, although I assume the ending is always the same. Does a good job of endearing the characters to you in a short amount of time. The robot has funny comments to say about pretty much everything on the ship.
  13. Tengami: short puzzle adventure in a paper pop-up book art style; you travel around solving puzzles to find flowers and restore your cherry blossom tree. By the same devs as Astrologaster. It's very pretty, but movement is slow and some of the puzzles are a little obtuse.
  14. A Short Hike: what can I say that hasn't already been said? This game is amazing, chill, adorable, fun, relaxing, and simply delightful. Using a controller to fly around feels really nice. I finished the story of the game, but could go back to get the last few achievements, which mostly involve beating some small mini-games. This has been bundled numerous times, given away for free, and is cheap as it is - go play it!!

Not that I should be looking at any new games coming out this year 'cause they'll just distract me from my goals, but! I love checking out upcoming indie titles and I have a TON on my Steam wishlist that I'm keeping tabs on. I'm including a brief list of some of my most anticipated releases for this year (hopefully they won't get delayed!). I'm recommending most of these on the basis of enjoying their demos, with a few included just based on the art or gameplay looking cool:
  1. She Dreams Elsewhere (demo available)
  2. Chicory: A Colorful Tale
  3. Garden Story
  4. NUTS
  5. Lemon Cake
  6. Cris Tales (release was delayed from Nov 2020, hopefully it will come out on time now! Demo available.)
  7. Minute of Islands (don't know much about it yet, but the art looks gorgeous)
  8. Sizeable (demo available)
  9. Boy Beats World (demo available)
  10. Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
  11. Eastward
  12. Ashina: The Red Witch (demo and prologue available)
  13. Alchemic Cutie
  14. Ynglet
  15. Say No! More
  16. Mutropolis (demo and free mini-game available on
  17. 8-Bit Adventures 2 (demo available)
  18. Mayhem in Single Valley (demo available)
  19. Olija (demo available)
  20. One Lonely Outpost

Happy gaming in 2021, y'all!!
submitted by frankie_089 to 12in12 [link] [comments]

Actual Explanation for the Serious Sam iceberg image

In this thread, I will break down and properly explain each of the items listed in that somehow famous iceberg meme made by someone who didn't know what he was doing back then. Iceberg memes attempt to sum up the amount of knowledge on a particular topic sorted by depth (how deep you have to be in the topic to know that particular item), but some of the items here have no place here so there's nothing to be explained. Sources will be provided whenever possible but keep in mind that a lot of these explanations are the summation of community knowledge that were formed by all publicly-available facts on a topic that may not reflect the full picture accurately and long-lost sources that I can barely remember, so hopefully some of the things here can be proven wrong in the future.
There are SS4 spoilers here so please turn away if you haven't already finished the game.

Tier 1


There are some minor debates about whether or not Croteam truly exists in the Serious Sam universe as the only time they appeared during story events is TSE.

Dunes leitmotif in all games

Some variant of the Dunes leitmotif has appeared in all mainline Serious Sam games so far. TSE features a Dunes snippet in the intro cutscene, SS2 features the Dunes chord progression with a variation of the melody in Greendale Fight, SS3 features a full-blown Dunes remix for the final boss, SS4 features the Dunes melody transposed onto Cathedral Fight's chord progression.

DRM Scorpion

The legendary super-fast Arachnoids in SS3 that appears in pirated copies of the game.

In the Flesh

Croteam's first attempt at a FPS game before it was turned into Sam2000 some time in 1998 which then turned into Serious Sam: The First Encounter in July 2000. Not much is known about it aside from the fact that it took place in weird dream/nightmare worlds spanning 4 episodes, most enemies and weapons in Sam2000 and TFE came from it, and that Ugh-Zan/Devil was its final boss. The community's only knowledge of its existence came from a miraculously archived page of Croteam's original website; they have not mentioned its existence in any official capacity since September 1996 until the final SS4 countdown video in September 2020.

Duke Nukem references

Blondie in TSE and the Duke skeleton in SS2. There's nothing else to them and they have no place being here so let me tell you something interesting instead; did you know that Croteam's joking disdain towards Duke Nukem (and its co-creator, George Broussard) came from the latter's comment on the game? All the sewer jokes in the series are a jab towards him. Go figure what the B. in George B. Gnaar means.

Tier 2


Croteam's "unnamed military game" that was announced back in May 2007 to be published by GameCock (Gathering of Gods' successor company and Devolver Digital's predecessor company) before being quietly announced as cancelled in May 2009. It was also featured in a Croatian game magazine back then featuring some screenshots of the then-new Serious Engine 3. Not much else is known about it.
There is much debate about how much of Serious Sam 3 reused assets from it. While many have claimed that Serious Sam 3 was a realistic modern prequel as a result of Croteam not wanting these assets to go to waste after the game was cancelled, there is little to support this notion. The only things we can confirm that came from TEOR are some assault rifle animations, some background EDF soldier corpses, and the construction workers in the intro cutscene of the game. According to Solais, Serious Sam 3 being a realistic modern prequel was already decided shortly after SS2's release and SS3 began development before TEOR did.

Doom concepts in Serious Sam 3

An interview from the Croatian magazine that featured the first SE3 screenshots in May 2007 also revealed that Croteam came into contact with id Software back in 2006 and that they gave a short presentation on SE3's capabilities to see if id Software would like to contract them to work in the next Doom game. The deal fell through because of language and time zone barriers.
There's this image that's been circulating around a lot that led people to think that Serious Sam 3 is mostly made out of TEOR and Croteam's canceled Doom 4 concept. However, there's no evidence pointing to Croteam having made anything more than Canned Cain and Khnum for that Doom presentation with id Software. Judging from the Scrapjack prototype model from the motherload and the concept art revealed in the Serious Formula countdown video, the Scrapjack and Cloned Soldiers we got are more likely to be references to Doom rather than reused assets from their Doom presentation.

Talos Principle was supposed to be Serious Sam 4

As Croteam has stated many times, the mechanics that led to the creation of The Talos Principle originally came from Serious Sam 4. However, only the Jammer was originally a part of SS4; the other mechanics like the beams and fans and cubes were developed exclusively for Talos.

Sam is Mental theory

Mental being Sam's fatheevil Sam from the future are just some of the baseless long-running rumors in the community. There's nothing supporting these "theories" aside from that Star Wars reference at the end of SS2. By the way, a theory is only a theory if there's credible evidence supporting it; otherwise, it's just bullshit.

GhostbusteBeam Gun weapon

The Beamgun is a weapon from Sam2000 that was famous for being cut from TFE (which was added back in Revolution) and SS2 before finally making its mainline appearance as an attachment for the Lasergun in SS4.

The guests in the Mental Institution

are just names of famous bad people.

Sam's call to Judith Mental

For the record, it's Judy Mental.
It's one of the few downright non-sensical moment in a canon game so there are questions as to whether or not it actually happened in the story and whether or not Mental, the last of his kind, actually has an offspring. Thankfully, the phone call is inconsequential enough to the story that it can be written off as a dumb joke.

Serious Sam 4 Pre-Alpha

Particularly the E3 2018 build shown exclusively to journalists despite the "See you at E3!" promise in the April 2018 SS4 teaser trailer. There have been demands for Croteam to upload the b-roll footage supplied to journalists back then so in classic Croteam fashion, they instead decided to live stream the build using Discord's shitty streaming function and accidentally skipped half the level because they went the wrong way. Woops!

Tier 3

Serious Sam 4 Teaser Image

This concept art from the Making of SS3 video and SS4's initial announcement in June 2013 is all we know about SS4 for 5 years until the first teaser trailer in April 2018.
As you can see, we never got to visit Paris in SS4. Huh.

Beard Sam's Design

As you can see, Sam doesn't have a beard in SS4. Huh.

Parallel Timelines and Future Sam

For the longest time, the SS series happens in a single linear timeline with the Timelock being the only known method of time travel until Future Sam (who does sport a beard. Huh.) came along in SS4. His existence suggests that he is a Sam who went through events similar to SS4 before finding a way to travel freely through time (which is what the Timelock cannot do) and that each game happened in their own timelines rather than exist in one continuous timeline.

The Second Encounter's canonicity

Before SS4 came out with all the parallel timeline thing, fans have attempted to piece all SS games as a single continuous timeline. The order we agreed upon is:
TLH > SS4 > SS3 > TFE > TSE
SS2 is not included because its major story events break lore by not making much sense and we figured it's going to be replaced by SS2R in the future as a canon entry.
However, between all the canon games, the one that made the least sense (in the sense that it has the most amount of nonsensical things that affect the lore) in TSE. Unlike the few nonsensical moments in SS3 and TFE such as the endgame phone calls that won't have any significant impact to the game if removed, TSE's very own plot breaks the lore and canon by having things such as Croteam being the direct cause of the game's event and having Sirians expand outside of Egypt into civilizations that haven't even existed at the time. In short, SS4, SS3, and TFE's nonsensical moments can be forgiven for canon because they are minor while TSE and SS2's nonsensical moments cannot be forgiven for canon because they are major (games with some lore breaks =/= games full of lore breaks).
While it is a hot topic debate on whether it should remain canon by having portions of the game rewritten to be less non-sensical or be ejected from the canon like SS2 was and have SS2R directly follow TFE's ending, the fact that TSE breaks canon is not a matter that's up for debate. A difference of opinion is thinking whether or not TSE should remain canon; a denial of reality is thinking TSE fits canon.
Croteam has recognized that TSE breaks canon and was going to rewrite the major offending portions as part of their Fusion HDTSE remaster but with Fusion on indefinite hiatus and the person in charge no longer working with Croteam along with SS2R's cancellation, the current status of TSE and SS2's canonicity remains uncertain.

Mental Mate

A multiplayer-exclusive character that people wish is canon.

Serious Sammy

A multiplayer-exclusive character that people wish is canon.

Exotech Larva fight music re-used in Serious Sam 2

The reuse of As Above, So Below as Cecil's boss fight theme in SS2 is a move that has puzzled many. For the longest time, it was the only known case of a direct reuse of a music track in a mainline Serious Sam game until SS4 reused SS3's Gladiator for its Witch-Bride's boss fight.

Tier 4

Serious Sam 2 Beta

This term refers to the pre-release version of SS2 that appeared in 2004 and 2005 footage, though it's normally misused to encompass the entire SS2 development period.
The more precise (as precise as we can determine based on available information) terms for each development stage are:
TTE > SS2proto (2003) > SS2 Alpha (2004) > SS2 Beta (2005)
Serious Sam 2 was Croteam's biggest project at the time and they were overambitious with it, leaving many ideas left on the cutting room floor. However, it's important to note that not everything is cut because of time constraints; it is just as often that things are cut because they turned out to be bad ideas or that they found better ways to do something using existing stuff.


For the record, it's Y-KNOT.
Its existence is first revealed in Serious Sam Origins, a fan attempt at finishing Sam2000 using a Croteam-supplied build of the game and the original Serious Sam game design document. It's basically the predecessor to NETRICSA.

Sam never went to Persepolis

A joke that jabs at TSE's inconsistency. Basically, Persepolis is in Persia which is modern-day Iran while the Tower of Babylon is in Babylonia which is modern-day Iraq. There are other geographical fails in TSE like Teotihuacan existing in 1378 BC and Grand Cathedral having Finland's flags even though the episode is set in Poland.

The Greek Encounter's existence

Serious Sam: The Greek Encounter is a small game made by Eric Ruth (who made other demakes such as Pixel Force: Left 4 Dead and Team Fortress Arcade). For years there has been much debate on whether or not it's an officially-licensed game or a fan-game with no relation to Croteam. I was on the latter side until I talked to Eric earlier this year and confirmed that Devolver did reach out to him to make it as part of the Serious Sam Indie Series for Indie Royale's Serious Sam Lightning Pack back in 2012.

Serious Sam Alpha

This term refers to the game once known as Serious Sam, which came about after In The Flesh was scrapped and itself was later scrapped and led to the creation of Serious Sam: The First Encounter. The official term for this game now is Sam2000, which is what Croteam currently refers to it as internally.
Sam2000 would've featured Serious Sam who just traveled back to the past to Ancient Egypt where he must take a spaceship to various Planetoids before finally reaching Sirius where he kills the final boss, Notorious Mental, once and for all. It seems that CT wanted to update the graphics of the entire game (resulting in Test 1's mishmash of old and new assets) but found out that it was too much work so they decided to scrap the whole thing a few months after Test 1 and only focus on the first episode (Egypt) for then.
While similar in concept to TFE due to TFE being a reimagination of the Egypt portion of Sam2000, it is more accurate to treat Sam2000 as its own separate game rather than as the alpha version of The First Encounter because a lot of things still have to be built from the ground-up that were vastly different in execution compared to what Sam2000 was going to do.

Gary the Thief (Fishman)

Refers to the Thief enemy that was cut from TFE and SS2, erroneously believed to be the new version of Fishman, an enemy from Sam2000. Nobody knows where that image came from, but there is currently no source pointing to the fact that it was a reworked Fishmanl; if it were, it would've used the Fishman folder in leftover SS1 folders rather than have its own folder named after it. The Thief is part of the new set of enemies that were introduced for TFE after Sam2000 was cancelled, along with Electro-Fish, Marsh-Hopper, and Reptiloid.
According to a TFE beta level document, it would've functioned as a nuisance in certain levels, such as running away with the scarab keys in Metropolis. Solais has also stated that it would've functioned similarly in SS2 and that it does not attack the player or steal weapons/ammo from the player as commonly believed.


has a male voice that says "INCOMING MESSAGE" when you get a message notification. Some guessed that it was a leftover from when it was Y-KNOT but there's still no evidence to support this claim.

"Save the Earth"

Save the Earth is a game Croteam made for a Croatian TV show back in 1996. It has no relation to Serious Sam aside from being a Croteam game and being referenced in an unused string in SS3 so it's really got no business being here.

"Processed never happened in Serious Sam 3"

To continue the "Parallel timelines and Future Sam" thing, the notion of there being parallel timelines is also supported by one of the writers for the game.

Serious Sam Backstory

Commonly referred to as festory and mistaken as the backstory for TFE, the backstory was actually written for Sam2000 first, although its content is different from what's in the original game design document since it already has the Timelock and NETRICSA and Sirians (which didn't exist in the Sam2000 design document). Most of it remains canon to this day, minus the parts that were retconned by SS3 and TFE.
And no, the Surveyor from the backstory and Saratoga from TLH are two different ships, Sam captained both of them at different periods in time (Surveyor is pre-war and Saratoga is post-war).

Serious Sam Forever

A cancelled Serious Sam 2 mod aiming to recreate TFE in SE2 before HDTFE came along.

TSE was supposed to be a mission pack prequel to TFE

TSE's design document from mid-2001 gave it the tentative title of "Serious Sam: Early Missions". It would've been an 8-level mission pack with new weapons and enemies that's about Sam going back to the past using other Timelocks to get magical artifacts (such as the Holy Grail) to power up the main Timelock so he can use it to time travel back to Egypt and start TFE. Some of the levels eventually grew so big they had to be split, ending up with 12 levels in the end. It looks like it became an episodic sequel sometime between May 2001 and September 2001, the latter of which is when it's officially announced.
Many remnants of the original concept still remains in TSE, such as its folder being named SeriousSamMP, Kukulkan's appearance theme being named ChacTheme.ogg in the files (AirElementalBoss was originally supposed to be Chaac, Mayan god of rain), Exotech Larva's fight theme being Fight01.ogg (Persia was the first episode), textures for Grand Cathedral being in the folder named GardenOfDeath (it was originally named Garden of Eden).
For some reason, this is a fact that surprisingly many people have difficulties coming to terms with. I suspect it's because it shatters the famous pre-conceived notion that TFE and TSE was always meant to be one game known as Serious Sam/SS1 even though one look at Sam2000 is enough to show you that the claim is bullshit and that it is TFE and SS2 that were always meant to be one game, with TSE coming into existence some time after TFE's release and thus not being part of the original idea at all. I have yet to find the source of the claim that TFE and TSE were always meant to be one but iirc it came from marketing for Serious Sam for the Xbox (which is what Serious Sam 2 is really a sequel to).

Mental's true form

Mental's appearance is one of the most-discussed things in the fandom. While there is no way of knowing what Mental currently looks like, we do know that the Bigheads in SS1 was reusing Mental's 3D model (Mental.mdl) from Sam2000 and that he was originally supposed to be a big-brained (wanna take a guess at why Croteam named him Mental?) alien that relies on life support in a "brain jar".
Whether or not Mental is still a crippled big-brained alien or something that resembles his logo from SS2/SS3/SS4 more or a combination of them or something else entirely is something we'll never know until Croteam stops fucking around.

AK-47 in SSHD's files

A texture for TEOR's AK-47 is left in SSHD's files by mistake.
On a more interesting note, the default placeholder level thumbnail in SSHD shows an early version of Philae (the first JotN level). Philae and Abu Simbel were supposed to be part of the main SS3 campaign (taking place between Power of the Underworld and Lost Temples of Nubia) before being cut for unknown reasons, later being brought back as Jewel of the Nile together with Temple of Seth, a brand new level made just for the DLC.

Sam calls himself in the past

The famous secret from TSE and SS2 that I'm sure nobody missed.

SS3 Jones is SS4 Jones' brother

The infamous reveal in SS4 that somehow most people missed.

Tier 4

Mental's Eyedrop

What CT called the giant gelatinous blob in the Tech Test level in an Old Man Murray interview. Doesn't have any real significance to it.

Serious Sam 3 with Serious Sam 2 assets mockup

This image. While the image is just a mockup, don't you think it did a pretty good job capturing what they wanted for SS3? Streets full of fucking hitscanners. The brown pants version of the Zombie Soldier is in the SS2 Motherload, labeled zombie_soldier_SS3.
By the way, the original internal name for the Scrapjack is Primitive Gunner, though any relation it has to the SS2 Primitives (Neanderthals) is unknown.

Cut Summer in Cairo dialogue

Pre-release footage of Summer in Cairo explained how exactly Rodriguez died. Whether or not this is canon is anyone's guess.

TNE was supposed to be called "Word to the Mothership"

For the record, Serious Sam: Next Encounter doesn't have a The in the title so anyone who calls it TNE is objectively wrong.
NE's original title is indeed Word to the Mothership before being changed to Next Encounter for unknown reasons that may or may not have something to do with the game's original plot not being the plot of the game anymore.

Serious Sam HD: Next Encounter

SeriousSite has been trying to do a HD remake of Next Encounter for nearly a decade now but God hates Next Encounter and that's why nothing good ever happens to NE-related projects.

The Refinery level

A level that was cut from SS4 late enough to leave a missing number spot in the level list, though Croteam says that it was cut pretty early on during the blockout stage. It's where the snowmobile cutscene would've taken place in and where the mech section in One for the Road is taken from.
There are many among SS4's players that wants a new level between Oilrig and Tunguska to fix the game's rushed pacing towards the end so we used the term "Refinery" to refer to that so we don't have to type out "a new level between Oilrig and Tunguska" every time we talk about it, though there are also many among us that doubt that it will fix the game and that it's more effort than it's worth.
What do you think?

Solais conspiracy

Solais is a modder-turned-Croteam-employee since 2015 until his contract expired earlier this year. For the longest time in these past 5 years, he was the only link between Croteam and the community, providing us with many information about SS4 and past projects (such as virtually everything known about SS2proto and most information written in this post) as well as releasing the asset motherloads so people can finally port SS2 assets to SE3+ without having to use NinjaRipper.
He made a farewell post in Croteam's Discord server announcing his departure and sharing a video of the Volcano level in SS4. Naturally, the Carters in the community think he got fired for sharing the video/revealing too much about SS4 or some other dumb bullshit even though the post was done in cooperation with Danny from Croteam (proven by the fact that the channel slowdown time was temporarily increased when Solais was writing that post, which is something that the server owner AKA Danny can do).

The TTE enemy thumbnails in SS3 editor

In the initial release of SS3, Croteam accidentally included SED1-style entity thumbnails in the game files. Since the thumbnails depict entities that were eventually used in SS2, it is deduced that these thumbnails were from TTE when it was on SE1.
I'll do a more detailed explanation on them next time (there's like a hundred of them, give me a break).

Serious Sam 2 Reboot

Originally announced in some random Facebook reply from Croteam back in 2012 as Serious Sam 2 HD, it has since been referred to as SS2R by people in the community. As the title suggests, it is a reboot of SS2 (itself a reboot of the remaining parts of Sam2000 that weren't already rebooted in TFE) to make it fit canon. Not much is known about it aside that M'Digbo, Kleer, Kronor, and Sirius is kept mostly as-is while Magnor is cut completely. It was silently cancelled in some random Discord reply from Croteam back in September 2020.

Sacred Yards in TFE Alpha

Again, Sam2000 =/= TFE Alpha
People are confused by the existence of this screenshot of a Sam2000-era Sacred Yards because Sacred Yards wasn't part of the planned Sam2000 levels. According to Solais, Sacred Yards was originally meant to be a post-release bonus level for Sam2000.


is a cut desert episode from SS2. Originally, Kronor was a snow planet with some military bases while Pechina is Mental's military base near Sirius. They were later consolidated into one episode named Kronor. The first two Kronor levels in the final game is actually taken from Pechina while the later Kronor levels are taken from the original Kronor.
By the way, the original episode list for SS2 is:
  1. Mdigbo 1a. Aisha (a single-level episode featuring a spaceship controlled by a rampant AI)
  2. Chi-Fang
  3. Brimland (Magnor)
  4. Kleer
  5. Ellenier
  6. Kronor
  7. Pechina
  8. Sirius

Kamikaze Scream is actually Alen Ladavac's scream sample (Roman Ribaric's?)

The creator of the iceberg got this wrong but this actually is an item that belongs on the image.
You know how that famous fandom myth that states the iconic Kamikaze voice is actually Roman Ribaric's voice? I have no idea where it originally came from (I seem to recall it was from an old interview where another Croteam employee said that the Kamikaze was Roman's yell when he's angry) but that's actually false; the famous Kamikaze scream is actually a stock sound effect.
SS2's Kamikaze voice actor is level designer Ivan Mika, by the way.


TFE was originally going to feature an alternate Cannon ammo type called Nukeball (the regular one is called Ironball) that is a red cannonball that explodes multiple times. Thankfully the coding is still in the SDK so you can mod it back into the game.

Serious Sam 4 conspiracies

Did Devolver Digital intentionally downplayed marketing for SS4 so more effort can be put into Fall Guys? Did Google prevent more delays and forced Croteam to release it on September 24 because Stadia? Did Alen Ladavac and Solais' departure from Croteam meant trouble in paradise?
Who knows, let's just believe in all of them anyway because they sound fun even though there's no facts supporting them hurrrhuddrrururu I'm fucking retarded you see I believe everything I read online because I'm too lazy to fact check shit myself who cares about facts about a shitty Chinese doom ripoff amirite lolololooololol

Hilarious Harry is early Serious Sam design

The fan myth here is that Hilarious Harry is Croteam's attempt at redesigning Sam after Test 1 but replaced it with the final TFE Sam model after they revealed it to the fans and people complained. This archived page is the only proof that such an interaction had ever happened though I have yet to find the original Hilarious Harry screenshot that Croteam shared that caused such an uproar.

SS4 crossbow

From a joke tweet. Turns out there really was a Crossbow weapon left in SS4's game files, but we'll have to wait for the Editor to come out to know what it's like.

Fusion HD TSE remaster

The initial plan for Fusion. Croteam wanted Fusion to be the definitive version of SSHD and SS3 and for that to happen, SS3 received numerous changes in gameplay. HDTSE was going to receive a massive rewrite of the game so it fits the canon more because anyone with basic reading comprehension can tell it made the least sense out of all canon games (no gameplay changes though because Roman Ribaric thought the gameplay is perfect as it is) but that never happened, so yeah.
Is TSE still canon? Yes. Does that mean it fits canon? No.

Serious Sam Origins

In 2013, a group of 20 Russians from SeriousSite asked Croteam for Sam2000. They got what they asked for, along with the original Sam2000 game design document. Serious Sam Origins was started as a project to finish what Croteam couldn't. SSO was then accidentally revealed in an argument with a Serious Sam Revolution developer. Turns out, Croteam gave both teams the January 2000 build of Sam2000. The two teams eventually came to an agreement; Revolution can include the Sam2000 levels unchanged, while SSO has the full rights to release additional assets they received from Croteam and the original game design document when SSO is finished and released. A trailer was uploaded a day later, slated for a "late 2013/early 2014" release.
In 2014, we got a gameplay video showing how far they got. The January 2000 build was leaked to the public later that year.
In 2020, SSO still isn't finished and the original Serious Sam game design document remains in Croteam's office and the hands of those 20 Russians.
There, now let the meme die already. And remember, everything is false until proven true.
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