'Vegas' Canceled: CBS Did Not Order A Season 2 HuffPost

why did vegas get cancelled

why did vegas get cancelled - win

Vintage Celebrity Gossip - 2000s

Well last week's celebrity gossip got dark, so to lighten things up a little bit I thought we could do another round of vintage gossip?
Previous Vintage Gossip: 1990s

2000s Vintage Gossip

Decade History
Some Music Gossip
Britney Spears
Justin Timberlake
Men who need to be cancelled - You know, I thought the 2000s would be fun but it's got dark stuff too, so I've spoiler tagged this so you can skip it. If you're discussing this below, can you spoiler tag too?
Michael Jackson - Died on June 25, 2009. There is a documentary on his sexual abuses and honestly it's horrifying and I'd rather not snark on it but it needs to be mentioned.
R. Kelly - The 35 year old man was indicted then acquitted on child porn charges. There is a documentary on his sexual abuses and honestly it's horrifying and I'd rather not snark on it but it needs to be mentioned.
Phil Spector - convicted of murdering Lana Clarkson and did a lot of other bad stuff including emotional, sexual, and physical abuse of musicians, children, and partners.
Chris Brown - When the pop couple were a no-show at dress rehearsal for the Grammy Awards on February 8, reports quickly surfaced about an altercation between Chris Brown and Rhianna. Brown was charged with assault and making criminal threats, and at a hearing in LA on June 22, the singer pled guilty to felony assault. I hate that he's still popular and have mixed feelings about the two still making music together.
Aaliyah Haughton
Other Celebrity Musician deaths
Kelly Clarkson
Glee & American Idol & Britain's Got Talent
Taylor Swift
Some Movie & TV Gossip
Christian Bale
Winona Ryder
Paris Hilton
Sandra Bullock
Martha Stewart
Mel Gibson - He's since had a comeback! My parents loved Hawksaw Ridge. But in 2006, he was pulled over for drunk driving and said anti-Semitic and sexist remarks.
Just a reminder to use spoiler tags for the not fun stuff to keep this a light hearted.
Roman Polanski - was arrested for rape in Switzerland in 2009. Polanski was defended by many prominent individuals, including Hollywood celebrities and European artists and politicians, who called for his release even though the general public thought he should be in jail. In 2010, the Swiss released him and his movements are limited to France, Switzerland, and Poland.
Some Sports Gossip
Some Model and Fashion Gossip
submitted by overcommunikate to blogsnark [link] [comments]

Confronted her today. I've never seen someone implode like this.

Last post herehttps://www.reddit.com/survivinginfidelity/comments/kigfu1/update_my44m_wife41f_was_recently_contacted_by/
A heads up, I began writing this the day it happened and I'm not rewriting it, so if some of my feelings don't reflect exactly what my comments were saying in the last couple of days that's why. I've got some work to do today so I might not respond to anything for quite some time.
TLDR- I confronted her, she tried to lie, presented evidence, still tried to lie, she's currently staying at her parents and trying to lie.
I never want to go through anything like this ever again. This was the single most difficult thing I've ever had to do and I'm twitching like a tweaker every so often now. She left for either work or Chris's today not really sure where she went but she was gone. Tried to check her location and either she turned off locations or my phone was giving me issues.
I didn't have the means to serve her, that comes later this week, but I had to confront her before she realized what I was doing so she wouldn't have any more time to formulate some working lies. Heard my garage door opening and turned on the camera on.
She comes in completely oblivious, I tell her she ought to sit down because we've got to talk. Deer in the headlights look but she sits down and asks me what's wrong. I ask "Why don't you tell me." She plays dumb but I see she knows she's been found out, she asks me again what's wrong. I ask her what's really up with Chris she says nothing she hasn't heard from him. I redirect and decide to not confront her as directly and tell her that I'm uncomfortable with her working with him and that it's not something I can get past. She's 100% instantly agreeable and asks me very nervously why I changed my mind so quick and why I'm acting the way I am.
I just shake my head and say something like, I wanted to be understanding about it but I got weird vibes from him and I'd prefer they wouldn't talk. She insists that he doesn't mean anything to her anymore, that she was just happy to see the book get made. I told her that he basically stole from her and she's being way too understanding about that fact. That she ought to sue him over it, and she agrees with me. By now she's probably thinking she got out of this and is going to break it off with Chris the minute she gets a second to do so. But then I tell her the whole thing has really stressed me out and I'm gonna take next week out of work. I tell her that I talked with my ex and she agreed to keep my son that weekend so I could go to Vegas with her. That's why I was talking to my ex for so long the other day, working out the details of her taking my son, or at least that's what I'd have her think.
Deadpan stare. I start talking about how Covid has shut down a lot of stuff and I'm not even sure what's open in Vegas. She cuts me off and tells me that it was actually cancelled today. The conversation from here on goes likes this. Paraphrased of course.
Me- It got cancelled last month.
Her- No, he told us today because he wasn't sure whether or not it was off until today.
Me- I know it got cancelled last month.
Her- What are you doing? Why are you telling me you want to go and then telling me it's cancelled? I don't get what you're doing.
Me- It was cancelled last month. What were you gonna do if I didn't ask about it?
Her- You're freaking me out. It was cancelled today.
Me- What were you going to do in
Her- What are you accusing me of?
Me- How long have you and Chris been back together?
Her- We haven't done anything. Did he tell you we were?
Me- Don't lie to me. I don't want read off everything he texted it almost made me throw up doing it the first time. I can't believe you'd do this.
Her- I love you, I'm sorry, he's been texting me a lot lately and saying a lot of messed up stuff and I don't know how to deal with it. I wanted to tell you this but I was afraid you'd do what you're doing now. I was just hoping he'd stop on his own.
Me- You didn't see him for 8 years and 20 minutes after he got off the plane you had sex with him.
Her- What plane? What are you reading?
Me- He lives on You wanna stop this? Just admit what you did so we can move forward with this. Why did you tell me he lived in
Her- Did he say something to you? He lies constantly, it's part of the reason why we broke up. I told you that. I knew I shouldn't have responded to his messages, it's always drama with him. All his messages were fine, but he started with the missing me stuff again like always. I was going to tell you.
Me- He wanted you to come home and kiss me after you were going down on him. I read your messages, I saw them in your email and in your texts. You're cheating on me and I want you out of this house today.
Her- What? I'm not cheating on you. If you don't want him around I'll tell him to get lost, but honey I'm not cheating on you. Is that what he told you? He's lying.
Me- Stop it. I told you I went in your messages on your phone. You're going to get your stuff and you're going to go to your parents. I made copies of of your emails and screenshots from your texts. I don't want to show them what you two say to each other, but if you're going to keep lying to my face I will. We're done, go get your stuff.
She tried even in the face of all that to play stupid and lie, but finally tired of it I broke out my copies of their texts and handed them to her. She looked at them for two seconds and then broke down crying hard. Like I've never seen her this devastated by anything. I even felt bad for her for a little while. She said she was sorry, that it got out of hand and she wanted to put the breaks on it, but he had gotten possessive and was threatening to expose her if she ended it with him. I told her that none of that was in their texts and that she's still lying to me. She was going to go off and spend the weekend with him.
She then told me it's done between them and she'll make him go away, she won't ever talk to him again. I told her I don't care what she does but I've been talking to a lawyer and the divorce papers will be ready soon. At this point she explodes and repeats "You've been talking to a lawyer?" like 4 or five times and honestly I was ready to call the cops because she's closing in on me and really screaming now. I tell her to calm down, that I have a camera going. She then continues to break down and not resemble anyone I've ever met before. Kept saying stuff like "You just planned all this out. Smiling to my face just planning this all out." Which every time she did I responded with the same, well look at what you've been planning and Smiling to my face while you're out doing .
I asked her why she'd do this to us and at first she couldn't give me a straight answer. She tried to tell me it was meaningless sex so I responded with Oh so you ruined us for no reason then that's great. After a bit she sort of got quieter and I don't know if she was being honest or just trying to hurt me, but apparently she really messed up with him in her eyes. She called him her soulmate and I nearly started breaking stuff. I asked her why she just didn't ditch me for him in the beginning, I would have understood then and she says she just needed to get away from him because she knew how bad she'd look to her family if she brought him back around, apparently they didn't like him either. She also said that she could never and can never actually be with him because her ex and daughter would fight her on this. So going back to him legitimately was never an option.
She then said she was sorry and seemed to be in disbelief with how final I was with everything. She told me how much of a mistake it was, how much she would change and do whatever I wanted her to just to fix the situation, I told her no. She then told me weren't getting a divorce because she can make ammends for this. I told her there was nothing she could do to earn my forgiveness, I will not forgive this ever and somehow she had the gall to be shocked by this. I told her then I opened an account in another bank and moved half from the joint account into it this morning and that the rest is hers, she can either get it herself or I can get it for her but the account is getting closed. She just nodded along and said we'd probably both have to go to the bank together to close it.
She went and started packing her clothes up, peacefully, crying a little and oddly enough making threats every so often that she had better not have anything missing. I let it roll off my shoulder and told her to take pics of how she left her things and daughters things so when she comes back she'll see I didn't touch anything. Her folks had been contacted and they're in disbelief. They're both surprised that Chris is even a factor in any of this and spent time apologizing to me, and soon after she was out of my house.
The next day stbx hit my phone with so many I love you I'm sorry we can fix this texts that I contemplated flushing my phone. I wanted to just turn it off but my ex wife had my son, so I needed it on just in case of an emergency or a change in plans when he was coming home. So I just started responding to her texts by sending screenshots of the worst parts of their conversation and saying nothing of my own. Ex returned with my son and brought dinner from my favorite Chinese place. I didn't give my son the exact reason when I told him, but he asked flat out whether she cheated because it was so sudden and I told him he was right without elaborating. They stayed for a while before returning home and I've just been kind of floating around the house trying to keep it together. It's like 2 or 3 days since I began writing this and I'm off to the gym and then my lawyers.
This thing is already way too long and things are updating so rapidly that I could be typing forever and never finish. My STBX's ex-husband is going to come by and collect his daughter's things and I'll explain to her the best I can that if she ever needs me I'm just a phone call away. I'm also contemplating telling her ex that she ran around with Chris on him as well because she said many times he doesn't know. But maybe I won't that accomplishes nothing really. Anyway, first fight has been fought and it looks like I'm winning as much as one can win given the circumstances.
Part of me wants to confront Chris, but I'm smart enough that all that would be a waste of time and energy. Time better spent working or hitting the gym or finding some way to thank my ex-wife for being an absolute MVP in my corner through this. Anyway, that's all I got for now. Sorry if this is disjointed but it's taken me a couple days to write and of course developments keep happening.
submitted by Throwracrockerfocker to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

Got fired again, greaattttt

Whew lads hope all is well. Well just because I'm in desperate need of story time I figured I'd share this with everyone. What was the biggest time you had one event lead to really letting you lose your shit? I just had the oddest spell of events recently and I just got fired about an hour ago during lunch so I'm still trying to piece it all together... [I mean hey I guess on the bright side its not like I was married at least with kids but Jesus I still have to eat and a disabled mother to provide for.]
This particular one started fairly innocuous a few months ago, I met and connected with a beautiful girl on a dating app after being out of a long term relationship and we began to see each other. Of course it was during the WORST time to be meeting someone: thanksgiving, Christmas and new years time. Funny part is I'm huge fucking degenerate but also an attorney so I think I managed to slip under her radar as a crazy. She made me feel good, got my confidence up and shit I even stopped drinking during most of December because she doesn't do any drugs or drink so I figured there's no way she's going be able to handle my drunk self. So I started lifting weights again, actually cut my hair for once, became more well groomed, etc. but there was always a crack just ready to shatter in that foundation...
Well this was one of those odd flings because we bought each other presents, use to eat at parks (covid right?) and do cutesy stuff together... We went to Vegas during covid and drive in movie theaters. Then comes Christmas and I find out my family has cancelled their plans [okay sure sounds good to me, time to get tanked!] If I'm being honest I was probably heavily depressed with the holidays coming up and literally feeling like nobody gave a shit about me (I mean I was dating but I didn't think she really cared). Well this nice girl who at this point I had been seeing since early November is a nurse by trade and is all about the money so she was working all the major holidays (she made sure I knew lol) so I figured she's not going to see me on Xmas if we didn't see each other on Thanksgiving. Well bad calculation on my part, I start getting all these texts about "hey babe what are you doing" blah blah and I'm probably like half a bottle of Jameson in. Even though I was inebriated I knew better than to have her come over because she isn't a drinker or a smoker so I basically blew her off and told her we should just play games (she's a twitch gamer girl).
She agrees to that so we get to our gaming. At this point I'm so fucked up I'm like that kid on the basketball court that is talking shit, thinking he's the shit but bricks almost every shot. She voices her displeasure. At the time maybe I was just too drunk or didn't care but I paid it no mind since hey I'm a drunk sometimes this side comes out. [Well enter the next day.]
She's slightly not as receptive to my texts, so shit I figure not a problem maybe she's just busy. I'm usually much more crazy when I'm drunk so I didn't think much. As the day progresses I can start to realize though that she's becoming distant, I start popping the beer because the work day is over and get online to start gaming figuring hey it will be different if we just game and I'm not texting her weird shit. All of a sudden I notice that I can't find her on my friends list.... I start to question, hmmm that's weird maybe I did that when I drunk?
At this point I've already had a few beers on an empty stomach so I start the text to her pretty calmly asking her if she wanted to play games. She basically just tells me that it isn't going to work out and for me to leave her alone. I gotta give it to her.... She slowplayed me to the T. I refused to take that for an explanation because it just wasn't an explanation at all tbh. I demand she gives me an explanation. She then blocks me on text. I get super pissed and start texting her on google message (I have had experience being blocked and know how to get around it lol) and she finally says she can't see me because "I'm emotionally unstable." I don't know what it was but it almost felt like that meme where it says "and that was the moment that...." I couldn't handle this, we had a bunch going on and then you just dropped me literally still hot and fresh out of the oven.
I started getting furious, naturally drinking to fuel this unreasonable fire. I start insulting her, saying whatever the fuck I want and none of it is nice. [Fade to black]
At some point I woke up the next day on my floor next to my bed. I'm kind of doing one those "'doh not again moments!" when I realize its actually 1pm on a Monday morning. O SHIT I HAVE WORK. But the aftermath of my drinking is already apparent, I'm shitting blood, dry heaving and with crazy head pains, [like can't do anything type of shit.] I furiously try to find some more booze to take the edge off and sign into work, shit storm of emails. [Short backstory but I had a no call no show back in December so I think it was already a bit dicey.] They are just not happy. I have all these emails putting me on blast and like I said I'm an attorney so its a stressful job but ultimately I do have responsibilities.
Well that 1pm booze I was hitting must have been kicking in different or something because once I saw all those emails I just basically said "you know what? fuck all this. I'm going back to booze and then sleep bc I frankly don't give a damn." Then I get a weird text from a cousin who has now informed me that my grandma has been dead for over a month (covid) but they are doing the funeral tomorrow. Well RIP grandma but you were always kind of a piece of shit to me and wrote my immediate family out of your will so NAH but hey why not drink more because she's dead and that's affecting you! The bender ensues.
Honestly guys I know we joke about it but when was the last legitimate time you had a long bender? I'm talking like you are drinking from sun up to sun down shit. Well this developed into that. I'm now drinking a 750 ml bottle and at least 4 heavy beers every day and also still haven't reported to work. Anxiety is going up the roof but I finally managed to send a drunken email on Tuesday about not being able to show up till Monday due a family passing. The drinking continues to rock star levels, party of one.
Six days pass, its finally Monday again [today]. That time warp shit is real. I look around my room - it smells like shit (literally because of my nasty beer sweating ass), there were 9 jameson bottles around my room all tapped and various amounts of micro brewery beer (the 8%+ stuff). Literally looking like some hoarders/intervention shit. I casually clock back into work then I get the sweet sweet email from HR: "Hello please give this person a call to discuss a few things about last week." I give them the Disney version and just reference the email I had sent reflecting my grandma's passing. The lady says she needs to discuss this with her manager and hangs up. Hmm I lament, that was really not the answer I was looking for (although I should expect considering I left the job for a week). My boss insists I continue to work until I hear from HR so I do.
More stressful times? Well might as well drink as I'm drafting this motion! All of a sudden I get a phone call again from someone I don't know. They informed me that they had a few other people on the call my managing attorney being one of them. They let me know that being tardy like that is unacceptable and blah blah and then let me know I am being let go. I give them the corporate speech of being appreciative, thank you for your patience, etc. Dead silence on the phone: "So do you have anything else to say?" I'm like no then they just straight up hang up on me. Pretty razzle dazzle day, going to get a few beers in me and assess this tomorrow. Chairs.
submitted by TheG2apist to cripplingalcoholism [link] [comments]

[REQUEST][STEAM] Madden 21 (on sale) because I want to create a team or teams full of me

So basically I really want to make a team or teams in franchise mode filled with nothing but Victoria Chiang's. I wanna see which Victoria Chiang is the best. Honestly wondering if Victoria Chiang is better than Victoria Chiang or if Victoria Chiang is a better quarterback than the backup qb, Victoria Chiang. I wanna see if Super Bowl MVP will be Victoria Chiang or Victoria Chiang, the betting in Vegas says its a +500 for Victoria Chiang, +2000 for Victoria Chiang, -100 for Victoria Chiang, and -2000 for Victoria Chiang. Personally, I am betting for Victoria Chiang to win the MVP because we all know Victoria Chiang is wayyyy better than Victoria Chiang. Leaning towards drafting Victoria Chiang in the first round over Victoria Chiang, but you never know if Victoria Chiang will be the draft steal or a bust. I can imagine that Victoria Chiang will have more jersey sales than Victoria Chiang, Victoria Chiang and Victoria Chiang combined. Also thinking that Victoria Chiang will score more touchdowns than Victoria Chiang has got me very happy since Victoria Chiang is overrated and we all know Victoria Chiang is clearly the best player.
In all seriousness I love football and sports. I played football in high school with the boys until the school said it was "unchristian" for a girl to be playing with the boys. I played wide receiver because the quarterback position was taken. I LOVE catching the ball and juking people out. Football is one of my favorite sports next to ice hockey and basketball. When I was younger I grew up watching the CFL since my hometown football team plays in the CFL. Slowly I became super interested in the NFL which lead to me getting many NFL beanies for X-Mas. Sadly every team hat I own hasn't been to the superbowl in the past few years.
So why can't I afford this game? I was a ice hockey referee once the pandemic started hockey games slowly stopped happening because of province wide restrictions and this lead to many refs including me quitting because there was no point in paying to get re-certified (my grandma pays my fees) for the year if all the games are going to be cancelled. The games did end up getting cancelled in the first week of January. Slowly right now they are starting to happen again, but I can't ref for two reasons; one basically I'm not certified and two my grandma is old and if she catches rona it would be very bad for her health so I try not to go out a lot. Secondly, if people are wondering how I can afford a PC to play games the thing is I don't exactly have my own PC. I use my uncles PC, he bought it a year ago and up until late 2019 I had been using his old Windows XP until he bought a new PC since the old one could not support the applications I did homework on.
I originally wanted Madden 19 or 20 but EA is such a drag and removed those from Steam so its basically 21 thats there right now. It's on sale right now until Feb 22nd. I would play the shit out of the career and franchise modes. Just like NBA 2K20, I will def mod the game and make it a more immersive game than it already is.
So help me (if you can) in my quest to see if Victoria Chiang or Victoria Chiang is the GOAT, or if Victoria Chiang is a draft bust. I am going to bet all my money on Victoria Chiang being a hall of famer at the end of her career.
my steam https://steamcommunity.com/id/victoria69/
madden https://store.steampowered.com/app/1239520/Madden_NFL_21/
submitted by victoriachiang to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

Update 2

Last post herehttps://www.reddit.com/survivinginfidelity/comments/kigfu1/update_my44m_wife41f_was_recently_contacted_by/
A heads up, I began writing this the day it happened and I'm not rewriting it, so if some of my feelings don't reflect exactly what my comments were saying in the last couple of days that's why. I've got some work to do today so I might not respond to anything for quite some time.
TLDR- I confronted her, she tried to lie, presented evidence, still tried to lie, she's currently staying at her parents and trying to lie.
I never want to go through anything like this ever again. This was the single most difficult thing I've ever had to do and I'm twitching like a tweaker every so often now. She left for either work or Chris's today not really sure where she went but she was gone. Tried to check her location and either she turned off locations or my phone was giving me issues.
I didn't have the means to serve her, that comes later this week, but I had to confront her before she realized what I was doing so she wouldn't have any more time to formulate some working lies. Heard my garage door opening and turned on the camera on.
She comes in completely oblivious, I tell her she ought to sit down because we've got to talk. Deer in the headlights look but she sits down and asks me what's wrong. I ask "Why don't you tell me." She plays dumb but I see she knows she's been found out, she asks me again what's wrong. I ask her what's really up with Chris she says nothing she hasn't heard from him. I redirect and decide to not confront her as directly and tell her that I'm uncomfortable with her working with him and that it's not something I can get past. She's 100% instantly agreeable and asks me very nervously why I changed my mind so quick and why I'm acting the way I am.
I just shake my head and say something like, I wanted to be understanding about it but I got weird vibes from him and I'd prefer they wouldn't talk. She insists that he doesn't mean anything to her anymore, that she was just happy to see the book get made. I told her that he basically stole from her and she's being way too understanding about that fact. That she ought to sue him over it, and she agrees with me. By now she's probably thinking she got out of this and is going to break it off with Chris the minute she gets a second to do so. But then I tell her the whole thing has really stressed me out and I'm gonna take next week out of work. I tell her that I talked with my ex and she agreed to keep my son that weekend so I could go to Vegas with her. That's why I was talking to my ex for so long the other day, working out the details of her taking my son, or at least that's what I'd have her think.
Deadpan stare. I start talking about how Covid has shut down a lot of stuff and I'm not even sure what's open in Vegas. She cuts me off and tells me that it was actually cancelled today. The conversation from here on goes likes this. Paraphrased of course.
Me- It got cancelled last month.
Her- No, he told us today because he wasn't sure whether or not it was off until today.
Me- I know it got cancelled last month.
Her- What are you doing? Why are you telling me you want to go and then telling me it's cancelled? I don't get what you're doing.
Me- It was cancelled last month. What were you gonna do if I didn't ask about it?
Her- You're freaking me out. It was cancelled today.
Me- What were you going to do in
Her- What are you accusing me of?
Me- How long have you and Chris been back together?
Her- We haven't done anything. Did he tell you we were?
Me- Don't lie to me. I don't want read off everything he texted it almost made me throw up doing it the first time. I can't believe you'd do this.
Her- I love you, I'm sorry, he's been texting me a lot lately and saying a lot of messed up stuff and I don't know how to deal with it. I wanted to tell you this but I was afraid you'd do what you're doing now. I was just hoping he'd stop on his own.
Me- You didn't see him for 8 years and 20 minutes after he got off the plane you had sex with him.
Her- What plane? What are you reading?
Me- He lives on You wanna stop this? Just admit what you did so we can move forward with this. Why did you tell me he lived in
Her- Did he say something to you? He lies constantly, it's part of the reason why we broke up. I told you that. I knew I shouldn't have responded to his messages, it's always drama with him. All his messages were fine, but he started with the missing me stuff again like always. I was going to tell you.
Me- He wanted you to come home and kiss me after you were going down on him. I read your messages, I saw them in your email and in your texts. You're cheating on me and I want you out of this house today.
Her- What? I'm not cheating on you. If you don't want him around I'll tell him to get lost, but honey I'm not cheating on you. Is that what he told you? He's lying.
Me- Stop it. I told you I went in your messages on your phone. You're going to get your stuff and you're going to go to your parents. I made copies of of your emails and screenshots from your texts. I don't want to show them what you two say to each other, but if you're going to keep lying to my face I will. We're done, go get your stuff.
She tried even in the face of all that to play stupid and lie, but finally tired of it I broke out my copies of their texts and handed them to her. She looked at them for two seconds and then broke down crying hard. Like I've never seen her this devastated by anything. I even felt bad for her for a little while. She said she was sorry, that it got out of hand and she wanted to put the breaks on it, but he had gotten possessive and was threatening to expose her if she ended it with him. I told her that none of that was in their texts and that she's still lying to me. She was going to go off and spend the weekend with him.
She then told me it's done between them and she'll make him go away, she won't ever talk to him again. I told her I don't care what she does but I've been talking to a lawyer and the divorce papers will be ready soon. At this point she explodes and repeats "You've been talking to a lawyer?" like 4 or five times and honestly I was ready to call the cops because she's closing in on me and really screaming now. I tell her to calm down, that I have a camera going. She then continues to break down and not resemble anyone I've ever met before. Kept saying stuff like "You just planned all this out. Smiling to my face just planning this all out." Which every time she did I responded with the same, well look at what you've been planning and Smiling to my face while you're out doing .
I asked her why she'd do this to us and at first she couldn't give me a straight answer. She tried to tell me it was meaningless sex so I responded with Oh so you ruined us for no reason then that's great. After a bit she sort of got quieter and I don't know if she was being honest or just trying to hurt me, but apparently she really messed up with him in her eyes. She called him her soulmate and I nearly started breaking stuff. I asked her why she just didn't ditch me for him in the beginning, I would have understood then and she says she just needed to get away from him because she knew how bad she'd look to her family if she brought him back around, apparently they didn't like him either. She also said that she could never and can never actually be with him because her ex and daughter would fight her on this. So going back to him legitimately was never an option.
She then said she was sorry and seemed to be in disbelief with how final I was with everything. She told me how much of a mistake it was, how much she would change and do whatever I wanted her to just to fix the situation, I told her no. She then told me weren't getting a divorce because she can make ammends for this. I told her there was nothing she could do to earn my forgiveness, I will not forgive this ever and somehow she had the gall to be shocked by this. I told her then I opened an account in another bank and moved half from the joint account into it this morning and that the rest is hers, she can either get it herself or I can get it for her but the account is getting closed. She just nodded along and said we'd probably both have to go to the bank together to close it.
She went and started packing her clothes up, peacefully, crying a little and oddly enough making threats every so often that she had better not have anything missing. I let it roll off my shoulder and told her to take pics of how she left her things and daughters things so when she comes back she'll see I didn't touch anything. Her folks had been contacted and they're in disbelief. They're both surprised that Chris is even a factor in any of this and spent time apologizing to me, and soon after she was out of my house.
The next day stbx hit my phone with so many I love you I'm sorry we can fix this texts that I contemplated flushing my phone. I wanted to just turn it off but my ex wife had my son, so I needed it on just in case of an emergency or a change in plans when he was coming home. So I just started responding to her texts by sending screenshots of the worst parts of their conversation and saying nothing of my own. Ex returned with my son and brought dinner from my favorite Chinese place. I didn't give my son the exact reason when I told him, but he asked flat out whether she cheated because it was so sudden and I told him he was right without elaborating. They stayed for a while before returning home and I've just been kind of floating around the house trying to keep it together. It's like 2 or 3 days since I began writing this and I'm off to the gym and then my lawyers.
This thing is already way too long and things are updating so rapidly that I could be typing forever and never finish. My STBX's ex-husband is going to come by and collect his daughter's things and I'll explain to her the best I can that if she ever needs me I'm just a phone call away. I'm also contemplating telling her ex that she ran around with Chris on him as well because she said many times he doesn't know. But maybe I won't that accomplishes nothing really. Anyway, first fight has been fought and it looks like I'm winning as much as one can win given the circumstances.
Part of me wants to confront Chris, but I'm smart enough that all that would be a waste of time and energy. Time better spent working or hitting the gym or finding some way to thank my ex-wife for being an absolute MVP in my corner through this. Anyway, that's all I got for now. Sorry if this is disjointed but it's taken me a couple days to write and of course developments keep happening.
submitted by Throwracrockerfocker to u/Throwracrockerfocker [link] [comments]

BU's Poor Treatment of Faculty (and Students)

Hello--first time posting in this subreddit. I received my Ph.D. from BU in 2019 and have been teaching as an instructor in the Writing Program there since 2014. I have loved learning and teaching at BU, but have been dismayed by how poorly they treat their faculty--poverty wages, no affordable insurance, no PPE during the pandemic, and so on. After this fall, after nearly 7 years of teaching at BU, I finally had to quit due to the simple fact that I cannot afford to be employed by BU anymore. Over the course of the Fall 2020 semester, I wrote this essay about my experiences and why I have to leave BU, trying to figure out this frustrating situation. I shared it with my students last semester and they were grateful to have the insider information about how BU operates as a educational institution. I thought this subreddit might appreciate reading as well. I have copied the entirety of the essay below.

TL;DR: BU has a demonstrable record of failing its faculty and devaluing the classroom experience for its students.
-BU doesn't believe its teachers need living wages even amidst a pandemic and despite record fundraising and endowments. Or, in other words, students pay full price for classes taught by exhausted faculty who often live on publicly subsidized health insurance and work many other jobs to make ends meet.
-In a moral sense, it's repugnant for other reasons: BU paid $13,000 in security fees for the right wing commentator Ben Shapiro to speak for one night on campus in the Fall of 2019 while also paying members of their faculty just $6,000 dollars to teach a semesters-long course.

November 22, 2020.
Post-Doc 2020
Dr. Sam ShupeCollege of Arts & Sciences Writing Program Boston University
I am writing because I need to figure some feelings out. First, I feel embarrassed. I must quit my beloved job teaching at the elite private research university where I earned my Ph.D. because I can no longer afford to live on the meager salary they pay, even with publicly subsidized healthcare, multiple roommates, and second jobs. Second, I feel a growing sense of anger toward my institution that is unproductive, unsettling, and in need of translating. Third, and finally, I feel deeply saddened. The very institution that taught me to think and write about the intricacies of the human condition does not care if I can afford basic housing, healthcare, or financial stability while I teach their students. The institution that taught me how to see humanity with depth has chosen to see me as a number to be flattened on a page. I love teaching truth where I myself learned to access it, but my university does not care about that. My university does not pay me or dozens of other part time lecturers and adjuncts enough to be fully alive in their classrooms. They know they do not pay enough for many of their teachers to live, that many of their faculty work other jobs to survive. They know it and are okay with it. I can be okay with it, too, but I need them to admit it. I need them say it out loud: we do not believe living wages are essential for the optimum performance of teachers for our students. Or, we are okay with our students paying full-price for courses taught by faculty who cannot afford to pay their full attention to those students.
The fact that the university entrusts me to teach the analytical skills it takes to see and communicate their low standards is the most difficult truth for me to live with.I cannot ignore this topsy-turvy world they have empowered faculty to both teach and struggle within. I am one of many thousands of vastly underpaid lecturers and adjuncts teaching hundreds of thousands of American college kids. We are the backbone of every university. They cannot serve what they purport to offer without us. It nears amusement to consider how oblivious American universities have become to the growing resentment resulting from their mistreatment of the most diverse and trained generation of thinkers in American history. Do they think we are stupid? They taught us. Sometimes it feels like satire. They want teachers smart enough to teach critical thinking, but too stupid to realize they are being taken advantage of. It is as if they want architectural historians who see no physical and symbolic differences between the Pyramids of Egypt and the facades of Las Vegas or literature scholars who can only pull a fishing trip out of Moby Dick. You can blame Millenials for irony in pop culture but blame the prior generations in charge of the academy for forcing irony into education. Ironically, they helped Millenials understand that.
I write this amidst the pandemic. COVID is freezing budgets in seemingly every industry. But even with some belt tightening, my university's endowment recently hit 2.3 billion and freshmen deposits for September enrollment surpassed administration's goals. A little over fifty percent of the university's revenue—some $157 million in 2019—comes from student tuition while the rest is made from sponsored programs, donations, and research grants. In the last year's financial report, the university's treasurer happily reported the institution "experienced another successful year of strong financial growth and continued support of our primary mission of teaching and research, ending the year with assets totaling more than $7 billion."1 Things look financially rosy. But somehow, at the same time, I have woken up to the news that the university will not provide PPE to faculty. I read emails on my department's list-serve soliciting donations for a faculty-funded stock of masks, face shields, gloves and sanitizer. I am one of dozens of part time lecturers in just one single university department who walk into billion-dollar-backed- classrooms without affordable healthcare or provided PPE. Can anyone supply a good argument beyond cost saving as to why this is?
While the endowment grows, so too do the numbers of students, parents, faculty, and staff who can no longer trust their university to do the right thing with that money. My university is but one of many and will defend themselves by comparing their awful numbers to the similarly awful numbers of other private institutions like them. They will probably counter my arguments by showing how other universities also pay similarly low wages. But that does little to allay my criticisms of how educational institutions have decided to handle themselves, not as leaders of purveying intellectual truths, but loyal followers of steady business. We expect it from Walmart, but not a school. My university can continue its path but I feel called to ask them to be honest about their choices. In a time of chaos and pain, I am selfishly asking for attention. I am asking students, faculty, administrators, parents, and all degree holders to consider my story and ask is this what we want for each other?
The Facts
I teach in the College of Arts and Sciences Writing Program at Boston University. Beginning as a graduate student and in the years following, I have designed and taught sixteen total undergraduate class sections over the course of eleven semesters, seven as a Graduate Writing Fellow (GWF) and nine as a Part-Time Lecturer (PTL). According to my union-won contract, I am scheduled for a modest raise of my per-class rate after teaching eight classes as a part-time lecturer. However, BU Labor Relations has denied me this raise by arguing that four of the nine classes do not count because I was still in my last year of school while teaching them and technically still a student. Despite paying me the lower PTL rate per class and allowing me to teach two sections a semester (which is not allowed for GWFs), they have reasoned that I was a productive and responsible enough educator for the workload but not the basic financial security. My contract allows me to purchase a health plan through BU, but it costs more than twenty-five percent of my annual salary—three times as much as my current public subsidized plan. Public health is my best option.
The numbers are funny in a sad way. Fresh out of school PTLs like myself make roughly $6,000 per class at BU. If you're lucky and get offered to teach the maximum four total classes, you will make a little over $25,000 a year. The reality is more likely less as PTLs typically teach only two or three sections a year. The raise provides a little over $2,000 extra per class. Raise or not, PTLs still make below $30,000 a year without benefits for Ph.D. level work in one of the most expensive cities in the country and only after teaching for two years at an even lower rate. Each course, capped at around eighteen students and costing them each at least $5,000, generates close to $100,000 for BU. PTLs can make the university upwards of $400,000 in a year and receive less than ten percent of that. The funny: I am a highly educated and impressively employed thirty-one year old professor whose physical life resembles his students'. The sad: the raise would do little to change that.2
I am single, white, straight, and male with a Ph.D. in New England. I have near fantastical odds of financially surviving. This sort of pain is a more easily weathered storm for a guy like me. I know that because I am an historian and my field of study clearly shows us how this world is set up for me to thrive. I have this wonderful luxury of being able publicly detest money for philosophical reasons and live more or less accordingly without mortal fear. Writing this essay critical of my employer, for example, is an immense privilege. So when I really pick apart my pain, the deepest source comes from the violation of intellectual truth imbedded in this struggle. It is the principle of the thing.
I got the news they were denying my raise a month before the start of the fall 2020 semester. It was a Saturday. The week before was filled with faculty meetings on Zoom and I answered texts from colleagues. Did your raise go through? I still haven't found out myself. I opened up my personal email account to follow conversations with my union reps and comrades discussing all the ways BU was refusing to help teachers prepare for mandatory in-person teaching amidst the pandemic. It was not all bad. I wrote a letter of recommendation for a student applying to a study abroad program—a joyous task as it was in support of a motivated freshman who refused to let COVID interrupt his spring semester and completed my course with style and grace. (For the sake of transparency, I feel I must disclose that those summer meetings and student advising sessions were paid for by the State of Massachusetts Unemployment Office.)
Summertime can open up all sorts of beautiful moments for teachers. The most passionate learners come out of the woodwork. At the request of another student, I took and emailed iPhone photos of an out-of-print essay I had by Howard Zinn, BU's own radical professorial patron saint of yore, so that they could expand their already graded research paper. Their essay deals with Depression Era Boston and the beginnings of a politically and socially radical yacht club for working-class youth and they needed some background history. Zinn's essay is a historiographical introduction to a collection of speeches and essays by New Deal politicians and progressive journalists. In a Zoom meeting, my student and I discussed a striking quote, "Their thinking does not give us facile solutions, but if history has uses beyond that of reminiscence, one of them is to nourish lean ideological times with the nectar of other years."3 What a wonderful summer reminder. It might be a lean time, but that does not preclude it from nourishment. Nice work if you can afford it. If I got fired today, I would be content with having introduced just one BU student to Howard Zinn. He, along with Martin Luther King Jr. and now Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez, are among the institution's best.
My writing courses tend to focus on the history of play and public space in America, mostly in the late nineteenth century. We examine bicycles, boats, baseball, and boxing alongside urban public parks, racetracks, stadiums, YMCAs, and underground fight clubs. I put the word "sport" in my course titles whenever possible. Surprisingly, I have never had more than half of a section comprised of athletes. Similarly, my courses have also been divided somewhat equally along gender identities. My students initially often think they have signed up for a writing course about sports history, which makes sense as I use overtly flashy titles like "American Sweat: Origins of Modern Sport and Recreation." However, they end up diving deep, sometimes uncomfortably so, into how sports culture does not exist in a vacuum. In fact, a major take away from units on Boston bicycling in 1890s is how male politicians and cultural leaders of all kinds publicly argued that women should not be allowed to sweat in public space. Studying early twentieth century boxing, students dwell on the full-bodied paintings of George Bellows and grainy silent films of semi-legal pugilism to get a grasp on the history of toxic, violence-dependent masculinity.4 At the end of every semester I make the same joke: I tricked you all. When I look at my pay stubs, though, it seems like I have been tricked, too.
The Symbols
The recent denial of my raise is little more than the small financial tip on top of a larger conceptual iceberg that has been floating in my professional life for a while. The fall of 2019 was my first semester teaching with a Ph.D. I taught two sections at the entry rate. $12,000 was not enough to pay my normal bills and the newest additions of publicly subsidized medical insurance and student loans, both of which had been previously covered and deferred by my graduate student status. I got a part-time job as a bicycle courier in Boston, a stimulating gig for a historian of play and cities. Tuesdays and Thursdays I spent my days on campus teaching and holding office hours. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I was downtown on my bike with a sling bag full of legal fillings and architectural plans, rushing to move them to and from court houses and office buildings for stamps and signatures. There is not a lot of money in the bicycle courier world, but it was enough for me to make ends meet. I was happy to alternate between leg work and mind work as the leaves of Boston changed. I graded papers in high-rise lobbies while on standby, delighted to watch the city breathe in front me.
Halfway through the semester, I started to worry about more than BU's payroll strategies. In November, the right-wing podcaster Ben Shapiro came to campus to give a talk titled, "America Was Not Built on Slavery, It Was Built On Freedom." The BU chapter of the Young Americans for Freedom, a national conservative student group, sponsored the talk and successfully gave away 1,500 tickets to mostly white college aged young men. In the weeks preceding, I started opening my classes with brief warm-up discussions about Shapiro. Should he be allowed to speak at BU? I looked for guidance from my administration, but found little more than vague quotes from the deans about free speech and safety in the university's daily press release, BU Today.5 We tackled the issue anyways. Many of my students were motivated to understand how someone who champions the phrase "facts don't care about your feelings," could be so controversial. After all, we were in a nonfiction writing class learning how to research facts.
At the beginning of each day, we examined different examples of Shapiro's writing— tweets, book chapters, articles from his website—and placed them against whatever writing lesson was on the docket for the day. Without fail, his work broke nearly every rule of valid argumentation outlined in our textbook. During a unit on balancing sources, we read a short article from November 2019 he wrote amidst the heated Democratic Primary.6 Shapiro rails against the Democrats for being "too ashamed to stand with an actual pro-Israeli group." Nearly every sentence reads in this exclamatory language that my students quickly recognized as argumentative, and thus requiring evidence. If you argue the existence of a fact (Democrats feel ashamed), our textbook suggests showing how and why you believe that in order to build trust with the reader and thus convince them (evidence of a Democrat expressing shame). The article continues without a single quote, mention of an explicit source, or any voice other than Shapiro's. Under the freshman magnifying glass, we discovered that very little of his writing passes the basic standards of our BU-recommended writing textbook. We concluded that Shapiro was easily the most untrustworthy writer we had encountered all semester. He is a New York Times best selling author and host of a wildly popular podcast, but we could not find any of his work that would receive a passing grade in our class. My students, wonderfully growing as researchers and thinkers, kept asking, "Why is BU supporting this?" Free speech is important on campus and student groups can and should sponsor speakers at their schools, but BU did little to contextualize Shapiro and left anyone who did not know of him already relatively aimless in determining what he really means on their campus.
I attended the evening talk in order to investigate on behalf of my class. Shapiro's lecture only led to more questions. There were so few facts to be found. The title alone had sparked righteous outrage on campus and when huge full-color posters with his face draped exterior dormitory walls, many students made their feelings known through protest and anticipated Hitler mustache graffiti. It was hard not to see his planned visit as a stunt to rile up emotion. Before the talk, I waited in a closely packed pre-COVID line, holding a notebook, some printed out articles and tweets, and my textbook. There was a group of four male BU student Shapiro fans in front me. It was cold and they all wore those thousand dollar coats with dead Canadian coyotes on the hood. They asked what all my stuff was for. When they learned I intended to ask a Shapiro what he thought of my students' critique of his writing methodology, they told me I was going to get "owned." I was able to hold the ear of one of them. He told me he had earned an A in his required writing course. I explained how his fellow students found that much the work from the man we were about to see would not earn the same grade. "Hm," he said.
The actual talk lasted forty-odd minutes and concluded with a brief question and answer section. I sat near a microphone with the intention of getting first in line but perhaps for the best, eager students beat me to it. I did not get to ask him to respond to our class findings that his writing possesses little reliable fact and startling amounts of plainly alarmist language. But I did not need to. He gave us the evidence anyways. Shapiro lectured at a lightening fast and near impossible to follow cadence, slowing down and stopping only when protestors stood up with signs. He recited Atlantic slave trade statistics from a few historians and a great deal of quotes from the slave holding Founding Fathers to support the tired and beaten argument that early America was merely a mild sinner in the context of many western colonial powers who owned even more slaves.7 However, like a lot of struggling students, he clearly stopped researching after page one and forgot to mention that America alone developed chattel slavery. He omitted mentioning that America pioneered the system in which it was legally decided that human beings could be born slaves, a system that required violent enforcement easily traceable through documentation to today's police forces. This system of course allowed the Founding Fathers, who were mostly skilled white businessmen creating wealth from trading slave-made goods with other colonies, to eliminate the need to import slaves at the high numbers of other Western powers.8 I sat quietly and gave thanks to my history professors at BU for teaching me how to read and understand the truth. I will never go Vegas and believe to have seen the Pyramids.
While he rattled off quotes and sprinkled in jabs at the left, much of the lecture time was given to a mic'd up Shapiro calmly talking over yelling protestors. A YouTube search reveals this to be a signature feature of his public appearances. On the Daily Wire channel, chopped up videos of him clashing with protestors have racked up millions of views. Most have aggressive all-caps verbs in the titles: "DESTROYS," RIPS," CRUSHES."9 At BU, he opened his talk saying, "The lecture that I'm giving is almost pointless, because if America was built on slavery, not freedom, then we wouldn't have a bunch of protestors outside exercising that freedom—and good for them." Later, he offered "no thanks to the leftists who sought to have this lecture cancelled out of apparent fear of my wretched evil... who wrote that BU should ban me to protect its students from me. Look at me. Saying things."10 None of the half dozen questions asked by students after the talk related to the content of the lecture. Most were requests for Shapiro to comment on Twitter feuds he was in with politicians and celebrities. We watched a grown man brag about his life's work winning emotionally charged battles of his own creation. Cellphones and video cameras were everywhere. We had all collectively participated in a wrestling match to be broadcasted on the Internet later. His fans were there to watch their man play- out the verbs they read in his video titles, hopeful of becoming an extra in a whole new recorded scene filled with USA chants and police escorting protestors out of the venue. Fittingly, the talk was held not in a lecture hall, but the track and field building, a place where students' hard physical work leads towards clear winning or losing. In the night's match for truth, BU lost.
I returned to my class to discuss the lecture. The disappointment of not getting to ask a question was real. We had all this evidence from Shapiro's writing and passages from our textbook, but ultimately our work was unfinished. Thankfully, academic work is always unfinished. Good arguments built on solid research should always lead to more questions. We discover truth not to win anything for ourselves, but to simply understand it better so we can all have more of it. But we still could not understand why BU supported the talk. My lecture observations were another source and BU Today put the above Shapiro quotes on the official record for us all. We wondered, can he explain why believing slavery contributed to America precludes you from also celebrating your right to free speech? It would have been great to get Shapiro on the record directly responding to my class. We still want comment. Mr. Shapiro, if you are reading this, please respond to our argument: "Your work is controversial on college campuses not simply because of the content, but also because your methodology rarely meets basic standards of college-level research, writing, and thinking*.*"
Three students reached out to me individually with the desire to discuss more about truth, free speech, and the role of the university during office hours. My bike messenger schedule made it near impossible to meet with more than one student at a time in my shared office with six PTLs, two desks, two computers with Windows 7, and no actual windows. Still, our conversations were productive and enlightening. Teachers dream of moments like those, where students excitedly build a bridge between the classroom and the real world. We had energy, we had momentum, we had ideas for an op-ed or letter to the editor. But I got tired and slow, increasingly soggy and cold from delivering packages on my bicycling between days of teaching through a rainy late November. I let a really powerful potential student project slip away. Sometimes on a slow job from downtown to the Back Bay I would incorporate the Charles River Esplanade into my run. Long straight paths protected from cars can let a cyclist's mind wander. I would think about all the excited student questions that I would never have enough time to answer, the conversations left in their cocoons. I hope those students remember and I hope they know I am sorry for letting them down.
It eventually came out that after some debate, BU folded to pressure and agreed to pay the roughly $13,000 in security costs for the hour-long lecture.11 In other words, BU paid the same amount of money for one night of blatantly elementary history lecturing as they do to members of their faculty for teaching two semester-long courses. Resentment grew. It was especially hard because the better I did my job the easier it was to feel indignant. Experiences that helped me feel like a meaningful teacher revealed deeply uncomfortable truths. When I did the work of my mentors, I saw pain not just in the past, but also in my life. When discomfort turned to depression, I was happy to be on my bicycle three days a week, downtown and far away from campus.
Facts and Symbols: Boston University, 1970 and 2020
The students kept me going. No matter how much I loved the respite of riding downtown, I always felt like I was failing my students. I would ride and think and think and ride and their work always filled my head, reminding me I was still a teacher. A month before the spring 2020 semester, my program director offered me a third class, which would be enough compensation to leave the courier work behind and teach full time. In fact, teaching five sections in a year—two in the fall, three in the spring—technically counts as a full-time load. I immediately jumped at the opportunity to be a full-time academic. Even as COVID blew my course plans apart mid-semester, my students and I still crafted some valuable time together. I made the PTL rate of $18,000 dollars for those three classes and I felt rich. I saved a little and even bought myself a hand-built boutique road bike from 1991. This summer, in between preparing for my two classes this fall and sifting through emails, I have been riding it far out of the city without a bag on my back, delivering nothing but fresh landscapes into my mind. The student who asked for a recommendation for a study aboard program ended their email with a similar sentiment. The cycling history we studied in class inspired them to follow their uncle into the sport when the pandemic forced them to move home. Biking far and fast, they told me, was a nourishing break from studying organic chemistry over Zoom all summer.
Like Howard Zinn suggests, I look to history and the work of others to maintain my mind and water ideological droughts. Diving into the history of BU has helped me understand and contextualize my experiences. Years ago as a graduate student, I completed a project for a class on construction of BU's mid-1960s concrete buildings designed by Spanish architect Josep Lluís Sert. My favorite sources were the photographs of the buildings from the student-run yearbooks, The Hub. I found powerful images of blocks' worth of brownstones being demolished with the Prudential tower under construction and cleverly framed into the background. When I found the shelf of the yearbooks in the library, I did as all historians do and sat on the floor of the stacks to read before I decided what I wanted to check out. When I looked at the 1970 yearbook, I chuckled with plain joy. There were beautifully photographed full-page spreads of poorly rolled joints and "END THE DRAFT" buttons. The kids are always all right. But the section for portraits of university administration stood out the most. In simple two-tone black and white, four silhouetted figures stand with their arms stretched out in the seig heil position.12 Revisiting these sources, it is clear how those students saw their university leaders. Historians wonder, what has changed over time?
Zinn was in the middle of his educational career when BU students went on strike in response to the Vietnam War and closed the university in May of 1970. A radical spirit filled the campus. The yearbook included a timeline. "Thursday April 30th: U.S. Forces start Cambodian operation." "Sunday, May 10: Rock concert held at Nickerson Field. Collection taken for Black Panther Defense Fund. Press praises BU for handling of tense situation."13 The demonstrations culminated when students succeeded in forcing BU to fund a summer program of courses on community engagement they designed and cleverly titled, "Communiversity." The goal was to "deal directly with such critical problems as war, inflation, the deterioration of cities and civilian services, and the pollution of the environment."14 In so many ways, the challenge and work students face with their universities remains the same.
Like 2020, there was no in-person commencement ceremony for BU students in 1970. Instead of a pandemic, however, the students themselves had shut it down. Ironically, it rained that day, meaning there ceremony would have been cancelled regardless of the collective action. In a short essay printed towards the end of the yearbook, a student flexed their analytical skills and described a silver lining in the storm clouds. They wrote, "The irony lies not in the lack of a cap and gown, or in the optimistic rhetoric of some, nor even in this climax or anti-climax of maturity. It lies in the fact that we, the Class of 1970, ended our stay profoundly." It is a bright student who can understand what the university is really for, reason and action not regalia and rhetoric. They concluded, "We either learned something new, or began to apply our 'knowledge.' Maybe we had a Commencement after all."15
I wonder if Zinn loved teaching at BU and how he felt during that heady year on campus. I assume it was invigorating. His classes were regularly overenrolled and it is clear he motivated students to not just think like an intellectual, but act like one too. I imagine he flipped through that yearbook with delight. I have also loved teaching at BU. The Writing Program has been an intellectual home most young academics like me can only dream of. But the administration above my department makes it feel like just that, a dream of some distant place in my mind far away from reality. Boston University is on a dangerous path towards becoming an institutional facsimile our president: just another business stripping people of resources to make themselves feel whole. Is that the role of higher education?
I am here to report that approach does not work for creating substance, truth, or happiness. It merely creates a façade, a shell, a balloon. BU might be a balloon, but my colleagues and I are not. Neither are our students. And we are still free to think and write, even if that means wading through painful truths. History shows us that. I have decided to take an optimistic approach and believe that BU is still the institution for teachers, students, and alumni like Zinn, King, and AOC. Indeed, the history of the university and its students reveals a pattern of love and action that fills me with hope. If the balloon pops, or the façade falls over, I believe there will always be students and teachers there to build something real on campus. I am just sad and sorry I will no longer see them in class.
1 Martin J. Howard, "Letter From the Treasurer—Fiscal Year 2019," in Consolidated
Financial Statements: June 30, 2019 and 2018, (Boston University).
2 "Cost of Attendance for 2020-2021," BU College of Arts & Sciences, (https://www.bu.edu/cas/current-students/ma-and-ms-students/cost-of- attendance/), accessed August 12th, 2019.
3 Howard Zinn, "Introduction," in New Deal Thought, Howard Zinn, ed., (Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc., 1966), pp. xviii.
4 See Robert Haywood, "George Bellows's 'Stag at Sharkey's': Boxing, Violence, and Male Identity," Smithsonian Studies in American Art, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Spring, 1988).
5 "Ben Shapiro's Visit to BU: 20 Questions and Answers You Need to Know," BU Today(http://www.bu.edu/articles/2019/ben-shapiro-at-bu-20-things-to-know/), November 11, 2019.
6 Ben Shapiro, "The J Street Democrats," The Daily Wire,(https://www.dailywire.com/news/shapiro-the-j-street-democrats), November 1, 2019.
7 Young America's Foundation, "America Wasn't Built on Slavery, it was Built on Freedom | Ben Shapiro LIVE at Boston University," YouTube.com, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxEEGm-CkrE), November 13, 2019, accessed August 12, 2020.
8 There are many works of recent scholarship that hold this view. For a representative example, see Calvin Schermerhorn, The Business of Slavery and the Rise of American Capitalism, 1815-1860, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2015).
9 Ben Shapiro and Daily Wire Channels*, YouTube.com,*(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnQC_G5Xsjhp9fEJKuIcrSw), accessed August 12, 2020.
10 Young America's Foundation, "America Wasn't Built on Slavery, it was Built on Freedom | Ben Shapiro LIVE at Boston University," YouTube.com, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxEEGm-CkrE), November 13, 2019, accessed August 12, 2020.
11 Anna Facciola, "Negotiations for Ben Shapiro Event on Campus Lead to Decrease in Venue Size," The Daily Free Press, Boston University, September 24, 2019.
12 The Hub, Boston University Student Yearbook (1970), pp. 241. 13 The Hub, Boston University Student Yearbook (1970), pp. 298.
13 The Hub, Boston University Student Yearbook (1970), pp. 298.
14 The Hub, Boston University Student Yearbook (1970), pp. 299.
15 The Hub, Boston University Student Yearbook( 1970), pp. 299.
submitted by shamsupe to BostonU [link] [comments]

Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ July 25, 1988

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words, continuing in the footsteps of daprice82. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
The Complete Observer Rewind Archive and 2002 by daprice82
1-4-1988 1-11-1988 1-18-1988 1-25-1988
2-1-1988 2-8-1988 2-15-1988 2-22-1988
2-29-1988 3-7-1988 3-14-1988 3-21-1988
3-28-1988 4-4-1988 4-11-1988 4-18-1988
4-25-1988 5-2-1988 5-9-1988 5-16-1988
5-23-1988 5-30-1988 6-6-1988 6-13-1988
6-20-1988 6-27-1988 7-4-1988 7-11-1988
7-18-1988 * * *
  • Bruiser Brody was stabbed by José González, known better by his ring name of Invader #1 (fuck Invader #1), and died early Sunday morning in a hospital in San Juan, Puerto Rico. González was arrested and charged with first degree murder before being released on bond. As to the motivation, this appears to be the first time in the history of the business that business reasons have been the apparent motivation for the murder of a professional wrestler. Brody had just turned 42 in June and was one of the biggest wrestling stars in the world. The San Juan police have released no official information, and various sources have conflicting details. Yeah, this is obviously going to be an evolving situation as more information comes further and then we get to the trial, so the story will shift somewhat as things become clearer.
  • Near as Dave can put together at this stage, this was the known context to any issues Brody and González/the promotion may have had: Apparently, during one of Brody’s most recent tours of Puerto Rico there was an incident where Brody and promoter Carlos Colón nearly got physical with one another over a match in which Brody teamed with Rocky Johnson against the World Wrestling Council’s tag champions Kendo Nagasaki and Mr. Pogo back in January. Brody ran roughshod over the champs and didn’t let either of them get anything in due to the presence of Japanese photographers at ringside. As a leading star for Giant Baba, Brody didn’t want any photos of either Pogo or Nagasaki getting anything in on him because they worked for New Japan and weren’t even main event level talent in New Japan, so it would weaken his drawing power for Baba to have images of him getting beaten up by them printed in Japan. Anyway, fast forward to the day of the stabbing, and they scheduled Brody to wrestle Danny Spivey (who’s being pushed as a top heel in Puerto Rico) in a tournament semifinal and González, who books for the promotion, layed out what the promotion wanted in the match and an argument broke out. Up to this point, all accounts that Dave has heard agree. After this point, however, the stories diverge. The account Dave considers most reliable at this stage (a clearer picture emerges starting next week) says that González and Brody kept on arguing over the finish and Brody packed his bag and was about to walk out, when González asked for him to come back and then stabbed him twice in the liver. It took nearly an hour for an ambulance to arrive at the stadium to bring Brody to the hospital 9 minutes away, and the rest of the show went on as scheduled and González even worked his scheduled match (can we talk about how eerie and uncomfortable a similarity it is that both WWF and WWC decided to let the show go on when Owen Hart died in the ring and Bruiser Brody lay dying on the locker room floor until an ambulance could get him, and that Brody’s murder happened within a week of Owen making his debut as the Blue Blazer?). Brody died on the operating table the next morning from bile poisoning, and is survived by his wife Barbara, whom he met during a wrestling tour of Australia, and his seven-year-old son Geoffrey.
  • At this point, Dave provides a brief obituary for Brody, real name Frank Donald Goodish. He covers Brody’s pre-wrestling career playing football and basketball in high school, playing football at the University of Iowa (shoutout to me and Big E as UIowa alums) and West Texas State University (alma mater to Ted DiBiase, Stan Hansen, Dusty Rhodes, Tully Blanchard, Dory Funk Jr., Terry Funk, Manny Fernandez, Tito Santana, Dick Murdoch, Barry Windham, and Barry Duncum Sr.) and eventually for the NFL for the Washington football team. He then became a sportswriter and bouncer in Texas before beginning his pro wrestling career in 1973, where he was an instant attraction. Until 1976 and his stint in the WWWF, he wrestled under his real name. Vince Sr. gave him the name “Bruiser” Frank Brody and put him in main events against Bruno Sammartino, which launched him to superstar status and led to his debut for All Japan in 1979, where he was a smash hit. Some have said Brody was the last truly independent attraction in wrestling, the last remnant of a version of the industry that no longer exists, able to bring down six figures for himself without giving in and submitting to a single promoter or a demanding schedule. He had a reputation for almost never doing jobs, yet remained well respected because of his incredible ability to draw and bring a big payday for the rest of the card. As much of a hit as Brody was in the ring, he became almost legendary for his out-of-the-ring activities. His move from All Japan to New Japan in March 1985 was front page news in Japan, and in December of that year he was again the biggest story when he no-showed the big tag team tournament championship match over a dispute with Inoki over an unpaid “finder’s fee” (more detail on that next week). Inoki had promised the fee for Brody hooking him up with Fritz Von Erich for talent exchanges, and this dispute almost killed his career in Japan at the peak of his popularity. Brody’s status in Japan following that was off-and-on until last year, when he returned to All Japan as a replacement for Ric Flair and rapidly ascended once again to his status of being the most popular foreign wrestler in Japan. But that’s not going to be all for a Brody obituary. 60% of next week’s issue (and in reality 90% of the actual content) is a comprehensive overview of Bruiser Brody’s life, career, his final days, his stature within the pro wrestling industry, and the potential ramifications of his death on the pro wrestling scene. So we’ll talk about the full-length obituary next week.
  • A few new details have come out about the car accident that resulted in the deaths of Adrian Adonis, David McKigney, and Pat Kelly. Pat Kelly was driving the minivan and swerved off the road to avoid hitting a moose. The swerve caused them to hit a rock that threw Mike Kelly and Adonis out through the windshield. McKigney and Pat Kelly drowned in the vehicle, while Mike Kelly’s legs were badly crushed and Adonis died in the hospital. Investigators have found that Pat Kelly had a blood alcohol level of 0.06, under the Canadian legal limit of 0.08 and well under the U.S. legal limit (in 1988) of 0.10. Mike Kelly has undergone surgery to repair his legs, but it’s pretty much a given that his wrestling career is over.
  • UWF’s incredible popularity in Japan may very well change the nature of the business in Japan, and that has New Japan and All Japan concerned. Last week, Dave reported that the UWF sold out their August show in under 6 hours to take the largest one day gate sale in wrestling history, and a top seven overall live gate for any pro wrestling event. This popularity has gotten the attention of the Japanese media, and they’re orienting their coverage of wrestling to make UWF a major focus. Gong magazine found themselves struggling with features of All Japan and foreign talent and eventually bowed to the market and started featuring UWF more prominently, picking up sales as a result, while the daily papers that cover wrestling are still primarily featuring New Japan and All Japan, though that’s mostly because of their more frequent schedules allowing for more material to be published at a daily schedule. Baba and Inoki have made significant changes in response to this popularity. Inoki made his comeback a few weeks early on the July 16 show during a prime-time tv special, and they’ve rebuilt August 8 in Ariake Coliseum as a tournament show with the winner facing Fujinami for the IWGP title in the main event. As an additional element of heat for the show, Inoki has declared that if he doesn’t win the title he’ll retire. As for All Japan, Baba’s putting on a major show on August 29 in Budokan Hall with a series of dream matches voted on by the fans. When this was announced, it was expected by everyone that Bruiser Brody vs. Stan Hansen would be voted to be the main event. Sadly, well, you read two paragraphs up and know why it can’t happen now. Dave doesn’t know it just yet, but this event will be rebuilt from the ground up as a Bruiser Brody memorial show.
  • At this time, Dave still doesn’t have final numbers from the Great American Bash ppv. He’s heard two very different figures: a 1.9 buyrate and a 4 buyrate. 1.9 would be a disaster, while 4 would be in line with expectations and came to Dave in “a roundabout way from a TBS source,” while 1.9 came from a source Dave has found very trustworthy and accurate in the past and would apparently be the result of the show doing buyrates of 4 to 5 in areas where Crockett is strong, while everywhere else they did much worse with sub-1 buyrates on the west coast. Dave also notes that there are two different ways to calculate buyrate (percentage of homes out of the total subscriber base of the cable company or percentage of homes which have addressable converters, the latter calculation method being the one Dave reports from), so it’s technically possible both numbers could be correct and it’s a matter of correctly assigning number to method. The difference, financially speaking, is that Crockett could either have an unprofitable total of $3 million, or a very profitable gross of $6 million.
  • No news on the TurneCrockett negotiations. Internally to the Crockett camp, it seems all disagreements have been smoothed out, so they’ll be presenting a united front when it comes time to resume negotiations.
  • Bam Bam Bigelow has quit WWF. Apparently it’s because WWF has made the travel schedule harder again (they’re making the wrestlers drive for any trips under 600 miles) and cutting back on payoffs. He also wasn’t being used well and he was unhappy with his direction and that his misuse kept him from getting over as much as he and WWF had expected. Dave expects he’ll strike out to Japan and may do a few dates in Continental, since he and Paul E. Dangerously have an association - even before he became a wrestler, Norm Keitzer’s Wrestling News Magazine featured the first national press on Bigelow written by one Paul Heyman.
  • Owen Hart has re-injured his knee and will be out of action for a few weeks. Dave thinks if he returns, he’ll come back without the hood.
  • Rick Rude has debuted new tights with Cheryl Roberts’ face on them at the recent tv tapings. The audacity of Rude’s character here is just amazing, and I love it. In other news from those tapings, Hogan and Savage came out unscheduled and destroyed the Brother Love set and Demolition vs. the Hart Foundation was announced for Summerslam. Terry Taylor made his debut teaming with Sam Houston, with Taylor turning heel on Houston after the match. Despite the strong start, Taylor has been jobbed out to Iron Sheik’s camel clutch every night since. He’s not the Red Rooster yet, though. Right now he’s “Terrible” Terry Taylor, and his finisher is the scorpion deathlock.
Watch: Rick Rude debuts his Cheryl Roberts tights
  • The July 9 Chicago Bash show saw the Road Warriors and Dusty Rhodes beat Flair, Anderson, and Blanchard to claim the vacant NWA six-man tag titles in a cage match where surprisingly nobody bled.
  • Dave has a question about the WarGames matches from this and last year. “Have you ever wondered how come in 19 War Games matches this year and three or so last year,” he ponders, “that in each and every match, the heels win the coinflip to gain the man-advantage situation? If you did, you are incapable of being a first-rate wrestling fan. But they ought to investigate that coin.** Well, Dave, 32 years from now you’ll get the chance to have some thoughts on the faces having the nominal advantage to start.
  • Crockett will be beating WWF to having the first wrestling show at the new Charlotte Coliseum, debuting in the building on August 27.
  • To show that the Alliance to End Hulkamania was just Hogan ripping off Dusty, recent NWA tv has been teasing a “council” made up of all the heel managers working together. And they have one goal: to rid the NWA of Dusty Rhodes. If it did end up happening (I'm honestly not sure it did and a quick search didn't help me figure that out), too bad the wrestlecrap from this wasn’t as memorable as the Doomsday Cage match or “Ah! It’s not hot!”
  • Mike Renfro, a wide receiver for the Dallas Cowboys, owns a horse he named Dr. Death. Yes, the horse is named for Renfro’s favorite wrestler, Steve Williams, and it’s winning more often than he is, too.
  • [NWA] The Greensboro Bash on July 16 went big with a pair of excellent matches and a $100,000 gate. Dave gives ratings from two of his sources. The reporters gave the Fantastics vs. the Midnights 4/3.5 stars and the wargames match 3/4 stars.Also, the July 14 Chattanooga Bash’s wargames match got a 5 star in the report and Dave reprints that and endorses it.
  • Those in charge in the NWA seem to have recognized how over Sting was on the ppv, and are preparing to push him after the Bash tour concludes. The plan is to put him in a feud with Windham as a co-main to the FlaiLuger rematches.
  • AWA had a very successful show on July 9 in Columbus, Nebraska. Curt Hennig was scheduled to main event against Washoo McDaniel but no-showed, so they changed the main event to Ricky Rice and John Paul vs. Diamond and Tanaka, while putting McDaniel in a team with Baron Von Raschke vs. Tijo Khan and Soldat Ustinov. Other no-shows included Jerry Sags and Brad Rheingans, the latter of whom Dave didn’t even know was back in AWA.
  • In a first, AWA had a wrestler turn out to be available when not advertised, when Jimmy Snuka was available for the July 16 tapings in Las Vegas. Two weeks ago on tv they announced that Snuka would not be there as originally advertised due to commitments in Japan. Snuka does have Japan commitments, but they’re not until late August. AWA being AWA, they didn’t use him. As for the taping, the program advertised Snuka, Roddy Piper, and Sgt. Slaughter as coming to AWA, and Dave really doubts that Piper’s actually going to work there. Anyway, there were a couple significant happenings, none of which were supposed to happen. Medusa beat Brandi Mae and was supposed to roll her up from behind off a distraction by Curt Hennig, but it didn’t really work right. Rocky Mountain Thunder came out to Brandi’s aid, and Hennig clotheslined him off script, which got him a chewing out from Verne. The other main events for each show of the taping all ended in over the top rope disqualifications. Oh, also Rice and Paul are going by the Top Guns rather than the New Midnight Rockers. AWA might want to check what happened in the leadup to Lethal Leap Year last year before they stick with that. Next month’s card is advertising Hector, Chavo, and Mando Guerrero vs. Diamond, Tanaka, and Diamond Dallas Page.
  • [OWF] Billy Jack Haynes and Kevin Kelly are feuding over both the OWF title and who has the best full nelson. Yeah, that’s a storyline that’ll keep them afloat. They’ve recently lost Blackstud Williams, Rip Oliver, Ricky Santana (didn’t even last a week), Johnny Ace (for a bit, he’ll be back in August), and Steve Gatorwolf (fuck Steve Gatorwolf). Rip Oliver was the booker, so now they have Dale Gagner (our future Gagne family impersonator) and Mike Miller booking for them. And if you wanted a good sense of how much effort Haynes is putting into his promotion, he’s only working the tv tapings in Oregon City and doesn’t work the road shows. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’d think a performer running a small promotion should be working every show, if for nothing else than to show the roster that you’re in it with them.
  • Black Bart was a last minute replacement for Bruiser Brody during a weeklong tour of Austria where he did the honors for Otto Wanz in a match for Wanz’s version of the world title on July 9. Brody had been originally scheduled to work with Wanz and do the job, but Brody worked out that Japanese press have been heavily covering Austrian wrestling because Masaharu Funaki is working there right now, and so he changed his mind and canceled his appearance because he didn’t want all the Japanese wrestling magazines featuring photos of him losing. In case you get any ideas and are going to ask in the comments, no, taking this booking wouldn’t have saved Brody’s life, because the tour didn’t overlap with his Puerto Rican dates. I checked.
Watch: Black Bart vs. Otto Wanz
  • [All Japan] Ashuara Hara suffered a big cut on July 5 and returned to action on July 9, but reinjured and is out for the rest of the tour. They’ve changed the July 29 tag title match to have Tatsu and Tsuruta defend against Stan Hansen and Terry Gordy instead of Tenryu and Hara as a result.
  • [New Japan] Inoki returned in a 6-man tag match on July 16, and it looks like he came back way too early. He teamed with Yoshiaki Fujiwara and Shiro Koshinaka to beat Cuban Assassin, Manny Fernandez, and Buzz Sawyer. Not only did Inoki not look good, but it’s reported that privately even he admitted that he was returning before he was ready because he needed to counter Maeda’s publicity.
  • [UWF] Maeda’s opponent for the August 13 show will be Gerald Gordeau (Dave writes Goldor), the World Karate Association superheavyweight champion in savate. His record is 55-5, with 46 knockouts.
  • [All Japan Women] The July 5 show saw the Crush Girls over the Fire Jets (Yumiko Hotta and Mitsuko Nishiwaki) and Bull Nakano and Dynamite Jack (the future Aja Kong) over the Jumping Bomb Angels. How far Dave’s opinion on the Angels has fallen, because he’s given them the nickname the Stationary Bomb Angels.
  • Another new women’s promotion is forming in Japan, to be called the NWA (Nagoya Wrestling Association). They’re aiming to do UWF style with women’s wrestling and are set to start on July 23. Given that the only other references to this promotion I can find are basically other recaps of this issue, I’m going to take a guess that this goes nowhere.
  • USA Pro Wresting has renamed The Mercenary, who is managed by the former Masked Shogun Ron Wright, the Storm Trooper. I’ll give you two guesses as to whether he carries a c. 1935-1938 Wehrmacht command flag (because if you're going to Nazi, you might as well do it as ostentatiously as possible) to the ring. First guess doesn’t count.
Watch: Did you guess right?
  • ”A former WWF TV personality is suing the federation for $5 million over unauthorized use of his work without his consent in a videotape.”
  • Apparently NWA’s original plans before giving up on the Midnight Rider were wildly different from what we got. Tully Blanchard would have won the US title and defended it against the Midnight Rider in a mask vs. title match at the Bash ppv. Tully and Arn Anderson weren’t supposed to have been the tag champions, but that changed when they turned Windham heel without having an actual plan. After turning Windham, they put the belts on Arn and Tully, which led to them deciding that Windham would win the U.S. title tournament.
  • NWA Clash of the Champions III has been announced for September 7.
  • Ray Miller, a pro wrestler in Dom DeNucci’s stable, died of a heart attack following a match this past week. Miller was only 24 years old and was doing some kind of Arabian gimmick, as Dave understands it.
  • The first letter this week is from our graduate student in Radio and TV at Auburn University who wrote in about Wrestlemania and Clash I back in April. He praises Jim Ross extensively, offers thoughts on the matches, etc. He also offers several thoughts on production quality and where NWA has improved and where they still need to put work in. They could have done with some cuts to bits in the dressing room for interviews and showing Flair and Luger preparing for the main event, he suggests. Post-match interviews are nice too. Lots of options to avoid the dead tv time of putting up the tower of doom, where some of these things could have fit in nicely. An aerial camera in a cherrypicker or something similar could have made the tower of doom more palatable to watch. He concludes by saying he hopes Turner does buy the NWA because that’ll get some people with a great deal of experience in television production involved, and that should significantly improve the NWA’s production quality to suit the level of show they’re attempting to put on now.
  • The finish to the FlaiLuger match at the bash is almost universally panned in several letters this week. One points out the irony of the Maryland commission, which prohibits blading, allowing the blade for this match “just so they could exercise their pretend authority and get on television.” He’s got a great point, Sting.
  • The other big theme in the letters is sadness at the loss of Adrian Adonis. One writer hopes that WWF does some kind of tribute to Adonis and his career, given the fact that he and Jesse Ventura were once partners (spoiler alert: WWF will not even acknowledge Adonis’s death at all). Surprising to that same writer is that his death has gone unnoticed in the media.
  • Another writer observes that Dave ran down a recent AWA tv taping despite many of the wrestlers being guys Dave’s raved about in the past and sees this as an inconsistency. Skimming through, some of the other points being brought up are “AWA is a business a family relies on” so you can’t be too harsh on them, and “they never geared up for war with other promotions” so concepts like marketing and promoting are new for them, cut them some slack. At the end, the writer asks Dave if he’d take a job as a booker if given a guaranteed salary for 2-3 years.
  • Anyway, Dave actually responds at length to this one and addresses all the questions. The show Dave went to was terrible, and that opinion was shared by literally every other person Dave talked to, readers and wrestlers involved alike. It doesn’t matter if the performers are great performers. If they shit the bed, they shit the bed. Moving on, Dave doesn’t feel sorry for the AWA. “Most of its problems were self-inflicted, they destroyed their promotion by not treating talent fairly and more importantly, not treating fans fairly.” Dave’s never been here for falsely promoting appearances you know won’t happen, and AWA makes a routine of that. They’ve had four years to get with the times. Being unprepared may have been a reasonable excuse in 1985, but it no longer serves as an excuse for failure at this point. He points out that they market themselves as the only serious place for real wrestling, but then you’ve got Madusa, Brandi Mae, Iron Man Miller, Rocky Mountain Thunder, and a bunch of others who utterly contradict that image. His ultimate point? “If the AWA was a successful promotion, I’d be a lot more complimentary to them. They have to decide exactly what they want to be and what they can afford to be. If they can’t afford to play with the big boys, they should concentrate on being the best minor league promotion around, develop good talent and don’t run off the few bright spots like Dangerously or the Rockers that you stumble into. They have to make a commitment to a solid product, maybe push some lighter weight guys and smaller guys like Memphis and Stampede that Titan wouldn’t be as quick to steal and promote the fact they’ve got the fastest and most high flying wrestling around. More importantly, they have to get a young booker to give the wrestlers gimmicks that the young fans can relate to and try to instill a week-to-week soap opera on TV so viewers will be drawn to being regular viewers.” But the AWA? They’ve got Verne. They continue to make laughable claims about being the major leagues. The majority of their talent is either a joke, in their twilight years, or both, and most of the roster needs to go. Finally, Dave says no to being a booker and nobody should speculate that such a thing will ever happen. One reason is he has too much heat with people in the business for that to ever be offered to him. Secondly, he doesn’t believe he’d ever be able to actually effect any change anyway because the wrestlers wouldn’t take direction from an outsider. And besides, Dave’s a writer, not a booker, so who’s to say he’d even be good at it anyway, he asks. Still, DAE Dave is on the WWF payroll to provide biased reporting against the AWA?
NEXT WEEK: The life and times of Bruiser Brody
submitted by SaintRidley to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

CHD #103 TANA -- Detailed Summary

Hey CHD sub, I said I would post a breakdown of interesting points from the episode for those who didn’t want to listen. I flagged it as opinion, but it's just a summary of what was said, I didn't give any of my opinions. They barely mentioned Sofia (scroll to 83:00), and the whole episode was basically Alex interviewing Tana about her past, her mental health and then her sexuality. If you don’t know who Tana is/don’t care about her, you probably wouldn’t have found this episode interesting anyway.
If you’re unfamiliar with the Tana/CHD history, you can listen to CHD Episode 20 – Butt Stuff or watch their YouTube video Tana Mongeau F*cked Us Over from Feb 2019.
General Breakdown: Starts with a Roman ad, the intro song, and then immediately gets into Tana saying “Cook Me. Roast Me.” Tana says she’s freaking out and asks if she’s allowed to swear on the podcast or not.
2:24 – Alex says they had a “rocky start” and explains the situation where Tana stood them up right after the show started. Tana apologized and said that was at the peak of her “shitty person” phase. Alex said it was a blessing because they decided not to have guests on the show because of that, and she thinks that’s part of what made CHD successful.
9:10 – Alex says she likes to make her own decisions about people and Tana’s “past mistakes or whatever she’s done” and that Tana seemed like a decent person after their dinner together and that’s why Alex wants to bring up Tana’s “issues”. Alex says she respects Tana because she’s been “canceled so many times and yet she’s still here.” Tana said she was sponsored by FaceTune and that she doesn’t edit her own photos very often now because of how many photoshoots she does now. They talk about how they have both FaceTuned some posts too much.
19:34 – Tana (recounting describing Alex to her friends): “She’s the most intelligent, polarizing, kind person I’ve ever met. She’s so smart, I see why she captivates a room, I see why Logan Paul was in love with her and couldn’t have her.” Then says the Logan part was a joke. Tana says Alex is different than every bitch from LA and that it shows in how real and authentic she is. Tana also says that she used to be like that before she moved to LA. Then they start talking about how Tana didn’t have solid parent figures in her life like Alex did. Alex says she’s having influencers on the podcast right now because it’s easy because they already know how to talk to a camera/mic.
Tana’s Past
24:10 – Tana says Shane Dawson’s videos saved her life because he also came from a broken family and she would watch him to escape while her parents fought. She said her parents were “ill in the head” and made fun of her when she first started vlogging. Tana said she had suicidal thoughts until she discovered YouTube and that she started drinking and smoking weed when she was in the 7th grade. She said her dad was an alcoholic until she was born, and that growing up in Vegas was hard because drugs and alcohol were so normalized. She said her parents constantly fought and her childhood never had structure. She talks about dropping out of high school after truancy officers got involved because she missed so much school because she was too depressed to get out of bed but her parents were verbally abusive and didn’t take her to get mental help. She said her dad threw a MacBook charger at her head and knocked her out when she was 15, and she woke up and decided she needed to move out. She said she started dating a guy so she would have somewhere she could move to get out of her parent’s house. Alex says she thinks Tana’s YouTube career was so successful because she had a “nothing to lose attitude” and was very open with her audience. They both start crying while talking about how happy Tana was when she hit 100k subscribers because she knew she could quit working her retail job (PacSun).
35:00 – Tana says she cut her grandma and part of her family off when she was in high school because they made racist comments towards her best friend Imari (who is black). She said Imari’s mom took her in and helped parent her and that Imari’s dad accepted her too despite racist things her family had said.
36:24 – Alex: “Obviously there’s so much shit on the internet of people being like ‘Tana’s fucking racist’ and there are things in the past that maybe you did—" Tana: “Yeah there are 100% so many things I did in the past that I regret.” Tana says she gets angry at herself for her past tweets because she realizes now that there are racist comments. Alex said she put horrible things on the internet when she was younger even with the parents she had, so she can’t imagine how bad Tana’s history must be because of the home she grew up in. Alex says she isn’t saying what Tana has done in her past is right but that she thinks everyone deserves second chances and Tana jokes that this is her 38th chance. Alex calls out Tana’s apology video for being the worst thing she’s ever seen because it looked really scripted and unauthentic. Tana agrees. Tana says she stopped trying to make people not hate her because there’s always going to be people who hate her for the things she’s said, “rightfully so” she adds. She says all the hate made her reflect and realize that she used to wait way too long to react to situations because she didn’t know what to say. Alex says Tana should’ve called her for help before she posted her apology video and Tana said she didn’t consult people before she posted it and she wished she would’ve, but that she would pass a lie detector that everything she said in that video is how she was feeling at the time.
46:28 – Alex asks Tana if she’s a narcissist and Tana says she knows she isn’t but that anyone in their industry has to have narcissistic qualities to be able to talk about their life on the Internet. –TRIGGER WARNING—SUICIDAL THOUGHTS-- Tana says she has wanted to kill herself a lot throughout her lifetime, that she has had severe periods of depression, and that she has taken drugs before hoping that they kill her. Tana says she has the highest “will to live” at this point in her life compared to any other point of her life. Tana says Jake changed her life because their relationship took her fame to a new level and she no longer could live like a normal person. She said they had been hooking up in private for a while before they got caught and made things public. Tana says everyone scruitinizing their relationship and picking everything apart made her miserable and she missed being able to be herself. Alex said Jake Paul and the wedding is what brought Tana into the world of “clickbait”. Tana said “how far I took the public side of my relationship with Jake made me lose part of my credibility maybe forever”. Tana said she grew up with the party girl image and that everyone in the world offers Hollywood kids drugs. Tana said while her MTV show was filming she would take Xanax most nights and was waking up in the mornings crying and hating herself. She says she’s surprised she lived through that phase of her life and that now she spends a lot of time studying the effects of drugs on your brain.
Tana’s Sexuality
60:46 – Alex says she wants to talk about Tana’s sexuality. Tana says she is pansexual, not bisexual. She says growing up in Vegas she was always wild and crazy and was hooking up with 4 people at once but she didn’t think she could date a girl until she met Bella Thorne (who had also never dated a girl at this point). She said she figured out her sexuality in the public eye and that she came to the realization that “it’s not a girl, it’s a human” and that she fell in love with Bella as a person. She said she understands why people thought it was for clout because she had been very straight in the public eye before that, but that it was frustrating because she knew in her heart that she was genuinely into Bella.
63:30 – Alex interrupts to ask how Tana gives head. Tana says her mouth is her greatest asset but only for sucking dick. She says it’s all about getting to the “good spit” after you are to the point of gagging. Tana also says she’s good at eating pussy and that she will eat Alex out after the episode if Alex wants. They both laugh and just move past that. Alex keeps pressuring Tana to give specific blowjob tips and asks what “accessories” Tana brings to a bj. Tana says taking their pants off with her teeth, looking into their soul, and that she approaches them very sexually and wants them to think of sex with her as being different from any other sexual encounter they’ve had. They talk about how every guy is different in what they want from head.
71:40 – Alex asks if Tana has fucked athletes, Tana says yes, but that athletes are harder to “get at”. She says it makes sense that athletes like Alex because she’s great, but that Tana prefers rappers because they “want a bitch”. Alex says she’s never fucked a rapper and Tana says she’s fucked more rappers than any other category of guy because she likes the toxic and crazy romances. Tana says there isn’t a “too far” for rough sex with her and that she likes when guys are aggressive and very dominant with her. Tana says she tells guys to punch her and then is “there just vibing”. Tana says she’s had people “fuck up her filler sexually”, and that one time she was having a guy punch her in the face during sex, he hit her tooth, her mouth started bleeding and they kept fucking and her blood got smeared all over her. Alex says she loves it rough but she’s never gotten to the point where there’s blood on her.
78:15 – Tana says the first time she fucked Lil Xan, rough sex was the norm for him and she was super into him because of it and then they started dating. Alex says that is something Tana needs to look into. Alex asks if Tana likes threesomes. Tana said she doesn’t feel like she’s ever had a threesome because when it comes down to “actual fucking there’s always more than three people.” Tana said she’s had a decent amount of foursomes and some fivesomes, but there’s never been more than five or maybe six people. She said she debated having a huge orgy in Miami a few weeks ago but it was all her best friends and she didn’t want to fuck them. Tana said a lot of the foursome situations are when she’s been in relationships and they will fuck another couple. She said if her boyfriend ever had hot friends she would specifically pick them to “swap” with so she could fuck them. Tana says she’d be into cuckholding. Alex says she wouldn’t want to be with a dude that nobody else wants to fuck. Tana says in a relationship she needs someone who isn’t jealous at all, especially now that she does OnlyFans.
83:00 – Tana asks if she can cohost. Alex asks for her to pitch herself to her and why she should pick her. Tana “I already blew it. I could’ve probably replaced the cohost then, had I showed up back in the day, but now, no.” Alex just laughs and says Tana is doing better at podcasting than she expected her to because she expected her to “have ADHD” and be very distracted.
84:12 – Alex asks if Tana would ever come out with a sex tape. Tana says “I mean, yeah” but then talks about how that’s kinda what led her to OnlyFans because she was already being sexualized so much. She said the OnlyFans money is lifechanging and that she is creating an OnlyFans agency to sign other girls and that this is “probably how she will retire” because it’s that lucrative. Tana says feet photos make more money than anything else on the platform. Tana says sex workers are her favorite people because they were the first people to show her kindness in the industry.
87:00 -- Alex asks Tana what her biggest insecurity is. Tana says that’s a good question and that that’s why Alex has the #1 podcast in the world, not Logan Paul, even though he says he does in every episode of his podcast. Tana said it used to be her nose, but she’s lucky to be in a place where she’s been able to get rid of most of her physical insecurities. She says it’s that she picks herself apart worse than anyone else ever could. She says it’s a blessing and a curse because it’s given her a lot of resilience. She says her first catchphrase was “I hate myself” and that she used to have merch that said that when she was 15/16.
91:25 – Alex says Tana is very smart and that she can tell she sucks good dick. Tana thanks Alex for the charity work of letting her come on the show. They hint towards a second episode together where Tana can interview Alex and practice hosting.
submitted by bb621 to CallHerDaddy [link] [comments]

TLDR of the Frenemies Podcast with Trisha - She speaks about why she's upset with Shane and J*

The bit about Shane starts around 1:00:00.
This is just a summary of what Trisha and Ethan allege/claim.
submitted by icouldbuildacastle to ShaneDawson [link] [comments]

Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - January 29th, 2021

"In a new Tweet, Real Housewives of Orange County star Kelly Dodd went after blogger Perez Hilton.
On January 5, Hilton tweeted a clip of him advertising his services on Cameo, which is a website that allows users to buy short, custom-made video clips from various celebrities and media personalities. However, it looks like Dodd will not be buying a Cameo from Hilton anytime soon. In response to Hilton’s tweet, Dodd slammed his appearance, writing, “Summer teeth some here some are there!! Get braces because you’re nasty.”
"Andy Cohen doesn’t want “Real Housewives of Orange County” to go anywhere.
A tweet calling for the cancellation of the Bravo series caught the attention of both Meghan McCain and Cohen, though they had different feelings about the reality show.
“It’s time to cancel RHOC,” Evan Ross Katz tweeted Thursday morning.
“Yes,” McCain, 36, replied.
“I think you mean reBOOT,” Cohen, 52, responded to both.
Cohen and McCain continued their back-and-forth, with “The View” co-host requesting a reboot of “The Real Housewives of D.C.”
“I have thoughts…. also since I have both of your attention and currently live in the beltway – please Reboot DC housewives PLEASE!” McCain begged.
“I loved RHDC,” Cohen replied."
"Former “RHONY” star Barbara Kavovit already has some Bravolebrities ready to support her — even if they aren’t eligible to vote for her in the upcoming New York City mayoral race.
Kavovit announced her run on Wednesday after telling Page Six exclusively in September that she was considering campaigning — and some “Housewives” immediately expressed support.
“Barb is one of the most bad-ass, progressive, intelligent women that I know,” Braunwyn Windham-Burke told Page Six via email. “There’s nobody better than Barb to get the job done.”
The “Real Housewives of Orange County” star, 43, and Kavovit, who is the CEO of Evergreen Construction, hung out together in the Hamptons this summer after meeting at BravoCon in November 2019.
Meanwhile, “RHONJ” star Margaret Josephs commented on Kavovit’s Instagram post announcing her run, “Yea!!! I wish I lived in NYC so I could vote! But I will be campaigning for you!! 🙌🎉💃💋👧🏼.” “Real Housewives of Dallas” star D’Andra Simmons sent Kavovit heart emojis.
As of press time, none of Kavovit’s former “RHONY” cast mates had commented on the Instagram post.
The New York City mayoral election will take place in November 2021."
"Paging Dr. Moon. Tiffany Moon can save your life but not your reputation, and she’s already proved that in her first few episodes of The Real Housewives of Dallas.
Tiffany, a 36-year-old anesthesiologist, is the newest Housewife on season 5 of the Bravo series, which also stars Stephanie Hollman, Brandi Redmond, Kameron Westcott, D’Andra Simmons, Kary Brittingham and Jennifer Davis Long. It’s been less than a month since RHOD season 5 premiered, but Tiffany has already become a Housewives favorite for her feud with Kameron over none other than chicken feet. The drama started on episode 2 when Tiffany took the women to dim sum and made them try chicken feet, which Kameron refused to eat.
“I was excited because she is Kameron Westcott,” Tiffany tells StyleCaster. “She is the queen of pink and a Dallas socialite and how funny would it be if she just put a little phalange in her mouth? Certainly she’s had worse things in her mouth.”
And so what did Kameron do with the chicken feet Tiffany served her? She secretly put the dim sum item in a bowl on the floor, which Tiffany didn’t know until she watched the episode. “Sometimes my kids feed food they don’t like from the table to the dogs, so she’s basically acting like my 6 year old,” Tiffany says. “She could’ve just set aside. She didn’t have to set it on the floor. But if she’s going to be the queen of etiquette at restaurants, is that part of the etiquette book that she read?”
Ahead, Tiffany talked to StyleCaster about Chicken Feet Gate, her friendship with past RHOD LeeAnne Locken, who she’s not talking to from the cast and why she thinks she may be a “one-hit wonder” in the Housewives universe.
On how she was cast on RHOD
“D’Andra has been on the show for several years, and I am good friends with her and Mama Dee. Years ago, after D’Andra’s first season, they told me, ‘Oh, Tiffany, you would be good on Housewives. You have a sharp tongue and quick wit.’ I was always like, ‘No. I have young children. I’m a full-time physician. Even if I did want to do it, there’s just no time in my life.’ At the bottom of 2019, I remember being in front of a Christmas tree tand something changed in me. I thought, ‘I’m going to be 35 years old. Everything I’ve ever done in my life has been by the book. I’ve always been a good girl. Why don’t I do something a little naughty for once? Why don’t I go hang out with my sassy girlfriends and take trips and have fun memories?’ Because it’s not everyday you get an opportunity like this. So I said, ‘You know what? Let’s do it. Why the heck not?’”
On her relationship with RHOD alum LeeAnne
“I’m really good friends with some of LeeAnne’s best friends. I know her. I’ve been at charity events with her. She emcees a lot of charity events in Dallas. She’s always been very kind and gracious to me, so I can only speak on my personal interactions with her. She did not reach out to me [when I was cast] and I did not reach out to her.”
On why she had to address Brandi’s racist video
“I wanted to have that conversation with Brandi because I felt that, as a Asian American and an immigrant, I wanted to put a face to the racism. I never once thought she was racist or meant to shoot that video with malicious intent. I wanted her to understand why people could be so offended by that video. I thought, ‘How serendipitous I’m here now and I have this moment to make it a teachable moment to her, so she can understand how something she regarded as a silly joke could actually really hurt someone.’ That’s why I decided to tell my story about coming to America and being made fun of in that way.”
On Kameron shading her for not having a centerpiece
“The centerpiece thing is just ridiculous. Have you ever been to a dim sum restaurant with a centerpiece? That’s obviously where we put the chili and the vinegar and the soy sauce, and usually the lazy Susan isn’t that huge. I mean, when I eat dim sum with my family, there’s no space for a centerpiece because the whole table is full of food. So she can criticize all day long for poor hosting etiquette, but never ever have I read in an etiquette book that one must have a centerpiece while hosting dim sum brunch at 10 a.m.”
On Stephanie calling her “obnoxious” for showing her closet
“I was really caught off by being called obnoxious because she and D’Andra asked to see the closet. I think it’s part of Housewives culture to do a little house and closet tour. I don’t think I’m the first one ever to take people inside my closet and show off a few of my favorite things. I did not mean to come across as a showoff or braggy or obnoxious. It rubbed me so much the wrong way when she called me obnoxious, especially when she had a closet tour not too long ago."
On why she was really offended by Kameron’s chicken feet comments
“When she was like, ‘You’re stereotyping your country,’ I was like, ‘I’m not stereotyping anything.’ We across China eat all sorts of food, including chicken feet. It’s not that she wouldn’t eat the foot really. The part that upset me was she was like, ‘Oh. Um. Does anyone have a barf bag?’ It’s insulting when you try to share your culture with someone and they have such a strong negative reaction to something that is commonplace for your culture. It’s on my kitchen table on any given weekend when we have dim sum. That was the part that I felt offended by. Not that she wouldn’t eat the foot necessarily, but that she would have such a strong reaction to it, that she was disgusted by it.”
On Kary pushing her in the pool even though she can’t swim
“I still to this day do not know the purpose of what pushing me into the pool was. She was like, ‘Hey Tiffany, come here for a second.’ And then the next thing I know I was in the pool with all my clothes on. Thank God I wasn’t holding my Birkin, I would’ve been pissed. I don’t have fun by pushing other people into pools, especially when I know they can’t swim. I’m up for silly antics. I don’t like antics that border on mean. I was in a sort of expensive outfit that I had bought on purpose solely for this event because Kam said we’re doing an all-white event. I went out and bought something special, and it was pretty ruined. I took it to the dry cleaners and he was like, ‘What happened!’ I was like, ‘I got pushed into a pool!’ He said, ‘I’ll do the best I can with it.’ But the linen didn’t come out right. I have never been to a birthday party next to a pool and been intentionally pushed into a pool ever in my life.”
On Kary calling her a snake on Twitter
“I thought we were done after Tuesday night. I was like, ‘Signing off. Thanks everyone for live tweeting with me.’ Then Wednesday morning, I finished my first surgery and went to go sit down and have a cup of coffee and this alert came up. I was like, ‘Oh, I guess we’re not done.’ She’s pushed me in a pool, she’s called me a hypocrite, she’s called me COVID girl. There’s some level of jokingness among the group that’s fine. Calling me a snake is not fine. I was viscerally upset at that comment. Also, this is my honest opinion. That necklace is hideous. I can’t believe you’re selling it for $1,400. My children have made better things and brought them home to me. So I was like, ‘Well, how do I turn this negative into a positive?’ I had recently been dealing with the death of my dog, Max. He had a freak accident and had emergency surgery and then died. I love being charitable either with my money or my time. Since she said snake, I was like, ‘Oh, what can we think about for snakes?’ It popped into my head. Instead of buying this hideous necklace, I would instead donate the exact amount to the SPCA in honor of my poor Max. So I did, and I screenshotted the receipt to prove it.”
On who she’s not talking to from the cast
"The only person I have not spoken to is Kary. I have spoken to everyone else. Brandi is doing well. She is very pregnant and is gonna pop any day now hopefully. Stephanie was just over here the other day. She tried bubble tea for the first time and really liked it. D’Andra, I dropped off Chinese food and pajamas for her when she was in the COVID unit prior to New Years. We probably talk on the phone every other day. Her assistant dropped off a thank you card for me yesterday. Jen, I talk to here and there, but she’s going through a divorce, so I’m trying to give her some space. Kam, yesterday was her birthday, so I bought her some Hermes scarves and a beautiful floral arrangement. I called my florist and I said, ‘I need it to be luxurious, big and pink.’ And they made that happen. I signed the card from all of us, the other six ladies, and went and dropped that off at her new home.I’ve seen everybody except Kary. I’ve not texted her, seen her, called her, anything. Even though she did not contribute to the group gift, I still put her name on the card. So there.”
On why she may not be returning next season
“I don’t know. I might be a little bit of a one-hit wonder. It was a lot in terms of the time away from my family because normally I work and when I’m not working, I’m with my family. But this time, I was at work, and when I wasn’t working, I was working, so I didn’t see my family for much over the summer. Ask me again in 12 or 13 weeks when it all finishes. I’m not sure I’m the sort of Housewife that people want to continue seeing. I have no idea.”
"On January 27, Tiffany took to Instagram to celebrate her new position. “So honored to be elected to be the next Secretary and Treasurer of the Trauma Anesthesiologist Society,” the physician wrote alongside a photo of a press release.
Tiffany went on to add, “I'm so excited and want to thank my fellow colleagues that have trusted me with this new role.”
As noted in the announcement, the Trauma Anesthesiologist Society is a medical organization that “seeks to advance the art and science of trauma anesthesiology and all related fields through education and research.”
“Real Housewives of Salt Lake City” star Meredith Marks credits the show — and therapy — with the revitalization of her marriage to Seth Marks.
“I think I’m probably the only one in the world who can say ‘Housewives,’ coupled with COVID, saved my marriage,” she told Page Six in a recent interview.
Marks, who separated quietly from Seth while filming the Bravo show in 2019 before reconciling, said quarantine ended up being “really good” for the couple.
“I think had [the pandemic] happened six months prior, it would have ended in divorce,” she said. “But because we had gone through this whole process, both in our marital therapy and the process of ‘Housewives’ — which really forced us to communicate in ways that we really had just been avoiding and denying — we were at a place already by the time that COVID hit, where we were actually really communicating with each other well and understanding and respecting each other’s feelings, which had not been the case for years.”
Marks also thanks the couple’s therapist for helping them reconnect, after explaining on the show that they had “disconnected” throughout their 25 years of marriage.
“… Anyone I know who’s getting married, I have strongly encouraged them to go into therapy prior to getting married,” she added. “It was such a process for us learning how to communicate and respect one another’s feelings rather than criticize or get defensive or whatever.”
And while Meredith has heard of the supposed “Housewives” curse when it comes to divorce, she hopes to take one critical step to avoid becoming part of that ill-fated group.
“That’s part of the reason we will not do a vow renewal. I’m not pushing my luck here,” she laughed. “If we ever decide to, it’s definitely not going to be on television. It will be very private.”
submitted by readingrachelx to RHDiscussion [link] [comments]

9/11 and the Mandela Effect

9/11 and the Mandela Effect
You’ve probably seen the meme that says we’re living in the wrong timeline. While this sounds like a joke, there might be some truth to it. There are some researchers who claim what happened on 9/11 was a temporal event that caused our timeline to split in two. Supposedly there is a parallel world where the Twin Towers still exist and the apocalypse is being avoided. This is not to say I think we are living in the wrong timeline, but that is something I will get into in another thread. Just know that there is still hope.
Perhaps the darkest timeline is needed for some collective shadow work.
However, I do think our timeline has been altered and probably more times than once. While this is not something you can really prove, there are many oddities surrounding 9/11 as well as a synchronistic pattern hidden in pop culture that seems to point to this. In the movie Back to the Future, after the protagonist accidentally activates a time machine and alters the future, the Twin Pines Mall becomes the Lone Pine Mall. Notice how the clock reads 9:11 when flipped upside down.
134 reads like hel when flipped upside too. Are we living in a bardo state like in the movie Jacob's Ladder or the show The Good Place?
Was this a reference to the Mandela Effect and the Twin Towers becoming the One World Trade Center? In the second Back to the Future movie, the protagonists accidentally create a new timeline where a wealthy man named Biff takes over their town. Biff lives in a skyscraper casino and turns their town into a chaotic dystopia. According to the screenwriter Bob Gale, Biff was based on Donald Trump. This is not a political statement, I’m just saying it’s odd how things turned out.
I wonder if Bob Gale knew Trump would run for president?
In the Super Mario Bros. movie, a meteorite impact millions of years ago caused the universe to split into two timelines, the one we live in, and one where dinosaurs evolved into a humanoid race. President Koopa, a reptilian human hybrid, seems to be another caricature of Trump. President Koopa wants to merge his dimension with ours and attempts to rule Manhattan from the Twin Towers, which are portrayed as a gateway between worlds. The Super Mario franchise is strange when you think about shamans eating mushrooms to commune with serpent gods.
Looks kind of similar, right?
There are many more examples of the WTC acting as a gateway. In an episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Twin Towers are used to transmit energy that propels the earth into another dimension. Take note of the sphere between the buildings, this will become relevant later. In the intro of Power Rangers: Time Force, a machine called the Time Shadow is seen standing on the towers. Take note of the moon in the background as well. This will become relevant too. During the final scene of Fringe season 1, the WTC is seen intact in a parallel universe. In the intro of Power Rangers: Time Force, a machine called the Time Shadow is seen standing on the towers. Take note of the moon in the background as well. This will become relevant too. During the final scene of Fringe season 1, the WTC is seen intact in a parallel universe.
I miss cartoons.
Another interesting example can be found in Star Trek. In the show, space explorers are sent back in time to stop an alien invasion in the 1940s that altered the outcome of WWII and allowed the Nazis to invade the US. Once they kill the alien leader, one of the characters tells the protagonist that the timeline has corrected itself just as an image of the Twin Towers burning passes in the background.
From Star Trek: Enterprise
The idea of a parallel world where the Nazis won WWII is very prominent in pop culture. But why is this? Is it possible creative people can intuitively sense other realities while absorbed in the act of creating? Philip K. Dick believed that’s what he did when he wrote The Man in the High Castle. He claimed:
"I in my stories and novels sometimes write about counterfeit worlds. Semi-real worlds as well as deranged private worlds, inhabited often by just one person…. At no time did I have a theoretical or conscious explanation for my preoccupation with these pluriform pseudo-worlds, but now I think I understand. What I was sensing was the manifold of partially actualized realities lying tangent to what evidently is the most actualized one—the one that the majority of us, by consensus gentium, agree on."
Coincidentally, Philip K. Dick was one of the first modern thinkers to predict the Mandela Effect. He once declared:
“we are living in a computer-programmed reality, and the only clue we have to it is when some variable is changed, and some alteration in our reality occurs.”
The Nazis were rumored to be in possession of a time machine known as Die Glocke, or in English, The Bell. They were supposedly taught how to build this device by extraterrestrials and the craft was said to be kept in a facility known as Der Riese, or The Giant. It sounds far fetched, but The Nazi Party was actually formed from The Thule Society, an occult group that dabbled in channeling and other magical practices. They were also known to use the Black Sun symbol, an esoteric representation of a gateway into another dimension.
In Twin Peaks, a show about a small town caught in the midst of an interdimensional battle between good and evil, there seems to be a reference to Die Glocke. In season 8 there is a device that looks just like it, and at one point, a character called The Giant appears next to it.
A conception of Die Glocke compared to the mysterious bell device in Twin Peaks.
Twin Peaks is full of occult symbolism. In one episode a character is given instructions to find a portal that opens 253 yards east of Jack Rabbit’s Palace at 2:53 pm on October 1st. This portal is located in Washington. However, there is another in Las Vegas. Strangely enough, on October 1st, 2017, the Las Vegas shooting occurred in a lot 253 yards away from the Luxor Hotel, a giant black pyramid with the strongest beam of light in the world shooting out of it. Victims were mostly those attending the Route 91 Harvest music festival.
There's also black pyramids on the instructions.
But it gets stranger. Jason Aldean was one of the headliners. If you look at his tattoos, there’s a Jack card and an Ace card underneath a black sun, which as mentioned earlier, is an occult symbol that represents a portal. This card from the Illuminati game is almost identical. A Jack is worth 10 points. An Ace is worth 1 point. This odd coincidence seems to be a reference to the date 10/1. Keep in mind this date looks like the number 101. This will become relevant too. But was the Route 91 Harvest a literal harvest of souls meant to energize a portal?
This one is too much of a coincidence for me.
The name Twin Peaks seems to be a reference to the Twin Pillars, a Masonic concept that originated from the Biblical idea of Boaz and Jachin, two pillars that stood on the porch of King Solomon's Temple. The Twin Pillars can be found in ancient architecture all over the world and are sometimes used in Tarot. They are said to represent a doorway into a higher realm. In this Masonic artwork, you can see the Black Sun between them.
Jachin, Boaz, and the Black Sun.
The Twin Pillars and the gateway in between can be represented by the number 101. In Twin Peaks, the entrance to The Black Lodge, a place that exists in another dimension, is depicted as a rabbit hole between two trees, which resembles a zero between two ones. In George Orwell’s famous novel 1984, Room 101 is a place where people’s worst fears come true. In The Matrix, Neo’s apartment number is 101. Here it’s interesting to note that he escapes the matrix by going in room 303. This year marks 303 years since Freemasonry was founded. Perhaps they will make their getaway come December? Many occult researchers claim the Twin Towers were supposed to represent the Twin Pillars. There even used to be a statue called The Sphere placed in between them, making the buildings resemble the 101 Gateway.
The Black Lodge entrance from Twin Peaks and The Sphere centered between the Twin Towers.
Is it possible that the WTC‘s design was intended to create an interdimensional doorway using sacred geometry? Some say the Twin Towers even acted as a tuning fork. The buildings were wrapped in aluminum alloy with a resonant hollow interior. If you look at the picture above and to the right, you can kind of see how the sides of the towers even look like one. The Colgate Clock also once faced the WTC from across the water. If you’ve read my previous threads, you’ll probably notice it’s octagonal shape. Many portals in pop culture are portrayed as being 8 sided, like CERN, the largest particle collider in the world. Many conspiracy theorists speculate CERN is actually an interdimensional doorway. Some of the scientists working there have even said this. Why is there so much symbolism? Can it all really be just a coincidence at this point? Did 9/11 really alter our timeline?
The Colgate Clock compared to CERN.
According to many people, 9/11 is the reason the Statue of Liberty’s torch is closed. However, this isn’t true. Lady Liberty’s torch has been closed for over 100 years. Yet, there are some people who claim to have visited it. But according to official history, this is impossible. In this reality, The Black Tom Explosion was the reason the Lady Liberty’s torch closed. The explosion occurred in 1916 and was one of the first foreign attacks on US soil prior to Pearl Harbor. The explosion was also one of the largest non-nuclear explosions ever documented. The explosion was so powerful it caused the outer wall of Jersey City's city hall to crack and the Brooklyn Bridge to shake. Ironically, besides Lady Liberty’s torch, the explosion lodged shrapnel in the clock tower of The Jersey Journal building, stopping the clock at 2:12 am. It also caused windows miles away in Times Square to shatter. Perhaps the matrix was trying to tell us something. Was this a time shattering event?
Some people also claim they remember the Statue of Liberty being on Ellis Island. However, it has always been on Liberty Island. Once again, this is not something I recall learning in school. I’m sure some people do, but if my theory is correct, it’s because only some people in this timeline are from the old one. However, you can still find what appears to be residue left over from the previous reality.
Residue from a previous reality?
There are references in pop culture that seem to hint at the connection between the Mandela Effect and Lady Liberty as well. In the video game Assassin’s Creed Unity, the protagonist must find an exit portal to get himself out of a simulation. He finds it on the statue’s torch. In the movie Men in Black II, the statue’s torch is actually a giant Neuralyzer, a handheld device that uses a bright white flash to wipe people’s minds. At the end of the movie, the torch is activated and it illuminates the sky, erasing the memory of everyone in New York City.
The scenes from Assassin's Creed and Men In Black II
In the Netflix series The OA, a show about people who can jump between parallel universes, the Statue of Liberty shows up a lot. It seems to play an important role that was never really explained due to the show’s sudden cancellation. Some fans have pointed out that in one scene, Lady Liberty is holding her torch in the wrong hand. Some say this was just an error while others think it may have a deeper meaning.
The Statue of Liberty scene from The OA.
In The OA, the protagonist searches for The Rose Window, an object she says acts like a portal to other dimensions. I find this very symbolic considering the Twin Pillar symbolism mentioned earlier. Many older cathedrals have huge rose windows centered between two tall towers.
Old cathedrals with 101 Gateway symbolism built into the architecture.
If you’ve read my previous threads, you might have already made the connection that the 101 Gateway is another version of the Saturn Stargate. If you’re not familiar with the theory, we live in a simulation controlled by Saturn and the Moon, and The Elite are tying to break out. Our simulated reality is sometimes represented by a cube, and some say The Kaaba is one of these symbolic structures. The Kaaba sits between two pillars underneath a clocktower with a crescent moon on top.
Kaaba at Mecca.
Ironically, Fritz Koenig, the artist who created The Sphere sculpture between the Twin Towers, said The Kaaba was the inspiration behind his art installation. We can see this symbolism repeated in much of our pop culture as well. In the video game Fortnite, a giant cube destroys a location called Tilted Towers then forms a portal in the sky. At another point in the game, it is revealed that the cube’s true form is a giant demon named the Storm King. His horns are reminiscent of a crescent moon.
The second time you fight the Storm King its at a location called Twine Peaks lmao.
But are there anymore significant Mandela Effects associated with the WTC? According to some people, Hurricane Erin never happened in their timeline. If you‘re unaware, like I was until recently, there was a massive hurricane headed right for New York on the morning of 9/11. Because of the events that occurred on 9/11, I understand how Hurricane Erin would be easy to forget. Nevertheless, the storm was strange. Hurricane Erin, which was slightly larger than Hurricane Katrina, received almost no media coverage as she charged toward New York City. On the morning of 9/11, just as the planes were about to hit, Hurricane Erin grew to her largest size, but slowed down and remained almost stationary off the East coast. But right after the WTC fell, she made a sharp right turn and headed back out to sea.
Hurricane Erin on September 11th, 2001.
Hurricane Erin’s name is also interesting. The name Erin originated from Ériu, a goddess typically seen by the sea playing a harp. I find this curious becau HAARP uses extremely powerful radio frequencies to heat up the ionosphere and create clouds of plasma. Not only does this affect the climate, but the electromagnetic waves produced by it could hypothetically mess with our minds, perhaps changing or even erasing our memories. se many conspiracy theorists blame HAARP for both weather manipulation and the Mandela Effect.
In my last thread, I talked about MH370. I believe it’s disappearance, like the events discussed in this thread, was a part of a Saturn Stargate ritual. A sacrifice to the god of time. Would it be beyond the god of the fourth dimension to grant someone access to a wormhole? Perhaps The Elite are not purposely creating Mandela Effects and branching timelines. Perhaps it is just a side effect of trying to beak the matrix. But I digress. At the end of my last thread I said I would talk more about rabbit symbolism and its association with time travel. However, before I talk about that, or the Law of One, I thought I should talk about this first. Thanks for reading.
Oh yeah, in case you did read my last thread, check this out. The fact that this article was posted 2 weeks after my MH370 conspiracy post has me kind of spooked lol.
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"I'm not a college graduate." Scott told Vegas Seven. "I went to probably five colleges, and I dropped out of them all. I have ADD. I didn't come from money. But you don't need money to be a real estate investor, and that's what I teach people. I did my first land deal on my own without any of my own money, and I netted $2.3 million. In last scene of Las Vegas‘ fifth season finale, Danny (Josh Duhamel), Delinda (Molly Simms) and co. mourned the death of the Montecito’s owner A.J. Cooper (Tom Selleck).But, in a shocking ... "Vegas" debuted in September with a 2.5 rating in the key 18-49 demographic and 14.85 million viewers total, but the numbers have decreased ever since. In March, CBS moved "Vegas" to the deathly Friday timeslot and the ratings have fallen even further. The singing siblings are ending their run at the Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel and Casino on November 16. “We had no idea it would be 11 years. We started out as a six-week contract,” Donny Osmond ... Las Vegas was seemingly cancelled abruptly after five season with a plot cliffhanger. Before it was cancelled its time slot was moved repeatedly and then to 4a.m., a clear sign a show is headed ... Why It Was Cancelled. Following a 2008 strike between TV producers and the Writers Guild of America, Las Vegas was canceled. It wasn’t the only show that got cut or completely re-written, either. Many fans were mad about this and those events have changed the way we see TV shows ever since. Are you kidding me?!! This is 2010, I can’t believe that in 2008 “Las Vegas” was cancelled because of a little fuzzy nudity. Las Vegas Has Basically Shut Down Thanks to the Coronavirus. FaZe Banks and His Crew Caused $30,000 in Damages to a Las Vegas Hotel Room. Man's Text Messages With Friend Who Was In Las Vegas Massacre Emerge Online TVGuide is reporting that NBC has unceremoniously cancelled Las Vegas after five seasons on the air. Las Vegas debuted on September 22, 2003 and was touted as actor James Caan’s first series ...

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