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The Big Marketing Idea

Hello everyone. It's time to kick things up a notch. There have been many complaints throughout the community with the lack of initiative by certain entities within the Tezos ecosystem. Many of us seem to be particularly worried about the fact that marketing + awareness for Tezos is practically non-existent relative to many other cryptocurrencies There are also a few areas where important projects aren't getting the support they need. In order to solve this, I plan on writing up a grant request to the Tezos Foundation. The grant will seek to address the following issues:
Advertising to Developers
There should be more advertisement to developers. Tezos should have hundreds of more devs. There should be advertisement directly to ppl who makes dApps and/or could benefit from making one on Tezos.
In order to help bring more devs on board, aside from direct advertising, there should be more extensive programs making the transition into the Tezos ecosystem as smooth as possible. There are resources out there to help people program on Tezos but they're all over the place. There should be a page at the top of search results that has a full training course on how developers can utilize Tezos to create various programs. In addition, there should be a clear connection between such a training program and an additional developer forum for discussion
The next stage of this would be a matter of organizing IRL events for Tezos developers.
There should also be some method to make the creation of dApps on Tezos significantly easier for the average person. I'm sure lots of people have interesting ideas for dApps but they probably don't know how to code. I believe Cardano is pursuing something like this. I'm going to bring up Cardano a few times for comparison not because I like it, but because I see it as a competitor to Tezos. Tezos should be ahead of the competition.
To complete this section, there should be a website with in-depth information on the status of projects, the teams, etc. On this website, there can also be advertisements/requests for certain projects that are in demand by the community, businesses, etc.
Business Development on Tezos
There should be an effort to reach out to tech companies and encourage them to use and create products for Tezos. This will go together with appealing to developers, as there will, at that point, already be resources to train people on how to program using Tezos. An easy follow-up can be adding more resources for businesses.
There should be more organisations solving practical real world issues by using tezos. There are entire chains dedicated towards solving supply chain issues and other business issues. Tezos should be a crypto capable of addressing the needs of multiple industries. This would add REAL use to the chain and give it considerably more staying power.
Tezos should also be more heavily promoted on platforms like Binance and IMO the Coinbase Earn program should be altered. ATM there is an entire video on Coinbase Earn dedicated to explaining baking, but with PoS becoming increasingly common this is becoming a significantly less important feature to advertise. Instead, Tezos should advertise the various developments that put it ahead of the competition -- like the soon to be implemented privacy features.
Communication and Organization Between Tezos Communities
This would be one of the easier issues to address and therefore it could be a good first priority.
There should be more coordination between Tezos communities on social media. I heard the Tezos Facebook group has been whack. Honestly this should be looked into and there should be a master list of audited (just to make sure they are willing to work with the international Tezos community) Tezos social media pages.
There should be more international Tezos organisations with clear communication within those organisations. For example, what's Tezos's position as a crypto inside China? Japan? Germany? Russia? Brazil? I have only heard from Tezos Israel. If there isn't an established Tezos community within certain countries then it would be necessary to reach out to people from crypto spaces within those countries and bring them into the Tezos community. There is room to grow everywhere.
Coordination Between Major Organizations + Entities and the Tezos Community
First of all, community engagement with this sub needs to be a LOT better. This subreddit is full of people devoted to Tezos. We need to use them. We should have updates come in with higher frequency and far more communication from the big players of the Tezos ecosystem. Look at the central roles that IOHK and Cardano's leader Charles have in its community. Sure, I appreciate the fact that Tezos is decentralized and doesn't NEED leaders... But a little bit of leadership would be good. There should be a decent middle ground between the Tezos approach and the Cardano approach. The community should also have more say in how organizations like the TF use money.
Entities like the Tezos Foundation need to be more transparent. Transparency and communication is legit free advertising at this point. They should go out of their way to make sure the community knows exactly what is going on.
I don't know why the Tezos foundation barely interacts with the community. I think, at this point, it would be more efficient to have a stronger organization that serves to represent the community's interests to the Tezos foundation if the TF refuses to do it themselves. It would be relatively easy to have someone filter through the various comments/posts on here and relay the information to the TF and other important Tezos organizations with a more authoritative voice.
Additional Project Support
Liquidity for Dexter should be funded. Development related to Dexter should be expanded. I know this is being worked on but it's literally urgent. There's little people can do with Tezos ATM. Tezos should have a massive amount of trading pairs on a decentralized exchange with decent liquidity. After that, we should try and bring on as many Defi traders as possible to further improve liquidity and trading volume.
Following this, I would like to pursue more interoperability initiatives.
Anyway, that's all I have for now. Let me know what you think! Of course, this would all be cleaned up for the grant process. If you're interested in joining this kind of initiative and helping out let me know. Also, thank you for all the community members who have expressed their opinions throughout this sub. I hope I flaired this correctly.
Edit: Thank you all for the support! My original idea was to request a grant; however, I may also look into working with organizations like TQ Tezos considering they are already established.
submitted by Thevsamovies to tezos [link] [comments]

DD on Palantir’s long term advantage

Hi all hope your Palantir investment has been good to you so far. I’ve been thinking if the company would have any competitions in the future and thought that maybe fellow bulls may appreciate some confirmation bias... and hopefully legit novel insights.
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. I’m just sharing my thoughts for entertainment and/or educational purposes and maybe learn some new things. My post have insights borrowed from other posts and I’ll add you in the credits if requested.
Thesis: Palantir is bullish for foreseeable years.
Argument 1: technical debt paid off - Their value proposition is mostly real-time access and processing for all data assets. So instead of the decision makeadvisor having 30 tabs open viewing 30 different databases, plus a couple more to make charts and maps, they would only need 1 that also runs smooth as silk. - To replicate that, a disruptor would need in their biz model at least 4 things: a way to translate existing separate databases (eg 30 excel sheets databases) into one; multiple statistical algorithms to run data analysis on that integrated db; a well thought out user interface that lets users do whatever they wanted with the data; and brand. - Can a teenager in a garage replicate thing 1-3? Yes. But not 4. As long as Palantir isn’t complacent with upgrading its tech it can lean on brand equity to squash out any new upstarts and remain dominant. Trust is also a big thing that’s not so easily earned. - From what I’ve heard Palantir product’s current bottleneck is step 1 where they need forward deployed engineers to do the translating whole 30 excel sheets into 1 db thing. The stats algos and UI are fast, which means they’ve already worked out and optimized their CDN and web asset delivery and page load pipelines. Think of how fast Youtube streaming is or how fast Google landing page loading speed is compared to competitors. It takes a lot of infrastructure to make the magic speed happen, and that’s also where the ever so important first impression occurs. That means aside from brand equity, the suave loading speed of Palantir UI will help it outcompete any others with a replicated tech stack (anyone can process excel sheets and write stat algos these days) due to them having more invested CDNs and ‘loading speed’ infrastructure. Plus the trust brand thing. - For an org to gain these capabilities by themselves, they need to pay all the technical debt to in-house R&D the shit out of their data stuff while also having the confidence that they can at least replicate Palantir offerings to avoid opportunity cost. So big techs like Google and Facebook probably won’t use Palantir, but governments and non tech companies will. In-house R&D can be a bitch...
Argument 2: increased demand (mostly speculative) - The Air Force is using it? Chances are the Space Force will too 🚀 - Revitalized US multilateral international relations: more of a gamble, but this might mean the gov and mil and companies of Japan and the EU and other US allies would be influenced by the bandwagon effect and get courted into this cool edgy new Call of Duty esque computer platform. - Current White House narrative is science driven governing, so that means data driven to less sciency gov entities, so that means more Palantir contracts. - Companies execs out of fear for opportunity cost will be drawn to allocate their consultant budget on Palantir 🤷🏻‍♂️ - This is all speculative and relies on stonk 🚀 PRs fueled by the bandwagon effect focused around try hard decision makers adopting edgy data tools, but it’s likely.
Argument 3: great value proposition - Imagine how it’d be pitched in budget allocations meetings: ‘guys, remember that incident where it took us days to track down the data and a couple more days to make pretty charts for them? They built an app for that!’ Who wouldn’t say yes to that 🚀🚀 - In military and gov sectors where time is vital and works off hella different kinds of data and everybody is fed up with dumb ass boomer IT systems, and IT personnel frankly don’t get paid enough for R&D shit, Palantir just make people go ‘Hell Yeahhh.’ Its use is prob mostly for ops, real or training, and once officers learned to use them they’ll probably never downgrade. - Its use in companies would be mostly to make pretty charts in reports, or high powered problem shooting. So basically mid management all the way up to execs will have a use. And frankly, no corporate leadership will ever choose to downgrade from Palantir once adopted. Education system and professional community place a deep premium on data-driven decisions, so nobody’s gonna be ‘that guy’ that says ‘boo to them charts’ at the corporate meeting or press events. - So basically, people like charts and we like cool and edgy data tools that makes you feel like an American hero playing call of duty but irl. Palantir provides for those fundamental human needs 🦍🦍🦍🍌🍌🍌
Argument 4: stonks go up - every single country on Earth issued stimulus and printed money. That means there’s now more money on this planet despite less productivity over past year. That means the secret sauce is predicting where all that excess money will go. Prices for instant ramen didn’t fluctuate much, so probably all that money is going to ‘investment devices.’ If it goes into somebody’s portfolio, it’ll be in the stock market. If it goes into somebody’s savings account, it’ll be in the banks portfolio, ending up in the stock market. If it goes into cash buried in somebody’s backyard... lol probably negligible in modern societies. Eitherway, that means stonks value ‘artificially’ go up for a while (read: stonks won’t be tightly correlated to existing revenue for a while) till people cash in on gains once economy reopens. - Palantir has meme stonk power. That is, positive retail investor interest and relatively better dip tolerance.
TLDR: Palantir’s got the electrolytes that people crave.
Conclusion: - Go LEAPS or calls or shares and 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Position: - Pltr 40 37c 3/5
submitted by mojo_jomo69 to palantir [link] [comments]

133 reasons to oppose Narendra Modi and the NDA government.

By @aaacommie (previously stevia_potatohead) on Instagram | @stalynn07 on Twitter.
Firstly, the Modi Government is an embarrassment on its own. https://m.thewire.in/article/external/narendra-modi-delhi-riots-global/amp?__twitter_impression=true Now let's get into the reasons why everyone should oppose this party of genocidal maniacs. Major trigger warning for many of these. (r@pe, mrder, sic*de, graphic content)
  1. The CAA bill. https://cjp.org.in/why-the-caanprnrc-is-a-toxic-cocktail-for-everyone/ https://theprint.in/india/we-are-shrinking-india-by-highlighting-our-differences-young-india-isnt-happy-harsha-bhogle/340710/
  2. Demonetisation which was a big flop. https://m.businesstoday.in/story/lets-admit-it-demonetisation-was-a-failure/1/281860.html
  3. Amit Shah corruption. https://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/jay-amit-shah-controversy-criminal-defamation-case-and-top-10-developments-117101000160_1.html
  4. Gujarat 2002. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/ma14/new-india-gujarat-massacre
  5. GST https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/cash-flow/gsts-problems-are-worsened-by-shoddy-planning-and-poor-implementation-at-the-start/
  6. Umar Khalid was arrested under a draconian law. https://m.thewire.in/article/rights/modi-government-umar-khalid-delhi-riots
  7. Sharjeel Imam was arrested under a draconian law. https://www.thequint.com/news/politics/sharjeel-imam-jnu-anti-caa-protests-indian-muslims-modi-government#read-more
  8. Siddique Kappan wrongfully arrested and also being treated badly in jail. https://indiatomorrow.net/2020/12/23/police-torturing-my-husband-in-jail-alleges-raihanath-wife-of-journalist-siddique-kappan/
  9. Prashant Kanojia was arrested over a tweet. https://m.economictimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/up-government-arrests-prashant-kanojia-for-fake-tweet/articleshow/77615978.cms?utm_source=whatsapp_pwa&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialsharebuttons
  10. Stan Swami was treated badly. https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/india-news-what-message-does-bjp-want-to-give-jharkhand-cm-on-stan-swamys-arrest/361889
  11. JNU attack. https://m.economictimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/modi-government-faces-unprecedented-criticism-over-attacks-on-jnu-students-by-masked-goons/articleshow/73126289.cms
  12. Jamia attack. https://m.thewire.in/article/politics/jamia-attack-opposition-parties-reactions
  13. AMU incidents. https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/india/amu-violence-bjp-rss-attempt-to-communalise-incident-ably-foiled
  14. Massive criminal records of BJP candidates. https://m.economictimes.com/news/elections/lok-sabha/india/in-2019-general-elections-no-bar-on-candidates-charged-with-murder-or-rape/articleshow/69318220.cms https://www.indiaspend.com/55-of-lok-sabha-mps-facing-criminal-charges-are-from-bjp/
  15. Undemocratically passed farm bills. https://www.timesnownews.com/india/article/what-is-the-farm-bill-and-why-are-farmers-protesting-against-it/689215
  16. The new education policy which is a nightmare.
https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/new-education-policy-2020-regional-language-bhasha-medium-schools-6537823/#:~:text=NEP%202020%20does%20not%20tackle,more%20of%20them%20will%20sprout. https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/nep-national-education-policy-p-chidambaram-6556452/
https://www.cpim.org/pressbriefs/cpi-m-response-new-education-policy-2020-nep https://www.akademimag.com/nep-2020
  1. The privatisation of airports. https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/india/airports-for-sale-modi-government-to-privatise-six-more-airports-adani-may-get-all-of-them
  1. New parliament because we really lack parliaments don't we. https://scroll.in/article/980453/the-political-fix-why-indias-new-parliament-building-portends-a-north-south-tug-of-war
  1. A statue - the tallest one. https://theprint.in/opinion/even-if-statue-of-unity-becomes-as-famous-as-taj-mahal-we-need-120-years-to-break-even/142596/?amp
  2. Ram temple. https://m.thewire.in/article/religion/ayodhya-ram-mandir-temple-babr-masjid-bhoomi-pujan
  1. Babri demolition issue. https://m.thewire.in/article/communalism/babri-masjid-the-timeline-of-a-demolition also watch the Ram ke naam documentary on YouTube.
  2. Not providing funds for flood affected Kerala. https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/no-flood-relief-to-kerala-centre-ignores-left-ruled-state-again-in-fund-release-1634741-2020-01-07
  3. Modi denies climate change. https://www.climatechangenews.com/2014/09/08/the-miseducation-of-narendra-modi-on-climate-change/ https://feminisminindia.com/2020/03/10/modi-isnt-telling-about-climate-change/
  4. The transphobic trans bill. https://www.downtoearth.org.in/blog/governance/why-is-transgender-community-unhappy-with-trans-persons-bill--67158
  5. BJP workers beating up protesting farmers. https://www.telegraphindia.com/india/bjp-workers-thrash-farm-bill-protesters/cid/1793082
  6. Doctors protesting against mixopathy. https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/india/doctors-protest-intensifies-as-modi-govt-allows-ayurvedic-doctors-to-perform-surgery
  7. Oppression of dalits increased during NDA rule. https://peoplesdemocracy.in/2019/0407_pd/attacks-against-dalits-spike-%E2%80%98modi%E2%80%99fied-india
  1. Casteism has also been a big issue under this regime.
https://www.edexlive.com/opinion/2019/may/12/chaiwala-chowkidar-and-caste-politics-in-india-does-narendra-modi-talking-about-caste-add-to-his-w-6118.html https://theprint.in/opinion/forget-about-dalit-voters-tell-us-why-upper-caste-hindus-voted-for-bjp-like-never-before/249420/
I recommend watching the documentaries. The die is caste and india untouched. Both of them are available on YouTube.
  1. Islamophobia increased under this regime. https://m.thewire.in/article/communalism/this-is-what-the-modi-sarkar-has-done-to-indian-muslims
  1. BJP protesting against halal. https://www.india.com/viral/hindutva-outfits-trigger-wave-of-islamophobia-to-curb-economic-jihad-bjp-mla-backs-boycotthalalproducts-on-twitter-4030747/
  2. BJP is anti minority. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/20/hindu-supremacists-nationalism-tearing-india-apart-modi-bjp-rss-jnu-attacks
  3. Removal of article 370. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-49234708 https://feminisminindia.com/2020/01/22/siege-normalcy-kashmir-restored/
  4. Kashmir blackout. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jan/05/the-personal-and-economic-cost-of-kashmirs-internet-ban
  5. Muzzaffarnagar riots. https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/national/muzaffarnagar-riots-2013-six-years-later-no-closure-yet
  6. Increase in unemployment. https://theprint.in/economy/polls-done-modi-govt-releases-jobs-data-that-showed-unemployment-at-45-year-high/244163/ https://scroll.in/article/914338/the-modi-years-did-indians-find-jobs-or-lose-them
  7. Farmer suicides increased during modi's government. https://www.asianage.com/metros/mumbai/030220/bjp-regime-saw-more-farmer-suicides.html
https://mumbaimirror.indiatimes.com/mumbai/cover-story/figures-double-under-bjp-led-regimes-watch/articleshow/68160764.cms 37. Delhi pogrom. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/02/what-happened-delhi-was-pogrom/607198/
  1. GDP. https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/indian-economy-gdp-decline-nirmala-sitharaman-gst-coronavirus-narendra-modi-govt-6587071/ https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/india/six-years-of-modi-govts-rule-has-led-indian-economy-to-near-collapse
  2. The situation of railways after nda administration. https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/india/axe-of-privatisation-on-indian-railways-one-by-one-national-jewels-are-being-sold-off https://www.deccanherald.com/opinion/panorama/rti-exposes-poor-functioning-of-railways-under-modi-727034.html
  3. Lies on village electrification. https://www.forbes.com/sites/suparnadutt/2018/05/07/modi-announces-100-village-electrification-but-31-million-homes-are-still-in-the-dark/?sh=35d68a2d63ba
  4. Failure of beti bachao beti padhao. https://m.thewire.in/article/education/beti-bachao-beti-padhao-scheme-failed https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/india/beti-bachao-beti-padhao-56-of-budget-spent-on-advertising-the-scheme-a-failure-says-sushmita-dev#:~:text=When%20asked%20about%20%E2%80%9Cwhether%20the,for%20improvement%20in%20sex%20ratio.
  5. Failure of make in India. https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/opinion-make-in-india-pm-modis-flagship-programme-has-failed-to-deliver-and-numbers-show/347376
  6. Failure of Ayushman bharat. https://www.epw.in/engage/article/ayushman-bharat-and-false-promise-universal#.X-
  7. How swachh bharat failed. https://m.thewire.in/article/environment/even-if-data-is-legit-swachh-bharat-will-have-failed-its-open-defecation-goal
https://www.thecitizen.in/index.php/en/NewsDetail/index/4/15064/The-Failure-of-the-Swachh-Bharat-Abhiyan 45. Lies spread about shaheen bagh by rss. https://theprint.in/opinion/people-occupation-of-shaheen-bagh-speaks-truth-to-powe351974/
  1. Detention centres. https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2020-modi-india-detention-camps/
  2. The myth of love jihad. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/home/sunday-times/how-the-myth-of-love-jihad-is-going-viral/articleshow/79111670.cms
  3. BJP coming out in support of rapists. https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/kathua-rape-case-2-bjp-ministers-attend-rally-in-support-of-accused-1181788-2018-03-04 https://gaurilankeshnews.com/rashtriya-savarna-parishad-protests-in-support-of-hathras-thakur-rapists/
  4. No action on pollution and environment. https://theprint.in/opinion/environment-is-the-most-under-reported-failure-of-narendra-modi-government/223670/
  5. BJP is anti-reservation. https://theprint.in/opinion/subramanian-swamy-was-right-modis-lateral-entry-plan-will-make-reservations-irrelevant/250311/
  6. They are Hitler sympathizers. https://t.co/KGzB3ILpsd
  7. Modi is great friends with trump. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/ma02/how-modis-hindu-nationalism-complements-trumps-racism https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/opinion/right-wing-politics-is-similar-in-both-america-and-india-modi-abuses-official-power-same-way-as-trump https://feminisminindia.com/2020/03/02/donald-trump-visiting-india-entertaining-serial-sexual-harasse
  8. BJP spent money in hiding slums. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/18/trump-india-visit-wall-criticism-hiding-poor-people https://www.deccanherald.com/opinion/the-gujarat-model-why-walls-cant-hide-the-truth-806336.html
  9. The attack on Aishe Ghosh. https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/blood-or-paint-on-aishe-s-forehead-bengal-bjp-boss-sparks-outrage/story-8Ue9PQt1tdxrQrOaJ6N2XO.html
  10. Kapil Mishra incited violence but no action was taken. https://m.thewire.in/article/communalism/delhi-riots-kapil-mishra-minority-commission-report https://feminisminindia.com/2020/06/02/women-activists-behind-bars-kapil-mishra-scot-free/
  11. Kashmir coup. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/aug/10/modi-hardline-hindu-coup-kashmir-threatens-india-democracy
  12. Problems with the EIA draft 2020. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/wakeup-india/why-eia-2020-is-not-good-for-environment-23757/
  13. Rise of unlawful murders in Modi's Gujarat. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-16722178
  14. The extremely bad treatment of migrant workers. https://theprint.in/india/why-did-modi-abandon-us-migrant-workers-hit-hard-by-lockdown-are-angry/439418/
  15. Gauri Lankesh murder. https://cpj.org/?p=39656
  16. Modi's control on the media. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/02/world/asia/modi-india-press-media.html#click=https://t.co/JkwiLU019Y
  17. Cutting of Aarey forest https://www.hindustantimes.com/mumbai-news/mmrc-begins-mumbai-metro-construction-work-at-aarey-residents-file-complaint/story-eVUO3LIXLBQoG5azjRNTBO.html
  18. Aravalli destruction. https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/delhi/gurgaon-residents-take-up-fight-against-road-project-through-aravalli-park-5422577/
  19. Naming students as Anti National and misguided. https://scroll.in/article/949119/the-daily-fix-how-bjps-politics-of-perpetual-confrontation-is-destroying-india
  20. BJP's treatment of women. https://feminisminindia.com/2019/04/23/bjp-treating-indian-women/
  21. Anti Worker and Labour laws. https://feminisminindia.com/2020/02/10/low-wages-no-rights-bjps-amendments-disaster-labour-india/
  22. The draconian UAPA bill. https://m.thewire.in/article/rights/uapa-bjp-terrorist-amit-shah-nia
  23. The outrage against the tanishq ad portraying communal harmony. https://feminisminindia.com/2020/10/16/how-the-criticism-against-tanishq-ad-peddles-a-hindutva-nationalist-narrative/
  24. Hindu Rashtra: Some are more equal than others. https://feminisminindia.com/2020/01/02/hindu-rashtra-some-more-equal-than-others/
  25. The surplus problem in India. https://feminisminindia.com/2020/06/05/surplus-problem-hunger-food-environment/
  26. Education in Modi's India. https://feminisminindia.com/2020/03/19/safe-to-get-an-education-modis-india/
  27. Rohith Vemula. https://feminisminindia.com/2020/01/17/institutional-casteism-4-years-rohith-vemula/
  28. Modi's communal remark on clothes. https://m.thewire.in/article/communalism/narendra-modi-citizenship-amendment-act-protests-clothes
  29. Sabarimala issue. https://www.livemint.com/Politics/teonT4drie4Y6T81F7tdSK/Ahead-of-Sabarimala-temples-opening-BJP-holds-protests-aga.html
  30. The problem with Section 144. https://www.deccanherald.com/opinion/main-article/section-144-chaining-freedom-801890.html
  31. Lies on Internet Shutdown. https://feminisminindia.com/2019/12/23/lie-digital-india-truth-internet-shutdown/
  32. Sudha Bharadwaj denied bail without trial. https://m.thewire.in/article/rights/sudha-bharadwaj-bhima-koregaon-case-arrest-bail-health
  33. Hindi Imposition. https://scroll.in/article/925759/why-imposing-hindi-on-india-is-a-bad-idea
  34. Homophobia. https://feminisminindia.com/2018/07/18/gay-modi-fans/
  35. Modi's sexist remarks. https://feminisminindia.com/2015/06/09/despitebeingawoman-and-other-sexist-remarks-by-pm-modi/ https://cpiml.net/liberation/2015/07/modis-misogyny-not-slip-tongue
  36. Amit shah calls infiltrators 'termites' and says BJP will throw them out. https://www.indiatoday.in/elections/lok-sabha-2019/story/bjp-amit-shah-hindu-refugees-mamata-bannerjee-1499691-2019-04-11
  37. Arrest of Kafeel Khan. https://m.thewire.in/article/rights/kafeel-khan-arrest-cases-timeline#:~:text=The%20FIR%20was%20filed%20under,Security%20Act%20invoked%20against%20Khan.
  38. Rewriting history to enforce hindu nationalism. https://www.codastory.com/disinformation/india-reframing-history/
  39. Shutting up free speech. https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/columns/from-the-viewsroom/shutting-up-free-speech/article32868339.ece
  40. Unfair reporting. https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/11/27/why-india-has-become-a-different-country/
  41. Kashmir votes India hails. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/22/world/asia/kashmir-modi-election.html
  42. Recession. https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/india/six-years-of-modi-govts-rule-has-led-indian-economy-to-near-collapse
  43. 15 Lakh scam. https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/pm-narendra-modi-amit-shah-case-ranchi-court-election-promise-1642942-2020-02-03
  44. Banned from the US. https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303380004579520041301275638
  45. Malegaon blast; Pragya Thakur. https://www.freepressjournal.in/mumbai/malegaon-blast-case-bjps-pragya-singh-thakur-fails-to-appear-in-court-all-accused-to-now-be-present-on-dec-19
  46. BJP youth deface the Taj Mahal. https://m.rediff.com/news/2001/oct/14bjp.htm https://www.cpim.org/content/bjp-youth-deface-taj https://zeenews.india.com/news/nation/sc-orders-probe-into-vandalism-at-taj-mahal-by-bjp-youth-wing_23299.html
  47. Rafale scam. https://m.economictimes.com/news/defence/rafale-deal-largest-defence-scam-in-indias-history-prashant-bhushan/articleshow/66196602.cms https://www.deccanherald.com/national/national-politics/what-all-can-the-court-overlook-in-the-rafale-matter-723110.html
  48. BJP workers stop flood relief. https://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ians/bjp-workers-not-allowing-relief-funds-collection-in-tripura-cpi-m-118082800785_1.html https://indianexpress.com/article/north-east-india/kerala-flood-relief-cpi-m-leaders-holding-donation-drive-in-tripura-attacked-bjp-denies-responsibility-5330846/
  49. Suppressing dissent. https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/12/13/dissent-anti-national-modis-india https://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-spreading-violence-suppressing-dissent-is-bjp-s-politics-2457374
  50. Institutional shooting. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-51308376?ocid=socialflow_twitter
  51. "Desh ke gaddaron ko, goli maro sa**on ko" https://www.indiatoday.in/mail-today/story/delhi-election-ec-notice-to-bjp-anurag-thakur-for-violating-code-1641085-2020-01-29
  52. Komal Sharma. https://m.thewire.in/article/government/jnu-masked-woman-komal-sharma-abvp-delhi-police-confirm
  53. Illegal mining scam. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-south-asia-14229386
  54. Santanu Bhowmick's murder. https://indianexpress.com/article/north-east-india/tripura/three-years-on-slain-tripura-journalists-mother-still-waits-for-justice-6603858/
  55. Petrol hike. https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/rising-petrol-prices-what-narendra-modi-said-before-2014-and-his-govt-did-in-4-years-1202628-2018-04-02
  56. Balakot airstrike. https://scroll.in/article/918686/opinion-on-balakot-and-after-real-mystery-is-how-the-indian-response-has-been-touted-as-a-triump
  57. Reservations based on economy? Why put a price tag on education in the first place? https://www.thecitizen.in/index.php/en/NewsDetail/index/4/16030/The-Problem-with-Reservation-for-Economically-Backward-Upper-Castes
  58. Triple talaq bill. https://feminisminindia.com/2018/07/20/muslim-men-women-opposed-triple-talaq-bill/
  59. Kartarpur corridor. https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/india-news-kartarpur-corridor-india-pakistan-fail-to-finalise-agreement-over-service-fee-from-pilgrims/337872
  60. Failure of jan dhan yojana. https://mybs.in/2X8NgpK
  61. Failure of digital India. https://www.businessinsider.in/budget-2019-has-no-allocation-for-digital-india/articleshow/67793761.cms?utm_source=google_non_
  62. Surgical strikes. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-37702790
  63. Failure of make in India. https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/opinion-make-in-india-pm-modis-flagship-programme-has-failed-to-deliver-and-numbers-show/347376
  64. Free LPG scheme. https://www.financialexpress.com/economy/pm-narendra-modis-ujjwala-yojana-scheme-provided-lpg-access-but-failed-to-promote-its-use-says-study/1833877/ https://m.businesstoday.in/story/modi-ujjwala-lpg-scheme-faces-affordability-problem-not-availability-sbi-ecowrap/1/396361.html
  65. Failure of UDAN scheme. https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/pm-narendra-modi-udan-scheme-india-poor-974732-2017-05-02
  66. Failure of startup India. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/yankeedoodle/why-startup-india-has-failed-how-to-fix-it
  67. Failure of NELP. https://m.economictimes.com/the-big-story/nelp-has-failed-to-draw-attention-of-big-players/articleshow/2693981.cms?utm_source=whatsapp_pwa&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialsharebuttons
  68. Failure of hydrocarbon exploration and licensing policy. https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/indias-new-hydrocarbon-exploration-and-licensing-policy-a-spectacular-failure/307544
  69. Problems with insolvency and bankruptcy code. https://m.businesstoday.in/story/has-insolvency-and-bankruptcy-code-failed-homebuyers/1/361574.html
  70. Real estate act problems. https://www.taxmanagementindia.com/visitodetail_article.asp?ArticleID=7359
  71. Problems with pm's kisan yojana. https://m.thewire.in/article/economy/pm-kisan-farmers-instalments-modi-government
  72. Bodo peace accord. https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/opinion-should-we-already-celebrate-the-new-bodo-accord-bjp-modi-assam/347329
  73. Problems with the national medical council. https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/bad-prescription-national-medical-commission-bill-5918348/
  74. Failure of Sansad adarsh gram yojana. https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/india/scroll-journalist-booked-but-modi-govt-own-survey-says-adarsh-gram-yojana-failed-to-achieve-purpose
  75. Failure of mega food parks. https://m.businesstoday.in/story/food-parks-in-india-fail-to-attract-corporate-investment/1/220531.html
  76. Flaws in the mudra scheme. https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/editorial/key-flaws-in-the-mudra-scheme-need-to-be-fixed/article30141264.ece
  77. BHIM app. https://www.livemint.com/money/personal-finance/why-bhim-is-losing-to-other-apps-in-upi-race-1556007428797.html
  78. Failure of Atal pension yojana. https://theprint.in/opinion/two-pension-schemes-one-problem-what-modi-govt-didnt-learn/205018/
  79. AMRUT failure. https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/economy/with-a-year-to-go-for-amrut-just-20-of-urban-facelift-projects-complete/article25972963.ece
  80. India's groundwater problem. https://www.indiawaterportal.org/articles/india-has-groundwater-problem
  81. The Char dham project could end up being a disaster. https://scroll.in/article/972069/road-widening-projects-in-himalayas-for-char-dham-pilgrims-could-be-a-disaster-in-making
  82. Pm's garib kalyan anna yojana was a failure. https://www.financialexpress.com/economy/modis-free-ration-scheme-fails-to-take-off-11-states-didnt-distribute-even-1-foodgrains/2010848/
  83. On the ultra mega solar power plants. https://www.financialexpress.com/economy/modis-free-ration-scheme-fails-to-take-off-11-states-didnt-distribute-even-1-foodgrains/2010848/
  84. The failure of HRIDAY. https://housing.com/news/parliamentary-panel-pulls-housing-ministry-failure-utilise-funds/
  85. Sagarmala project. https://ecologise.in/2017/05/24/sagarmala-the-rs-10-trillion-project-that-is-wrecking-indias-coast/
  86. SAUNI project. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/centre-rejects-6399-crore-demand-for-sauni-doubts-its-feasibility/articleshow/58652697.cms
  87. E- NAM, yet another failure. https://www.youthkiawaaz.com/2020/06/solving-indias-agrarian-crisis-part-3-is-e-nam-the-solution/
  88. DRDO. https://m.economictimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/narendra-modi-extremely-unhappy-with-drdos-failure-to-meet-deadlines-in-delivering-products/articleshow/40719955.cms
submitted by _Narendra-Modi_ to librandu [link] [comments]

What are NFTs? How to mint an NFT? Why are NFTs valuable? - Starting guide to NFTs

Hello everyone, welcome to the world of NFTs.
You may be new to blockchain and crypto, or you may have been in crypto for years at this point - but you in both cases - you probably are just now learning about NFTs.
This will be a guide that is ever living/changing to help introduce NFTs, what gives them value and how you can get started in the NFT space.

What exactly is a Non-Fungible Token or NFT?

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique, individual token existing on a blockchain such as Ethereum. Unlike cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, each NFT token contains unique data meaning non-fungible tokens are not interchangeable with each other. This non-fungible nature of the tokens means their use cases differ greatly from their fungible counterparts.
A normal token can be exchanged for the same type of token equally without any difference.
A good example is a dollar - if you and I both have a dollar — we can swap dollars and it doesn’t matter, neither of us lose out they are equal. Whereas, with non-fungible tokens they are both >unique, meaning if we both have an NFT, mine could be a baseball card, and yours could be your Birth Certificate — obviously we cannot exchange these two >equally. Therefore making our tokens non-fungible.
Non-fungible tokens are used to create verifiable digital scarcity. NFTs are used in several specific applications that require unique digital items. This has initially proven popular for blockchain games and collectibles like CryptoKitties on the Ethereum blockchain. NFTs can also be used to represent in-game assets, which are in control of the user instead of the game developer. One exciting benefit of this arrangement means the non-fungible tokens or digital items, may actually outlive the game they were initially created for and find incorporate into separate future games. Yet another potential use is in digital art, by helping prove authenticity and ownership.
Artwork is another example of how powerful NFTs can be. By allowing artists to create artwork on the blockchain as NFTs, it means their content now becomes sellable globally, on decentralized marketplaces. Providing a means to collect, earn, and make a living off crypto.
NFTs are one of the best ways to actually earn crypto over time, without needing to invest in it directly. (unlike scams that say the same thing, NFTs are legit. Its like opening a store on ebay or etsy, your trading your time and work for money).

What gives an NFT its value?

There are a ton of reasons to buy NFTs.
  1. Unique - Each NFT is unique, its the only one of its kind. You cannot make another NFT that is the same token number on the same smart contract. Meaning there will only ever be one of that token. This is verified by the blockchain and can be seen by anyone.
  2. Copyright - Your NFT might come with copyright if you are using Mintable.app. If the seller chooses to do so - it means that its on the blockchain that the owner of that token would have complete commercial copyright to use that image and asset.
  3. Rare - Since they are unique and cannot be copied, they are rare. Most of the time, there are very few NFTs from an artist or seller - very rarely do they have 1000s of NFTs. Therefore, you can safely assume you would be one of the few people in the world that owns an collectible item, that can be resold.
  4. Collectible - These NFTs/items are collectible. You can hold onto them, and their value will only go up in price since there are little ways to dilute the collection. Buying them to resell them can earn you thousands of dollars. There are plenty of people who do it everyday and earn a living from it.
  5. Downloadable - If on Mintable.app, only the current owner of the NFT can download the file attached to it. Making it unlockable to the owner. If your NFT has something like, game assets, music, a PDF, or more locked inside it, you might want to buy the NFT just to download that song/PDF/etc.
  6. Immutable - No one can change the metadata on the token, no one can remove your image, or the name of the token, etc. This means it will never change, it will never be removed, it cannot be taken down off the blockchain. This is what gives it so much value and collectibility
  7. Forever - NFTs are forever. Because the data doesn't change, and because the blockchain is forever, you will always have that token if you buy it. You can always resell that token if you want. Its like buying a bar of gold - you own it, and you can do with it what you want.
  8. Resellable - You can always resell your NFT. You SHOULD resell your NFT and trade it. You can make some serious cash trading NFTs. Some NFTs have gone for 20,000 USD + when the original buyer only bought it for a few thousand dollars. Making them over 15,000 USD in a short time in ONE trade!
NFTs are valuable

How do I get started with Buying/Trading NFTs?

You need ETH and an ethereum wallet to get started. The most common is Metamask.io - then you add some ETH into that wallet. This is required by all sites in order to interact with an Ethereum application.
Step 2: Find a marketplace.
The top NFT marketplaces are currently:
there are more NFT marketplaces but these are the leading open marketplaces, others may not be open to all NFTs and only select items
Some of these let you create your own NFTs (if your a creator) and some of them are closed like SuperRare, where only approved artists can create items.
Below we will discuss creating NFTs.

How do I get started minting NFTs?

If you are a content creator, whether its artwork, graphic designs, 3D models, videos, PDF, research - it can all be turned into an NFT using platforms like Mintable.app. Mintable is the most flexible and has the most possibilities so we will be using it and discussing how you can use it.
Note: there are plenty of places to make NFTs, but they either are: more expensive, have file size limits below 50mb, don't let you control your contracts, or do not offer decentralization.

Minting on Mintable.app

On Mintable you can sign up for an account and then its free to start Minting NFTs. You have three options to select from when you choose to mint:
  1. Your own store
  2. Mint in Mintables store
  3. Gasless minting
Your own store:
When you create your own store, you are making a smart contract on the blockchain - that you own, you control, your the only person who owns it. This is the preferred method for creating NFTs but there is one single downside....
Deploying a smart contract COSTS a ton if gas prices are above 50 gwei. Around $100 initial investment to deploy the smart contract - but after that, you can mint hundreds of NFTs for as little as $10 using Mintable's batch minting.
If you think of it as an 'operational cost' to get an online business going, $100 isn't that bad. But if your struggling to pay that - then you can mint under Mintable's store, where everyone shares the contract and can mint NFTs (that still are owned by you!) but don't need to worry about deploying your own store.
When you create your store you can choose where the data is stored:
Most Flexible: Let Mintable handle it
Decentralized but no batch minting: Data is on IPFS
Complete control: Your own servers or other locations you can pick
Mintable is the only place that lets you pick where the data is stored, and so this is one of the big reasons people use it
Mintable's Store
You save on transaction fees when you use Mintable's store as you don't need to pay the initial overhead of deploying your own store to the blockchain. Everyone can use Mintable's store for free, and can mint thousands of NFTs in a single transaction doing so. This is one of the reasons Mintable.app is the most flexible platform for creating NFTs, no where else can you make so many NFTs for so cheap.
Gasless Minting
You are able to mint directly on Mintable's store without needing to submit a single transaction, meaning no transaction fees from the blockchain.
This is the best way to get started. You can do it at https://mintable.app/gasless

Minting the NFT

Once you've decided what store your NFT will be minted on - the next step is actually Minting!
There are a ton of possibilities when minting on mintable, so here is a more in depth breakdown of everything that is happening Creating an item
Once you click sell - you will be taken to a page to create your listing for your NFT and the mint it on the blockchain. Its very similar to listing an item for sale on ebay, etsy, or amazon.
You can create your title, the subtitle, add a description (make it good and tell a story behind your NFT!)
Uploading your content
Mintable has huge file limits, 3gb for the private unlockable file, and 200mb for the preview images.
This is great as it means you can upload huge 4k mp4s, high res photos, zip files, or more.
Unlockable private file
This file is a private file that ONLY the current owner of the NFT can access, so if your selling a video NFT, you may upload a low res, short clip as the preview image that anyone can see - but once a buyer purchases your NFT, they can download the full, 4k resolution video.
Preview images
You then can upload the image for the NFT itself, and the preview images for the listing. The first image you upload is the NFT image that shows in wallets, and the other images are shown on the listing page. Think of it like Amazon, the first image is the image people see when browsing amazon, and the other images are the extra images shown when they click on the item page.
Set your price for the item, select a few other options like transferring copyright or making it non-resellable, and then list it for sale!
After your transactions are submitted thats it, you just created an item on the blockchain that you own, you control, and you can sell. Congrats!

More info

Over time, we will update this to add more info, fix typos, and add new sections. For now, here are some links to where you can learn more about NFTs
Mintable Guides
NFT blog
What are NFTs
NFT info from opensea
Have questions? Need help? Want some guides added? Leave a comment and discuss!
submitted by MintableOfficial to NFT [link] [comments]

Airtime Rewards - monthly cash back

I haven’t seen a post mentioning the app airtime rewards but thought I would mention it. Feel free to delete if not appropriate.
The app is from the people behind (what was) orange wednesdays and 02 priority. They are legit and have trustpilot and AppStore reviews. It’s available on Android and iPhone.
Basically you link your debit card, then it gives you cash back in the retailers they have linked. Some of these include ASOS, greggs, just eat, Argos and a bunch of other stores - check them out!
You can download it for free; after you download it you can recommend your friends and earn 50p for every friend signed up. Although you can also download it without entering a code but you won’t get the 50p bonus too. If they spend within the first 7 days you get £1 bonus too.
They work with most phone contract companies and the money builds up and is then taken off your monthly phone bill. It’s amazing app if you use it with other cash back apps and websites.
My code is X8JYYDBJ if anyone signs up and wants the free 50p, otherwise happy earning cashback!
Feel free to ask any questions.
Edit: My favourite retailers now pay for my mobile bill, join @airtimerewards and get free credit using my code X8JYYDBJ https://airtimerewards.app.link/friend
submitted by BuyLowHoldLong to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

Yes, It's a scam and this is how it works (2020 edition)

If you receive a suspicious message from someone you've never met offering to send you large sums of money please proceed with caution.
The message might've been sent by an individual attempting advance-fee fraud, also called the “419 scam.”
What to look out for
In combination, the following characteristics may indicate that you're dealing with a scammer:
Does he/she:
How the scam appears
The scammer will attempt to convince you to accept a fake payment for more than the allowance amount you initially agreed to/was offered by him/her. If they are successful, the scammer will get the money/or gift card value. In nearly every case, the con artist will not be caught.
Here's an example of how the scam can play out:
You get the attention of a 419 scammer. They offer you an allowance amount with no request to meet up, excuse why they can't now, or an online arrangement. They tell you an allowance amount that is too good to be true, $1,000 a week but then sends you $1,800. They want you to send the extra money to someone else via Western Union, Money Gram, etc, because they can't right now(even though they just sent some to you). Or they want you to purchase itune, amazon, google play gift cards and send them the number on the back.
You deposit the $1,800 into your bank and then spend $800 doing the favors for the scammer. Or pay off your credit card with the info they gave you and used the card to make gift card purchases for the scammer. The scammer counts on you doing this before the check officially clears your bank account. This window between deposit and processing is known as “float time” and can last seven days, ten days, or even longer if the payment is international. During this time the money can be transferred, but it has not been verified by your bank as real.
Once the payment is processed, your bank will determine that it is fake. They will take the entire $1,800 back from you. Since you will have already spent the $800 for the scammer, you must repay the bank $800 of your own money. If you have spent any of the $1,000 you thought you earned, you will also need to replace that. In the case of the credit card you will owe the full balance you thought was payed off plus any purchases you made on behalf of the scammer.
Why does this scam work?
These scammers typically create multiple accounts on dating and social media sites and send the same message to many different people with little or no personalization. The scammer's messages are meant to trigger greed and over ride common sense.
The scammer’s payment is a forgery. It is not real! Your bank may allow you to deposit it, or your credit card might say payment received but the payment will not clear. Your bank will hold you responsible for the entire amount.
In the case of a PayPal payment, the scammer will either send a fake PayPal confirmation email or pay with a fraudulent payment source. Whether you return the “overpayment” via PayPal or a wire transfer service such as Western Union or Money Gram, you will still be held responsible for all of the money involved.
Remember: Money sent back to the scammer is money which is lost forever.
What you should do
Other Signs of Scams
You can be certain you're getting scammed if you see any of these things. To be clear: if you experience any of these things, it's always a scam.
Could be a scam
Maybe not 100%, but the vast majority of the time, these are scams.
The rules change once you're in an established arrangement and have earned trust. The rules are slightly different in non-US countries also, where some forms of bank transfer are safer... but still, it makes little sense not to start with cash, which is safe.
A Word About POTs Contacting You On Reddit
Anywhere there are people gathering in numbers to talk sugar, there will be many, many scammers. That doesn't just mean Seeking or Instagram, it also means reddit. Many SBs are lured into a false sense of security when someone on reddit DMs them, claiming to be an slf member. The scammers take advantage of the fact that we naturally feel close to our fellow sub members. Many SBs have fallen victim to scams that start with a DM on reddit. And it's not just SBs, multiple SDs also have bad stories, often resulting in blackmail attempts and other scams, when the SD lets his guard down and uses his real phone number, does a video chat, or something similar. This applies as much to SDs.
Three suggestions:
  1. Vet all reddit contacts as tightly as you would a POT on SA. Do not give any up-front benefit of the doubt just because they're on reddit, or claim to have interacted with you on the sub. For you SDs: one of the blackmail stories that happened here, the "SB" scammer first did a profile review (!) and appeared to use iMessage (!!) when texting... and still turned out to be a blackmailer. The victim SD DMed the SB after her profile review because he was attracted, which we think was the strategy all along. The "SB" behind that profile review turned out to be a blackmailer.
  2. Strongly consider not even accepting DMs from lurkers in the first place. Through tracing some of the scam stories, we've found that nearly all these scams start with an unsolicited DM from someone who is not active on slf. They claim to be on slf, they may claim to have interacted with you there or are reaching out because of something you wrote. But if you look at their post history, there is no post history on slf. The one simple, easy thing you can do to protect yourself is to decline all these DMs. Only accept DMs from names you recognize from the sub, or who at least have a post history on slf.
  3. The fact that he is so charming and nice, is not proof he's not a scammer. "He was so nice, he didn't act like a scammer, so I let my guard down" is a common refrain from scammed SBs. Being nice isn't proof of anything -- be sure to vet your POTs!
u/LaSirene23 wrote the top portion of this post, describing scams and the details around how they work. u/Azurecole collected scam stories on SLF and elsewhere and subsequently wrote the bottom section on scam signs. The members of SLF provided the stories and learnings.
submitted by Azurecole to sugarlifestyleforum [link] [comments]

Introducing new GPT website: Freeward!

The developer and owner (u/Specific-Amount-6395) of a new GPT site reached out to the Beermoney Global sub to introduce. It looks quite stunning and well made. Below you can read some introduction text. They also have their own sub: https://www.reddit.com/Freeward/

Freeward introduction

Freeward is a GPT (Get-Paid-To) website that pays users for completing tasks/offers and surveys. There are many ways you can earn and there are diverse rewards you can choose from. Their current available options are Bitcoin, PayPal Cash, and Gift cards including Amazon, Google Play, and also Steam gift cards. In addition, you can ask them to add a new payment option and they will check it. The minimum withdrawal is 5 USD (6000 to 7000 coins).
The process of making money on this website is simple:
Step 1) You need to register on the website for free. In addition to email, you can sign up with your Google or Facebook account.
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Transition can be really, really good! (or "How I learned to pretend like I wasn't depressed and love the bomb") Part 2.2. Or part 4. whatever... It's a continuation of my way too long story. With pictures and stuff.

Welcome back to my rambling, aphasic story about my transition!! Here’s the previous part (which also links to the previous, previous parts). So where were we? It’s May something or rather. There was Something about me being bi and how I’d discovered that boys and girls are both hot. And there was this whole thing about me trying to deal with that and how I even got to that point. Well not to skip ahead too much, but I am so very bi. Or pan or whatever. I like bi as my label, mostly because I LOVE the bi flag. Bi pride!! Anyway, I think boys are cute. And girls are cute. And enbies are cute. And just… everyone. Everyone is cute. Especially the person reading this: you’re adorable and amazing. I just honestly don’t care at all about the gender of the person I like, only that I like them, and they are a consenting adult person. But I was still figuring all that out back then; just dipping one terrified toe in so to speak. Also, I have to get back into a sort of bad headspace to write this. In May I was really falling deeper into depression and not pushing away from it. I was very confused by the way I felt about my sexuality “shifting” and was still trying to figure out what that all meant. I try to make it all seem fun, but for serious it was rough for me and a lot of the things I did and thought were influenced by how depressed I was. Sorry if that’s a bit of a downer. Just hold out with me till about August and things get better, I promise.
So, hopping back in, I was rather recently separated and in a position to be dating again (at least physically, mentally is a WHOLE ‘nother thing). And I was at least tangentially aware that I was probably, maybe, attracted to men as well as women. That being said, I really wanted to be alone forever and wallow in misery. But my wife actually encouraged me to make profiles on Tinder and Bumble. I was heavily of the opinion that I was manish, undatable and unlikable. It had taken me AGES to find and have all of my previous relationships, so I figured that trend would continue. It took me a bit to feel comfortable with it all, but eventually I gave in and we made some profiles together. I put in that I was looking for women, of course, and (on a lark) men too. I was met with… mixed success... Okay, not so mixed, lol. I got SO many matches!! I was so very not prepared for it… Lots and lots of guys and a handful of girls.
So I’m going to take a quick moment here to talk about some of the guys that contacted me. I’m going to call them chasers because that feels like the most appropriate name to me. Yeah, diving right into that controversial shit today. Cool. For reference, I don’t mean this to be political or controversial, but I know there’s some differing opinions and thoughts out there about this topic. So let me make it clear that these are my opinions. I have never claimed to be either right, or a good person. Maybe I’m a shite person (I make that exact argument several times in fact), and my opinions are garbage. But They’re still my garbage opinions and my shite personality, so I’ll just have to deal with the fact that that’s who I am. /shrug. Anyway; chasers. Fuck chasers. Those people never even saw me as human, and it really messed with me at first. No… it still messes with me. Their desire was for me as essentially an inanimate object. They just wanted to fuck me like I was some sex doll, and then throw me away. I was a disposable, subhuman thing to them, good only for fulfilling their imagined pornographic fantasies and desires. And some, I assume, were good people.
I got contacted by so many guys that wanted me to top them. Btw, that, in and of itself, is not a terrible thing mind you. Not a thing I like or will ever do, but by no means bad. That’s exclusively down to preference and comfort. It’s just that these guys did not actually give any fucks about me as a person, despite how it seemed at first, they just wanted me for that one part of me. like I was a porn video they could get off to once then discard. Literally all they cared about was the fact that I had boobs and a girldick, and that they wanted that girldick used on them. In their asses, presumably. A thing about those guys; a lot of them seem really sweet at first. They seemed so interested in me and so genuine! They wanted to know how things were going, and they were SO complimentary. It was really the first time anyone had acted head over heels for me, so I was a bit entranced. But inevitably, we’d start texting about more… explicit things (because they led me there). And eventually, they’d ask me about my OEM equipment. Did I have my **** and would I use it on them? Was I ****? Would I *** on their ****? Could I bend them over and **** them in their ***? Or let them **** my ****?? Needless to say, I was creeped out. I was wildly unprepared for this at first… It takes some work to figure out their tack. To figure out what they’re into and where their interest lies. Once you see it though, the pattern is clear as day; There’s a preamble of quick conversation where they ask you surface level questions, but never anything too intense or deep… nothing designed to really know you as a person, just what they think is the minimum small talk they can engage in before shifting to whether I’ve had “THE SURGERY” yet. Then all they care about is sex and they only want me if I’ll use my girldick on them. (Okay, I’ll stop posting memes. Sorry. Kinda.) But If you push back, tell them you need time, that you don’t do one night stands, don’t top, or that you want to get to know them more before talking about that stuff, they ghost you. Because to these creeps I was NOT a person, and any amount of continued effort was too much.
For however disgusted I was by the way some of these guys treated me, I did figure out that I was very, very into men. Provided, of course, they were willing to engage with me under MY conditions, and not some weird porn fantasy. Ugh, again, fuck chasers. But in and amongst the garbage chasers, I did actually find a few decent guys and gals. I will very briefly and in much less detail than is necessary or right, talk about Tyler (not his real name). Ty was a decent fellow and seemed interested in me as a person. Mostly at least. We had a few good conversations on tinder and then decided to meet up for a cup of coffee. Gods, I was sooooo nervous!! Like crawling out my skin!! This was my first date with a man… and my first date as a girl. Omfg I was like all over the place!!! He turned out to be a sweetheart and a gentleman, honestly. He bought me a cup of coffee and we went walking for a while. After a few hours he asked me if I wanted to go hang out at his place for a bit and “play video games”… Yeah, that’s gotta be code, right? So we went over to his place and… he made me watch him play Fallout 76 for like an hour and a half. No lie. I’d have never thought that anyone would want to subject a date to that… but here I was, watching this reasonably sweet and pretty cute guy play one of the worst videogames ever. For HOURS. I don’t have enough faces or enough palms to palm my face enough times to properly express to you all how bad and stupid it was. Now eventually he kissed me and we did… stuff and things that I thoroughly enjoyed. Or I guess I did stuff and things to him that we both thoroughly enjoyed. I guess I’m bi and a whore. Good to know.
I don’t have a good segue here… I can try though I guess. Uhhh… So speaking of Tyler, and how I dated him for like 2 weeks then unceremoniously dumped him, it was June! See? Awful. I don’t really want to talk about my dating life too much, but I also briefly dated a girl I’ll call Abby. Abby dumped me after like 2 weeks much like I dumped Tyler, and for similar reasons, so I guess karma evens out (sort of like how my Karma count on reddit evens out from all the downvotes I get arguing with TERFs in news or thisubisnotabouttransissues.) I guess I should be all introspective and serious again now. As a recap, it was June, less than 2 months after my wife had ended our 10 year-long marriage, and I had blown through 2 relationships already. Clearly, I was not ready for this kind of thing. I am about to be scathing in my review of myself: I was relying on other people to be my source of happiness. Tyler was too into the idea of me to be actually into me and so I didn’t feel validated enough, and I was too clingy with Abby and demanded far more of her emotional resources and attention than was fair. At that moment I needed someone who could shower me in genuine attention so that I could focus all of my internal insecurities onto an outside source and use that as my primary fount of happiness. Which, in case it’s not super obvious, is just a really terrible thing to do to someone.
So faced with this situation where I desperately wanted external validation, but clearly could not handle the responsibility of that, I made the only decision I could: be alone. Oh, and cut my bangs. Btw, that’s my real hair. I was wearing a wig in public at that point still, but this was my real hair I cut. Anyway, I turned off my dating apps ending my brief experiment. I needed to figure out who the hell I was. Ugh, I need to wax poetic again. Is that getting tiring??? I bet it is. Well, bear with me a few more times while I pretend myself to be a Greek philosopher. I had to figure out who I was without relating that self-perception to other people. Who am I in a vacuum? If I am alone and have no one to bounce off of, what is the… me that exists there? Cause if my problem is that I seek too much external validation, then the solution is that I need to find internal validation, and then project that outwardly as confidence and leverage that into making better relationships; both romantic and platonic. So I tried to do what I had done before and kind of look back at the most recent save file for my base identity and work from there. Except I’d corrupted my save files by modding in the gender switch, and now I couldn’t use any of that data. Crud.
I’m not gonna lie, I felt lost. Like REALLY lost. I was this essentially new person who I barely knew and I had just lost a huge portion of my identity with the separation. I had been referring to my marriage and wife as “Anchors”, because I realized just how much of myself I’d rooted in her and our relationship. That and being a mother were pretty much all I had at that point in my life, so when I lost her and the relationship (and the 2 more that followed) I was kind of screwed, existentially speaking. My problem was that I was essentially floating free. No anchors anywhere in sight. I’d need to make a new one… Or several.
I think that this is a good time to bring up my friends, though honestly they’re really more like sisters. I’m going to use their real names because I love them and they deserve all the recognition that a minor reddit post will bring them (plus I specifically asked all of them and they all consented): Julie (and her wife Luna), Saoirse (pr. Se’er- Shuh), Olivia(Liv), Alexandria(Lexi), and Aeris. Anyway, through a series of ridiculous coincidences I met all of them and we formed a group together. All being trans and in somewhat different stages of transition, we’ve been able to help each other and talk through anything that any one of us is dealing with. They are a friend group, therapy group, meme exchange, venting channel, political discussion group, and other stuff. I’ve leaned on them a lot. When I said earlier that I talked to my chosen family, it’s these girls I’m talking about. They are amazing and I love them all. I’m bringing them up here because I think that it’s easier to do this now so that I can reference them all later. I don’t have anything else specific to say at the moment. Just that my girls exist, and I love them xoxo.
So… Anchors. I needed to figure out what in my life made me, me. I decided that I would take this in two steps. Step 1: figure out who I am alone (I’d need at least a few months to do this). And step 2: figure out who I am in relation to other people (my girls, mentioned above, helped out with this as well as future dating partners). I started with just focusing on step 1 by itself, but have moved on to doing both more or less concurrently. I want to be able to pass down some answers from on high about how I figured out my existentiality and reached nirvana, but I’m just not that cool. I think that I’ve gotten closer to figuring myself out irrespective of my relationship to other people, and I am learning a LOT about my “self” as it relates to others right now. About my interdependencies and self actualization, and blah blah blah. This is all just a sort of self-discovery, right? Btw, doing this in month or 2 is a laugh. This is gonna take me years, I think. Maybe when I’m done I can go be a famous you-tuber passing along my proto-philosophical wisdom to the masses ala our Dark Mistress Contrapoints. But for now, I’ll settle for a middling reddit post.
Anyway, let’s move on. I don’t have any answers about my existential crises for now, but just know that I was kind of floating blindly and trying to figure myself out. June is also the anniversary of my coming out. June 22 specifically. I’d left my ex the letter on my computer exactly one year prior on that day. She’d later given me this really cute print out of the position of the planets in our solar system that day. My first day being honest with myself and her. I’d framed it and hung in the hallway. I took it down when we separated because of what it represented to me and how it had felt like this amazing thing before and now felt… tainted I guess. I still have it down. I’m not sure if I’ll ever appreciate it the way I used to, but I will absolutely acknowledge just how sweet that picture is. I did not feel like celebrating my coming out day this year… Maybe I’ll feel like it next year. I felt the same way a month later on my 1 year hormone anniversary on July 28, 2020. I just didn’t want to celebrate it at the time. I hope that my 2 year anniversaries are significantly better.
My wife ended up moving out in mid-June or so too. She went to go live with her mom and we started to work out a way to split up our time with the kids. She was planning on doing one of those tech boot-camps to give her some new workplace skills and move into a better career (a thing that she has since done and enjoyed a lot). But the gist here is that I was now alone at home for extended periods of time for the first time since before I’d met my wife about 12 years prior. I was ALWAYS with her or kids or something. I had an hour or two here or there, maybe a day or weekend, but not like this. Not LIVING alone. It was crushing in its emptiness… What I really needed to be able to get more human contact in. What I needed was to be able to go out and have fun. See my friends. Get a little drunk and give out my number at a bar. Buuuuutt… COVID. I couldn’t really even leave the house. Ugh, what a year 2020 was… In lieu of being able to go out though, I did the very next best thing, which I still do to this day, and talked regularly with my girlfriends.
I think maybe one of the best ways to make sure that you can stay grounded and not get lost in that despair is a good friend group. And in times like this, that can be just so important to have that contact and companionship. Going through all of that turmoil and discontent alone probably would have pushed me to a different result… Having my girls to talk to and bounce off of was a really great thing. There were a few times when I would talk to them late into the night about whatever was ailing us! It was cathartic and helpful in a way that few things are. There was one night I remember distinctly that Julie, Luna and I all stayed up till like 1 in the morning drinking wine and champagne together over discord till we were all drunk and rolling around on the floor laughing together (me alone in my empty house and them in their place in California). They are some of my best friends and I have no idea what I would do with out them!!! We would all of us meet up at least once a week too, and have a zoom call. Just talk for hours and discuss the problems of the world, our individual problems, HRT, emotions, good stuff, bad stuff, stupid stuff, whatever. It was, and is, a blast and something I look forward to every week. Get yourself some girls like this. Trust me.
But as you may be able to tell, I have this whole sadness that’s still sort of worming it’s way into my life here. I was still not on my anti-depressants at this point, that wouldn’t happen till August, and I was struggling to cope. My friends and my kids were keeping me around and engaged, but I was not doing well. Everything felt so suffocating. And I was avoiding my therapist too. I’d had one session with her in like early May and was now verging on 2 months of not talking to her. Not a great thing to do when you feel this bad btw. And then it was Father’s day... Do I celebrate Father’s Day? I’d had people tell me happy Mother’s Day, and that felt appropriate, though perhaps not… deserved? I was super confused about what I should do here… We decided to kind of half celebrate it… We went up into wilderness and did a hiking trail. It was nice!! I just felt so… weird about it all. There’s this super interesting shift between celebrating Father’s Day last year to feeling like that’s inappropriate this year. Ugh, it feels so jumbled up… Mother’s Day, Father’s day… blah. There should just be 2 nongendered parent’s days. All I felt was like I was in between and didn’t deserve either day anyway, so that made it even worse.
There’s I think a lot to address in that last paragraph… See, there was this period where I felt like I didn’t deserve to be called a mother, or even a woman. Like it was something I had to earn. It was this feeling like I had to be worthy of being a woman and that I was somehow falling short. That’s crap btw. I “deserved” it, whatever that even means, whether I thought so at the time or not. I am a mother through and through and I do deserve to be celebrated on Mother’s Day. I am a woman in every sense and that is not something that has requirements other than just being one. Like, being a woman is a state of being, one which I am in, and not something that is a question of desert. People simply are their gender. TERFs and other pieces of shit contribute to the notion that there is something unworthy about trans women. That they are women* and not just women. I‘ve even rather recently argued with a TERF who basically told me this exact thing. And fuck her. Don’t internalize any of that bullshit if you can help it. Whoever you are that’s reading this, you are valid, and amazing and uniquely you!! Never lose sight of that!!
Anyway, back to me being an upside-down depressed girl. I was sinking into this boredom and malaise and I wanted out of it. I needed to do something. I needed to get out and be reckless and try something interesting and new. I needed to be alone… kind of. I just needed something to change and get me away from all of the depression and melancholy that I was wallowing in. So after going around on a few different things, I decided that I was going to go to California! To Napa, specifically, and to go get drunk for a few days with my girlfriends. That felt like JUST the thing I needed. Girlfriends and wine. God I’m such a basic white girl. I did some research to try and get the emptiest airport I could so that I could avoid as much COVID as possible, we got some hotel rooms, scheduled a driver in wine country and we were off!!
Primarily I met up with Julie and her wife Luna. We had rooms in the same hotel and spent a few days together in Napa. We went to nice restaurants and sat outside all done up in our best makeup and prettiest dresses. Everywhere we went we were greeted with “Hello ladies,” which I thoroughly appreciated (proper gendering euphoria ftw, yo). It was a BLAST!! We went to 4 different wineries, all with something different and unique to offer us. We spent way too much money on bottles of wine. We absolutely spent the entire day, and then some, pretty drunk. A waiter lightly hit on me in a rooftop bar. It was amazing!! I feel like I could write a whole thing on just my few days in Napa. Maybe I will for my poorly reviewed self-published book that I’ll release in 2025.
The following day, Julie and I drove back to her and Luna’s place (which was also in CA) while Luna took their car back. We tried to visit Saoirse, who was on the way, but unfortunately she was having a super rough week and wasn’t really up to it. We dropped off some wine and well wishes, waving at her through the window, and continued on. At Julie and Luna’s we played video games and ate wonderful homemade food and generally relaxed. It was really nice. I was SOOOOO not ready to go home at the end of my 3 days. I’m not sure what else to say here honestly… I probably could, but like, do I keep just going on about it? Nah, seems good to stop here. And it was definitely what I needed. A distraction, and comfort. A way to let go of all the crap I was dealing with, even for a few days. Forgetting about all the tribulations and the hectic slowness of my life. Back to the grind I guess! I came back to my home and just sort of sunk back into things. I want to tell more interesting stories about things that happened, but when you’re depressed there just aren’t any. I was just sort of… there. I was able to get out of bed every day and I didn’t die due to self-negligence. That’s really all I can say here. I was playing a lot of FFXIV too. That was fun at least.
My one year HRT anniversary came and went with little fan-fare. In my journal I apologized to myself for how trash my entry that day was. It was lamenting the fact that I had nothing good or inspirational to say. And that, plus the fact that I was slipping back into a heavy malaise, is what drove me to FINALLY call my therapist again and set up a new appointment. I talked to her and I cried through the entire session. I told her that I felt inhuman. That I wasn’t in control of my emotions and I was sad all the time. That I needed to be severely distracted or drunk to not feel lonely and awful. That I wished I was dead. That I needed help. She gave me a recommendation for anti-depressants, and I set an appointment with my GP that same day. I really should have done that a LOT sooner. I’m going to repeat the lines that I put in the previous section discussing this. They bear repeating:
For anyone who needs to hear this; YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! And it is NOT your “fault” that you are trans. There is no fault and no blame to be had anywhere. Your existence is not “wrong” and you are not “bad” for existing. You are being true to yourself and working on being the best you that you can be. And that’s exactly what we should all do. Work to be the best self that we can be!! Find a place where who you are and what you’re doing makes you happy. That’s what’s important. But please, please, please, if you’re having a rough go of things, don’t be afraid to reach out to friends, family, therapists or dumb bitches on reddit giving you unwanted lectures about your mental health. (here’s the number and website for the Trans Lifeline, in case anyone needs this right now: (877) 565-8860 / https://translifeline.org) And legit, please feel free to DM me if you want.
August was a big month. I stopped wearing my wig because I finally felt like my hair was long and femme enough to present femme reliably. I’d get extensions in September, but we can talk about that later. August is also when I started taking Prozac. And I do want to talk a bit about anti-depressants and the stigmatization that I think many of us still buy into. One of my girls was feeling pretty down for a while and she told me that she didn’t want to start on anti-depressants because the HRT should be enough. Let me say this very, very clearly – Being trans and being depressed are not the same thing - You can be trans and not depressed and you be depressed and not trans. Or, and this is important, you can be both. They are NOT mutually exclusive. When I first started on HRT I felt AMAZING. It really did lift my depression! And for a bit, for months really, I felt like I didn’t need to take anything else because the HRT should be enough. I bought into that crap too. But the more depressed I got, the more I realized that my HRT had nothing to do with depression. Depression is usually to do with a lack of sufficient serotonin (more or less). It has nothing to do with primary sex hormones (I mean… it does… but lets not get TOO into endocrinology and neurology here). And please, don’t get me wrong: HRT is a life saver!! It made me feel so much better and more human!! But it did not cure or treat my depression. That was independent of my transness and required a different treatment. Prozac, to be specific.
It took a few weeks on my anti-depressants before I started to feel better. I’d been crying hard every single day and was totally losing myself. At first, it sort of turned me off… I wasn’t sad, but I certainly wasn’t happy. I was a little… nothing. I didn’t like that, but I kept on. For like 2 weeks I couldn’t cry. I almost stopped because I wasn’t willing to give up my emotions, but they did return. And here’s what I felt when I started to feel what I’d describe as normal again. I found that I had a bit of a volume knob on my emotions now. Not like complete control, but it was like I could tune it between the nearest 2 notches or so. Like if I was feeling 9 sad, I could let it creep up to an 11 if I wanted or hold it back to a 7 or so. I still felt it all!! I just had some control over it. That really let me understand just how badly I was letting my emotions run my life. I had lost control and it took regaining some of it to see just how much. E is a ride!! It’s sort of like riding on the air drifts around those huge dragons in Breath of the Wild. I was just drifting along, running out of stamina, losing control and about to careen into the spikes on it’s back. Riding the dragon is such a trip. It takes practice and determination, and sometimes, help. Don’t be afraid to ask for that help.
Alright, I think I’ve imposed on all y’alls time enough for today! Know that things start getting better from here on out. This is more or less the end of this depressive phase I was going through. Not to say that things are rose petals and rainbow poptarts after this, but the Prozac saved my life and really turned things around for me. By September I was trying to date again. I have a one hell of a story about a wonderful woman I met whom I’ll call River, both as a Dr. Who reference and because it’s a bit of a pun on her real name. I met a few guys too. I made new friends and did more interesting things. Relationships ended. Elections happened. I got an RTX 3080. I think on the next entry I should probably get pretty well caught up to real time so that I can take another 9 month long break from writing this. I hope all you wonderful folks have the best weekend or week or day or whatever. Be happy and go forth into the world with confidence and vigor!! Be yourselves and be your best self. Bye-bye lovelies!!
submitted by pocket_of_posies_ to MtF [link] [comments]

Updated list of Global Beermoney opportunities (+180!) - December 2020

Updated list of Global Beermoney opportunities (+180!) - December 2020


The lists consist of opportunities that are available in at least one country that is not the US. This means there are sites which only work in Canada or the UK. There’s sites which are open to the whole world, but this does not mean everyone can really earn something on it. It’s all still very demographic and therefore location dependent. This list should give you a starting point to try out and find what works for you. I’m not using everything myself as I prefer to focus on a few, so not all are tested by me. They are found in this sub, other subreddits and other resources where people claim to have success.
I’ve chosen the format of a simple table with the bare minimum of information to keep things clean. It includes a link, how you earn, personal payment proof if available and sign-up bonus codes if applicable. Some of these bonuses are also one-time use codes specifically made for this sub! For the ones I don’t have payment proof (yet) feel free to provide some as a comment or via modmail so others know it’s legit. I am working on detailed instructions for each method that I personally use which will include things like cashout minimum, cashout options, tips & tricks,... For now I’ve split things up based on the type of earning like passive or mobile. Because of this there’s sometimes an overlap as some are both passive and on mobile or both earning crypto and a GPT (Get Paid To) website.
The lists are obviously not complete so I invite you to keep posting new ones in the sub, as a comment to this post, or in modmail. Especially if you have sites or apps which work for one single specific country I can start building a list, just like I did for The Netherlands and Belgium. If you recognize things which are in fact scams or not worth it let me know as well.

Beermoney opportunities

Get Paid To (Surveys, tasks, offers, videos, clicking links, play games, searching)

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Gain.gg Surveys, tasks, offers, videos Paypal $0.10 if register here
Timebucks Surveys, tasks, offers, videos, Tik Tok, Shopping Bitcoin $1.00 if register here
GamerMine Surveys, offers, videos, tasks, PayPal $1.00 if register here
2Captcha (use in combo with CaptchaBotRS) Solve captchas Bitcoin /
Blockreward Apps, surveys, videos, tasks, offers Pending $2.00 if register here and earn 20000b + $2.00 if earn 10000b within 30 days
BTCSurveys Surveys Pending /
Freeward Surveys, tasks, offers, videos Gift card 100 coins if sign-up here
FruitLab Watch & upload video game clips Pending 100 pips if register here
Clickworker Transcripts, tasks, UHRS (categorizing), surveys Paypal /
iRazoo Games, surveys, videos, offers, apps Pending Enter code 'AK7DB2' for 500 points when signing up
EarnCrypto Data entry, surveys, offers, tasks, videos, games, apps Pending /
Gamehag Tasks, offers, play games, post on forum, writing PayPal /
PaidViewPoint Surveys Paypal /
GrabPoints Suverys, videos, offers, games, apps Pending 500 points if register here
RewardingWays Surveys, offers, tasks, videos, contests Pending $0.20 if register here
SuperPay Surveys, offers, tasks, videos, contests Pending $0.20 if register here
InstaGC Surveys, tasks, videos, apps Pending /
GiftHunterClub Surveys, offers, videos, apps, games Pending $0.75 if register here
Idle-Empire Surveys, offers, videos, mining, apps, games Pending 500 points if register here
PicoWorkers Tasks, games, apps Pending /
ViewFruit Surveys Pending /
Mobrog (change language if needed) Surveys Pending /
Surveytime Surveys Pending /
Giveaway Pros Offers, videos Pending /
SEO Sprint (Russian, use Google Translate) Tasks Pending /
Earnhoney Surveys, tasks, offers, videos Pending /
Toluna Surveys Pending /
Spidermetrix Surveys Pending /
BeerSurveys Surveys, tasks, offers Pending /
CrowdHolding Co-create with startups Pending /
Diaworkers Tasks Pending /
Presearch Search & Earn Pending /
Univox Community Surveys Pending /
YouGov Surveys Pending /
Spare5 Tasks Paypal /
Rewardia Surveys, polls, games, videos, puzzles, trivia Pending 3000 points extra (when you earn 3000 points) if register here
Earnably Surveys, tasks, offers, videos Pending /
Neevo Tasks Pending /
Rakuten Insight (country specific links) Surveys Pending /
The Panel Station Surveys Pending /
Remotasks Tasks Pending /
Pureprofile Surveys Pending /
UserCrowd Tasks PayPal /
Sruvey Village Surveys Pending /
InboxDollars/InboxPounds Surveys, offers, videos, shopping Pending /
Qmee Surveys Pending /
MicroWorkers Tasks Pending /
Cinchbucks Surveys, offers, tasks, videos Pending /
Rewards1 Suverys, videos, offers, games, apps, polls, contests Pending /
Vindale Surveys Pending /
PointClub Surveys Pending /
TGM Panel Surveys Pending /
PaidPoints Tasks, offers, traffic exchange, ad clicking Pending /
RapidWorkers Tasks Pending /
AnyTask Sell your skills Pending /
Bounty0x Tasks Pending /
Opinion World Surveys Pending /
Lifepoints Surveys PayPal /
HiveMicro Tasks, transcribing, categorizing Pending /

Passive (desktop & mobile)

Register here How to earn Payment proof Sign-up bonus code
HoneyGain Desktop & mobile phone bandwith sharing (wifi + data) Paypal, Paypal $5.00 if register here
FluidStack Desktop bandwith sharing (Linux needed) Paypal /
PacketStream Desktop bandwith sharing Paypal /
LoadTeam CPU power sharing Pending $0.20 if register here
Kryptex Crypto mining Bitcoin /
Ebesucher Surfing, reading mails Bank transfer /
Honeyminer Mining Pending 1000 satoshis if register here
IPRoyal Desktop bandwith sharing Pending /
Gener8 Browser extension Pending 10 tokens if register here
LazyBucks Rent out your Facebook account Pending /
HideoutTV and link to Reward XP to cashout Videos Paypal /
Honey Discounts & Cashback / 500 Honey Gold if register here
Fitplay Games Pending $0.33 if register here
Mistplay Games Pending /
Money SMS Receive SMS Pending /
McMoney Receive SMS Pending $0.22 if using code '60LGG3PR'
SMS Profit Net Receive SMS PayPal /
Simcash Send SMS [risky] Pending /
Cash4sms Send [risky] & receive SMS Pending /
ControlMySMS Receive SMS Pending /
Birdchain Send SMS [risky] Pending /
Sweatcoin Walking Pending /
COIN Explore Pending 1000 coins if register here
Panel App Surveys, location sharing Pending /
Phoneum Games, mining Pending /

Crypto (faucets, mining, GPT)

Register here How to earn Payment proof Sign-up bonus code
Cointiply Faucet, surveys, tasks, offers, videos Bitcoin Enter code 'beermoneyglobal'
FreeBitcoin Faucet, lottery, betting, passive interest Bitcoin /
RollerCoin Play games & earn crypto Pending /
Honeyminer Mining Pending 1000 satoshis if register here
Kryptex Crypto mining Pending /
Blockreward Apps, surveys, videos Pending $2.00 if register here and earn 20000b + $2.00 if earn 10000b within 30 days
AdBTC Click ads, active window surfing, autosurfing Pending /
Faucetpay Faucet Wallet, exchange, offers, tasks, trading Pending /
Faucet Crypto Faucet, ads clicking, offers, shortlinks Pending /
More Money Faucet, ads clicking, offers, shortlinks Pending /
BTCSurveys Surveys Pending /
Quicrypto Surveys, tasks, offers, games, videos Pending /
Coinpot - closed down - click for alternatives Faucet Bitcoin /
BitShark Faucet, games Pending /
Publish0x Read & write articles Pending /
Starbits Faucet (need FaucetPay account) Pending /
Coinpayu Ads clicking, videos, offers Pending /
Coinbase Crypto sign-up bonuses Bank transfer See links in thread
LBRY.tv Watch videos Pending /
Pi Network Crypto mining Pending (see here) To join you need a referral link
EarnCrypto Data entry, surveys, offers, tasks, videos, games, apps Pending /
Phoneum Games, mining Pending /


Register here How to earn Payment proof Sign-up bonus code
Cointiply Faucet, surveys, tasks, offers, videos Bitcoin Enter code 'beermoneyglobal'
HoneyGain Desktop & mobile phone bandwith sharing (wifi + data) Paypal $5.00 if register here
Google Opinion Rewards Surveys Play Store credit /
FreeBitcoin Faucet, lottery, betting, passive interest Bitcoin /
AppKarma Games, quizes, surveys Pending Enter code 'Proim' for 300 points when signing up
CashKarma Surveys, offers, games Pending Enter code 'Proim' for 300 points when signing up
Cash Alarm Games Pending Receive 25% of my earnings if register here
Cash Magnet Games, offers, tasks, videos Pending /
AttaPoll Surveys Pending PayPal
ClipClaps Videos, games, raffles PayPall $1.00 & Diamond Chest if register here
Quicrypto Surveys, tasks, offers, games, videos Pending /
Poll Pay Surveys Pending $0.30 if using code '4CS6L4SQ8D' when signing up
BuzzBreak Read news, videos, offers, surveys Pending Enter code 'B06472489' when signing up
Userlytics Software testing Pending /
WowApp Games, offers, surveys, videos, chat, phone unlock, calling, cashback, shopping cashback, browsing, news reading Pending /
CuriousCat Surveys Pending /
Quickthoughts Surveys Pending /
Fitplay Games Pending $0.33 if register here
TV-Two Make Money Apps, games, Youtube, browsing Pending 555 credits if register here
Mistplay Games Pending /
FeaturePoints Suveys, offers, apps, cashback Pending 50 points if register here
Money SMS Receive SMS Pending /
BIGtoken Suveys, location sharing, social media account Pending Use code 'GMGALLOIA'
McMoney Receive SMS Pending $0.22 if using code '60LGG3PR'
Pi Network Crypto mining Pending (see here) To join you need a referral link
Roamler Mystery shopping Pending /
SMS Profit Net Receive SMS PayPal /
Streetbees Surveys, tasks, create videos, take pictures Pending Enter code '6115GF' when signing up
Simcash Send SMS [risky] Pending /
VoxPopMe Video feedback Pending /
Cash4sms Send [risky] & receive SMS Pending /
Citizen Me Surveys Pending /
ControlMySMS Receive SMS Pending /
Birdchain Send SMS [risky] Pending /
Sweatcoin Walking Pending /
COIN Explore Pending 1000 coins if register here
Panel App Surveys, location sharing Pending /
GiftHunterClub Surveys, offers, videos, apps, games Pending $0.75 if register here
Phoneum Games, mining Pending /


Register here How to earn Payment proof Sign-up bonus code
Respondent Interviews, research, surveys Pending /
Prolific Surveys, research Paypal /

User testing

Register here How to earn Payment proof Sign-up bonus code
TestingTime Software testing Paypal /
uTest Software testing Pending /
PingPong Software testing Pending /
TryMyUI Software/UI testing Pending /
Testbirds Software/UI testing Pending /
Pulselabs Voice app testing Pending /
PlaytestCloud Game testing Pending /
Userlytics Software testing Pending /

Investing (revenue share)

Register here How to earn Payment proof Sign-up bonus code
PaidVerts Ad clicking, offers, revenue sharing Bitcoin /
MyTrafficValue Games, investing PayPal /

Selling (designs on merchandise, skills/gigs)

Register here How to earn Payment proof Sign-up bonus code
Fiverr Sell your skills Pending 20% off on first purchase if register here
Redbubble Sell your designs Pending /
Zeerk Sell your skills Pending /
TeePublic Sell your designs Pending /
Teespring Sell your designs Pending /


Register here How to earn Payment proof Sign-up bonus code
Rev Transcribing, captioning, foreign subtitles Pending /
Gotranscript Transcribing, translating captioning, foreign subtitles Pending /
TranscribeMe Transcribing, translating, data annotation Pending /
Unbabel Translating Pending /


Register here How to earn Payment proof Sign-up bonus code
Wealthy Affiliate Learn affiliate marketing Pending /
Brave Brows internet Pending /
Andromo Develop apps Pending /

The Netherlands specific

For The Netherlands there are a few very good options next to a bunch of ‘spaarprogramma’s. There ‘spaarprogramma’s are all the same where you receive and click a bunch of e-mails, advertisements, banners,... I advise you to create a separate e-mail address or use a good filter in your inbox as you will be spammed to death. I believe they can be a nice piece of beermoney but they take quite the effort.
Register here How to earn Payment proof Sign-up bonus code
Euroclix Surveys, shopping & cashback, offers, energy/internet providers Bank transfer €1.95 if register here
StemPunt Surveys Gift cards 500 points if register here
Cashback XL Shopping cashback, health insurance discount Bank transfer /
Scoupy Shopping cashback, free products Pending /
Cashback Korting Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €7.50 if register here
Lady Cashback Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €7.50 if register here
Enqueteclub Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €7.50 if register here
Snel Verdienen Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €2.50 if register here
Spaar Actief Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.00 if register here
Klik Je Zakgeld Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.00 if register here
Zinngeld Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €0.10 if register here
My Clics Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.25 if register here
Direct Verdiend Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €2.00 if register here
Spaar4Cash Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.50 if register here
Qassa Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending /
My Flavours Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.00 if register here
Cash Ze Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.00 if register here
Geld Race Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.25 if register here
iPay Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.25 if register here
Double Points Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €2.00 if register here
Mailbeurs Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.50 if register here
Qlics Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.25 if register here
Centmail Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.50 if register here
Extra Euro Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.25 if register here
Gekken Goud Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.00 if register here
Dutch Euro Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.50 if register here
Nu Cash Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.00 if register
Snel Euro Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.00 if register here
Cash Hier Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.50 if register here
Betaalde Mails Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €2.00 if register here
Goudmails Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.00 if register here
Online Cashen Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.00 if register here
Crazy Mails Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.00 if register here
Cash Paradijs Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.00 if register here
Smart Clix Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €5.00 if register here
24/7 Discount Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending /
Beetje Zakgeld Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.25 if register here
Geldmolen Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.75 if register here
Online Zakcentje Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.50 if register here
Geldcircus Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €0.75 if register here
Lady Clix Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €0.99 if register here
Geldwolf Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.00 if register here
Zilvervloot Read mails, click banners, shopping cashback, shopping deals, compare (GWL, data, internet, tv, insurances), offers, surveys Pending €1.00 if register here

Belgium specific

Register here How to earn Payment proof Sign-up bonus code
Buffl Surveys Gift cards /

Sign-up bonuses

The one-time sign-up bonus programs are still to be found here. If you find a new one let me know so I can create the post to keep all the ref links together.

Saving money

Although it’s not really about making money online, it’s still nice to save some money as well when shopping online.
Register here How to earn Payment proof Sign-up bonus code
Honey Discounts & Cashback / 500 Honey Gold if register here
G2A Game keys / /
Kinguin Game keys / /
Allkeyshop Game keys / /
AliExpress Save on online shopping / $24 coupons if register here
Gearbest Save on online shopping / /

Other subs & resources

submitted by Proim to beermoneyglobal [link] [comments]

what apps can earn money legit video

Make Money is one of the most popular money making apps that can be downloaded on any iPhone or Android phone. Make Money app allows you to make some extra cash by completing simple tasks such as watching videos, trying free apps, completing surveys, giving opinions, testing services, endorsements and free trials of products, services and apps. How To Make Money Through Apps. If you have even a few minutes of free time, there are several ways you can earn legitimate money through your smartphone apps. These include: 1. Taking Online Surveys. At some point in your life, you’ve probably completed a survey. Apps today can help you earn a side income. We've assembled 36 of the best money making apps to make you money and anybody can use to earn some cash. Whatever you earn goes directly to your Jingit debit card. You can then use that card like any other gift/debit card to shop. Final Thoughts. I am sure there are many other legitimate money making websites out there that do pay fast, but these are some of the most trusted sites to earn money with. VeeU App. VeeU is one of the legit money making apps paying money for watching online videos. It may look similar to Instagram, but the only difference here is you get paid for watching videos. For watching a video, you get coins redeemable for cash and gift cards once it reaches the minimum payout. The most frequently asked question on the Internet is How can we earn money legit money while playing games? A lot of apps available on Android’s Play Store and Apple App store that claims such financial perks.Only a few of them are legit and one sign of being legit is that they payout via PayPal. So, here is my list of 10 websites/apps you can try to watch videos for money. All of them are legit and have paid many of its members. 1. VeeU App. VeeU is a funny video community where you can earn money by watching funny videos, playing games & uploading your own videos. With this earn money online without investment for students and adults, you not simply play the game but also earn money from surveys, referrals and shopping online. GiftPanda is one of the most highly-rated apps with 4.7/5 stars and 300000 reviews. BEST PAID SURVEY APPS . Swagbucks: 11+ Ways To Make Money (Free $5 Bonus) Swagbucks is one of the most popular and highly engaged paid survey and digital rewards apps available. They hold an A+ Better Business Bureau rating and have paid out over $348 million to their members who’ve earned money through the 11+ different ways to earn rewards.. One of those ways to make SBs (the Swagbucks ... Which apps give real money? The Swagbucks mobile app is one of the highest-rated and legitimate reward app out there. You can get cash rewards or gift cards for things you already do online. Members have already received $192,195,020 in cash rewards.

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