HEDGE YOUR BETS | definition in the Cambridge English

hedging bets def

hedging bets def - win

Rebuilding the Shield Trio in Pathfinder

OK, with season 2 on the way I thought, hey why not rebuild the trio in pathfinder as looking back on the original builds, yeah... they could use a bit of a touch up. So starting off with the shieldbro himself:
ASI = Ability score improvement (you get them every 4 levels.)
I'll be going level by level, explaining what feats to grab/what you normally get, why i chose that, etc. Also, Sorry for the MASSIVE WALL OF TEXT,
Table of Contents;
  1. Naofumi
  2. Raphtalia
  3. Filo
  4. Maneuvers for the team
  5. Naofumi's
  6. Raphtalia's
  7. Filo's
  8. How to use them (referring to the team/builds)
  9. Summarry
  10. Conclusion


Still human, Grabbing hedge magician and prophesied, make magic items cheaper and have a +1 to diplomacy/intimidation to those familiar with your reputation (I.E. Diplomacy as the savior of the heavenly fowl)
Int and con are top priority along with strength and dexterity next.
As for class: WARDER, high HP pool (d12,) AND good at defense, yep...
OK SO.... Lets talk about the legendary shield, I'm just gonna say, have it scale along side you, so its AC will change based on its form, the Enchantment bonus will be 1/2 your level (min 1) and the enchantments will be based on the form (I.E. fire resistance for a fire shield. +6 to profession mining with a mineral shield, stuff like that).
Additionally the shield is going to be treated as an intelligent item for purposes of spellcasting and have these spells:
A bit broken I know, but.... it is a Legendary Shield for a reason...


Still no tanuki race, so just re-flavor kitsune.
Traits: Charming (+1 to diplomacy and bluff vs those who find you attractive Does not work on Naofumi) and Focused Disciple, +2 to saves vs charm
Dexterity and Int top priority with charisma next.
As for class... We are starting off with Rogue, Hidden blade archetype,
So About your weapon... wakizashi, reason being, 18-20 critical hit range, improved critical turns that to a 15-20 +1 from critical edge, + 1 from deadly pairing if you do that (so 13-20 critical threat range.) so you have a rather large range on will this threaten a critical, good for just messing with foes. With butterfly sting, you can give crits to the party, sadly you have one downside due to the multiclassing, your base attack bonus is only +12, meaning you have only 3 attacks in a full round action, 4 if you use haste, but with a high critical threat range, 2/5 of the time you'll threaten a critical, that you can give to the team, I mean after landing your first one deadly strike damage is applied to all other attacks for a number of rounds = your intelligence modifier.


Ok so starting off, YES still an Aasimar. Garuda blooded will be my choice, +2 to wisdom and dex, no I'm not going to also throw in the bonuses/penalties of a young character, (i mean a -2 to str con and wis just for +2 dex... that's dumb). Anyways traits are Sacred touch (can stabilize the dying by touching them, only got this since its a way to keep your friends from dying) and deft dodger +1 to reflex saves.
Strength Dex and wisdom are top priority, with Strength and Constitution being next.
So this class is going to need some Explaining, Shifters are like druids in the "You can transform into an animal" thing, but no spells, but you gain aspects, bonuses that can buff you up a bit. though, only at level 20 do you get to swap in and out of your transformed state at will along with having your minor aspects boosting that transformed state...
Now for her magic, or lack thereof, Just take the claws Naofumi gave her, make them ironwood for purposes of actually being able to use them and say, these are just cosmetic just for casting and add:
Yeah... tad bit broken but... druid is kinda weak, 3/attacks for a full round action, meanwhile you have 7 attacks as a FRA, deal 2d8+1d6 damage per attack. While druid does gain spells, they have fewer HP and don't gain defensive instincts, couple that with no claws to start with/ no improvements to your claws and well you can see why I chose shifter over druid. Also, turning into a Large Owl, our claws scale up due to size, meaning we deal 3d8 DMG with those things.

Maneuvers for the team:

OK so going over who needs what
Naofumi's Maneuvers:
Take maneuvers that grant allies movement/attacks, or just buffs them, like these:
Raphtalia's Maneuvers:
Raphtalia's best bet is to mainly rely on the mage hunter stances... As for strikes and counters:
Filo's Maneuvers:

How to use them:
For Naofumi, you can just walk into a fight with no fears, you automatically block the first projectile/arrow shot at you in a round, you may be slow but you can force enemies to target you, drawing the melee folks your way to be beaten down. With your maneuvers you can deal damage with your shield, AND give allies buffs, either allowing them to move, attack, do more damage, or have some of your defense. You lead by being the wall the team needs to get behind and keeping them safe.
Raphtalia is your flanker, she'll be able to sneak around and strike foes from behind, dealing sneak attack damage, if she crits, deadly strike damage starts to add up, she can also support filo with a butterfly sting on a target granting her a x3 damage critical that can do some major damage to foes. couple that with your spells, you can do quite a bit of crowd control and with your gambits you can give yourself some boosts and either heal or get temp HP or just go invisible.
Filo, play her like a barbarian, RAGE transform, charge in and deal heavy damage, you ARE the damage dealer and DPS of the party, being able to have the highest movement of the team you can move the party around, get slow Naofumi to the front, have him ride you into the fight (use his missile shield to BLOCK enemy projectiles as you move in.) Your role is to deal damage and be the one the enemy fears most, Untransformed you have 2d8 damage dealing claws, transformed they are 3d8 claws, you can dish out alot of damage in a short amount of time.
Alone they are rather threatening, but as a team they could easily take on some of the toughest monsters, Sneak attacks happen when either flanking a foe, or catching them off guard allowing Raphtalia to deal them more often with the team, bleeds require healing to stop, giving her a consistent source of damage since foes would have to waste time healing, or need a white mage to do that (but why wouldn't you target the healer first?) Filo's high damage and Raphtalia's high crit rate and butterfly sting complement each other and allow for foes to be dispatched quickly, Naofumi's buffs to AC and ability to buff the teams damage or give extra attacks does come in handy, couple that with the maneuver that can NEGATE ALL DAMAGE and well, you have no reason to lose, Especially if you use it with Extended defense, just say no to damage for the whole round (until your next turn).
An example of this synergy they have, vs a rather tough Dragon,
Naofumi, uses Roar of battle, Dragon takes damage, all allies will deal +3d6 to it per hit. (shield bash + 6d6 damage)
Dragon tries to attack Naofumi and Filo, countered by Naofumi, no damage.
Raphtalia strikes it from behind, confirms critical, passes it along. (1d8 + 4d6 sneak attack damage+3d6).
Filo Full round attacks it, 7 attacks, first one is a guaranteed critical for (2d8+1d6+14)x3 + 3d6 damage, Second and fourth hit for 2d8+1d6+14+3d6 damage each, sixth and seventh hit, 2d8+1d6+14+3d6 damage each.
Dragon is long past dead.
Ok so Naofumi is a Tanky boi, able to just take a beating and keep going, Raphtalia is a mage's worst nightmare and Filo... is a fast attacker who can dish out up to 8 attacks in one round (full round attack + Shifters Fury while hasted = 8 attacks).
Naofumi is a walking armor clad titan, slow, but... you have amazing AC capabilities. Being a massive wall of defense foes will have a hard time hurting you, especially with the right gear, making yourself near impossible to hurt. couple that with the ability to buff and protect your team you are a tank that leads the frontlines, giving bonus moves to your allies and healing them. If you equip him right, you could have 60+ AC, making yourself untouchable... and Royally pissing off the GM, since... not even a Tarrasque with its +37 to hit would be able to hit you at 60 AC, (37+1d20 < 60). Now, your AC does nothing to stop magic however, so maybe grab some SR boosting enchantments on your armor, or just use your shield spells to block incoming magic.
Raphtalia can basically turn invisible at will, wish I had an extra feat to invest in stealthy to give her even more of a bonus to stealth, but hey do stealth gambit, turn invisible, Stab Bitch! got that? Your maneuvers are good for debilitating foes and dishing out some damage, with your SR bonus from the mage hunter stance you can basically say no to spells, or just dodge them entirely due to your high reflex saves. Couple this with spells of your own and you are a rather nimble opponent with a wide array of attack options. Couple that with your high crit rate and the fact you can give allies crits, you make for a rather effective high damage supporter.
Being a large Owl while transformed, Filo can also carry Naofumi into battle, and gain the benefits of his defensive buffs. Now You are a massive damage dealer capable of dishing out 8 attacks by the end, 8*(3d8+1d6+10+strength modifier + any other boosts), that's a lotta damage in one full attack. You also have ridiculous speed, Funny thing is owls have 60 ft. fly speed, +30 from the other aspects, yeah... that's fast, but land speed is 30 + 30 from aspects. Charge moves you 2 times your base speed, so 120 ft. on land, 180 if flying. You are fast and can hit like a truck. Filo is also surprisingly tough too, no armor, but dex + wisdom + defensive instincts does make up for no armor, slap on an amulet of natural armor and well... the one I've build along with this with 18 dex and 24 wis has a total AC of 25, WITH NO ARMOR, not even the amulet.
Compared to the first builds, these builds are a lot more focused and somewhat overpowered. Naofumi is a walking wall of defense who can turn around and dish out some good damage, Raphtalia is a rather scary mage killing mixed attacker with invisibility practically on demand, Filo... Filo's just a high damage monster compared to the first one, this Filo is a lot more focused on dishing out lots of damage and forcing foes to run for their lives.
Honestly I feel like this went a lot better than I expected, they have good synergy with each other and play of of each other's strengths, Raphtalia's poor HP pool and AC benefitting from Naofumi's protection, while Naofumi benefits from Filo carrying him into battle to compensate for his slow speeds, then Filo benefits greatly from Raphtalia's Butterfly sting allowing her to share the crits.
Also for those wondering how long these 3 builds took to make... 37 Hours, and 11 hours writing this because reddit decided NOT to update the draft.
submitted by Eclipse_Shadow to shieldbro [link] [comments]

LSU vs Clemson: How did you do?

submitted by PennStateShire to CFBVegas [link] [comments]

F2P Day 231: Spiders 20 AUTO NO Legendary/ Coldheart/HP Burn/Shield (F2P/Low Spender Spiders Guide)

Thank you for Reading! Know more about me in an interview with CluelessEcon
I am the author of the "F2P/Low Spender Team Building Guide (No Legendaries)" which is a companion to my "Complete 90 Days to Endgame Guide" and "100 Days to Nightmare Clan Boss Guide". Message me or ask questions!

We are in the Last Dance now Gents and it's been an Honor to fight along your side. This journey began with a Flashgitz Video and their hilarious Raid Ad. If you guys want to know what I'm about in real life I have a good summary in my Day 180 Update where I also put my thoughts together about the game. When I did my first ever F2P Update Post I never thought we'd go all the way. Like everyone else I was myself skeptical of finishing Spiders without the GG Champs and I honestly thought Stage 18 would be the end of our journey. I was wrong and my analytical mind was put to the test. I loved the challenge personally and it was a truly rewarding experience.

Now I know you all want a "Complete Spiders Guide" but let me temper some expectations. This is purely for Missions purposes only. If you want to Farm Spiders 20 then you will need a 100% Success Team or as close to that as possible and this guide is not it. I am farming Spiders 17 with this Team. The main theory behind this is that if you manage to get Arbiter that should make all the Dungeons 100% Success Rate therefore Spiders 20 will be Farmable for you by then. Another key ingredient here that I passed up on because of my "No Legendary" restriction was Scyl of the Drakes that if you've been playing this game long enough to get her for Free and you are not in Stage 20 on all the the Dungeons yet I truly believe Scyl is kind of the pity timer of the game today. With Minimum Luck and Maximum Preparation Spiders 20 is achievable by anybody. This should be proof right here. Gold IV in Arena is a completely separate discussion though unfortunately and I understand everyone is hungry for that peg in Missions. I've actually been working a side project to address that concern but unfortunately the highest I've gotten it to work so far is Gold II. So if Plarium manages to nix their promised "balance" changes for Arena Matchmaking I'm hoping eventually my Hard Arena Team will eventually crack Gold IV again so some of you might benefit from that too.

Shard Pulls: 2 Sacred Shards 2x Event. Epics: Ursine Ironhide, Excrutiator

Campaign: Nightmare Chapter 7 3* (From Chapter 4)

* (Campaign Farmer: 10+ Secs) Umbral Enchantress 60 (Eagle Eye)
* Sepulcher Sentinel 60 (Warmaster), Rearguard Sergeant 60 (Warmaster), Apothecary 60 (Giant Slayer)

Clan Boss: Nightmare: 13m-20m (2-3 Key), Brutal 22m (1 Key)

* Kael 60 (Warmaster)
* Marksman 60 (Warmaster)
* Apothecary 60 (Giant Slayer)
* Sepulcher Sentinel 60 (Warmaster)
* (Leader) Sandlashed Survivor 60 (Warmaster)/(Leader)

Arena: (PEAK) Gold IV
Turn Order:
  1. 270 Speed Apothecary 60 (Giant Slayer)
  2. 212 Speed Warmaiden 60 (Warmaster)
  3. 209 Speed Umbral Enchantress 60 (Eagle Eye)
  4. 202 Speed Kael 60 (Warmaster)
NOTE: I am currently reworking my Arena Setup but am not ready to share with you guys yet. Let me focus on Spiders 20 for now but I assure you this section is going to get massively overhauled.
Great Hall Development Level 92

Auto Dungeons:

Dragons 20 (4-Man+Food/All Rare Team)

Ice Golem 20

Fire Knight 20
Here are the Stats and Masteries:

Spiders 1-16
Spiders 17-20

I have decided to further subdivide the Spiders section of Auto Dungeons to make a clear distinction between the first 13-16 Stages of Spiders and the last 4 or so Stages. I'm hoping you focus more on the Roles than the actual Champs I used though they are really accessible. Most people will actually have one good pull in this game it's just the way normal distribution works. Lean on the Power the game gives you. If you follow my Teambuilding Guide and my 90 Day to Endgame Guide then you will know the F2P Trinity can get you to at least Spiders 13 which in my opinion is a decent enough place to try and get your Accuracy Banners in the Early-Midgame. The First Stages of Spiders is all about AoE Damage. You actually don't need Armiger that early in Spiders and if you just put another AoE Champ in that slot you would probably have faster Run Times. Thing is though Armiger is Mandatory in later Stages if you don't happen to pull Coldheart. I think it is a fine idea to invest in Armiger early just to hedge your bets in case it takes a while for you to draw that GG Spiders Champ.

Starting around Stage 15 or so you will start to notice the AoE Strategy will begin to fail you. The Spiderlings are Tankier, Faster and can kill a Champ on your team in one full round. This is where my particular Spiders Strategy comes into play. For simplicity I will not mention the GG Spider Strategies which are: Team Counterattack, Enemy Max HP Nukes, HP Burn and Massive Shields. If any of those Strategies are available to you then please learn how to use them and make your life easier. My Guide will only cover my personal F2P Spider Control Team. The Strategy is simple: control the Spiderlings and Spider Queen as long as possible until you amass enough Warmaster Procs and Armiger A2 Hits to Win.

Like always the F2P Trinity (Starter+Warmaiden+High Khatun/Apothecary) will be your Foundation in this Team Comp as well. As much as I love Apothecary, I think High Khatun is the Champ to use in Spiders. High Khatun also gives you Decrease Speed which is a key Component to Controling Spider Queen and an AoE Decrease Turn Meter what will help you squeeze an extra Turn out of your Spiderling Tank in certain situations. Your Starter will initially be your AoE Nuker but eventually the role Changes to Secondary Spiderling Tank/Off-Affinity-Tank and finally you will replace your Starter with a dedicated Spiderling Tank which would be Zephyr Sniper. Warmaiden will also be a Nuker for you initially while also placing AoE Decrease Defense. Later on Warmaiden can stay on even as far as Stage 20 with a more nuanced role in your team as a Off-Affinity-Tank with a bit of Spiderling Control using a Stun Set. In my case I am using Spider in place of Warmaiden who gives me Weaken on top of Decrease Defense that will not have Weak Hits. Spider also does AoE Decrease Attack that will help my main Spiderling Tank stay alive longer while also packaged in a Nuke that can Heal him back to Full with Lifesteal Set. Decrease Defense is Mandatory in Spiders because it shortens your Clock to Win. I've been saying Armiger is the Secret Fourth Member of the F2P Trinity because he provides you with something at Uncommon that will really help you Control the Spider Queen which is a Consistent Decrease Turn Meter. Although his A2 will deal Damage Based on Enemy Max HP his AI will often hold it in reserve which means you will want another Decrease Turn Meter on your team. The Final Member of your Team will have to be a Second Decrease Turn Meter Champ which in my case I am using Soulbound Bowyer who is a regular Rare that if you could not pull Coldheart is the closest thing you can get to her Kit. While Decrease Turn Meter is a scarce resource in terms of Elite Champs you can conceivably go with a second Armiger here if you are truly experiencing a horrible drought in Champ Pulls.

The Upgrades from Spiders 18-19:

Here is how the team functions Turn by Turn. Spider gives 25% Speed Aura. High Khatun will Speed Boost. Soulbound Bowyer will Fully Deplete Turn Meter. Spider will place Decrease Def and 60% of the time will also put Weaken. Armiger will use his A2 in this situation and chunk down Spider Queen HP. You will need Zephyr Sniper to survive Spiderling hit from here hoping on a Counterattack Proc and Resisting Poison. More than half the Runs will end here if Zephyr Sniper dies. High Khatun will attempt to place Decrease Speed on Spider Queen. If Spider is still alive he will use AoE Decrease Attack and will most likely die after next Spiderling attacks. High Khatun will use her AoE Decrease Turn Meter. Now it will just be a matter of getting Soulbound Bowyer to come around to Decrease Turn Meter again so Armiger will use his A2.

This team is strictly for Missions only I can not stress that enough. I had a Win Rate of about 10-20% which meant I had to use about 1k+ Energy to barely squeeze out 10 Wins on Auto. You will also need to Tap on the Spider Queen while on Auto to Force Soulbound Bowyer to use her Fully Deplete Turn Meter Skill on Cooldown which is an unfortunate AI problem. You expect your Champs to die in almost every Run even the ones you actually Win which is ok as long as they fulfill their Role. I can farm Spiders 16 and 17 no problem at 95% Success Rates there. I expect this to change dramatically with Arbiter in the mix and it should be possible for me to Farm Spiders 20.

Now lets go through what I think could improve the team based on all the failed runs I've seen. Most of the failures will come from your Tank dying too early. If I were to Farm out more gear for Zephyr Sniper I would probably try to get her over 4k def and a lot closer to 300 Resist again. That should be possible with 6* Def% Gloves and Chest and better Def and Resist Rolls overall. I would love for my Off-Affinity-Tank/Debuffer to get higher Def too closer to 3.5k and Resist over 200. That would be a lot harder to do since you will need this Champ to be faster than Armiger but also have 200+ Accuracy. More Speed for everybody might make a difference because I noticed a lot of really clutch moments could have happened if either of the Tanks outpaced an extra Spiderling. Armiger could use 100% Crit Rate and a lot more Def (3k+) and Crit Damage (200+%).

Spiders 20 Stats and Masteries:
Spiders 20 Teaser:
Spiders 18 and 19 Stats and Masteries:
Spiders 18 and 19 Teaser:
Spiders 17 Stats:
Spiders 17 Teaser: https://www.reddit.com/RaidShadowLegends/comments/hy3d9k/f2p_spiders_17_no_lego_no_coldheart_link_to_guide/

Minotaur 15 and Potion Dungeons 15

Arcane 15 (1min+)

Magic 15 (2mins+)

Spirit 15 (2mins +)

Force 15 (1min+)

Void 15 (1min+)

Faction Wars: Part 8/17 409*

Barbarians (41* Stage 15 4key 3*-5*) Warmaiden 60 (Warmaster), Soulbound Bowyer 60 (Warmaster) High Khatun 40, Zephyr Sniper 50, Scyl of Drakes 50
Knight Revenant (40* Stage 14 4key 3*-5*) Sepulcher Sentinel 60 (Warmaster), Coffin Smasher 60 (Giant Slayer), Acolyte 60 (Warmaster), Executioner 50, Miscreated Monster 40
Dark Elf (39* Stage 13 3key 2*-4*) Kael 60 (Warmaster), Spider 60 (Warmaster), Fang Cleric 40, Crimson Helm 40, Painkeeper 40
Demonspwan (39* Stage 13 3key 3*-4*) Umbral Enchantress 60 (Eagle Eye), Fellhound 60 (Fearsome Presence), Diablolist 40, Candraphon 50, Excrutiator 40
Dwarf (36* Stage 9 2key 1*-3*) Rearguard Sergeant 60 (Warmaster), Bulwark 60 (Warmaster), Grizzled Jarl 60 (Warmaster)
Sacred Order (35* Stage 10 3key 2*-4*) Armiger 60 (Helmsmasher), Romero 50, Juliana 40, Relic Keeper 40, Cannoness 40
High Elf (34* Stage 12 3key 2*-4*) Apothecary 60 (Giant Slayer), Marksman 60 (Warmaster), Reliquary Tender 40, Vergis 40, Elhain 40
Orc (27* Stage 9 2key 1*-3*) Galek 50, Shaman 40, Sandlashed Survivor 40, Veteran 40
Undead Horde (25* Stage 9 2key 1*-2*) Rotos 50, Seducer 40, Defiled Sinner 40, Dark Athel 40, Dark Elhain 40
Lizardmen (24* Stage 9 2key 1*-3*) Dracomorph 50 (Accuracy Aura +50), Jizoh 50, Skull Lord Var-Gall 50, Jarang 40, Bogwalker 30
Skinwalker (24* Stage 6 2key 1*-2*) Gnarlhorn 60 (Bulwark), Ursine Ironhide 40, Yaga the Insatiable 40, Reinbeast 40, Ripper 40
Banner Lord (21* Stage 6 2key 1*-2*) Septimus 50, Oathbound 40, Chevalier 40, Lordly Legionary 40, Seneschal 40
Ogryn Tribe (18* Stage 6 2key 1*-2*) Gurptuk Mossbeard 50, Rocktooth 50, Towering Titan 40, Grimskin 40

Keys to My Progression:

* Observing Failed and Successful Runs tweak Gear Accordingly

What's Next?

* Keep Farming Dragons 20 and Spiders 17
* Get Arbiter
* Missions: Deal 100m Damage Nightmare Clan Boss from 10 times Spiders 20 Auto
* What should I be doing next?

Links to my F2P Update Series:

F2P Day 230: Spiders 18 & 19 No Legos No Coldheart No Miscreated Monster No HP Burn
F2P Day 213: Spiders 17 Auto No Legos No Coldheart
F2P Day 212: My Third Fusion Event Complete
F2P Day 200: My Third Fusion Event (Complete Fusion Guide)
F2P Day 192: Knight Revenant Faction Wars Stage 14 and Part 8/17
F2P Day 191: Fire Knights 20 Auto
F2P Day 190: Barbarians Faction Wars Stage 14
F2P Day 183: Fire Knight 19 Complete
F2P Day 180: My Progress and Thoughts on Raid
F2P Day 170: 2 Key Nightmare Clan Boss
F2P Day 169: Ascend to 6 Star per Affinity Missions Complete
F2P Day 152: Second Fusion Event Complete (Fusion Event Guide)
F2P Day 151: Great Hall Lv 10 Upgrade
F2P Day 141: My Second Fusion Event (?) and My Top Champ Recommendations for this Event
F2P Day 141: All Rare Dragons Tournament Ranked #4 (And Missions Delay)
F2P Day 135: Dragons 20 All Rare Team Auto (Complete 1-20 Dragons Guide)
F2P Day 132: Challenges Complete and Faction Wars Part 7/17
F2P Day 129: Spiders 15 Auto
F2P Day 124: Player Level 60
F2P Day 120: Spiders 14 and Fire Knight 17 Auto
F2P Day 119: Fire Knight 14 Auto
F2P Day 116: Rhazin Scarhide Fusion Ready
F2P Day 114: My First Fusion Event Completed (Skull Lord Var-Gall)
F2P Day 111: The F2P Faction Wars Guide
F2P Day 106: My First Fusion Event
F2P Day 104: Nightmare Clan Boss 3 Key (Complete Easy to Nightmare Guide in 100 Days)
F2P Day 99: Nightmare Clan Boss 4 Key
F2P Day 97: Relic Keeper Mission Complete
F2P Day 94: Potion Dungeons 15 Auto
F2P Day 90: How to Get to Endgame
F2P Day 89: Gold Arena IV
F2P Day 87: Ice Golem 20 Auto
F2P Day 80: 2 Key Brutal Clan Boss
F2P Day 79: Ice Golem 16 Auto
F2P Day 78: 3 Key Brutal Clan Boss https://www.reddit.com/RaidShadowLegends/comments/fgbewy/f2p_day_78_3_key_brutal_clan_boss/
F2P Day 74: Dragons 20 Auto
F2P Day 68: Clan Boss Hard 1 Key
F2P Day 67: Fire Knight 13 Auto
F2P Day 66: Gold Arena I
F2P Day 55: Dragons 16 Auto
F2P Day 50: Mino 15 Cleared
F2P Day 38: Cleared D13
submitted by wsoul13 to RaidShadowLegends [link] [comments]

11-01 02:49 - '[ANN] [DEF No.1] Quantitative Fund launched by BitOffer - The first Cryptocurrency Quantitative Fund' (self.Bitcoin) by /u/CoastLam removed from /r/Bitcoin within 7627-7637min

DEF No.1 is a Bitcoin Quantitative Fund on BitOffer. It is a fund managed by BitOffer Quantitative team. The team will use trading strategies such as Quantitative Hedge, Quantitative Arbitrage, High-frequency trading, etc. to arbitrage from the BTC/USDT market. As the strategies have been tested for a long while, BitOffer Quantitative Fund will promise the investors a 20% fixed annualized return. It is a number that is really attractive.
First of all, what is BitOffer?
BitOffer is a cryptocurrency exchange starting providing service since March 15th , 2019. New, but innovative... Such as Bitcoin Options, Leveraged Tokens using Bitcoin & ETH as the underlying, Cryptocurrency Wealth Management.
No more praise word here.
What are the advantages of BitOffer Bitcoin Quantitative Fund?
  1. 20% Fixed APY Promised (Compared with yield-farming, and some financial products launched by other exchanges, the APY of the fund is fixed and stable. I know, some DEX fans may say that decentralized is more reliable...That is fine. We all know DeFi also can be hacked, like the “Harvest finance drama”. )
  2. Capital Guaranteed (Yep, it guarantees the original investment. The team will use strategies to arbitrage from the market, at the same time, it will never do any risky operation to bet for a high leveraged profit. Since it is a Quantitative Fund, it shall be operated in a stable way. )
  3. Stable and Fixed
For the basic information, that’s all...
You may want to ask that then what is our gain from all these?
First, arbitrage from the market is possible for a practiced team to make in the financial market. For example, many futures traders should know that the price index quarterly futures always has a price spread from the price index of the spot trading market, then an arbitrage possibility exists.
And TBH, BitOffer can complete profit-taking from it also.
That’s it..XD
In short, Bitcoin Quantitative fund is a fund that guarantees a 20% annualized return and 100% capital. It is a wealth management product that can help investors grow assets gradually.
Leave your comments here, let me know your thought.

[ANN] [DEF No.1] Quantitative Fund launched by BitOffer - The first Cryptocurrency Quantitative Fund
Go1dfish undelete link
unreddit undelete link
Author: CoastLam
1: pr*vi**.r*d*.it/gk43g8vlc***1.png*w*d*h=**00&a*p;*orma**png&a*p;auto*w*bp&am*;s=009f8*3*6ec30*a*e803a3*e3*1a**474f7*9a3b
Unknown links are censored to prevent spreading illicit content.
submitted by removalbot to removalbot [link] [comments]

My 9 Pages of Bear Porn Conjecture

Alright guys - get your beers cold and bongs packed because in an autistic Zerohedge style I’m going to lay out my full-blown bear theory and explain in painfully long detail my thought process for why I think this may actually finally be it - the long awaited & fabled stock market top and ensuing bear market that may or may not exist anymore. Get ready for some truly retarded Bear Porn Conjecture.
The Fed is going to continue royally fucking up and is going to cause the next great stock market downturn. Dollar will spike, stonks will go down. Good time to go cash gang, long dollar, yolo LEAP puts.

Alright – let’s go.
The Fed has no fucking clue what they’re doing. In what may end up being one of history’s most ironic full-circle plot twists, just as it was the Fed that saved the world economy in 2008, it may be the Fed that causes its’ collapse more than a decade later. I will make the case for this by outlining my thought process in five parts:

  1. Trouble brewing in the FOMC
  2. The Fed has become a ticking time bomb
  3. Three occurrences underway
  4. What it all adds up to
  5. Invalidation scenarios

1. Trouble brewing in the FOMC
The Fed is making it painfully clear that they are at best internally-divided and/or paralyzed and don’t know what to do; or at worst are starting to become more hawkish. This was apparent in Powell’s last press conference. Markets are freaking out with the Feds flip-flopping and obvious lack of decisiveness and direction. The Feds decisions have become too volatile and unpredictable to maintain their perceived put support for the market. The MO of being data-dependent and wait and see has gotten muddied with global weak growth factors and trade war risks. This mantra of ‘wait and see’ has mutated into just winging it. The Fed seems to want to be able to say to the market:
“Look, we don’t think the domestic data is that bad, and we’d like to hold or raise because that’s what our traditional MO & core dual-mandate is, but we don’t want the markets to tank…so here’s a pity 0.25 cut k thanks fuck off”.
While the markets are trying to tell them:
“That pussy 0.25 shit isn’t going to cut it. We get it, but the problem is that you’re living in the past. Today, in reality, you’re not in charge of just the US economy like you were in the early 1900’s – all central banks and thus the global economy takes its’ cues from you today. This is the future. You’re making hawkish decisions in the vacuum of US data, when you’re really de-facto in charge of the world data; and the rest of the world’s data merits nothing even close to hawkish. In fact, what we want is fast and aggressive easing – the yield gap between the rest of the world and the US is too wide and it doesn’t make any fucking sense. Why would the best (US) assets in the world also give me the highest yield relative to dumpster fires like Europe? That defies the physics of finance, the equation is backwards and we’re going to buy the fuck out of that opportunity. Until that yield-gap tightens, we’ll just keep buying up dollars & treasuries because you’re literally the only game in town for us big boys in fixed income & currencies. Did we also mention that we’re flush with cash thanks to the global printing presses over the last decade?”.
The markets had been giving clear signals that holding, let alone raising, was not what the global financial systems needed. So when Powell started beating the drums for Fed support going into the summer and advertising that the Fed also had the responsibility of doing “whatever is necessary to maintain the recovery” the markets of course took that as a signal that maybe the Fed was finally listening to them; that Powell had cemented a dovish dominance over the FOMC and was ready to start an easing cycle. We know of course, that what actually ended up happening was the “mid-cycle adjustment” debacle that brought massive volatility back to the markets.
To say Powell whiffed is an understatement – he couldn’t have dropped the ball harder in his miscommunication with the markets, and it’s his continued miscommunication that’s setting up things for the downside bigtime. He set the stage and put the bar extremely high going into the Aug. 1 announcement without knowing if he could actually deliver. It’s almost like he overestimated his ability to bend the FOMC to the dovish stance he wanted, and didn’t expect to run into such serious opposition from old-school domestic-data-centric hawks like Rosengren and Esther. But he did, and you could see it all over his face during the press briefing. He looked defeated, like he knew he screwed up and miscalculated the whole thing. The old school domestic-data hawks weren’t going to let him have the easing cycle he wanted, despite alarms flashing everywhere in peripheral assets classes. But Powell can’t go back in time, the things that have been set in motion in the global debt and currency markets are now underway and undoable (short of a total 180 from the Fed and they all start worshipping at the dove altar). The Fed cut rates and the dollar still hasn’t broken down and global yields are still plunging even further.
This is a clear car crash happening in slow motion. But why OP? Ah, to answer that young autist, I must give you a bit of a history lesson as to why the Fed has essentially become a caveman driving a Ferrari.

2. The Fed has become a ticking time bomb
The Fed is for the most part still operating like it’s 1913. Their role has been a bit of an evolving grey area over the decades, but to this day they still concentrate primarily on their core dual-mandate of domestic employment and inflation. That’s the key word here, domestic. Nothing in the economic or financial landscape looks like it did 100 years ago. The world has become saturated with globalization and the Fed is now the sole central bank from which the rest of the world hinges all their financial decisions on, period. I don’t think JP Morgan would’ve ever envisioned a Fed as all-powerful as the one we have today, or if he did in his wildest dreams, I bet he would’ve also envisioned that their roles and responsibilities would’ve proportionally grown as well. But they haven’t – they operate in a vacuum with the same instructions that were given to them before the fucking jet plane was invented, let alone electronic and interconnected global financial markets.
So the Fed, which in reality is in charge of the global financial system, is for the most part only considering domestic data when making their decisions. Oblivious to the fact that by refusing to evolve, adjust, and widen their mandate in a modern post-QE world (don’t fucking tell me they need Congressional approval to adjust their mandate when Powell can go out and invent the expanded recovery shitshow), they end up making decisions in a vacuum by only looking at a fraction of the picture. It’s like the Fed is a grown-ass adult trying to solve a calculus equation that the whole world is depending on them to get right, and their response is:
“Well when I was a kid Mommy and Daddy only ever told me I needed to worry about adding and subtracting. I don’t care that I’ve gotten older and the math has gotten more complex. They never told me I had to do multiplication and division so fuck you – I’m going to solve this one same way I always have, with addition and subtraction”.
That’s the Fed’s mentality, particularly the hawks. Their mandated/legal role has become so far removed from the actual role they play in reality for global markets that I almost don’t see any way this doesn’t blow up. The Fed is still trying to go back to its’ roots and operate like it had for decades when they would raise and lower rates based on predictable cycles, but markets are trying to tell them that those days are gone and the Feds role has been changed and augmented forever in a post-2008 QE world.
You can just see that while Powell wants to put his foot on the gas and start easing aggressively, that the dissent both publicly and privately in the meetings from old-school hawks like Rosengren and Esther have him between a rock and a hard place. He’s captaining what’s starting to look like a divided FOMC. It was extremely telling that nobody voted for a .50 cut and didn’t commit to a further one. That should be worrying to anyone thinking the Fed may come to its’ senses and initiate an easing cycle.
The Fed should’ve never hiked, and they certainly shouldn’t have dropped the ball as hard as they did on Aug.1. They’re looking at the domestic economy and seeing good numbers and to them that’s a classic sign to hold or raise rates, but they’re completely ignoring the modern global flows of capital as leading indicators and how they’ll have a future impact on the economy. To be a fly on that wall would be epic, to watch the two sides battle. I imagine it’d go something like this, with the hawks turning to Powell and saying:
“Wtf are you doing? We’re charged with caring about the US economy, not the rest of the world. Fuck those brown people, I voted for Reagan. The US economy looks fuckin good, the playbook my grandpa used, the one I was trained with 40 years ago, says to hold or raise. Don’t deviate from party lines bro, you may be the Chair but you’re still new in this bitch. This aint the fuckin ECB and we’re not gonna put ourselves on a path to that negative rate shit when the data looks good”
And of course, you can just imagine Powell is trying to respond back with:
“You dinosaurs are fucking retarded. Look at the Dollar. Look at the yield curve. Look at global capital flows and the rest of the world’s yields. We need to ease hard and fast, but I’m also timid as fuck and don’t want to stir the pot. So whatever. I’m already worth $100MM and I’m old and tired and don’t feel like fighting this fight so fuck it you guys run the show. I’m out, Jeopardy’s on.”
OK OP, get to the point.
Settle down young paint-chip eater, we’re getting there.
So what’s all this setting us up for? The answer is simply two words: Dollar surge. Why? Because when you add the backdrop I just broke down to the number of scary occurrences underway, they point to that as the logical outcome.
Get another beer, pack another bowl. We’ve got 2 big parts left: the three occurrences underway & what it all adds up to.
3. Three occurrences underway
Occurrence 1: Reflexivity between the Fed and international fixed income markets
I mentioned earlier that Powell could not have fucked this up anymore, and the reason is because everything is about the expectations game. After the Fed hiked last Dec., all asset classes (in particular equities) started seeing more volatility and this freaked the Fed out. So going into the summer they started advertising that they would reverse that course and that they had made mistakes; they were communicating as clear as day to the markets that rates were for sure not going higher, and there was a good chance they could be going lower for longer. So what did this result in? Well, as expected, global markets adjusted and started to price in a narrowing gap between the US and the rest of the world as the big players scrambled to get in before further cuts came and drove global yields lower.
This was the rest of the world saying “OK – maybe the US won’t be the only kid on the block now that their yields are going to come down”. The other side of that coin however, is that the world also saw this as a last chance opportunity to get into US yields before they went even lower. This was evidenced by the Dollars counter-intuitive melt-up even as the Fed was advertising they’d be easing, which theoretically should devalue the Dollar. So we had a Dollar melt-up and a last minute dash for a lot of money to come into Dollars and treasuries before the Fed announced a .50 cut or an easing cycle. The Fed comes out and does the exact fucking opposite of what they hinted they would do – they not only don’t get super dovish, but they do the minimal bitchass 0.25 cut and switch to a hawkish stance of waiting and seeing instead of being decisively dovish. So the global currency & fixed income markets freaked, now thinking that they can’t trust the Fed’s word. Their response was pretty much along the lines of:
“No. Fucking. Way. You just pulled a complete 180 on us. You overpromised and underdelivered when there was no need to. Alright…well, now since we can’t trust you and have no idea what you’re thinking or doing, we’re just going to have to improvise and adapt here because capital needs a home and we’re sitting on mountains of it. Cutting, raising, we don’t care. You’ve already set the wheels in motion for lower rates globally, and your rates in the US are already way higher than anywhere else. The Dollar continues to break out and has been in a solid uptrend since the start of 2018 and is still one of our favorite safe-haven assets next to the Yen. So…we’re just going to keep buying dollars and treasuries. If you continue to cut that just means our p/l goes up, and if you pause or raise then it’s still a win because we’ll just keep buying m0ar attractive yields as the gap widens between the US and the rest of the world. If you had just gone into aggressive easing you might have been able to put a lid on the Dollar and the yield curve inversion, because even we can’t keep bond prices parabolic forever. But you fumbled and now we’re just going to buy the fuck out of the Dollar and your treasuries because we have no idea what the fuck you’re doing. Thanks to the damage you’ve done to global currency & bond markets via your communication shitshow, the yield-gap has widened even more and we find your dollar and yields to be even more attractive now – regardless if you cut another pussy 0.25 in September or hold.”
The Fed is making these rate decisions that have dramatic effects on the Dollar and yields while not paying attention to them because, that’s right, you guessed it – say it with me:
“tH3 dAt@ l0Oks gUd!!!”
So what this all adds up to is a dangerously reflexive scenario between international markets and the Fed. The international currency & fixed income markets perceive that the Fed is either clueless or hawkish, and thus keeps buying up more dollars and bonds to hedge against uncertainty because fuck it why not – US yields are still the best. Meanwhile, the Fed, sipping tea in their burning house saying ‘this is fine’, continues to meander and send confusing signals to the market that they may or may not cut hold or raise – which translates in all languages to “we have no fucking clue what we’re doing and our members aren’t on the same page”.
International markets, seeing this, get even more skittish and continue to buy Dollars and treasuries. As other big international players that were previously skeptical/on the sidelines see these price moves, they start to FOMO in and reinforce the price action, causing a feedback loop between all these players and how they’re interpreting the Fed and investing their funds.
Likely outcomes

Occurrence 2: Trump, Gyna, and the Fed
There’s been some pretty interesting conjecture over the last few weeks by Peter Schiff, namely that Trump’s additional 10% $300bn tariffs were meant to be less about Gyna and more of a message to Powell that he needs to cut rates. I normally don’t listen to Schiff, but in a macho bravado kind of way I see some similarities between him and Trump. So I think he may actually be right; or at least partially. I think Trump probably sees it as two birds with one stone as it’s no secret that he’s starting to lose patience with the Gynese.
Gyna and Trump look like they’re coming to an impasse as the US wants Gyna to change its’ laws and the Gynese are not fuckin having it, and who could blame them. Can you imagine if they demanded we changed our legal system? We’d tell them to get the fuck off our porch before we get our gun, and rightfully so. But Trump also doesn’t want to take no for an answer, and he’s banking on this being his art of the deal masterpiece. So Trump will keep pressing Gyna thinking the more he ratchets up the tariffs, the more pressure he exerts on both Gyna and the Fed to get the two things he wants, a bigly deal with Gyna and lower rates.
Meanwhile Gyna is too stubborn to make a meaningful deal, and the whole thing is actually giving the commies ammunition to stir the nationalism pride pot (ex-Hong Kong stuff). They seem too proud to acquiesce, even if it does make sense for them to reform their shady legal and financial system which is long overdue for a country & economy of their size.
And the Fed? Well we just saw exactly what all this meant to the Fed, pretty much dick. Powell started pounding the table for easing because of trade war risks and other uncertainties, and at the next meeting Rosengren and Esther pretty much bent him over and went full Deliverance on his ass. The Fed, despite Powell’s cries in the woods that no one is hearing, doesn’t give a fuck about the trade war because the hawks that are starting to run the show only care about the data. To them, the trade war will only be an afterthought when and if it starts to show up in the data.
To make matters worse, the hawks are also old-school in that the optics of maintaining Fed independence are very important to them, and maybe rightfully so. But the point is that as Trump continues to ratchet up pressure directly on the Fed with calls for deeper cuts, the hawks that are now starting to call the shots are even more inclined to not cut exactly because Trump is screaming for it. Trump may know the art of the deal, but he’s totally miscalculating this one in calling the Fed’s bluff. They won’t blink – they don’t have to. They’re just an organization made up of people like you and me. People are vain and have pride and the FOMC hawks are no different. Why would they bend the knee to Trump when their job security doesn’t depend on it, and there’s a defensible rationalization for maintaining Fed independence AND the data looks good? Arm an academic in one hand with a worthy cause that also happens to stroke their ego, and in the other hand with a defense that’s logical on its’ face-value, and they’ll cling to them for dear life. Even if the whole thing is perverse and distracts from what actually needs to be done to avoid a downturn, not what should be done on institutional principals of optics.
Likely outcomes:

Occurrence 3: The Fed digs in on being data-dependent and gets tricked by the Gynese disguise
The Fed is starting to draw their battle lines, and they’re making it clear that they’ll be almost entirely data-dependent and not heeding any attention to other asset classes or external risks like the trade war. This will be the nail in the coffin that cements the whole downturn. It’s all about the Dollar, I can’t overstate this enough. The Fed continues to punt on it though, living in an absurd fantasy where according to them their rate decisions supposedly have very little impact on the Dollar. When asked about it they continue to throw their hands up and basically say “Not our department, take it up with Treasury” when in reality an aggressive easing cycle would be a dramatic headwind for the Dollar.
So, with the occurrence of the Fed not giving a fuck about the Dollar well underway, that sets up a bigly problem for when the Gyna metrics start showing up in our data. As previously mentioned, because of the Dollar strengthening and Yuan plummeting, the trade war probably won’t decrease a ton of our consumption of Gyna goods. Yes, some companies may scramble to move supply chains and all that noise, but a lot of them will also just say screw it and raise prices knowing the Yuans plummet and Dollars surge will make up the difference. We’ll still be importing tons of shit from Gyna, that’s not going to change. What will change are the real prices of those goods, which the Fed will look at and view as healthy domestic inflation. But in reality that’s just a result of the trade war and massive currency fluctuations, namely the Yuan.
So we end up having a Fed that gets bait-and-switched by the Gynese price increases disguised as healthy inflation, and the FOMC gets head-faked into either holding or raising as the Dollar continues to climb. But hey the data looks good so who gives a fuck about the Dollar and the yield curve, right?
Likely outcomes:

4. What it all adds up to

5. Invalidation scenarios. None of this plays out if:
submitted by WillTradeBTCforPizza to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2020 Rookie Draft Results

Hey all, I had a rookie draft last night and figured I'd share the results with you guys. Obviously a lot of these have been posted, but I hope this provides helpful perspective from a rebuilding team. And of course, one more sample of where different people are falling. My picks will have my reasoning for why I picked them.
10 team, ppr, 1 qb 2 rb 2 wr 1 flex 1 te 1 def
1.01 Jonathan Taylor, RB IND: My 1.01 before the NFL draft, and he went to the team with the best O-line in football. CEH might have a better short-term outlook, but overall I think Taylor is still the best option here. Luckily, I didn't really have to choose between them.
1.02 Clyde Edwards-Helaire, RB KCC: I liked Swift and Dobbins' talent over his, but this landing spot is too good to pass up with a top 2 pick. This year, I think he will be the most productive rookie, with little competition for the feature back spot in the league's best offense.
1.03 JK Dobbins, RB BAL
1.04 D'Andre Swift, RB DET
1.05 Cam Akers, RB LAR
1.06 Jerry Jeudy, WR DEN
1.07 Ceedee Lamb, WR DAL
1.08 Henry Ruggs, WR LVR
1.09 Joe Burrow, QB CIN: After Andrew Luck retired on me, my QB situation was rough last year, with the likes of Big Ben, Phillip Rivers and Matthew Stafford filling in as I tanked. This pick may have been a bit of a reach, but I believe in Burrow, and hopefully it will be many years before I have to worry about a QB again.
1.10 Justin Jefferson, WR MIN: The toughest choice I made all draft was choosing between him and Raegor. Ultimately, while Raegor probably has a higher ceiling, something about an Eagles receiver with drops issues gives me the willies. I think Jefferson has one of the highest floors of any WR in this class, and he should fit right into the Diggs role in the Vikings' offense. I also considered Vaugn here, but I couldn't get a good offer for RoJo and I feel that one isn't very valuable without the other.
2.01 Jalen Raegor, WR PHI
2.02 Ke'Shawn Vaugn, RB TBB
2.03 Michael Pittman, WR IND
2.04 Lynn Bowden, RB LVR (wtf was this guy thinking)
2.05 Tee Higgins, WR CIN
2.06 Tua Tagovailoa, QB MIA
2.07 Brandon Aiyuk, WR SF
2.08 Anthony McFarland, RB PIT: in most leagues, this would have been a massive reach. The best available here was Shenault imo. But my league is all Pittsburghers, and in fact the guy with 2.09 said he would have taken McFarland there if I hadn't. I am also the James Conner owner, and I wanted to make sure I have the Steelers' running back regardless of what happens this year. Admittedly a very "homer" pick, but I didn't want to let him slip away.
2.09 Chase Claypool, WR PIT
2.10 Denzel Mims, WR NYJ
3.01 Zach Moss, RB BUF
3.02 Laviska Shenault, WR JAC
3.03 Cole Kmet, TE CHI
3.04 Devin Asiasi, TE NEP
3.05 KJ Hamler, WR DEN
3.06 Van Jefferson, WR LAR
3.07 Tyler Johnson, WR TBB
3.08 Justin Herbert, QB LAC: this was my pick originally, but the Tua drafter needs a quarterback and wanted to hedge his bets. He offered me 4.02, 4.08, and 4.09 for this pick, which I gladly accepted.
3.09 Jordan Love, QB GBP
3.10 Antonio Gandy-Golden, WR WAS
4.01 Bryan Edwards, WR LVR: I was shocked a guy with such high upside fell to me here, but I'm not complaining. I'm higher on him and lower on Ruggs than most, but I think this could easily be the steal of the draft.
4.02: AJ Dillon, RB GBP: The Aaron Jones owner had 4.03, and I think Dillon could eventually be a powerful bargaining chip with him. He was mad I took Dillon, but repaid the favor by taking the only TE I like in this class.
4.03 Adam Trautman, TE NOS
4.04 Darrynton Evans, RB TBB
4.05 Devin Duvernay, WR BAL
4.06 Eno Benjamin, RB ARI
4.07 Lamical Perine, RB NYJ
4.08 Antonio Gibson, RB WAS: the RB situation in Washington is a shitshow right now, which is why I like Gibson's chances to take over. Between AP's age and Guice's injury problems, I think that job is wide open, and with a late 4th why not take a chance on someone with that kind of upside.
4.09 Deejay Dallas, RB SEA: was offered 4th round picks in 2021 and 2023 to draft Dallas here and trade him. I see the appeal of his situation, but don't see his running style transferring to the NFL and I'd rather have the 2 future picks.
4.10 Jalen Hurts, QB PHI
This is probably not a "typical" draft, but every one is different. I can't believe that Lynn Bowden went before Higgins, Mims and Shenault, or that Bryan Edwards fell to the 4th round. In a Pittsburgh-based league, I'm not surprised at all that McFarland and Claypool were both taken in the 2nd. I'd love to hear any feedback or thoughts you guys have!
submitted by EdedeteNation to DynastyFF [link] [comments]

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hedging bets def video

1. A row of closely planted shrubs or low-growing trees forming a fence or boundary. 2. A line of people or objects forming a barrier: a hedge of spectators along the sidewalk. 3. a. A means of protection or defense, especially against financial loss: a hedge against inflation. b. Hedging your financial liabilities, especially bets or speculative investments, meant limiting your potential losses by also putting money on another outcome, in such a way as to balance, more or less, any potential loss on the initial transaction. In betting terms, this specifically means putting money on more than one runner in a race. Hedging is an investment technique designed to offset a potential loss on one investment by purchasing a second investment that you expect to perform in the opposite way. For example, you might sell short one stock, expecting its price to drop. At the same time, you might buy a call option on the same stock as insurance against a large increase in hedge your bets to reduce the risk of losing or making a mistake by supporting more than one side in a competition, an argument, etc., or by having several choices available to you She hedged her bets by applying for various other jobs as well. hedge your bets meaning: 1. to protect yourself against loss by supporting more than one possible result or both sides in a…. Learn more. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus 'Hedging one's bets' was coined later in that century. It referred to the laying off of a bet by taking out smaller bets with other lenders. The purpose of this was to avoid being unable to pay out on the original larger bet. The phrase was first used by George Villiers, the 2nd Duke of Buckingham, in his satirical play The Rehearsal, 1672: Origin of Hedge Your Bets. The word hedge means to avoid making a definitive commitment. It comes from the noun hedge, which means a fence made of shrubbery. The hedge that forms a fence offers protection and security, much like hedging a bet. Hedge your bets first appeared in the late-1600s. Hedging is used to reduce the risk of adverse price movements in an asset class by taking an offsetting position in a related asset. Beta hedging involves reducing the overall beta of a portfolio... Hedge: A hedge is an investment to reduce the risk of adverse price movements in an asset. Normally, a hedge consists of taking an offsetting position in a related security, such as a futures hedge one's bets. Fig. to reduce one's loss on a bet or on an investment by counterbalancing the loss in some way. Bob bet Ann that the plane would be late. He usually hedges his bets. This time he called the airline and asked about the plane before he made the bet.

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